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Ranger Mom
12-22-2002, 01:28 AM
What a Day!!! First of all, I survived Ft. Worth traffic and didn't even get lost!! (Yippee for ME!!) Then I attended an AWESOME game. I was fortunate enough to meet Sinton66 and Callandraise!! The game didn't have the ending I was hoping for - but someone has to lose!! :confused: But, the real excitement began as I was headed home. I knew I was having some electrical problems because my power windows wouldn't work - but as it got dark I realized the panel where my speedometer, etc. is wasn't lit up either. I tried fuses, but they kept blowing, so I just decided to set my cruise and go. Someone pulled up beside me later and was signaling something about the back of my Suburban. I couldn't tell what they were saying and couldn't roll my windows down - so I just decided to pull over. I had NO tail-lights. I was scared to run with my flashers on from Sephenville all the way back to Midland - so after much discussion with the 6 teenagers (my FIRST mistake) we decided to buy flashlights and rig up our own tail lights. After I bought 2 flashlights, batteries and duct tape, we then got into a discussion on how to make them red (no red tape in the store). My son, who had just came from the bathroom, informed me they had multi-colored condoms in the bathroom. So.....I sent him back in (my SECOND misake). I am now the owner of every color condom under the rainbow -- except red. So, it was back to the drawing board again. FYI - the caps of Raid Ant and Roach spray fit perfectly on the end of a flashlight - AND THEY ARE RED!!!! We were ready to go. I made it all the way to Abilene with no mishaps until I noticed blue and red lights flashing in my rear view mirror - I signaled (they worked) and pulled over. The DPS officer was very understanding - but pointed out that since they were taped to the inside of my window and I have tinted windows, my "tail lights" were hardly noticeble! He gave me a warning, told me to tell anybody that may stop me "the story" and for me to be careful. After another "discussion" we decided to try and tape the flashlights on my bumper where they were more noticeble, at this time my "off-brand" batteries were just about at the end of their life-span, so we made another stop for more duct tape and batteries. I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night so I was running on FUMES, so the oldest teenager I had with me (19) ran in to the store and got me some kind of "pep" pills in a package. I just opened the package and took them ALL!! (Directions for use should always be read before taking any medication!!) We headed out and made it to Colorado City before those blasted red and blue lights appeared again. I once again signaled, pulled over, got out of my Suburban and tripped, falling against the Suburban. By this time, my "pep" pills had kicked in (I was still tired - but had a HUGE case of the giggles!!) I was waiting to be told to walk the white line and touch my finger to my nose while repeating the alphabet. This DPS officer listened to my story, checked out my home made tail lights, laughed, and asked me a question that made me feel about 2 inches tall. He asked, "why aren't you running with your hazard lights on?" I explained to him that I thought they were for "emergencies only". He figured I was going down the interstate, four days away from Christmas, with no tail lights - sounded like an emergency to him. So....I finally made it to Greenwood 7.5 hours after I left Waco, and the only thing I have to say is:

Flashlights (2) - 2.29 each
Batteries (8) - 2.49 for a package of 2
Duct Tape (2 rolls) - Average $2.00 a roll
Raid Ant and Roach killer (2 cans) - $3.99 each
Colored Condoms - except red (12) - $3.00
Pep me up pills (1 package - not all to be taken at the same time ) $0.99
The laughs we had and the memories we will share - PRICELESS!!!

12-22-2002, 01:39 AM
Ranger Mom:
What a Day!!! First of all, I survived Ft. Worth traffic and didn't even get lost!! (Yippee for ME!!) Then I attended an AWESOME game. I was fortunate enough to meet Sinton66 and Callandraise!! The game didn't have the ending I was hoping for - but someone has to lose!! :confused: But, the real excitement began as I was headed home. I knew I was having some electrical problems because my power windows wouldn't work - but as it got dark I realized the panel where my speedometer, etc. is wasn't lit up either. I tried fuses, but they kept blowing, so I just decided to set my cruise and go. Someone pulled up beside me later and was signaling something about the back of my Suburban. I couldn't tell what they were saying and couldn't roll my windows down - so I just decided to pull over. I had NO tail-lights. I was scared to run with my flashers on from Sephenville all the way back to Midland - so after much discussion with the 6 teenagers (my FIRST mistake) we decided to buy flashlights and rig up our own tail lights. After I bought 2 flashlights, batteries and duct tape, we then got into a discussion on how to make them red (no red tape in the store). My son, who had just came from the bathroom, informed me they had multi-colored condoms in the bathroom. So.....I sent him back in (my SECOND misake). I am now the owner of every color condom under the rainbow -- except red. So, it was back to the drawing board again. FYI - the caps of Raid Ant and Roach spray fit perfectly on the end of a flashlight - AND THEY ARE RED!!!! We were ready to go. I made it all the way to Abilene with no mishaps until I noticed blue and red lights flashing in my rear view mirror - I signaled (they worked) and pulled over. The DPS officer was very understanding - but pointed out that since they were taped to the inside of my window and I have tinted windows, my "tail lights" were hardly noticeble! He gave me a warning, told me to tell anybody that may stop me "the story" and for me to be careful. After another "discussion" we decided to try and tape the flashlights on my bumper where they were more noticeble, at this time my "off-brand" batteries were just about at the end of their life-span, so we made another stop for more duct tape and batteries. I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night so I was running on FUMES, so the oldest teenager I had with me (19) ran in to the store and got me some kind of "pep" pills in a package. I just opened the package and took them ALL!! (Directions for use should always be read before taking any medication!!) We headed out and made it to Colorado City before those blasted red and blue lights appeared again. I once again signaled, pulled over, got out of my Suburban and tripped, falling against the Suburban. By this time, my "pep" pills had kicked in (I was still tired - but had a HUGE case of the giggles!!) I was waiting to be told to walk the white line and touch my finger to my nose while repeating the alphabet. This DPS officer listened to my story, checked out my home made tail lights, laughed, and asked me a question that made me feel about 2 inches tall. He asked, "why aren't you running with your hazard lights on?" I explained to him that I thought they were for "emergencies only". He figured I was going down the interstate, four days away from Christmas, with no tail lights - sounded like an emergency to him. So....I finally made it to Greenwood 7.5 hours after I left Waco, and the only thing I have to say is:

Flashlights (2) - 2.29 each
Batteries (8) - 2.49 for a package of 2
Duct Tape (2 rolls) - Average $2.00 a roll
Raid Ant and Roach killer (2 cans) - $3.99 each
Colored Condoms - except red (12) - $3.00
Pep me up pills (1 package - not all to be taken at the same time ) $0.99
The laughs we had and the memories we will share - PRICELESS!!!ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RangerMom, that IS so good!!!
http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/yipes.gif http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/yipes.gif http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/yipes.gif

12-22-2002, 01:43 AM
And I thought that I was the only person who luck like that...geez!!! I sure am glad you made it home ok. What a weekend for you...Whenever something crazy happens like that with my kids, I always call them "memory makers" cause NO ONE ever forgets. :)

12-22-2002, 09:19 AM
Super story, Ranger Mom. I too am glad you finally made it home safe and sound. You really ought to print this one out and SAVE it. wink I also am very glad we got the chance to meet and talk. You are every bit as nice in person as you are on this board. For those of you not fortunate enough to have met this Lady, you have really missed something.

<small>[ December 22, 2002, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

Ranger Mom 70
12-22-2002, 10:56 AM
Ranger Mom = THANKS !!!! I laughed so hard that I cried (again) :D over something FUNNY!!! I really needed that! - Bandera - Congratulations on a great win!! This was definately a game that we will all remember for a long time. Enjoy your victory!! - Just a side note - We will be BACK !!

Chris Hart
12-22-2002, 02:38 PM
Congratulations to Midland Greenwood, on a FINE season! I know exactly how you feel. Great Year!!

RangerMom, what a weekend you had(WOW). I am glad to hear everything worked out for you and your traveling party. You are a class act( I don't have to meet you to realize that), and I wish you guys the best again next year.

<small>[ December 22, 2002, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Chris Hart ]</small>

slpybear the bullfan
12-22-2002, 06:26 PM
RangerMom, What a Trip!!!

That is one story that is soo good, when you tell it weeks from now, some people won't believe you!

Man, that was funny, but I am glad you made it back safely,

12-22-2002, 08:03 PM
I have to admit that's a great story, but I can't help asking...why did you give your son money to buy condems?

fred grunden
12-22-2002, 08:16 PM
Ranger Mom, I don't want this to sound "OFF COLOR", but what are you planning to do with the "OFF COLOR" condoms? Maybe your Christmas tree? Just a suggestion. Be a shame to waste them. :rolleyes: I enjoyed your story. :D

12-22-2002, 09:03 PM
Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear RangerMom. I'm sorry about your experience BUT I fell out of my chair when I read your story. How funny! But I'm glad that you got home safe and sound! CONGRATULATIONS!

Bandera YaYa
12-23-2002, 12:49 AM
RangerMom....thank goodness you made it home..we had a funny ride back too...starting and ending with me trying to follow the men in our caravan..they got us lost, one got pulled over in a residential area (where we were circling, trying to find 35 South), got a ticket, got a call from another Ya Ya who was having car trouble, she told us wrong info on where she was broken down at, so there we go again, in circles trying to find our way back to 35 South, we were like the last BAnderians to leave Waco , so we missed the parade the town was having for the boys...but we laughed all the way home..will never forget that trip....we did learn one thing...WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER FOLLOWED THE MEN...THEY JUST GOT US LOST AND THEN THE LEFT US BEHIND!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THANKS FOR THE PM.....GOT ANOTHER ONE (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN) BUT I'LL JUST CONSIDER THE SOURCE....PEACE AND YA YA!!!!

Ranger Mom
12-23-2002, 09:36 AM
I have to admit that's a great story, but I can't help asking...why did you give your son money to buy condems?Did you not read the story?? I was at the end of my rope. I was looking for something to make my flashlight "RED", I sure wasn't going to go in the mens restroom and get them.
As far as what to do with my "surplus", I think I will put them into my scrapbook.

12-23-2002, 09:59 AM
Hey Ya Ya, Kelly and John told us to try and lose ya. I really don"t know why..... I would have waited.

12-23-2002, 10:41 AM
RangerMom...I am so glad that you and the kids got home safely. I have to admit that it was one of the funniest stories that I have ever heard. You need to submit that to readers digest or something! Congratulations to the Rangers on a wonderful season. I know it was a tough loss but you guys are going to be super tough next year. You have to promise to take it easy on my Bearcats the first game of the season next year wink Get some rest and have a Merry Christmas!

12-23-2002, 10:56 AM
Great story RangerMom. Glad you're home, safe & sound. I'm sorry I missed this game, but I was up to my elbows in Christmas cookies!! Trust me---I'd rather have been at this game. I did get to watch the 5A & 4A state games on Fox Sportsnet. (& let me just say--why not air the 3A, 2A & 1A games??)

Congrats on a great season and Good Luck next season.

:D Happy Holidays. :D

eye of the tiger
12-23-2002, 11:13 AM
RangerMom I am thankful you made it home safe, but the story and lifetime memories made were indeed priceless. Thanks for sharing and congrats to the Rangers for a great year.

12-23-2002, 11:32 AM
I have to admit when I was first reading this story, I was questioning it's validity. But, this is a story you just couldn't make up. haha.

Thanks for a great laugh! :D

12-23-2002, 12:01 PM
Great Story RangerMom, First of all let me say congratulations to the Rangers on a Fantastic Season, and to both teams for a great game. Now with that being said....RangerMom has finaly learned my secret. If you cannot get your story to have that pizzaz that you are looking for....just take a whole bag of pep-pills, and the creative juices will really get to flowing :D . LOL Just Kidding..that truly was a fantastic story, and worthy of an award.

12-23-2002, 02:11 PM
You need to submit that to readers digest or something!That vet93 is a great idea. What do you think, RangerMom?

Ranger Mom
12-23-2002, 02:34 PM
Actually, when RangerMom70 read it, she printed it out and called another friend and read it to her. They were trying to figure out who to send it to, they didn't mention Reader's Digest but did say something about Paul Harvey. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other, as long as I don't have to appear "live and in person" anywhere!! eek! eek!

12-23-2002, 04:31 PM
I have to admit that's a great story, but I can't help asking...why did you give your son money to buy condems?Heck, WHO KNEW they didn't come in RED , right? I sure wouldn't have known.

Ranger Mom
12-24-2002, 12:30 AM
Well to tell you the truth, the only reason my son even mentioned it was because all the "colors" were displayed, and they had "RED" ones in the display. After he kept feeding quarters in and no red ones were to be found, we decided (this is gonna sound way "off-color") that as far as we would have to stretch it over the flashlight, it would probably end up being "PINK", so we went to plan #2.

12-24-2002, 12:36 AM
Come to think of it, that would have been something to have to explain to the cops! I can just see it now!

Ranger Mom
12-24-2002, 12:54 AM
Looking back, I feel like it was a blessing in disguise that I didn't find Red ones, (in my best Ricky Ricardo voice) I had enough "splainin to do" as it was!!
I had forgotten to add also, that the kids took their shoes off, and you know how smelly boys feet are. My daughter couldn't stand it, so she started spraying perfume in their shoes. I guess the aroma of perfume and funky feet was too much for one of the kids. He puked (bacon-cheddar fries) all over the place...so we got to go halfway home with the stench of vomit and not one single window that would roll down!! I was SOOOO glad to see my house!!

12-24-2002, 01:11 AM
It just gets better and better! All you need to do now is to figure out what you did to peave the Deity of Retribution, and NEVER do it again! I hope you're laughing too .

12-24-2002, 02:14 AM
Ranger Mom:
I guess the aroma of perfume and funky feet was too much for one of the kids. He puked (bacon-cheddar fries) all over the place...so we got to go halfway home with the stench of vomit and not one single window that would roll down!! I was SOOOO glad to see my house!!I just have ONE word: YUCK!!!

11-03-2003, 07:47 PM
Why not bring back one of the greatest posts!!

Ranger Mom
11-03-2003, 09:34 PM
That was weird!!

I thought I was having a major "de-ja-vu".

01-14-2005, 12:01 AM
gotta love the classics! :D

AP Panther Fan
01-14-2005, 09:37 AM
What a resourceful woman! WTG Ranger Mom!:thumbsup:

Highway patrolmen must be alot nicer in your part of the state. That or they really felt sorry for ya!:D

01-14-2005, 10:04 AM
This has to be the greatest story of all times!!!

01-14-2005, 10:11 AM
aww, poor RM---that's hilarious though!!! Best post all the way! :D:clap:

01-14-2005, 11:31 AM
this has to be the greatest of all :D

01-14-2005, 12:49 PM
RM, glad to see you got home in one piece. that was an awesome story. i think its the road trips that give you the most trouble are often the funnest, well sometimes anyway. im sure this was one experience you wont soon forget!