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View Full Version : Joe Smith from Cleveland makes Jacksonville Jaquars Roster

09-07-2003, 04:28 PM
Joe Smith was quarterback for Cleveland in the late 90's and had a great RB career at NMMI and Louisiana Tech and made the roster for Jacksonville. They just lost a heartbreaker to Carolina on the last play of the game and I didn't see his name in the rushing stats, so he probably didn't play, but we are proud of him for making the club.

His mother works at my Cleveland office and we all went to Orlando earlier this year to watch Joe play in the college all star game there. Joe had an ok game, almost broke a couple but nothing big. But a couple of weeks after the game was done, one of the scouts told his mother that in the 20 something years that he had been involved with scouting kids, Joe was the only player who ever sent Thank You notes and messages for allowing him to participate in the game. After receiving the messages from Joe, this scout told his mother that he was going to make sure he got a shot with some team, even if not drafted. Jacksonville signed him as an undrafted free agent and he had a good preseason, scoring a couple and made the final cut.

I know this isn't 3A stuff, but here is an example of a great young man that got a shot with good talent combined with being an extraordinary man. With all his busy schedule, he makes the time to stay in touch with my son as well as Darius Brown (last year's QB), helping my son with his scholarship offers and wading through all the confusion. I don't know many handsome pro players that would take the time to help young guys instead of enjoying the nightlife that shows like "Playmakers" personify.

Note to all 3A players, being a nice guy really does get one somewhere, even in the $$ world of the NFL. I'm happy to know another NFL player, but even happier to know Joe Smith. Not many men out in the world that are greater individuals than celebrities, but Joe definitely qualifies. He reflects his God very well.