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View Full Version : Having trouble getting looked at by college recruiters?

09-18-2003, 12:39 AM
Last year, my son played for Somerset H.S. and had an above average career while playing for the dawgs (3yr. starter at FB) but he was not getting any attention from any of the local recruiters. He asked his coach (Sonny Detmer)if he felt like he had the ability and talent to take it to the next level. Sonny told my son that he felt that my son could take it to the next level. My son finally got a letter from a marketing and promoting service located in San Antonio. We met with the recruiter and he informed on how the recruiting procedure entailed. We ended up hiring this company and my son went from no letters,phone calls and invitations for campus visits to 38. I was amazed by this company's promoting service and the way that they marketed my son. I am glad to say that my son finally made a decision and is on a full ride w/ a school in Iowa. If you would info on this company you can find them @ www.cpotx.com. (http://www.cpotx.com.) If you know of any young man that has the heart and desire to play football at the next level but is not getting the attention from college recruiters, then i recommend that you at least look up this company. What do you have to lose, you are already online.