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02-25-2022, 11:48 AM
Hi all, Long time no see. Real life has thrown us a big curve and I'd like to ask for prayers or good thoughts from those, feeling compelled to do so.. Recently, My husband (66) has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Grade 2 Pancreatic NETS Cancer (which has spread to the Liver) We went to MD Anderson as soon as we could and he's had umpteen blood tests, Scans, Biopsies, to confirm, etc.. There is one blessing, The NETS Tumors are slower growing than "regular Pancreatic" so we take the blessings we receive. I also thank our family doctor that did a CT Scan the day hubby went to the Dr feeling yucky. Dr told us later he just felt something wasn't right.. Crazy but thankful he listened to his gut. Anyway, We are going back to MDA next Monday and Tuesday to sign papers with the Oncologist and Clinical Trail Coordinator - then have more bloodwork, scans and such. He should begin his treatments Monday, March 7th. It's a long shot and long road ahead, but he's ready to fight this. He stood by me 24-7 during my Cancer battle in 2018-2021 and now it's my turn. Anyway, if you're a person of faith, I'd appreciate some extra prayers and good thoughts while he's going through this phase. It's our understanding there is no cure but we can hopefully fight the progression and treat the side effects of treatment... :)

Old Green
02-25-2022, 05:55 PM
Sending prayers of healing for my old classmate. God wrap in your arms.

02-25-2022, 10:41 PM
Prayers for Mr. 44INAROW!

02-25-2022, 11:16 PM
I am adding my prayers to yours in agreement in Jesus name for healing. There is a cure and His name is Jesus. I know for a fact miracles occur. I was supposed to be dead by 5 years old according to the doctors. I am 65 right now. God is in control 44. May he bless and keep you and Mr. 44. :crying:

02-25-2022, 11:33 PM
Prayers sent from down here in Hungerford

03-03-2022, 08:32 PM
Been awhile since I’ve been on the Downlow and was saddened to read about your husbands diagnosis. Sending prayers for you and your husband. I’ve myself spent too much time at MDA with my brother and sister over the years.

03-17-2022, 01:06 AM
Prayers for comfort and healing!

03-18-2022, 02:10 PM
We had a scary weekend.. He had his 1st treatment Monday 7th. Last Friday evening he started Hemorrhaging so I got him to the local ER.. Finally stopped the bleeding got him stable and about 7:30 AM Saturday he was sent by EMS to Methodist in San Antonio. They kept him stable all weekend and he had a procedure early Monday and they discovered an aneurysm in his colon.. They cauterized it and said he was 'good to go' So he was back home Monday night. Now MD Anderson is trying to figure out if that aneurism is a side effect of the treatment?? or he had it and it was just a coincidence it happened 5 days after treatment?? Who knows at this point.. We are extremely fortunate it didn't burst, it just leaked... Thank you for the prayers... He is trying his best to stay positive, etc. He drove over to Victoria and watched a Cuero vs St Joe double header on Weds. I am so glad he felt good enough to get out. He's lost 56 pounds since November (he had the extra pounds to loose, but this isn't the preferred method to lose weight) Thanks again!

03-23-2022, 06:31 AM
Oh my... More prayers. I can't imagine what you're both going thru. God bless you both.

04-06-2022, 05:20 PM
Any updates on Peewee?

04-07-2022, 11:44 AM
Any updates on Peewee?

Thanks for asking... He had his 2nd treatment of the clinical trial last Monday (4th) he is tolerating this treatment much better. Main issue is "intestinal issues" of the chronic variety but his Oncologist gave him some pills called Creon - which are pancreatic enzymes to help with digestion.. evidently, he's not producing enough enzymes to digest food properly - he's lost close to 60 pounds since Thanksgiving (he started out with plenty of extra) He has 2 more treatments - May 2 & June 1st. He will then have 3 days of scans, etc the last week of June to see if there has been any progress. We did get good news Monday - his Hemoglobin is back into double digits, which is good. His liver function is really bad but that's no surprise but good news is his Kidneys are ROCK STARS... for the most part, he is 'out and about' pretty much every day but he does run out of energy ALOT quicker... He is still able to do his side job - driving for the Ford and GM Dealers here - doing Dealer Trades. But that's mainly driving - he isn't able to do anything physical.. He might try mowing (on his John Deere riding mower) but edging and weed eating is out of the question... Dr said we will just keep treating the symptoms/side affects and trying "the next treatment" There isn't any cure but MDA is literally making advances on a daily basis. We are very anxious to see what the late June test show.... Thank you so much for asking :)

We went to Booster Club last night and met Coach Fikac and 3 of his assistants. They all seem very excited to be in Cuero and we are looking forward to football season.

04-12-2022, 06:18 PM
Thanks for the update. He is in my prayers!