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PhiI C
05-22-2004, 02:11 PM
and not in baseball or football. First they had teachers who are supposed to be good examples show poor taste at a pep rally now the administrators won't let three seniors who are going into the military wear their military uniforms. Assuming the article is right and accurate on the following. One student said they were told they couldn't wear it because then maybe the football team would want to wear their uniforms (of course I bet they didn't think to ask them). One graduating senior is quoted in the paper as saying if they wear their uniforms why can't she wear her whataburger uniform. Then she said they would look like odd-balls. God help this country if this is typical of the graduating generation because you can't compare a military uniform (which many men and women have died wearing defending our country and our freedom and way of life) to a whataburger uniform or football uniform (no disrespect to Whataburger or football intended). No comon sense at all. Fortunately I feel this was spoken by someone who didn't realize what she was saying and even if she did I still have don't feel she is answering for most of her generation because I really have lots of confidence in this graduating generation.

05-22-2004, 02:28 PM
IMO if one "group" is allowed to wear their uniform then all "groups" should be allowed to. nothing else makes sense ... but i'd bet 99.9999% of the kids would want to wear the cap & gown

05-22-2004, 02:30 PM
In my opinion, since I'm not too far removed from these seniors...I would be honored to have students wear there military uniforms. Hell, in Kingsville we had two students commissioned into the military at our commencements. This sounds like something that would come out of Calallen.

05-22-2004, 03:20 PM
I agree, military uniforms are different. I would be honored if students wanted to wear their military uniforms. Why can't administrators buck up and have a spine and make a decision that doesn't always seem to hide behind "well, if I let you, then I have to let everybody..."

NO YOU DON'T!!! You don't treat your kids the exact same way, do you? No. They're different, just like the different uniforms.

Note to administrators: If I've offended you, then you're probably one of the administrators that needs to quit "wimping out" and make a decision and stand by it.

05-22-2004, 06:52 PM
JD94, I wish you'd just stop beating around the bush and tell us exactly how you feel about this.:D

Old Dog
05-22-2004, 09:52 PM
Although I am form Burnet, I was involved in a scholarship presentation in Marble Falls friday evening. The US Army and Marine recruiter were part of the program and presented scholarships on behalf of their service branch. When the recruiters finished their comments, the whole Senior class stood and applauded the young men (three were in uniform) and of course the audience following suit. The kids standing up for their classmates really impressed me. The only other time the kids stood was when the valadictorian and salutatorian were announced.

Sounds like Calallen's administrators could learn something from the kids on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS.....each of those kids will get nearyl $35,000 for education upon completion of their duty time.

PhiI C
05-23-2004, 06:24 PM
Thank you for that information Old. I hope someone from Calallen reads your post. Another benefit of the military is that sometimes even while they are still serving if they are stationed in one place long enough they can attend a college part time and get some courses out of the way at the same time they are fullfilling their military duty. I have seen it done.

Sans Couth
05-23-2004, 06:33 PM
I don't want to be taken wrong in this statement but.....since when do kids that have not graduated from basic training have the right to wear a dress uniform of the militay? Sure it is great that these kids have signed up and are willing to go, but in my opinion (as well as being a veteran) until you prove yourself worthy of the uniform, you shouldn't be allowed to wear it. You don't get to wear a cap and gown until you make the grade, and you don't have any business wearing a military uniform until you make it thru boot camp. Now if these kids have already gone thru boot camp during the summer on the early enlistment program, then that is different. But just signing up does not make you a soldier, sailor, airman, or a marine.

Old Dog
05-23-2004, 11:39 PM
Sans, the program they entered service on allows them to sign up as Juniors, complete basic training during their pre Senior summer and then complete high school (early enlistment as you stated). Then they proceed thru advanced training or whatever would come next. They are actually members of the armed forces at graduation time.

The young men were not in full dress, they were what we used to call Class A's (someone younger help me with proper term).
By Class A's, I mean dress greens with ties, not ROTC duds. All in uniform had completed at least basic. You made a good point and I agree with you that no one should wear the uniform without the training!

Phil C
05-24-2004, 10:00 AM
I disagree. I think even if they joined the day before graduation and were issued a uniform they should be able to wear it. That is someone that might potentially risk his life for his country and maybe even give it.

05-29-2004, 11:50 PM
FYI: i went to the graduation to see my friend (Congrats MiMi) and the boys were announced as Private First Class... they were still in their required Maroon and White.

05-30-2004, 02:20 PM
...gutless administration....

Sans Couth
05-30-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
I disagree. I think even if they joined the day before graduation and were issued a uniform they should be able to wear it. That is someone that might potentially risk his life for his country and maybe even give it.


You are not 'issued' a uniform when you sign up. You are issued a uniform at inprocessing during basic training, but you are not allowed to wear it until you are trained how to wear it properly. Like I mentioned before, had these kids gone thru basic training in the summer between 11th and 12th grade, then they should be allowed to wear the uniform. Otherwise, they don't have the right. Phil there are a lot of young men and women, who sign up for the military, and don't have what it takes to wear the uniform. They end up going back home after they realize that military service is not what it looks like in the movies. When I went thru boot camp over 20 years ago, there were 4 or 5 kids in my class that "discovered" bad backs, bad knees, heart problems, and arthritis that they didn't know they had just 3 days prior. Good intentions are one thing Phil, but until you have earned the right to wear that uniform, you don't appreceiate the 'privilidge' being taken lightly. Sorry, if I sound cold, but if you sign up for medical school, you are not getting near my appendix until you prove you are worth of wearing that white coat. And another thing, since when did recruits, advance to the third pay grade of "Private First Class" before they graduate high school? When I was in the Army, you had to get two promotions to make PFC. What a joke.

Old Tiger
05-30-2004, 07:46 PM

PhiI C
05-30-2004, 11:17 PM
Good Point Sans! Keep me straight here.

Sans Couth
05-30-2004, 11:27 PM
No problem buddy,

And don't forget that Dawn at Socorro is just a few weeks away.