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View Full Version : Are the French at it Again

Phil C
04-21-2003, 10:28 AM
I really hate to bring up anything against the French again but I remember last week or maybe the week before where Castro and Cuba executed four terrorist(?) and remember the news source was Cuban papers because our papers could only print what happened from what the Cuban newspapers told them. It appears that several Cubans hijacked a boat near Cuba and wanted to sail to Miami and freedom. According the Cuba they were holding hostages when confronted by the Cuban navy. A French woman held hostage jumped overboard and in the distraction the Cuban navy was able to overpower the so called terrorist and save the hostages and bring them to trial and execute them. I am skeptical because I feel that had they been "real terrorist" that they would have had time to have killed some of the hostages (remember the Munic Olymphics) if they had wanted but I think that they were realy just trying to get to freedom (even though their method may have been wrong). My point is though that the paper made it look like a brave French woman was a hero by jumping overboard and distracting them. The French did it again! Besides opposing freedom for the Iraqi people a French woman messed it up for some Cubans seeking freedom and caused their deaths. The French did it again as usual.

04-21-2003, 11:00 AM
very BAD correlation on your part ..... trying to use the instance of an innocent French woman trying to save her own life as a reason to French-bash ..... shame, shame

Phil C
04-21-2003, 11:15 AM
I apologize for perhaps my bad taste in this instance. I failed to point out that I can't take credit for being original because I read the article on yahoo news and one of the responses (not mine) on the message board pointed out what I did except he used different languages since you know how message boards to news are and I thought it was another valid viewpoint in my faulty way of thinking which sometimes happens when you get old. I apologize if I offended anyone and respectfully request the Administrator remove this post if possible. It was not my intention to offend anyone but to present a second viewpoint to the article.

04-21-2003, 11:36 AM
Sometimes we are scared by other people are countries and it takes time to heal but, we will always remember what has been done against us and our country!
I am a proud cajun and a American and when you get slap in the face by outsider it takes time to for give them but, you never forget.
As Americans we have to walk a straigth line but, it seems that everybody else can do what ever they want and get away with it....
This is my opinion....

<small>[ April 21, 2003, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: cajun1 ]</small>

Phil C
04-21-2003, 11:53 AM
Good point Cajun! And I agree we must remember there are many people in the USA of French descent that have served in our military with distinction and have been loyal taxpayers and supporting our government. I even question when we boycott French restaurant and businesses especailly if they are owned by local Americans. I can understand maybe boycotting recent products that are produced in France as a protest since they did it to us but I agree with you that we should support our local Americans whether of French descent or not. Good reply Cajun. I rated you a five and hope it helps.

04-21-2003, 12:29 PM
Thanks Phil C,

I am sure if Gen. Patton was a live today he would love to go over and put his boot in their you know what! And I would like to be right beside him then go on to Russia and Germany.
This is not a hate message, this is just getting tried of all the other countries wanting our help then we do and they never pay us back then when we need help they turn their backs on us and talk down about our great country.
I do not feel sorry for them and I wished next time they ask for help that we can say remember all the Americans that died for your freedom and
you can stand in front of us and ask for help!

04-21-2003, 05:52 PM
That might work, Cajun1, I for one certainly wouldn't want them guarding my back !!! wink