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View Full Version : How many think Caldwell is the biggest under-achieving program in 3A?

10-13-2002, 06:36 PM
I sure do and I'm the FIRST to admit whether it's in the first quarter, second quarter, third quarter and ESPECIALLY in the fourth quarter! Halftimes don't exactly take your breath away, either! :p

<small>[ October 16, 2002, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: HornetPride ]</small>

10-13-2002, 08:22 PM
I was always under the impression that Caldwell feels Coach Cobia and staff do a good job there. Why do you rag on their coaching? Sometimes players just don't get it done. Cameron might have better football players. I know Pittman was the best offensive player on the field....

10-13-2002, 09:11 PM
#42 didnt want the ball after he got smashed by #20

10-13-2002, 10:19 PM
don't think so, #42 is one tough player that had played about 65 offensive plays and about 40 defensive plays, good luck to the oye, you guys will beat some people, but don't get so high on your horse cause of the final score, we have nothing to hang our heads about, we will continue to play each play and each game to our best and see what happens, we ain't done yet

10-13-2002, 11:11 PM
"Tog," put your money where your mouth is for a change! Cameron is laughing at us and you're kissing their butt! ... and it's not "oye" for God's sake. You're just blowing up their heads even bigger. The better team LOST - read - LOST on Friday. We GAVE them the game and deep in their hearts, they know this!
Explain how a team can blow a 7-0 halftime lead and then show life BRIEFLY enough to regain a 14-7 lead when it really WANTS to bad enough in its heart and then completely give up when down 22-14? The quarterback threw as many interceptions as completions, for CRYING OUT LOUD! There was nothing wrong with our ground game and you and I both know it - and Gilbert was NOT scared of any stupid No. 20. he racked up over 100 yards again and shared running chores with two others unlike Cameron who had Pittman, run, punt, pass, scramble and do everything but leads cheers and lead the band as drum major at halftime!
Don't you dare call me a fair-weather fan. I stayed the whole game feeling stupid for continuously wasting money on a team that blames its fans, for Pete's sake, when it clearly CHOKES under pressure. I yelled louder than anyone in the stands and am still hoarse. This is why fan support drops to an all-time low - because the Caldwell Hornets' mouths need to quit writing checks that its butts can't cash!

<small>[ October 13, 2002, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: HornetPride ]</small>

CHS_Grad '85
10-14-2002, 08:38 AM
HornetPride--back off. tog realizes what happened Friday night. If he wants to give props to an oppossing team's player-so be it. Telling this team their 'skeered' isn't helping anybody. I can understand the frustration with a group of kids that is so close. But they are young and still learning. They have gotten a taste of victory & like it. Just be patient and supportive. Don't count them out yet.


10-14-2002, 10:16 AM
I'll admit I was rather aggressive, but I've waited YEARS to see Caldwell make it past the second round of the playoffs and it's never happened. All I have to say is that, despite efforts and there were some good moments Friday in the first half, this team needs to get a lot more fired up than what I saw in the fourth quarter. You'd have thought they were losing by 30 and they trailed 15-14. That was the perfect time to start knocking each others' helmets and getting teammates fired up! It was our home field and we had a four-game win streak for the first time in 8 years. I remember in 1987 when Caldwell lost to Cameron, 26-21 and outplayed them in the second half (14-7) and the Yoemen were No. 2 in the state behind Cuero. With that same fire and zest, we would have beaten Cameron by at least two TD'son Friday. Coulda, shoulda, woulda.... but where does that leave us in Week 11? Rockdale is going to be as fired up as we SHOULD be this week and they're at home. Whoever loses, is out.

10-14-2002, 10:46 AM
HornetPride, I can not tell who you are cheering for. What kind of blasphemy were you yelling at the game that made you so hoarse; or are you one of those that cheers in public and releases an arsenal of negative verbal blah blah in private when no one can see you or knows who you are. The fact is, the kids in Caldwell did not give up and if they choked, it was only because they have huge hearts (you figure out the anatomy). Six of those kids play both ways and I am sure they may have gotten a little tired. Maybe they could not be replaced and needed to play the whole game; maybe the fact that they held Cameron (Pittman)to under 50 yards in the first half (which is very hard to do)means they gave so much they just did not have a whole lot left on defense or offense the last three minutes of the game. I beleive the coaching staff kept the Hornets in that game and yes maybe the Hornets should have won, but do not come on this forum proposing that the one loss will spin off another. I believe that the Hornets will prove you wrong this week and I hope they do. If you come to the game you will get your $5.00 worth watching another exciting football game, but coming on the forum as Hornet Pride, suggesting some extemporaneous, unstudied opinion as to who you think the Hornets are is injust to them. They know who they are and do not need the trite opinion of someone who should probably change his/her call name to Hornet Basher. Give the kids a chance and you will see what they can do, you were giving rave reviews when they were 4-1, keep up the optimism and prideful conviction you once had. If you have fallen thet far off the band wagon, get up and dust yourself, but if you can not remain positive on a sight that these kids read, change your name or shut up, because your opinion is spent, you got your $5.00 worth at the game.

<small>[ October 14, 2002, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: bviking ]</small>

CHS_Grad '85
10-14-2002, 11:01 AM
Again, HornetPride, I understand but belittling this good group of kids is not going to fire them up. I too remember the feeling of making it to the second round of the playoffs only to walk away empty handed. What an awesome ride--that was suppossed to be the year for the whole enchilada...remember '84. It's only a matter of time and talent. I'll be patient...in the mean time...Go HoRnEtS!!!

10-14-2002, 11:03 AM
amen Bviking! or better yet Hornetpride, save your $5.00, and stay home. You seem to be close to bustin a nut over this.

10-14-2002, 12:09 PM
we call it oye for fun, since that is what is on their helmets and on their field, get a grip, who is kissin butt? it is called not being a sore loser, no excuses, they won, get over it, or would you just dwell on this one tough loss?
"Pittman, run, punt, pass, scramble and do everything but leads cheers and lead the band as drum major at halftime!" you sound kind of stuck up on this cheerleader stuff and band stuff, what is the connection? hmmmm, don't worry, the players will bounce back, there has not been anyone going through the motions, and i am insulted that you would say this, i dare you to ask #56, 50, 42, 40,45, 61, 8, 35, 24, 34, 72, 74, 65, 66, 11 if they were going through the motions! that game hurt them bad, you know why? because they have worked so hard that losing hurts, they don't need you piling on top, blaming the coaches for "mistakes" and for the players "choking" or being "skeered" we aren't skeered of anyone, we will play each play to the best of our ability and hang our heads high regardless of the outcome, my teamates would prefer that you just read about the game in the little paper and then make up a cheer to prance around to when you read it,

10-14-2002, 01:11 PM
I plan to. Big Brother is always watching! :p

10-14-2002, 02:56 PM
super! what are you even talking about?
what does big brother have to do with anything?

10-14-2002, 03:03 PM
yeah, like you would really say that those guys were just going through the motions, to their face, luckily our players would have enough common sense to not knock you out but they would surely call you a loser and an idiot for even insinuating that they quit or went through the motions on anything, those players have worked so hard to erase the bad memories of a poor senior class that had few if any leaders last year, they have the desire and will to win , and they have and will continue to give the effort required to do so,,, all doubters and haters can just stay home and talk about the good ole days, that one year whenever back when you were a cheerleader or getting splinters on your butt from riding on the bench

CHS_Grad '85
10-14-2002, 03:10 PM
Hey tog don't let this guy rattle you. I for one will be in the stands cheering my T-E-A-M to victory on Friday... SSSwwwaarrrmmmmmm!!!

10-14-2002, 03:43 PM
Watch a film from 1980 vs. Rockdale and Marble Falls and then talk about how we warmed the bench. 22 guys who kicked butt, most both ways. Think revenge for 48 minutes and quit the mistakes. I have to ask this, what the hell does cheerleaders have to do with this? No one even pays attention to them! And the band has 20 members, we couldn't pay them attention if we tried!

CHS_Grad '85
10-14-2002, 03:50 PM
LOL... ha ha ha... you very funny guy!!! I agree with you tog, I'm done....

10-14-2002, 10:29 PM
"22 guys who kicked butt, most both ways." 1980, rockdale and marble falls, were those the two games you got to play in? and 22 guys most both ways, does that make sense? you must have been a wonderfull player, we are trying to build a strong program here, these seniors this year have sacrificed to get where they are now, they don't need some loser from back in the day talk about how great they were ONE YEAR, when we are trying to build a solid program, we want the next classes of players to come through here and buiild on what we have started under this coaching staff, back in the day don't count, you don't count, your stupid negative predictions don't count, all that counts is what my teamates and i do on the field and how we have sacrificed to get where we are now,

10-15-2002, 07:40 AM
Now hasn't that term "rebuilding" been a little over-used the by us the past six years? Now or never..........

10-15-2002, 09:02 AM
don't recall using the term "rebuilding"
we are just building. we want the program to be good year in and year out instead of having one good year here and one good year there and then sit around and complain about how the teams are and talk about how "good we were back in the day", and how "tough we were, we had to walk to school uphill both ways, we got attacked by bears and had to kill them with our looseleaf notebooks things were so tough back in those days" kinda talk,, we want to know that we built the program up and we started the tradition of us being solid EVERY year

<small>[ October 15, 2002, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: tog ]</small>

10-15-2002, 09:31 AM
Look, fella, I'm not trying to be a total jerk or anything. Fact is, I'm just frustrated because I LOVE football and I see some positive things out there but all the folks see is the final score, which wasn't pretty, you must admit. Im not about to knock the fine job Cobia is doing. What I questioned was passing the ball deep in our own territory. I see great things in the next year or two, but this year has promise, too. Everyone has knocked Caldwell for having a weak schedule and there is an opportunity on Friday to shut them up. I support you, but everyone has to be fired up the entire game, not just when it's time to play catch-up. That has been Caldwell's worst enemy in the past 15 years. Good luck.

10-16-2002, 09:24 AM
Hey Hornet "Pride" show some confidence in these guys they play their hearts out and they came up short. Big deal they still have imprved from last year and they realize their mistakes... show "pride" in your team seeing that what your nme says Hornet "PRIDE". Good luck against Rockdale!!! SWARM!!! SWARM!!!! SWARM!!!!!

10-16-2002, 09:38 AM
hornet pride, some people don't have to try, it comes to them effortlessly.

10-16-2002, 09:41 AM
hornet pride, some people don't have to try, it comes to them effortlessly.Losing? I totally agree! :p

10-16-2002, 02:28 PM
actually i think they were talking about you "not trying to be a total jerk or anything." it must just come naturally,,, and i just love how you deleted your whole starter post up there, now there is a man with convictions, don't you know that this string of posts must go on? it is four quarters baby! why you gotta quit in the fourth quarter? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, loser

10-16-2002, 03:25 PM
Oh golly, oh gee, tog, thanks for clearing that up for me. DUH.........

10-16-2002, 04:35 PM
look here just b/c you don't have a good life doesn't mean that you can trash talk everything that Caldwell does. If you think that you can do a better job then step up and do a better job. this is getting old when ppl sign on to read and all it is you trash talking a place that you are from. get with it....

10-16-2002, 04:55 PM
Win an IMPORTANT game and I'll think about, girly.......

10-16-2002, 06:36 PM
Yea Caldwell could do alot better then they ever do

10-17-2002, 04:17 PM
but whats more important trying your best and pulling off a win or blowing them away. when a team goes out and bust their butt and tries their best and win thats whats important. So...... when they prove ppl wrong be it this year or next then what are you gonna do support the team or still belittle them?

10-17-2002, 04:24 PM
Go out and win AT LEAST a regional title and you'll have FINALLY earned all the damn tax money I've pumped into the athletic facility over the past two decades. All we ask is a lousy chance to have something to talk or - FORGIVE ME - brag about when people ask "just where the hell IS Caldwell" and we no longer have to reply "Oh, about 14 miles west of SNOOK!" Admit it or not, but having a good football program in Texas means more to folks than hosting a Kolache Fesival one day out of a cotton-picking year!

10-17-2002, 04:25 PM
but whats more important trying your best and pulling off a win or blowing them away. when a team goes out and bust their butt and tries their best and win thats whats important. So...... when they prove ppl wrong be it this year or next then what are you gonna do support the team or still belittle them?

10-17-2002, 07:39 PM
HP.. is that all you care about is win win win?? First lay off Fb_gurl she is just disappointed that somebody that has "been to every game for 20 years" can have this many negative things to say!!!(as am I) Its total crap that you talk about the players that way! And if you are tired of pumpin stuff into our athletic program then stop and go "support" some other team bc we DONT need negative attitudes like yours around!

10-17-2002, 09:49 PM
well said and besides just when were you a star football player let me think prolly never you were that lil kid on the sidelines handing the water to the players and begging for coach to let you have just ONE play i see why you are so negative to caldwell they start having a lil success lose a game and now they are pathetic again well just because you never play and have a bad attitude don't take it out on the guys who have talent and bust their butts to play friday AND NOT SIT THE BENCH

10-18-2002, 12:07 AM
So what you're saying in essence is that waterboys are worthless and should slave away for you when your A** gets thirsty and tired? I got news for you, sister, I wasn't a water boy but I appreciated the fact that they did what they could do with no chance for names in a program or recognition on a P.A. system, you ungrateful little brat.

And more importantly, learn punctuation. It's called "periods." They DO serve a purpose.

10-18-2002, 10:14 AM
well said hornetfan05, HP it is a bother to see all the neg. but say some positive and no one wiil gripe.

10-18-2002, 11:15 AM

10-18-2002, 04:25 PM
Real intelligent

10-19-2002, 12:24 AM
Well HornetPride you sit there and say you didnt say negative things about the waterboys (when and IF you did play football) so if you can say postive things try sayin it to our players instead of puttin them down. You know where our players hearin the "FANS" sayin that crap it really lets them down. Use your head for once and pull it outta your butt!!

10-19-2002, 01:40 AM
Hornet pride who are you for. You come in her and put down players and and coaches like you are someone.You need to change your name and get a life. What do you do all day sit on her and put down football programs to make yourself fell bigger. Iam sure you didnt even play in highschool so what would you know about the pressures of games and the things the kids go through. You also are are talking about how you saw kids getting drunk. Well you are lying through your teeth because you didnt see any football players drinking. I know most of them pretty well and i will bet you anything they went home. So if you are going to put down caldwell and be just an idot. Then quit talking about us and go get a job

10-19-2002, 11:06 PM
Well said Swarm_04! As for you HP.. I have said it once and I will say it again GET A LIFE AND A JOB AND STOP PUTTIN DOWN OUR PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!


10-20-2002, 12:21 AM
Heck ya, i could see him talking all this crap about us if he wasnt for us. He talks about us and then he is for us. He needs to chose what side he is on.And quit talking about caldwell like that. Thats pretty sad all he has to do is sit on here and talk trash.

10-21-2002, 10:12 AM
Good job CHS_CG and Swarm04, it was all well said.

10-21-2002, 03:04 PM
Hey guys here's a thought, who cares who cares who cares. Every team has its day in the sun it all comes in due time. Preparation leads to victory, prolonged victory eventually leads to complacency, and complacency leads to a declining program this is the cycle that is high school football. That is unless as a team not as individuals the whole TEAM puts forth all they can in the weight room, on the practice field, and in the game. It's true some teams have enough talent to be lax and win a bunch of ball games but in order to always be good you have to play a full game, finish all your reps, be mentally prepared, and constantly moving forwards as a program. This bickering among fans, players, students, etc. is ridiculous whatever you say is not gonna pump up the team, tear it down, all it is going to do is piss off other people on this board who are from your town or who like Caldwell. There I've said my piece.

10-21-2002, 09:41 PM
Thanks for your input but from the players I have talked to, it does pump them up when us FANS stand behind them!! For the other people(everybody knows who I am talkin about) most of the time the players let it roll in one ear and out the other but the other times it gets to them and they sit and think are we any good. I am not tryin to hate on your comment but just thought you would like to know how Caldwell works NOT GIDDINGS!

10-21-2002, 10:05 PM
I know, I know......... Just 323 days until the KOLACHE FESTIVAL!

<small>[ October 21, 2002, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: HornetPride ]</small>

10-21-2002, 10:08 PM
It's pretty damn obvious that Caldwell "fans" were venting sour graps because nobody wanted to make any predictions last week BEFORE the game and decided to respond within hours of losing yet another important game! I wasn't as angry about this loss because Rockdale clearly wanted the game more (feisty players yelling "defense" the moment Caldwell got the ball) - not the "fans", mind you, the PLAYERS! That, my beloved friends, is TEAMWORK - verbal and physical. Rockdale is better but Cameron I don't believe should have beaten us. Marlin will annihilate us by at least 42 so prepare yourself! Knowing Caldwell, the players AND COACHES are likely just wanting to lolly-gag out on the field and try desperately to score six points and be satisfied with nothing more - even at home - AGAIN! There was time when Caldwell didn't DARE lose on its home turf and if we did it was only because the other team was way better or we had numerous injuries. We haven't had a player out all year and nobody failed, so what gives? Yea, we're a tad young but doesn't ALL teams have a handful of sophs or juniors earning all-district or even all-state honors in all statewide districts every year? Keep drilling into players' heads that "next year" will be different isn't cutting the mustard any more.

10-21-2002, 10:12 PM
Uh honestly who really cares? Underacheiving teams are either led by bad coaches, or by untalented players, or both. You shouldnt make a spectacle of a challenged team...