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View Full Version : Now yall want more mods?!?!

03-25-2004, 05:36 PM
Seems like whenever I mention it people don't think we need more. But now that AE04 has shown up seems like more people want more mods.

03-25-2004, 05:43 PM

03-25-2004, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by 3afan2K3
Seems like whenever I mention it people don't think we need more. But now that AE04 has shown up seems like more people want more mods. Next time we'll listen to you! ;) heh, heh :p

03-25-2004, 06:07 PM
I don't think we need more mods, from time to time kids or idots will get on here and say things like AEo4 did. Big deal most of the time things run smooth. As the ladies said, they can handle themselves and I respect them for it. More mods would be more fluff we don't need.

Look at the big picture, how many times will something like this happen in a month or a year? Not often.

03-25-2004, 06:16 PM
Not wishing to show any disrespect for you, Poncho, but this is twice in the last thirty days that it's been allowed to go on so long. The last time that crap was on here for 18 hours before an admin addressed it. What all of you need to think about is the new person visiting our home for the first time and seeing that garbage. What kind of impression of ALL of us will that leave them with? That's not a pretty picture in my book.

Old Tiger
03-25-2004, 06:30 PM
The one's you least expect always seem to be right... :p

03-25-2004, 07:10 PM
i still dont think we need more moderators...we just need the current mderators to be online more....hehe

03-25-2004, 07:28 PM
Therein lies the problem. Between work and school, they simply can't be. I'm not blaming them for anything, just saying I know what they're up against. Hence, I'm thinking we need a minimum of two more.

03-25-2004, 07:30 PM
im fine with that as long as whoever they are are mature enough to handle it....

03-25-2004, 07:32 PM
I totally agree with you on that. Varsity and a mature adult.

03-25-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
Not wishing to show any disrespect for you, Poncho, but this is twice in the last thirty days that it's been allowed to go on so long. The last time that crap was on here for 18 hours before an admin addressed it. What all of you need to think about is the new person visiting our home for the first time and seeing that garbage. What kind of impression of ALL of us will that leave them with? That's not a pretty picture in my book.
None taken. I didn't realize it went on that long. Did Matt give any reasons against more moderators?

03-25-2004, 08:09 PM
I'm pretty sure Matthew isn't against it. We've talked about it before. He has problems with his home computer right now, and is forced to do most of his posting in the mornings while at college. He has given it thought, and basically agrees we could use the help. Guess the biggest problem is deciding who to appoint. Not an easy decision by any means. I know what I would do, but he isn't me.;)

03-25-2004, 08:54 PM
3afan2k3, i guess i don't seem like such a bad guy now after our dealings with AE04

03-25-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by explayer2001
3afan2k3, i guess i don't seem like such a bad guy now after our dealings with AE04

03-25-2004, 09:47 PM
Well explayer2001, maybe if you showed a little more respect to me when I disagree with you, then maybe I wouldn't have a problem with you, but you seem to take it upon yourself to TRY to make me and other people look stupid just because they don't agree with you.

03-25-2004, 10:45 PM
66, would you be willing to be a moderator?

03-25-2004, 10:54 PM
If asked, yeah probably so.

03-25-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Well explayer2001, maybe if you showed a little more respect to me when I disagree with you, then maybe I wouldn't have a problem with you, but you seem to take it upon yourself to TRY to make me and other people look stupid just because they don't agree with you.

I show you respect, that's not the problem, my problem with you is that you think your right with your opinion, not just that your opinion is your opinion. You think your right with that. I don't try too make it sound like i'm exactly right, for i am probably not accurate in 70% of what i say. My difference is that i believe my opinion to be my opinion, you believe you opinion to be fact

03-26-2004, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by explayer2001
I show you respect, that's not the problem, my problem with you is that you think your right with your opinion, not just that your opinion is your opinion. You think your right with that. I don't try too make it sound like i'm exactly right, for i am probably not accurate in 70% of what i say. My difference is that i believe my opinion to be my opinion, you believe you opinion to be fact :rolleyes:

03-26-2004, 08:20 AM
thanks jason