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View Full Version : I trust that jokes are still legal on 3A Down Low-- LOL

Old Cardinal
04-14-2004, 05:47 PM
Joke of the evening:

" A little lemon and seltzer will remove those pesty ink stains after you have been fingerprinted"

Martha Stewart

04-14-2004, 08:10 PM
That's pretty good, Old Cardinal. And yes, jokes will always be allowed by me anyway.;)

slpybear the bullfan
04-14-2004, 08:47 PM
Nice one!

Old Tiger
04-14-2004, 09:28 PM

04-15-2004, 07:20 AM
Shortly after 9/11 the FBI brought their top 3 field agents to Washington with their families. The first agent was brought in and told that there was an important field assignment but it was critical that he follow every order exactly as given with no questions.

To verify his commitment, he was given a loaded .45 and told to go through the door to his right and shoot the person in the room. About 15 seconds after entering the room, he came back crying and said, "I can't shoot my wife, she's the mother of my children and I love her very much." He was thanked and sent home.

The second agent was given the same talk and he stayed in the room for 10 minutes before coming out. He said that he loved his country but he had just married this women and he loved her with all of his heart. He was also thanked and sent home.

The third agent after receiving the talk entered the room and without any delay there were nine shots. Then all hell broke loose and chairs could be heard being turned over and things being broken. Upon exiting the room the head agent asked what happened. To which the man answered, "Some idiot put blanks in the gun and I had to choke the B***H to death.

04-15-2004, 09:28 AM
i dont know if i should laugh or feel bad...

Sans Couth
04-15-2004, 09:59 AM
You should feel bad.

A good joke is all in the delivery.

Try it this way.

Three FBI agents have been selected to try and fill an open position with the CIA. (there is no reference to 9-11 needed, that only spoils the mood).

The first agent is a newlywed, the second has been married for 5 years, and the third has been married for 25 years. (this is how you set the joke up so that the punch line works in the end)

All three are given the same assignment. They are to take a loaded pistol into a room and shoot the person that is tied up in the chair. The CIA has tied up each agents wife in a different room.

The first agent, the newlywed, goes into the room and comes back out immediatley saying " I just can't bring myself to do it"

The second agent, who has been married for 5 years, goes into the room. After a couple hours of arguing, he comes out worn and haggard looking from the argument and says, "I am sorry, I just can't bring myself to do it"

The 3rd agent, who has been married for 25 years, goes into the room, immediatley the CIA officer hears 9 shots, then there is a lot of commotion, and after about ten minutes, the agent comes out of the room and says " Some fool put blanks in my gun, so I had to pistol whip her."

(see, the joke is much funnier, and it does not require any profanity.)

Now it is ok to laugh.:D

04-15-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Sans Couth
(see, the joke is much funnier, and it does not require and profanity.)
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: