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06-28-2001, 08:25 PM
Commerce over Forney in Commerce!! Sell out crowd!!!! The town of Commerce should be rockin' that night. Commerce will be featuring a new offense!! Yes, that's right. New move in from odessa p. 6'2 WR to go along w/ the 6'6 A.Burrell. RB Coffey should be the big surprise.(6'0 202 4.6)The defense will be even better w/ tons of retuning starter(8) not 5!!! Yes 7-8. Coach didn't want to be ranked too high! #3 is high enough!! Blanton tough, too much Commerce. It's their year---95 state finalists--97 state finalists--99 state champs--01 ????????

06-28-2001, 09:00 PM
The game is in Commerce?? I thought it was gonna be Forney oh well..LOL
I wish they would put bleachers on the other side of that stadium...LOL

07-05-2001, 03:27 PM
We have to all hope that Quinlan Ford and Gilmer dont make the playoffs!! That puts Daingerfield and Forney in Div.I. Has the Commerce running back moved back home,or is he going to be a Paul Pewitt Brahman?

07-05-2001, 05:00 PM
Forney will beat Commerce in Commerce like a stepchild. Blanton ran all over them last year and he is faster and stronger this year. Forney will be ready for the game because of the difficult non-district schedule they play. While Commerce plays a bunch of patty cakes. If Commerce isn't undefeated going into the game you might as well mail in the vic to Forney. Commerce lost their top 2 defensive players NG and DE to graduation. Their JV and freshmen teams took a spanking from Forney's so what exactly are you basing your optimism on. I think your heart is talking and not your brain.

07-05-2001, 10:07 PM
What did left2soon mean about Daingerfield???
I guess he forgot the spanking Everman put on Daingerfield in the Regional Final last year? And Daingerfield lost a LOT to graduation..and Everman has a LOT back...if Forney goes D1 then the Everman-Forney winner will take Region 2...

07-06-2001, 04:09 PM
Daingerfield has what could be the best pure running back coming back in east texas. They have a Div.I TE/DE. Daingerfield never runs out of athletes. Outstanding group of incoming sophomores...lead by a fellow named Mims. If you are in east texas that name rings a bell.

07-06-2001, 06:34 PM
No doubt Daingerfield always has the athletes...BUT I thought last year's group was the best that they had out there in a while..I do know some of the players out that way..my college roomate is from Hughes Springs so I've been through that part of East Texas many times..and yes Wallace is a big time back..but I think this year will be a lot like a couple of years ago when they went 5-5..next year the Blue Tigers will be a force though

07-07-2001, 11:30 AM
matt, can your roommate confirm that the hughes springs mustangs just received a prize in the form of a two yr. starter from paul pewitt at running back?

07-08-2001, 07:03 PM
Actually he did mention that..he has a lil cousin still in high school there..usually the HS is pretty decent in football..prolly wouldn't be much of a football rivalry between Hughes Springs and D'field though..LOL maybe HS can play Avinger if they ever getta football team..LOL

eye of the tiger
07-21-2001, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328:
The game is in Commerce?? I thought it was gonna be Forney oh well..LOL
I wish they would put bleachers on the other side of that stadium...LOL
There will be seats on the visitors side by 2005 according to the latest 5 year plan. There has also been talk of building a stadium on the new high school grounds. just talk so far. the main think for everybody to remember is TIGERS NEVER QUIT.

eye of the tiger
07-21-2001, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by tylerrose:
Forney will beat Commerce in Commerce like a stepchild. Blanton ran all over them last year and he is faster and stronger this year. Forney will be ready for the game because of the difficult non-district schedule they play. While Commerce plays a bunch of patty cakes. If Commerce isn't undefeated going into the game you might as well mail in the vic to Forney. Commerce lost their top 2 defensive players NG and DE to graduation. Their JV and freshmen teams took a spanking from Forney's so what exactly are you basing your optimism on. I think your heart is talking and not your brain.
last year the games were split and both of them close. i think the home field advantage will give the tigers the edge. the tigers have only lost one district game in the last 9 years. should be a good game. TIGERS NEVER QUIT

07-21-2001, 10:36 PM
Yes both scores were close, However you can put an asterik by both of them though. The first game was in the rain and slop, and the second game Forney had the ball inside the goalline twice and the ref said no touch. In other words the second game was not as close as the score would lead you to believe.

07-22-2001, 01:30 AM
Put an asterisk by the games? Did only one team play in the mud and slop?? And as far as that second game..."close" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Just a couple of observations.

eye of the tiger
07-22-2001, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by tylerrose:
Yes both scores were close, However you can put an asterik by both of them though. The first game was in the rain and slop, and the second game Forney had the ball inside the goalline twice and the ref said no touch. In other words the second game was not as close as the score would lead you to believe.
I'm not trying to put Forney down. They had a great team last year and probably will this year. Only by playing the game this year will we find out who has better prepared and or lucky enough to survive the contest. I think it will be a close game and very exciting. What i would like to see is Forney in division I and Commerce in divison II and both teams win state. Awesome I think. If Quinlan Ford doesnt make the playoffs this could happen.
charley sexton

[This message has been edited by eye of the tiger (edited July 22, 2001).]

07-22-2001, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by bearcat1:
Put an asterisk by the games? Did only one team play in the mud and slop?? And as far as that second game..."close" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Just a couple of observations.

Surely someone of your football knowledge would not argue that a rain soaked field would not effect the team with superior speed more than the other team.

07-23-2001, 01:31 AM
Would the rain soaked field not affect the team with less speed? In some other area but still affect them all the same? I didn't play football so I don't know these things.

07-23-2001, 01:42 AM
Ok, I think I have seen one of the dumbest, most biased posts Ive ever seen. First, unless I missed something, Forney and Commerce played on the same field. That means they both played in the mud. Second, a win is a frickin' win. Unless it was a forfeit, there is no asterisk. Third, how the hell do you figure that Commerce doesnt have speed? Fourth, Forney will be D1 this year anyway, and the farthest they'll go is right into a brick wall called the Wylie Bulldogs(if they get that far). So why even worry about it?

07-23-2001, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Jacket2000:
Ok, I think I have seen one of the dumbest, most biased posts Ive ever seen. First, unless I missed something, Forney and Commerce played on the same field. That means they both played in the mud. Second, a win is a frickin' win. Unless it was a forfeit, there is no asterisk. Third, how the hell do you figure that Commerce doesnt have speed? Fourth, Forney will be D1 this year anyway, and the farthest they'll go is right into a brick wall called the Wylie Bulldogs(if they get that far). So why even worry about it?
Whatever you say. You obviously have not seen Blanton play. The man can cut on a dime. Commerce definitely has speed, however not near the speed or quickness of Forney.So a field that no one could cut on or make any moves on which Blanton has a cornacopia of would hurt Forney more than Commerce. Make sense. Be sure and write back if you still do not understand.

07-23-2001, 11:46 PM
Weather and field conditions are all part of the game. You dont like it, then build a domed stadium. Otherwise, quit whinning and play the game!!

07-24-2001, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Jacket2000:
Weather and field conditions are all part of the game. You dont like it, then build a domed stadium. Otherwise, quit whinning and play the game!!
J2KWhy would I whine my team won the important game. All I was doing was trying to enlighten the stupid masses. But some people are too think headed I guess to know the difference.

[This message has been edited by tylerrose (edited July 24, 2001).]

07-24-2001, 11:56 PM
If I remember correctly, you said that there should be an asterisk by both games. The first one b/c the field was muddy. There shouldnt be a damn asterisk!! That's part of the game. Commerce was the better team on that night. Forney was the better team in December. It very easily could have been the other way around, or Commerce could have won both of them. But dont blame the one loss on field conditions.

eye of the tiger
07-25-2001, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by tylerrose:
Yes both scores were close, However you can put an asterik by both of them though. The first game was in the rain and slop, and the second game Forney had the ball inside the goalline twice and the ref said no touch. In other words the second game was not as close as the score would lead you to believe.
hey tylerrose Forney lost five games last year. do we need to put an asterik by all of them or did anyone actually beat you guys. just wondering

07-25-2001, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by eye of the tiger:

Originally posted by tylerrose:
Yes both scores were close, However you can put an asterik by both of them though. The first game was in the rain and slop, and the second game Forney had the ball inside the goalline twice and the ref said no touch. In other words the second game was not as close as the score would lead you to believe.
hey tylerrose Forney lost five games last year. do we need to put an asterik by all of them or did anyone actually beat you guys. just wondering

No, of course not. I think the other loses were because of a tornado, earthquake, flood, and an uforseen gust of wind. Seriously, see ya week 9. Looking forward to it.

eye of the tiger
07-25-2001, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by tylerrose:

Originally posted by eye of the tiger:

Originally posted by tylerrose:
Yes both scores were close, However you can put an asterik by both of them though. The first game was in the rain and slop, and the second game Forney had the ball inside the goalline twice and the ref said no touch. In other words the second game was not as close as the score would lead you to believe.
hey tylerrose Forney lost five games last year. do we need to put an asterik by all of them or did anyone actually beat you guys. just wondering

No, of course not. I think the other loses were because of a tornado, earthquake, flood, and an uforseen gust of wind. Seriously, see ya week 9. Looking forward to it.

all in fun tylerrose--its gonna be a great year with a lot of good games. if you will read the guestbook for last year you would see that after forney beat commerce i cheered for forney all the way. you guys really do have a great team

07-25-2001, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Jacket2000:
If I remember correctly, you said that there should be an asterisk by both games. The first one b/c the field was muddy. There shouldnt be a damn asterisk!! That's part of the game. Commerce was the better team on that night. Forney was the better team in December. It very easily could have been the other way around, or Commerce could have won both of them. But dont blame the one loss on field conditions.
J2KFor someone that claims to be so smart you sure are a freakin retard.Who do you support or play for? Please tell me it is somebody Forney plays so we can roll up about 65 on your head?

07-25-2001, 11:04 PM
Well, if you must know, I now play on the collegiate level. But, I moved around alot during HS and I played for three different teams. Two of which have won state championships within my HS career. One that I was a member of. Ya know, it's kinda funny. Our championship game ended with the opposing team's star fumbling at our goalline.

[This message has been edited by Jacket2000 (edited July 25, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Jacket2000 (edited July 26, 2001).]