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11-04-2003, 01:36 PM
Has anybody heard what has happened to Russell
Roark since his arrest?

11-04-2003, 01:38 PM
He is coaching football and getting ready to go to Wharton Friday night to kick some butt! Trying to find out now if anyone has heard the outcome of the grand jury decision on his case today.

11-04-2003, 02:01 PM
I bet he is ready for this to be over. Heard that Wharton I.S.D. wasn't going to let him on school property Fri. night. Anyone know if this is true?

11-04-2003, 02:09 PM
After what he did, the man shouldn't even be coaching.

11-04-2003, 02:24 PM
I love this subject. It always brings out the best in people.

11-04-2003, 02:26 PM
Where did you hear that at Bob? Just wondering by the way...

Go Bellville! Beat the Tigers!!

11-04-2003, 02:41 PM
Friend of mine at W.I.S.D.

11-04-2003, 02:50 PM
I love this subject. It always brings out the best in people.Not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that those who are being paid as teachers and instructors of young men and women shouldn't be held accountable for their actions--whether on the field or off the field?

11-04-2003, 04:42 PM

I love this subject. It always brings out the best in people.Not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that those who are being paid as teachers and instructors of young men and women shouldn't be held accountable for their actions--whether on the field or off the field?Yea they should be held accountable, I just don't know if firing is the answer. I'm not even saying he shouldn't be fired but lets wait to see the outcome of the trial if it goes that for. I believe in 2nd chances, and I believe he should be punished. I don't know, I have alot of mixed feelings about it. I first wanted him fired , no questions asked. Then I saw how upset most of kids were and heard thier views and it made me think a little. For sure he was stupid and wrong but I'm sure none of us know the whole story and never will. I'm gonna stand behind what ever decision is made by the law and the school and then move forward. I not one to hold a grudge because I don't agree with everyone elses opinion of a matter. They have thiers and I have mine. I think that makes things interesting and fun. Thats what makes 3A DOWN LOW what it is. So lets continue to have fun. Still can't wait for Friday night. I wish football season lasted all year long!

11-04-2003, 04:49 PM
The issue about WISD not letting him in the stadium is a bunch of crap. WISD has nothing to do with this, this is and always has been a city matter.

11-04-2003, 04:51 PM
Thank you BU!

11-04-2003, 05:43 PM
I bet he is ready for this to be over. Heard that Wharton I.S.D. wasn't going to let him on school property Fri. night. Anyone know if this is true? Don't know how they could do that legally. You can't just ban someone from a public event unless there is some kind of legitimate threat.

11-04-2003, 05:49 PM
what did this coach do?

11-04-2003, 06:21 PM
what did this coach do?If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

11-04-2003, 06:29 PM

what did this coach do?If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.well tell me or send me somewhere that I can read about it?

11-04-2003, 06:39 PM
I'm sure RiverRatDad will enlighten us all on what happened today, since he is the self proclaimed authority on this subject.

11-04-2003, 06:58 PM
The Wharton County Grand Jury has indicted Coach Roark on two felony counts. Aggrevated assault on a public servant and evading arrest. I don't make up the story cheermom, I just report the truth.

11-04-2003, 07:08 PM
RiverRatDad check your pm

11-04-2003, 07:10 PM
I bet he is ready for this to be over. Heard that Wharton I.S.D. wasn't going to let him on school property Fri. night. Anyone know if this is true?how could they prevent him? on what LEGAL grounds? at least until/if he's convicted

<small>[ November 04, 2003, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: 3afan ]</small>

11-04-2003, 09:10 PM
I think all 4 coaches involved in the incident should have turned in their resignations on Monday following the incident. If Coach Roark was the only one drinking the others should have called someone to come get them and not gotten back into the school vehicle. How can they discipline their players or the AD's discipline their asst's? AD's live in a fish bowl and if they can't live up to what is expected of a leader they need to find another line of work. Win at all costs is evident in the 2 districts involved. What a terrible, terrible shame for such respected individuals to let their kids down as role models. There is no excuse. There is room for mistakes but not that type of mistake.

11-04-2003, 09:38 PM
The issue about WISD not letting him in the stadium is a bunch of crap. WISD has nothing to do with this, this is and always has been a city matter.The school can file a criminal trepass againest an individual to keep him off of school property.

11-04-2003, 09:43 PM
If the two charges stick, will he still be able to coach?

Chris Hart
11-04-2003, 09:48 PM
I think all 4 coaches involved in the incident should have turned in their resignations on Monday following the incident. If Coach Roark was the only one drinking the others should have called someone to come get them and not gotten back into the school vehicle. How can they discipline their players or the AD's discipline their asst's? AD's live in a fish bowl and if they can't live up to what is expected of a leader they need to find another line of work. Win at all costs is evident in the 2 districts involved. What a terrible, terrible shame for such respected individuals to let their kids down as role models. There is no excuse. There is room for mistakes but not that type of mistake.Ditto, They all knew the Alcohol was in the vehicle, therefore they are all at fault for posessing alcohol on school property. If any of them four had witnessed a group of straggly teenagers doing the same at halftime on school property, I'm sure they would've been the first to report it. If enough parents would've spoke up against that kind of leadership, none would be coaching presently. I know they wouldn't be coaching my boys, if it had been the Burnet coaches. Either the coaches would've been removed, or I would remove my boys from the program. We've swept everything under the rug for far too long, and look where it's got us.

11-04-2003, 09:50 PM
he should be fired!

11-04-2003, 10:35 PM
I thought that it was agreed several topics ago, that we were not going to be Judge and Jury. Let the school district and court decide what the punishment should be.

11-04-2003, 11:09 PM
The school district has already shown a propensity for having no spine. People are shocked by a lack of action and THAT keeps the topic alive. Sorry cheermom, but you can wish and click your heels together three times but the subject is not going to disappear.

11-05-2003, 12:00 AM
I've sat silently and read these opinions for weeks. I will offer no defense for Coach Roark but I think you are way out of line, RiverRatDad, for saying that the Rice CISD has "no spine". How do you know? You say that you only report the facts. If any posters on this board have ever held public office, or had a family member in that position, then you know that usually when a decision is made that has the rest of the world wondering "what the hell?" it means that the administration has access to facts and legal opinions that the general public does not and can not have. Here is what I know about the Rice CISD administration.
1. They use a very knowledgeable and tough law firm well versed in school and employment law. They consult with them on any employment issues. 2. The current administration has not hesitated to dismiss teachers or administrators when necessary - even extremely popular ones.
3. Sometimes employees have been suspended and then reinstated with an extemely stiff reprimand.
4. Some people within the administration were not crazy about Roark before this happened yet they have not pushed for dismissal.
Based on everything I know about the people handling this situation, I can conclude that they know something that I don't know, or, they are not through dealing with it, or both. You can say what you want about Roark's actions and your opinion of them but I think that you are way out of line accusing the administration of being spineless.

11-05-2003, 07:59 AM
Thank you, msgp!!

11-05-2003, 09:20 AM
I suspect they are defering action until after the play-offs to avoid a mid season disaster for their football program. You see this all the time when star players get into serious trouble with the law(Cameron 2001, Elgin 2002, Sealy 2003 for example). Since a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty it stands to reason that when a player or coach hires an attorney the administration better cover all bases and avoid a lawsuit down the line if they act precipitously. This is what is going on now in RC. The irony is that for less serious infractions, such as an MIP, a player is punished outright, yet for more serious acts when he is lawyered up, he gets a pass until the jury verdict is in. Seems unfair, but it is a cornerstone of our civil liberties that, thankfully, protects all of us from tyrants, over zealous prosecutors and political enemies. It will be interesting to see what happens after the first of the year. My guess is we will see some resignations at RC, and maybe even Bellville.

<small>[ November 05, 2003, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Pudlugger ]</small>

11-05-2003, 11:11 AM
How many players would be kicked off the team if it was one or more them?

11-05-2003, 11:17 AM

I bet he is ready for this to be over. Heard that Wharton I.S.D. wasn't going to let him on school property Fri. night. Anyone know if this is true?how could they prevent him? on what LEGAL grounds? at least until/if he's convictedYes a school can ban an individual from school grounds or property.

11-05-2003, 01:21 PM
This article was in the Wharton Journal-Spector, it seems to mw the school districts decision has been regardless of whatever decision is made in court system. Personally I think this gives every kid in the school an automatic "get out of jail free card"

Rice football coach apologizes to Wharton police department

Russell Roark, Rice Consolidated’s athletic director and head coach, has issued a written apology to the Wharton Police Department for his behavior on the night of Oct. 3, said his attorney, Randy Clapp of El Campo.

Clapp said he hand-delivered the apology Monday to Wharton County District Attorney Josh McCown. McCown said he forwarded it to Wharton police officials.

McCown declined further comment. Wharton Police Chief Tim Guin could not be reached for an immediate response.
However, the Wharton Journal-Spectator has requested a copy under the Texas Public Information Act.
Roark has been released on $50,000 bond since he was arrested at his home on Oct. 4 on charges of evading arrest and aggravated assault against a peace officer.

After his arrest, he was suspended from his job, but was reinstated this week
Roark stands accused fleeing from a Wharton officer investigating a report of public intoxication during the Oct. 3 Wharton homecoming game at Tiger Stadium, according to a criminal complaint filed by the Wharton Police Department and obtained by the Journal-Spectator.

Officer Randy Whitlock received minor injuries when he jumped from the running board of Roark’s moving vehicle.

Clapp said his client takes responsibility for his actions that night. However, it was an “aberration,” completely out of character for a man with an exemplary record, Clapp said.

“Coach Roark has made some poor choices, and he acknowledges that,” Clapp said.

“He has issued a written apology. He hopes that will mend some of the fences,” Clapp said. And Roark has pledged it will never happen again, Clapp said.

The apology comes about two weeks before a Wharton County grand jury will consider whether to issue two criminal indictments against Roark.

Clapp hopes, though, the cases will be resolved as quickly as possible, perhaps through some kind of deferred adjudication. That’s where a final conviction does not appear on his record if he stays clean while serving probation.

“The law provides mechanism for that,” Clapp said.
However, Clapp said his client does not expect the cases to be dismissed. “We will not ask for that. It would be inappropriate for that.”

According to the police documents, Whitlock jumped because “he believed that the driver was attempting to run him against (an)other car to knock him off the Suburban.”

Beer cans found on the ground are being tested to see if they had Roark’s fingerprints. Police said Monday they will ask the three of Roark’s passengers — also coaches — to voluntarily supply their prints to see if the cans had theirs on them, too.

Roard reinstated as Rice coachAlthough his legal troubles are far from over, Russell Roark is back on the job as head coach and athletic director of Rice Consolidated Independent School District.

The school district announced his reinstatement late Tuesday afternoon, confirming reports that Roark’s two-week absence from work was over.

Roark was arrested on Oct. 4 on charges of evading arrest and aggravated assault against a peace officer. He was released on $50,000 bond.

He was not suspended from his job until Tuesday, Oct. 7. He received his regular salary during the period but not his coaching stipend.

His troubles stem from a Wharton police officer investigating a report of public intoxication during an Oct. 3 high school football game in Wharton, according to a criminal complaint filed by the Wharton Police Department and obtained by the Journal-Spectator.

Roark, who was driving a school-owned Suburban, drove off with Officer Randy Whitlock standing on the running board.

The school district’s statement acknowledged that the officer was “in a uniform,” but claimed Whitlock did not identify himself as a police officer.

Whitlock received minor injuries when he jumped off the fleeing vehicle, containing three other coaches as passengers. According to the police complaint, Whitlock jumped because “he believed that the driver was attempting to run him against (an)other car to knock him off the Suburban.”

According to the school district’s statement, presumably written by the superintendent, Dr. Richard Gott, Roark faces no other immediate disciplinary measures within the school system.

“The two week suspension was issued as disciplinary action for disregarding a peace officer’s directive and for violating the district’s alcohol policies.

“The period of suspension is now complete, and at this time, the district has no grounds to believe that the incident of Oct. 3 will diminish Roark’s ability to continue to serve as an excellent athletic director for RCISD.

“However, in the event of any additional misconduct — in particular a violation of the district’s alcohol policies — or in the event of serious criminal penalties ... the district will take additional disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.”

The Wharton County grand jury is expected to hear Roark’s case on Nov. 4. The grand jury’s job is to determine if sufficient evidence exists for a defendant to stand trial.

Rice plays the Wharton Tigers at Tiger Stadium on Friday, Nov. 7.
The school district’s statement did acknowledge that “Roark did consume beer prior to driving and transported beer in the vehicle that he drove that night.”

The actions were in violation of school polices prohibiting employees from using or possessing alcohol while using a school vehicle or when attending school-related or school-sponsored activities, the statement said.

“The district does not condone Coach Roark’s behavior,” the statement said. “The district insists on exemplary behavior from all its employees. Coach Roark has expressed remorse and has assured the District that his conduct will be nothing less than professional in the future.”


11-05-2003, 01:36 PM
Absolutely, the school district must act on the advice of their attorney. I feel that all the coaches involved should have resigned immediately. Over the years I have observed that the longer a situation drags on the more damage it does to the coach or whoever's reputation. The attitude of "I really haven't done anything bad" indicates to me that the person thinks they are fooling everyone. These are men with very promising futures at higher levels but how many districts would hire them now? Had they accepted responsibility for their mistakes more than likely they would have been given a chance elsewhere. Coaches affect more kids lives than any other occupation, there is no room to mess up in your own back yard.

11-05-2003, 02:25 PM
I re-post the following as the justice system is doing their job pursuing this "case": Now, this is not about football or conspiracies or someone "just making a mistake" - it is about moral integrity. They say a man is not judged by how he lives his life, but how his children live theirs. I don't know about the rest of you, but I need all of the help I can get raising my children. A high school head coach is a "community leader of the highest order" and a role model for hundreds, if not thousands of our youth. He broke the law by committing two felonies (involving a highly respected and veteran police officer performing routine law enforcement) and now has to suffer the consequences of our justice system, his employer, the community and his family. He no longer is, nor should be a role model in this area. He sent a regrettable, but irrevocable message to our youth. I only hope someday he may "gain back" his role in the community - unfortunatley it will most likely be in a place far away. As to blaming any part of this on the Wharton community, that would be an absurd attempt to blame someone else for what was an illegal, senseless act committed by, what for now appears to be, a single individual.

11-05-2003, 02:41 PM
Can we just stop arguing about this, it is clear the Rice Coach was in the wrong with his actions at that Wharton game. The decision of what the school district is not up to use. Yes, it is a contivercial topic, but this is someone who I would think is probably ashamed of his actions and regrets what he was done to everyone envolved. I think the decent thing to do is to stop debating this and let the law take care of this matter. The team and his family I'm sure have been though enough...just my opinion.

You can ban a person from school property easily, we had it happen at our school last year, a teacher lied about there credintals, and after he went through the background check and the district knew about it, they banned him from being on all school property.

<small>[ November 05, 2003, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: CowboyFan ]</small>