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View Full Version : My Thoughts on Everman-Forney

11-19-2001, 12:33 AM
Well I have been wavering on this for a while now...to be honest to me these 2 are so evenly matched it isn't funny..offense, defense no one has the advantage...except in one area..the kicking game...Forney has an all-state kicker who can win a game with his leg...Everman has a decent kicker..not great but he is no Pete Cuva...and that is where the difference will be made...Everman misses a PAT and Forney wins 21-20...I sure hope I am wrong..I'd love to eat some crow like last year when I picked Daingerfield over Everman...

11-19-2001, 12:41 AM
one thing though...although they have a great kicker...they have a poor coverage team...wouldnt be surprised to see everman return a kickoff...they have good returners...so again...it could be evened out.

11-19-2001, 11:39 PM
Yes, Pete can kick 50 yard field goals...but he is inconsistent with his PAT's...I agree with Matthew328, Special teams could be the difference.