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11-04-2001, 04:01 PM
If what is said about the Cameron Guys & the way their coaches treat them... I think that is sad. Cameron... you are just as much Talented as Giddings does... We are all human and Football is just a game. Now I know what you are thinking... "Just a GAME... JUST A GAME!! Football is not just a Game." Well I hate to bust your bubbles guys but it is! People get hurt, people cheat, people lie, people can think what they want to think... Cameron guys is saying that Giddings played off the Refs but I'm here to say that that isn't possible! You don't pay off the refs! That is stupid! You are goin' to win if you are goin' to win... Refs are just there to make the calls. I may not be the best at knowing everything about Football but I do know this... Cameron... Your a Great Team... You just lost to a another Great Team! Why else would we havet to go into OT! We should be in this together... We lost to you last year but you didn't see us getting all huffy & puffy about it... This is life boys! You aren't always goin' to win.... There always has to be a loser & a winner! Think of this lost as a way to learn from your past mistakes and move on. We are both teams of High School Boys doing what we are suppose to be doing... Playing Football! We are all Americans & All Texans! Let's show the rest of the world how we can play a game with sytle & good sportsmanship! Good Luck & God Bless you both in the rest of the Football Season... Giddings *AND* Cameron!

11-05-2001, 07:53 AM
Thank you!! Finally there's someone mature enough to realize how stupid the Cameron excuses are!!