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04-08-2004, 09:07 PM
Fact is, 9/11 wouldve happened regardless of who was in office. The fact that she answered questions for 3 hours today about national security and all that has happened says something. She is a strong woman. Whether or not you like what she had to say, atleast admit here that it takes strong woman to take that responsibility.

Ranger Mom
04-08-2004, 09:12 PM
I just read the entire transcript......she's my idol!!!:clap: :clap:

marlin fan
04-08-2004, 09:45 PM

04-08-2004, 10:21 PM
I saw her today. She's one tough lady. She withstood Bob Kerry and his impertinence. He was fishing for the right answers for his cause and when she didn't give him 'the right answers' he tried to cut her off. Dang.... that woman has some grit. She's my hero too.:cool:

Old Tiger
04-08-2004, 11:17 PM
I seen that also, she had really good answers

04-09-2004, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
I seen that also, she had really good answers Yep she sounded good. Now all we have to do is sort through the discrepencies of her tesimony with the testimony of the Bush Terrorisim expert.. Clarke.. He Had a different take on it.. wonder who is a Liar.

Ranger Mom
04-09-2004, 07:53 AM
You know....I'm not gonna pretend to be politically savvy, because I definately am not.

But didn't Clark directly contradict himself in his book with statements he made 2 years ago?

If so...does that not make him a liar from the get-go??

CHS_Grad '85
04-09-2004, 08:02 AM
I have to agree... Clark is out to do one thing - sell HIS book... so, I'd expect him to say anything to get that done... but I can't fault him for that... the papers are full of double standards... just have to sort it out for yourself and decide... snaps to Ms. Rice... :clap:

04-09-2004, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
You know....I'm not gonna pretend to be politically savvy, because I definately am not.

But didn't Clark directly contradict himself in his book with statements he made 2 years ago?

If so...does that not make him a liar from the get-go?? Ok so If he ever contradicted himself in the last 2 years he is a Liar? Well I guess it boils down to a couple of things.. why would each person have a reason to Lie? Rice would have a reason to Lie because if it came out that she and the president did know about an imminent attack by Al Qaida for 5 months as Clarke said , then she and the president would in a bad fix. Why would Clarke Lie? to sell books?? Sounds like both may have reasons. Who has the most to lose if the truth comes out? a reputation on one hand and a presidency on the other.

04-09-2004, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
You know....I'm not gonna pretend to be politically savvy, because I definately am not.

But didn't Clark directly contradict himself in his book with statements he made 2 years ago?

If so...does that not make him a liar from the get-go?? By the way Ranger mom.. what two discrepancies are you talking about??? can you mention them?

04-09-2004, 08:36 AM
She did a very good job. I have stated before that I don't like politics. We all have our ideas, but I really hate the "Democrat/Republican" debate and prefer the "One Nation Under God, Indivisible". I realize we all have our views and it is our right under our Constitution.

For those of you who say Bush knew about the terrorist attacks, do you honestly think he could have prevented it?

04-09-2004, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by CatWoman
She did a very good job. I have stated before that I don't like politics. We all have our ideas, but I really hate the "Democrat/Republican" debate and prefer the "One Nation Under God, Indivisible". I realize we all have our views and it is our right under our Constitution.

For those of you who say Bush knew about the terrorist attacks, do you honestly think he could have prevented it?
I dont know.. But one thing is clear if you believe Clarke at all.. Bush from the second he came in to office was focused on two things.. According to Clarke ( who by the way served as terrorisim expert under the first Bush admin as well as Clinton) Bush was foccused on Iraq and Cold War Issues. But I think its clear who sets policy.. Its Cheney.

04-09-2004, 09:23 AM
Clarke was Clinton's terrorism expert for 8 years and Bush's for 8 monthhs. WHOSE expert was he again?

04-09-2004, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by BullsFan
Clarke was Clinton's terrorism expert for 8 years and Bush's for 8 monthhs. WHOSE expert was he again? He was George Bush Sr. Terroisim Expert for 4 years. Clinton Just kept him on then Bush Kept him on too. so your wrong on that one.

CHS_Grad '85
04-09-2004, 09:39 AM
Matthew 328 Quote: And my advice....lets if at all possible try and steer clear of politics usually it does nothing but stir up emotions and arguments that only end up making people bitter....Kinda the same with religion...LOLAmen... maybe we should take this advice...

04-09-2004, 09:40 AM
Clinton "just kept him on" for 8 years? Considering his time as a Clinton man more than doubles his time for either Bush (and is in fact quite longer than his time for both Bushes combined), it's a pretty broad leap in logic to call him Bush's man. Honestly, I think you can pretty much only call him Clarke's man, since he's just out to make a buck anyway.

ETA: Trying to work this thing back on topic, I really do admire Condaleezza. There aren't many women I'd vote for for one of the upper positions, but her name on a ticket as, say, vice president might really win me over.

04-09-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by BullsFan
Clinton "just kept him on" for 8 years? Considering his time as a Clinton man more than doubles his time for either Bush (and is in fact quite longer than his time for both Bushes combined), it's a pretty broad leap in logic to call him Bush's man. Honestly, I think you can pretty much only call him Clarke's man, since he's just out to make a buck anyway.

ETA: Trying to work this thing back on topic, I really do admire Condaleezza. There aren't many women I'd vote for for one of the upper positions, but her name on a ticket as, say, vice president might really win me over. He was Bushs man on Terror. Cant escape that one no matter how much denial you go through. You can try the old Ostrage techniqe if you want( putting your head in the sand ) but Bush put him incharge after the 9/11 attacks.... I think he is the most credible person on the whole topic.. I think Rice said what she was told to say and they are covering up... Bush should have been focused on the real threat to america... Terrorisim .. Not IRAQ or Russia like he was...It will all work out in the end though. only a few more months left. ;)

04-09-2004, 10:05 AM
Don't put the cart before the horse there buddy!!! :hand:

Old Cardinal
04-09-2004, 10:36 AM
I would like to recommend a very good book---"BOOTS ON THE GROUND- A Month with the 82nd Airborne in the Battle for Iraq" by Karl Zinsmeister.....Of course it is more compelling reading for me, since my son, Big Red 001(a Combat Engineer) was involved from the convoys moving north from Kuwait, to the a small force ultimately even taking the major city of Samawah. This book explains how superbly trained Paratroopers using careful planning and 22nd century technical wizardry fought an ultramodern war. The book is published by Truman Talley Books St. Martin's Press NY. It is a fast-moving true story written by a superb embedded reporter that tells a far different story than the liberal mainstream media that distorts the information to support their political agenda to sway and change public opinion.

04-11-2004, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Old Cardinal
I would like to recommend a very good book---"BOOTS ON THE GROUND- A Month with the 82nd Airborne in the Battle for Iraq" by Karl Zinsmeister.....Of course it is more compelling reading for me, since my son, Big Red 001(a Combat Engineer) was involved from the convoys moving north from Kuwait, to the a small force ultimately even taking the major city of Samawah. This book explains how superbly trained Paratroopers using careful planning and 22nd century technical wizardry fought an ultramodern war. The book is published by Truman Talley Books St. Martin's Press NY. It is a fast-moving true story written by a superb embedded reporter that tells a far different story than the liberal mainstream media that distorts the information to support their political agenda to sway and change public opinion. OH! Conservative Journalist!. Well then It must be right on and absolute truth.. becuase all those "liberal" News Journalist Just Slant the Stories to make Conservatives look bad... You may want to Think of the posibility that Most people Just do thier Job the best way they can and dont think of a Political agenda. Just maybe they do the best job they can and report things as they happen.....

04-11-2004, 10:09 AM
Mean Machine , Clarke was moved to department called Cyber terrorism. He was out of the loop before 9/11. During his testimony to commision he was asked if the honorable President Bush would have taken his recommendations and done something would 9/11 have been prevented? Dick Clarke said NO. It has been proven over and over that Dick Clarke has contradicted and lied in his book and his testimony. Clarke should look in the mirror if he wants to blame anyone. Thats alright cause all his lies and distortions will come back around and get him. He is out to sell books and he is kind of like a jilted woman in that from the get go President Bush and his team pushed him to the side because for 8 yrs under Slick Willie , Clarke and his minnions did absolutely nothing to stop terrorism. I guess we will see come November. Recent polls say that Clarkes lies have not harmed President Bush in any way. I predict Bush is going to stomp Kerry in November.

Old Cardinal
04-11-2004, 01:31 PM
To Kactus Jack: You hit it on the head, Clarke was completely out of the loop before 9-1-1. A bitter little man wanting fame and fortune by writing a book of distortion. A man jaded by 8 years of "Slick Willy" collaboration......I have a lot more respect for Bill Clinton that this "Con-man" Kerry character: at least Bill was not a wishy-washy flip-flopper. Before this thing plays out in Noverber a lot of folks are going to not be as Fonda Kerry except Jane the Hollywood crowd and every Trial Lawyer in America.....I love the lawyer joke; however, "What happens when you cross a crooked Lawyer and a crooked Politician? You get Chelsea Clinton!".... Mean Machine, you keep believing ABC, CBS, NBC and of course CNN; those propragandist have sure pulled the wool over that Snyder boys eyes LOL.

04-11-2004, 06:38 PM
Sorry folks, I don't much like where this one's headed either. Let's steer clear of political topics, please.