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03-24-2004, 11:43 AM
Here's some interesting reading in an editorial format I found on Neil Boortz's webpage. Neil Boortz is a talk radio host who has a syndicated radio show out of Atlanta. He is a Liberterian and a Texas A&M alum. You can find this article at...



And I'm talking about a crime committed by John Kerry. A serious crime. We haven't mentioned this before ... but there was a meeting of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War in in Kansas City in November of 1971. At that meeting there was a plan discussed to assassinate members of Congress. Now ... let's emphasize this point. These anti-war Vietnam veterans were sitting there and discussing murder .. they were discussing the idea of murdering certain members of the Congress of the United States who were in favor of the Vietnam war. Well ... the idea was discussed, and the idea was rejected.

The reports of that Kansas City meeting are disturbing enough. It gets more disturbing when you consider the fact that our not-yet-crowned Democratic candidate for president was a member of that organization. Things get even more interesting when you learn that Kerry was present and a participant in that meeting. Yes ... John Kerry was there while his leftist anti-war colleagues were discussing murdering members of congress.

Now when these reports first came out the sKerry campaign was quick to respond by saying that sKerry "never ever" attended that meeting of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and that he had resigned the organization months earlier. Uh oh ... big oops. It seems that the FBI was interested in the activities of these veterans at that time, and they were being watched. More particularly, sKerry was being watched. The FBI
records of that Kansas City meeting show that our presumptive Democratic nominee was at that meeting. No wiggle room ... he was there. Now it seems that the sKerry campaign lied when they said he wasn't.

Time to backtrack. Since the FBI has surveillance records showing Kerry present at that meeting, the Kerry folks need to conjure up a new statement. So now his campaign is releasing a statement saying that sKerry " .. had no personal recollection of this meeting .... [but] if there are valid FBI surveillance reports .... we accept that historical footnote in the account of his work to end the difficult and divisive war."

"Historical footnote?" The participation by a presidential candidate in a discussion about
murdering U.S. Senators and Congressmen is a "historical footnote?" John Kerry's presence at and participation in this meeting is an "account of his work to end the difficult and divisive war?"

We're supposed to be satisfied with the revelation that Kerry wasn't particularly fond of the assassination proposals, and that resigned from the Vietnam Veterans against the war soon after that meeting. That's it? He resigned? Well big whoop! You're sitting there at a meeting listening to your colleagues plan the murder of elected officials ... and you merely resign? Hey! How about going to the police? How about telling the FBI that you just heard some people discussing a plot to murder members of Congress? Isn't it a crime to become aware of such a discussion and fail to report it to authorities?

I know ... we've been through this before ... but what if we were reading stories about a Republican presidential candidate who was present at a meeting where the murder of liberal Supreme Court Justices was discussed. Would we be satisfied to learn that the Republican candidate rejected the idea and then disassociated himself from the group having the discussion? Come on. We all know what would be happening now. The Democrats and their loyal media myrmidons would be howling in outrage. There would be demands for investigations ... criminal investigations ... and suggestions that the Republican candidate be charged with aiding and abetting an assassination plot. Blieve me, it would be a major story.

With Kerry and his anti-war pals ... no media outrage. No demands for investigations into that Kansas City meeting and any role that sKerry played. Nothing. You might hear about it on Fox News, and you might read about it in the Drudge Report --- but that's pretty much it.

This story won't get any traction in the mainstream DC and New York press corps because it doesn't serve the personal aims of the people who would carry it to the forefront. Well over 90% of the people who are in a position to ask these questions about Kerry's involvement in that Kansas City meeting, and his actions (or lack thereof) afterwards, want Kerry to beat George Bush in November. If someone else pushes this story into the limelight, they'll groan a bit and give it a degree of due diligence. They're just as happy, though, to see it just go away.

So here's what you have to ask yourself. Do you want a president who once overheard a discussion about assassinating members of Congress ... and then did nothing about it?

Think about it. November is getting closer.

03-24-2004, 12:14 PM
Getting circulation now. Have no idea if any of this is true, but makes interesting reading. Got this in an email yesterday.

> > Subject: VERY Interesting!
> >
> >
> > Hillary might not be so bad after all. I did a little
> > checking on the "I married right and became a
> > billionaire after my first husband died" statement by
> > Teresa Heinz Kerry.
> >
> > As time goes on, we're just getting to know the
> > possible future First Lady of the United States of
> > America, and it is quite interesting. You'll be
> > hearing even more about Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of
> > Democratic front-runner. She has quite a track record,
> > especially when it comes to the causes she donates to.
> >
> > Turns out one of her favorite "charities" is the Tides
> > Foundation. What is that you ask? This is an outfit
> > that sends hundreds of millions of dollars to groups
> > that protested the invasion of Iraq, demands open U.S.
> > borders and provides legal defense for suspected
> > terrorists. I don't think John Kerry's Vietnam service
> > is going to make people look the other way on this
> > stuff.
> >
> > Among other groups supported by Kerry's wife: Ramsey
> > Clark's International Action Center. This is the same
> > Ramsey Clark that offered to defend Saddam Hussein.
> > Another group seeks to ease restrictions on
> > immigration from terrorist nations. Another group has
> > links to the terrorist group Hamas. And on and on.
> >
> > I didn't think it was possible to make Hillary Clinton
> > look good, but Mrs. Kerry just might.

Phil C
03-24-2004, 03:35 PM
Holy Chiwawa!

03-24-2004, 04:23 PM
Nothing surprises me anymore.

03-24-2004, 05:32 PM
God bless Laura and Barbara Bush

slpybear the bullfan
03-24-2004, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by explayer2001
God bless Laura and Barbara Bush

Laura will be just like Barbara is...

...no one will know just how great they were until after they are out of the White House.

Great Ladies...

fred grunden
03-25-2004, 12:18 AM
I'm old enough to have been around during the Viet Nam war. I have not liked Kerry since very early when he first started his anti-war antics. I did my time in the US Army. I volunteered for the draft right out of high school to get it over with. I was out 3 mo. when I got called back to fill a spot in a National Guard unit that got called to active duty during the Berlin Wall crisis. (Yes, the National Guard was called to active duty even in those prehistoric times.) If it had turned into something serious, me and my National Guard boys would have been in the middle of it. But it did not, and I was at home and left alone by the army when the Democrats started the Viet Nam war. Lots of guys my age went off to Viet Nam. A lot of the officers I served under were WWII
vets and Korean War vets, and they would have laughed in derision at somebody getting a purple heart for the type of scratches Kerry was decorated for.

Anything Kerrry gets asked about, he says that he has a better plan than George Bush, but never gives any specifics. Well, if
anyone asks him to get specific, he will probably tell them it is none of their business like he told that other fellow who asked which foreign leaders were supporting him. Clinton liked to say he was the first black president but if Kerry is elected, he can say he is the first foreigner elected. And he is. He grew up in Europe, and he should have stayed there.

03-25-2004, 07:49 AM
Wow, these stories are unbelieveable! I thought the Clintons were bad (and they were). Kerry IS scary to me! Fred, thanks for your input and esp. for your service to our country.