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05-07-2003, 02:03 PM
Does any one know what the state record is for Hit By pitchers it may not be enough but I got Hit 16 times this year. why a person would get hit this many times you ask I saw it as a free pass and I did any thing to get on base for the team. it was funny B/C the team would ask me before the game would start how many times I would get hit today and when i got hit by the ball they would yell "How many is that"

P.S. does any one know where I can find high school records in texas.... :cool:

Green Ranger
05-07-2003, 02:34 PM
Not trying to be rude but why would anybody keep up with this type of thing. First time, shame on you; second time shame on me!

05-07-2003, 03:43 PM
For some reason i dont think anybody cares enough to keep a record like that

big daddy russ
05-07-2003, 05:46 PM
Hell yeah, jr... now that's my kinda player. Did you bat leadoff by any chance? I know a lot of you probably don't care, but a HBP is just as good as a walk, which most of the time is just as good as a hit. I think it's just as important as walks, but I couldn't tell you whether or not it's a record. You might want to email the UIL about that.

05-07-2003, 05:51 PM
I'm sorry but that's pretty low to sit there and actually TRY to get hit. If you were aggressive enough at the plate then you should've hit the ball and if they were already close to hitting you then you might have actually been walked instead.

05-07-2003, 06:58 PM
I'm not denyin as a batter i'd take an inside pitch anyday.. but i know as a pitcher its pretty pathetic when a batter goes to the plate with nothin but the intention of being hit and crowds the plate, never swings, and sticks out his elbow at a pitch across the middle of the plate.. and half the umpires are ignorent of the rule that he can't do that.. Did you know in High school baseball if the batter leading of the inning gets on base he will score 80% of the time..

<small>[ May 07, 2003, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Keith7 ]</small>

05-08-2003, 09:06 AM
There is nothing wrong with getting hit by a pitch, and dont you just love when people who dont play baseball tell you that you are trying to get hit. If you are really looking to hit the ball hard and your a good hitter it is hard to get out of the way when someone throws at you. I got hit 3 times in the first 2 games this year and also hit the ball the other times. In highschool you have to stand on the plate so you can hit the pitch thats 6 inches outside that is a strike everytime. Oh and big daddy i agree that being hit by a pitch is as good as a walk but neither are as good as a hit. I may be wrong but i seriously dought that there is anyone who plays baseball that goes to the plate with their goal being to get hit with the pitch. lol

Phil C
05-08-2003, 09:10 AM
I can see Big Daddy's and Keith's points of view. I know the umpire is supposed to be the judge as to whether a player gets hit on purpose or not and if the player is trying to get hit he is supposed to not let him walk. Also I think the batter is supposed to try to make an effort to get out of the way. Of course to me that is hard to do with a fast ball coming your way due to the split second time factor but the rules give the judgement to the umpire because in the game between Mathis and Pearsall one of the Mathis players got hit and the umpire ruled it a ball and he still had to bat because the umpire felt he didn't get make an effort to get out of the way. Also a factor would be safety. You risk serious injury trying to get hit by a ball so I wouldn't ever tell anyone to get hit by a ball to get on base and I can't see any coach doing that because of the risk to the players.

05-08-2003, 12:28 PM
Guys give him a break. He ask a question about a "record" and some of you jump all over him. Lighten up, I'm sure his coach is giving him good advice.

Green Ranger
05-08-2003, 12:57 PM
This is a forum where people can express what ever OPINIONS they may have on a given subject including crazy records. Jr, my two cents, take it or leave it is this. Yes getting on base one way or another is a good thing. However if you want to help the team, get out of the way and get on base by using your bat. In my OPINION, if you have to resort to getting hit to get on base, try another sport or get out of the way and crank up the lumber.

05-08-2003, 02:06 PM
First of all I would like to thank the people that think what I did was a good thing or what not so thanks to big daddy russ, whtfplaya, and fbmania, but to you that said that to get out of the way and swing the stick I was aggressive at the plate if the pitch was their then I would hit to get on base but there really is nothing that I can do about a fastball that is coming at me when it is going any where from 80-90 mph and its coming right you you tell me what you would. I got alot of hits this year and I walked alot to for those of you that disagree with me getting hit by the pitch and all i did was ask a question and the people that where nipping at my heels lay off? but thanks again to big daddy russ, whtfplaya, fbmania.... :mad: :mad:

05-08-2003, 02:15 PM
big daddy russ I usually batted 6th and DH for the pitcher or are catcher but i did bat 2nd for a little and trust me I made and atempt to get out of the way of ever one of these pitchs but as hard as i tried to get out of the way i still got hit. and alot of times you do have to croud the plate so you can hit that out side pitch a that will be called a strike or you will swing an miss it . thanks again to you guys that back me!! :cool:

Phil C
05-08-2003, 02:21 PM
Jr. I wasn't trying to get on your case on this and if it there is a record for it then go for it since after your other posts it is legitimate. I was just saying to get hit on purpose is a safety risk. I know that it is hard to get out of the way when a fast ball is coming and it is a legitimate walk. I just don't want players to try it on purpose and risk the injury. Sorry if it wasn't clear and I hope if they keep a record of it you can get credit since you are the real thing as you said.

big daddy russ
05-08-2003, 05:06 PM
Yeah, I didn't mean to imply that a free ticket was as good as a hit. That was going overboard on my part. If you have one man on base, lets say at second, a base hit is as good as an RBI. Crowding the plate is usually one of the signs of an aggressive hitter, but ya'll are right that there are those people that just do it. But I still love it when guys take their pitches like a man, don't charge the mound and do what it takes to help their team win. Sorry for getting carried away, everyone. I tend to get excited sometimes. :rolleyes:

<small>[ May 08, 2003, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: big daddy russ ]</small>

Chris Hart
05-08-2003, 07:25 PM
Personally I'm all for taking one for the team. If there is not a call by the umpire ruling it illegal, then it is legal. I mean baserunners ARE the name of the game afterall. :)

05-08-2003, 09:29 PM
my friend got his 26 times this year..seriously

05-09-2003, 11:43 AM
are you serious what school are you from and the team and how they did. 26 that is impressive and i thought 16 hurt, 26 ouch eek!