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Ranger Mom
11-16-2003, 01:54 AM
What can I say - it wasn't meant to be!! Hats off to Merkel, they played one heck of a ballgame!!
Would the outcome have been different had we been 100% healthy....who knows!! I just have a word of advice for any still playing - IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY GOT A FLU SHOT - GET ONE!!!
I haven't heard any update on Dawson yet....I hope it is not serious!
I met the Head brothers mom at McDonald's. She seems like a really nice person! Those boys are a couple of hosses!!
As most of you have already read, we had a West Texas 3ADL reunion - it was great!! It was neat to put a face with these people.
I won't be able to follow my beloved Rangers anymore this year, so I am now officially on the Sweetwater bandwagon and have become an honorary "Mustang Mom" to my Sweetwater buds!! :D

To the Rangers....thanks for a great ride! Ya'll are all still #1 to me and I love ya!!!

11-16-2003, 02:02 AM
I'm glad you made it home safe RangerMom. I hope that injury for your player wasn't as bad as might be. Prayers for him and his family. Your team did great and yall have much to be proud of. Congratulations on a great season!

11-16-2003, 02:23 AM
Glad you made it home safe. Had a good time meeting with everyone at halftime. Sorry it didnt turn out better for the Rangers. I really felt bad to see them go out so early. We are glad to have you on the Sweetwater side, can always use more fans. I am EXHAUSTED. Goodnight all!

<small>[ November 16, 2003, 01:23 AM: Message edited by: wildstangs ]</small>

11-16-2003, 02:27 AM
Thanx Rangermom...it was awesome finally meeting you too, you were as nice of a person as i thought u were, and as a player, i am honored to have a fan like you jump on the bandwagon, you are an all-around good fan.....glad u got back safely

eye of the tiger
11-16-2003, 03:18 AM
Glad you made it home safely RangerMom. Sorry for your loss and hope the lad recovers from his injury. You have a great attitude and I'm glad you have attached to another team for the rest of the playoffs. I also have adopted a couple of teams after my Tigers lost. Thats what it is all about. As I mentioned in another post it is only about 9 months to zero week and I know the Rangers will be back for another good year.

11-16-2003, 04:13 AM
Ranger Mom
QB]AMEN!! We had two VERY key players with it this week. Hurt us more than you could imagine.

11-16-2003, 09:06 AM
Anyone should be proud to welcome Ranger Mom aboard their bandwagon, she is a great fan. Mustang04 hit the nail on the head. This lady is one of the nicest people you could ever want to meet. I'm praying for Dawson, I hope it isn't serious. He is a terrific player.

11-16-2003, 10:14 AM
True, true Ranger Mom would be a great addition to any bandwagon, I'm just sorry she doesn't live closer to SINTON!! :D :D

Da Mules
11-16-2003, 10:42 AM
Sorry the Rangers lost, "MustangMom." I've been an unofficial "PowerRanger" since I got to see them at Lubbock last year, and I hated to see them going down with injuries and of all things the *%&*( flu bug? I agree with you; time to find another team for the rest of the year. I'm gonna be a combo MustangManiac, Littlefield WildCatter, and KennedaleKrazie for the time being... good luck to all the teams as we head to the next round.

Ranger Mom
11-16-2003, 11:36 AM
I had to laugh when I read the first 2 or 3 replies on here - they all said "glad you made it home safely"!! Was there ever any doubt?? :D :D
I guess my "road trip" reputation is coming back to haunt me!! eek! (My husband drove!! wink )

Anyway, he saved up his vacation this year, because he was bound and determined not to miss another Ranger game this year (he wasn't able to make the State game last year)! We had already decided if the Rangers weren't playing we would follow some other teams. I told him Sweetwater was playing in Canyon, and he shut me down quick, fast, and in a hurry on that one! :rolleyes: So.....did I read where Merkel was playing in Sweetwater Friday?? If so, we may be going there!! Knightmoon, if you read this, please give me the specifics!!

11-16-2003, 11:47 AM
Congrats on a great season Mom,

I know that we can count on you to be here year 'round, and I still look forward to everything you have to say. :D

Chris Hart
11-16-2003, 02:24 PM
Sorry about the Ranger's loss, RangerMom and Greenwood. We here in Burnet are no strangers to key injuries and such, but we can all be thankful that Dawson's injury wasn't like the one of Mr. Fulbright of Everman last season. The great thing is, Your season is over, BUT the boys future has not been hampered. Afterall, it's just a game, but the best is still ahead for the young men on the Ranger team. If they perform anything in the game of life, like they did on the gridiron, all is well! :)

11-16-2003, 03:03 PM
eye of the tiger:
Glad you made it home safely RangerMom. Sorry for your loss and hope the lad recovers from his injury. You have a great attitude and I'm glad you have attached to another team for the rest of the playoffs. I also have adopted a couple of teams after my Tigers lost. Thats what it is all about. As I mentioned in another post it is only about 9 months to zero week and I know the Rangers will be back for another good year.Hey, EOTT how about adopting the Leps, we need reinforcements and Commerce folks are always appreciated! You too RangerMom, give us Leps some of that West Texas hospitality! :D

11-16-2003, 03:23 PM
I'm shocked to hear that Greenwood lost. I would have loved to see Greenwood making another deep run, but oh well. Luck of the draw, I suppose.

Get 'em next season, Greenwood.

Much love, from Port Isabel......

Bandera YaYa
11-16-2003, 08:46 PM
I tried to wait for you last nite, but fell asleep about 12:30. Glad you made it home without incident (LOL)! Tho, have to admit, I was kinda hoping for one of your hilarious road trip stories!! I was shocked to say the least, when I came upon your score. I know that was hard to take, but your Rangers had a great season and I know they will be back next year!! God Bless and hope to talk to you on here !!

11-16-2003, 08:56 PM
i'm glad i went to the game sat i was a lil disapointed that greenwood lost but i'm also glad merkle won it was an honor meeting you downlowers and ranger mom i'm glad you picked the sweetwater mustangs to join up with with makin a long haul this year and theirs more space left on the bandwagon for anyone else

11-17-2003, 11:10 AM
Welcome aboard, Rangermom.