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View Full Version : Pat Tillman Memorial on ESPN now

Green Ranger
05-03-2004, 05:22 PM
Been great from what I have seen, and nothing against what Pat Tillman did. Point said on PTI this afternoon, there should be two numbers, Pat Tillman's number and the number that continues to rise everyday. Pat Tillman from what I heard was a great man, but it is a guy like that, who doesnt want the spot light that is to far and few between. Here is to Pat and those still over putting their lives on the line for us. For those who have friends or family fighting the war, you are in my prayers. To Pat and others who have gave their lives in Iraq, you will never be forgotten!

05-03-2004, 08:30 PM
amen, and thank you to all service men and women.

05-03-2004, 09:30 PM
The way I see it, all of those guys are my friends. Who else but friends would do what they are doing or have done for us?