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big balla152005
11-26-2002, 09:06 AM
who thinks coach barret lost the game??? if he would have not screwed around we would have won... if you disagree tell me why wnd what we could have doen differently, cuz we had the game and he blew it

Chief Woodman
11-26-2002, 10:36 AM
Looking at the stats...your team fumbled four times, losing 3 of them. That is not the coache's fault. Although his decisions may have contributed to the loss, the atheletes on the field failed to perform. On paper your team looked much stronger, so I can only surmise that they went into the game way too confident, just as Decatur did against Glen Rose. Your defense gave up too many points, and the offence stumbled/fumbled when it should not have. The stats in the paper suggest yoou have the better team, but excuted poorly. For all the what if's we can come up with remember- results count excuses do not....... Result: Ballanger 20, Kennedale 17. Excuses? Does not matter at this point

11-26-2002, 10:59 AM
Big Bal
Didnt see the game but I have to say that with all that talent there is no reason Kennedale should have lost that game. And for that reason some of the blame has to go to Coach B.

By the way this was the second year in a row that Kennedale choked. You should have beat us last year.

11-26-2002, 11:37 AM
Hey Balla are the one that fumbled the ball 4 times. What is your football # since you had nothing to do with the loss? Or are you going to hide?

11-26-2002, 11:46 AM
It has to be said, I never saw one coach fumble the ball! It just comes back, if they win, great kids, if they loose, poor coaches. You need to give it a rest. In football, crazy things happen. Great kids and great coaches make mistakes. Kennedale had a great run and all their coaches do a great job !! Look for them to be back next year again !! Keep up the good work Kennedale Wildcats !!!

11-26-2002, 11:50 AM
This is silly..Kennedale DOMINATED that game against Ballinger...all reports are Kennedale moved the ball at will against Ballinger..Coach Barrett didn't lose 3 fumbles one late in the game when Kennedale was trying to win...like I said you can't fumble that many times in the playoffs and beat a good team like Ballinger..Ballinger deserves credit for taking advatage of Kennedale's mistakes...

11-26-2002, 01:16 PM
I think the word here is Discipline. Kennedale made mistakes against Ballinger which are a end result of Discipline which comes from the coaching staff.

They were not Discipline last year or this year and it cost them. Good footballs teams that are coached well do not make crucial mistakes in the playoffs. I think the blame here should be 50% coaching and 50% players.

11-26-2002, 05:57 PM
It's hard to blame a loss on kids, unless their getting paid as professional players, that is why people will blame the coaching staff. After viewing a tape on the game, the team didn't want the game as much as Ballinger even though they ran all over them. They looked dead, even the fans looked dead. The team made a lot of mistakes and i am sure so did the coaches. So, the kids,coaches and the fans lost the game.That's why they are all staying at home this week. As far as the head coached is concerned, I honestly think he is the only man the loves football more than I do. I feel like my dog just died, just imagine how he feels? Hopefully this is the last we here about kennedale on this forum, until next year, revitalized and ready to kick some be-hind. It sure was a fun year, Thanks Wildcats!!!!How about my Lamar Vikings!!!

big balla152005
11-26-2002, 10:21 PM
those mistakes were the players fault... but where im putting the blame is coach barrets poor judgement... he should have gone for a feild goal at the end of the 4th quarter... but he didnt and we fumbled. then he should have gone for the feild goal in ot, but he didnt and we fumbled. it is coaches decisions at the end that lost the game for us

big daddy russ
11-26-2002, 10:33 PM
big balla152005:
those mistakes were the players fault... but where im putting the blame is coach barrets poor judgement... he should have gone for a feild goal at the end of the 4th quarter... but he didnt and we fumbled. then he should have gone for the feild goal in ot, but he didnt and we fumbled. it is coaches decisions at the end that lost the game for usDid you ever stop to think that maybe he let your offense have the ball because he had faith that you could get seven? If you had been marching down the field on these guys, your coach wasn't thinking that you were gonna fumble. He was thinking of giving you a seven-point lead instead of a three-point lead. If it had worked, he would have been a genius, but it didn't. Trust me, there's nothing wrong with taking a few chances.

11-26-2002, 11:02 PM
You're saying that you would kick a field goal in OT on second or third down when the other team hasn't got it shot in OT yet?? That is a stupid idea, what happens if the other team scored a TD in OT?? Same outcome, you lose, get over it, move on, and don't let the same thing happen next year.

11-26-2002, 11:31 PM
I completely agree with red raider. Our loss on Saturday was purely by player mistakes and good defense on Ballingers part. They were very tough and it was a good game!

11-27-2002, 12:37 AM
Matt...I think that there are some misconceptions that can be made about this game if you just look at the stats and the turnovers. There is only one turnover by Kennedale that in my mind had any great bearing on the outcome. It was a biggy though. That was the turnover in OT at the 8 yard line. If Kennedale goes on to score then Ballinger will have to match what ever they put up. The turnover at the end of regulation was a non-factor because the qb fumbled struggling for extra yardage inside the 10. Had he not fumbled...there was only 5 seconds on the clock and no timeouts. It would have been impossible for Kennedale to get their kicker on the field, snap the ball and kick a field goal with that amount of time. The Yardage factor is a little decieving too. Yes, Kennedale moved the ball very well...inside the twenties. When in the redzone they were not near as effective. You may ask why...first, Kennedale's backs were just flat good. They were very fast and athletic. Ballinger knew that they could score from anywhere on the field. The Ballinger defense was predicated on the fact of keeping everything in front of them and tackle well. It was a defensive scheme that centered around not giving up the big play and making Kennedale drive the field. It was the classic bend but don't break defense. If you are too aggressive with a team like Kennedale they will score on you before you can blink if you are out of position. Instead...by playing not to give up the big play you see alot of 5 to 15 yard plays. This is exactly what Kennedale's drives would look like. It also eats up a lot of time and gives lots of first downs. Whenever Kennedale entered the redzone the defensive playcalling changed as did the attitude of the kids. The field was shortened and the defense stiffened. I think that Kennedale got only 3 points out of 5 trips to the redzone (counting the OT). That is phenomenal redzone defense against a team that has as much offensive firepower in the backfield as just about anybody in the state. This fact has been missed by alot of people. The lack of scoring on Kennedale's part had more to do with Ballinger's defense than Kennedale's mistakes. Everyone talks about all of the bad breaks that Kennedale had but Ballinger had a couple of big breaks go against them as well. They fumbled themselves inside their own 30 yard line. There was also 1 fumbled punt that was not called a fumble. It was right in front of me...the Kennedale returner muffed the punt and then jumped forward to recover the fumble. He landed on the ball but it squirted out of his arms. We recovered but the official was behind the punt returner and he did not see the ball come out like we did. He thought that the Kennedale punt returner got it "taken" away in the pile and called him down instead. That would have been huge. We also had several pass plays that would have been close to going for touchdowns had the wind not been as bad or the sun not been in one recievers eyes on about the 5 yard line. I am not making excuses for those plays not going for six...I am just trying to point out that this game was far from Ballinger just "lucking out" as some would suggest. Ballinger executed a great game plan against a team with superior talent. Kennedale was not poorly coached and their kids gave good effort. I am not trying to suggest that Ballinger has a more talented team or that Kennedale's mistakes didn't play a factor. I am just trying to say that Kennedale's loss had a lot to do with what Ballinger was doing on the field.

This is silly..Kennedale DOMINATED that game against Ballinger...all reports are Kennedale moved the ball at will against Ballinger..Coach Barrett didn't lose 3 fumbles one late in the game when Kennedale was trying to win...like I said you can't fumble that many times in the playoffs and beat a good team like Ballinger..Ballinger deserves credit for taking advatage of Kennedale's mistakes...

11-27-2002, 09:52 AM
You are right...I made the post seem like the loss was all on Kennedale and had nothing to do with a very good Ballinger team that had a great game plan...I just find it odd that people are trying to blame Coach Barrett for the loss..when a few weeks ago he was the savior of Kennedale..I mean look what Barrett has done in just 2 years there..he has turned a typically underacheiving Kennedale team and made them into a blossoming state power..

11-27-2002, 10:00 AM
Matt...I couldn't agree more. The Kennedale team was as well coached as any team that I have seen this year. The few Kennedale posters who have blamed this loss on Coach Barrett do not know football. I am sure that it is just a knee-jerk reaction after a tough loss. For Kennedale's sake they need to do whatever they can to keep him there. This team will likely be as good if not better next year!

11-27-2002, 11:46 AM
Big Balla152005- You better shut up. Ive got a good idea who you are and I know for a fact you are a JV player who never steped on the field. You act like you know football and know what you are talking about. Im getting sick and tired off listening to your non-sense. The funny thing about it is you think your a football player and believe my you have no hope. I suggest you to keep your mouth shut.

11-27-2002, 12:26 PM
BigBalla152005, Blaming Coach Barrett what a thing to do , especially coming from you. If you were at the game and we know you were standing on the sideline you would know the players didn't play as well as they are capable. There are many different things you would have to think about when going into overtime. Because you don't know anything about football it is easy to see why you say stupid stuff! Because we know you ain't no BIG BALLA! 752005!

11-28-2002, 12:02 AM
Barrett hasn't built anything, he inherited a program that was on the rise. Most of these players have started for the last three years and were winning before he got there. When he took over every team had a winning record from the seventh grade up. It's hard to lose with that. It wasn't an underachieving program as you say. Don't mislead people. He is a good coach and I don't believe he should be blamed for the loss, nor given full credit for building the program. But that's the wildcat way unfortunately. Good luck coach.

11-28-2002, 12:11 AM
Some of you are totally oblivious to who Coach Barrett is. No matter what a lot of credit does go to him for us getting as far as we have gone the past couple of years. I never saw Coach Stout and anyone before him taking us to the state quater-finals. Those boys may have been doing well before Coach Barrett came back to Kennedale but he just made them all the more better. Without him there we may have won district and went to a playoff game but I dont know that we would have gone as far as we did! He is one of the best things that has happened to Kennedale and we are blessed to have him! I know he reads this so I want to say thanx to him for being the wonderful example and coach that he is!

11-29-2002, 09:18 PM
I personally thought that even with all the fumbles, that is not were Kennedale lost the game. There was great coaching. IF...the coaching was trully bad. We would not have been able to overcome the early defecit we faced. We may have truly been out coached, through preperation, but on the field, there was great coaching. For the running game, 3 lost fumbles, not a good thing. The passing game was much better than i expected. The key play that determined the game, which proved to change the outcome...was when we could not punch it in for a TD on 4th and Goal from the 1. To go for it, was not a bad decision, we have a great running game, and we also have lost of confindence.

We will be ready next year. Lots of seniors went home empty handed, expecting more. So was everyone else. Coach B. has changed Kennedale football from rag tag, to a good quality f-ball team that continues to improve....

11-30-2002, 07:14 PM
After all the anger and fustration that has clouded my thougts all week, Ktownballa summed up it up, great post. Coach B will take them back next year and finish the undone. This loss left a bitter taste in the returning players mouth and the coaching staffs, also. Watch out for the Wildcats next year.