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View Full Version : I've got a bad feeling...

06-22-2020, 09:51 AM
Seeing all of the postponements of voluntary workouts, I'm having a hard time believing that high school football will take place in any form this fall. I mean, can you imagine the school districts wanting to take on this liability?? No way. Just typing this gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. But...

Aesculus gilmus
06-22-2020, 10:03 AM
You're not the only one.

06-22-2020, 10:27 AM
I guess the big question at this point is what's going to happen in August when two-a-days start?

As of now, we see a lot of schools shutting things down for 14 days if a coach/player contracts the virus. You won't be able to do that in August and actually play games.

06-22-2020, 10:56 AM
I think we're all sort of harboring that same unsettling feeling in our gut. All these shutdowns don't look good for the fall. The virus isn't going anywhere. If anything, it will likely ramp up heading into the fall/winter. So how comfortable are we going to be with widespread exposure for students/athletes/fans? There's not going to be a vaccine by that point, even in the most optimistic models, so that's off the table. It's a wild world we're living in, and the decision makers are up against some really, really hard conversations and no matter which side they land on, a large swath of the population will be unhappy.

06-25-2020, 06:58 PM
What if we all just get it. Then go about our normal lives? This is ridiculous. Literally.

06-25-2020, 09:18 PM
If they’re going to shut it down every time one person gets it, there won’t be a season. Not sure what the schools or UiL expected. This isn’t going away anytime soon.

At the same time, kids are generally in very little danger if they get it. Less dangerous than the flu for that age group.

06-26-2020, 08:11 PM
well they just closed all the bars so that all stop it!! LOL

Aesculus gilmus
06-27-2020, 08:19 AM
Does anyone here know anyone who has even tested positive, much less come down with it or died with it?

Upshur County where I am has recorded 48 cases in a population of about 42,000. No one has died.

I don't agree with those who say it is a hoax and I do wear a mask when I'm in stores, but in this area, I can understand why the supporters of a certain President think it is a massive plot to destroy him.

What's really hilarious is the reaction of these people to Gov. Abbott's orders over the last few months. "He's a Communist!" is my favorite one.

06-27-2020, 12:09 PM
Does anyone here know anyone who has even tested positive, much less come down with it or died with it?

Upshur County where I am has recorded 48 cases in a population of about 42,000. No one has died.

I don't agree with those who say it is a hoax and I do wear a mask when I'm in stores, but in this area, I can understand why the supporters of a certain President think it is a massive plot to destroy him.

What's really hilarious is the reaction of these people to Gov. Abbott's orders over the last few months. "He's a Communist!" is my favorite one.

My brother last week got it he lives in Houston. Talk to him yesterday and he was feeling ok it was just the first couple of days when he tested positive. He'll get tested again before he can return to work. 2 more very recently still unsure if they've gotten tested and result.

My job i'm all over the place in Corpus Christi and surrounding area and trying to get use to of always wearing a mask(K95) but i sometimes forget to put it on when i enter a customer location. I see it as when we first had to get use to wearing a seat belt to where it became automatic without thinking about it.

Aesculus gilmus
06-27-2020, 04:56 PM
No Yamboree in Gilmer this year. First time it's been called off since World War II.


06-28-2020, 07:08 PM
What if we all just get it. Then go about our normal lives? This is ridiculous. Literally.

As a COVID-19 survivor, your statement is asinine. I wouldn't wish COVID-19 even on my worst enemies. It knocked me on my butt for 2 1/2 weeks and I'm as healthy as can be for a guy in his 40s

06-28-2020, 09:24 PM
My brother last week got it he lives in Houston. Talk to him yesterday and he was feeling ok it was just the first couple of days when he tested positive. He'll get tested again before he can return to work. 2 more very recently still unsure if they've gotten tested and result.

My job i'm all over the place in Corpus Christi and surrounding area and trying to get use to of always wearing a mask(K95) but i sometimes forget to put it on when i enter a customer location. I see it as when we first had to get use to wearing a seat belt to where it became automatic without thinking about it.

Great-nephew got it when he moved to Austin back in March. He had a mild case. A friend I've known since she was 10 just recently came down with it and one my daughters former class-mates also just came down with it.

06-29-2020, 06:46 AM
I've had two close friends, both in their early 30s, get it and never know they had it. Neither of them is in pinnacle shape or condition. They tested negative twice ahead of minor medical procedures, and then through bloodwork, it was determined that they did indeed have COVID at one point. They both said they never even felt so much as a tickle in their throats.

Then I have another friend who is 32, in her absolute prime as a sub-4 marathon runner, does everything right to take care of her body, physically and mentally, follows all the COVID guidelines and protocols. Everything. But she happened to be in a small setting with some really close friends, none of whom had tested positive or were symptomatic, and one of them had it and she contracted it. She was intubated by day four and on death's doorstep for a couple of weeks, with oxygen levels below 60.

06-29-2020, 02:12 PM
I think the main concern with the spread of Covid as that the majority who get it will recover without the need for intensive treatment , but for those who might have a much higher risk factor and require hospitalization those individuals could potentially overwhelm the system and it looks like it can happen quickly. It becomes an issue of not only the students being exposed but where they might carry that exposure and trying to keep our medical care facilities and staff from just being overloaded. I am curious should all sports be cancelled for the fall season until after Jan 2021 lets say , then how does that effect the schools planned budget . Will we see any large savings , or will there definitely be some districts that get hit with revenue loses due to the loss of sports for the fall. Whatever the decision which I do think will be no sports for the fall unless they are able to test the students every 2 weeks , I wish they would just go ahead and make the decision.

06-29-2020, 03:01 PM
I don't think that there will be any fall sports. Have had a lot of positive cases in Wharton County which has a population of around 42,000. It's a sad situation, and my wife is having to work in Wharton at a retail business. She wears a mask the days she works. Went to an outdoor drive in function in Wharton KC Hall Sunday where they had a drive through luncheon and just a very small line at 11 but prepared for 500 tickets Our Reyna's Cafe here in Hungerford doesn't require masks for customers or workers . They have a capacity of around 100 diners and was over 50% on Friday and Saturday. Today's lunch crowd was very small but that was about 11:30. a.m. They close at 2 p.m. then reopens from 5-8 p.m.

06-29-2020, 03:47 PM
The rural county's in my area have had a huge surge recently whereas we had little to none during the initial 'hit'. We've had two deaths and I have two friends who lost loved ones to it. The varying effects it has on people is what scares me.

06-29-2020, 10:09 PM
The rural county's in my area have had a huge surge recently whereas we had little to none during the initial 'hit'. We've had two deaths and I have two friends who lost loved ones to it. The varying effects it has on people is what scares me.

The Rona has been surging in Cuero. We’ve been fortunate, in that, the majority of those testing positive have recovered.. but we are getting more and more each day testing positive. All ages from 14 months to 75 years..Some that tested positive last Thursday, feel fine..they were tested because they were in contact with someone that tested positive. So they’re at home for 14 days, feeling fine (so far).

I don’t know the answer.......I almost feel like back in the days when a 1st grader showed up with chicken pox..all the moms would bring all their kids to the classroom so their kids would get the chicken pox and get it over with.. I know that’s not the answer.. just wish someone would figure out what the answer is... Husband and I were in Vegas last week. The gambling tables were like ghost towns.. we did have some fabulous food but the gambling sucked. Thursday night at dinner, it was announced that masks in public were mandatory beginning at midnight. They were already mandatory at Bellagio, so we were already obeying the law. Let me tell you.. walking down the strip, in 107 temp, it’s really hard to breathe through the masks

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

06-30-2020, 08:33 AM
I honestly would prefer that for at least this fall they cancel the season as there is still so many unknowns about this virus. I think there would be games that do get cancelled due to players testing positive, and many schools my not be able to complete the season if they have to many that test positive . I look at the Junior High games and Pee Wee should those even be necessary this one season . I just think for this one season we just hold back , gather more information and try to prepare for 2021 as best we can or prepare for how sports will be played moving forward. When I think of football I just don't see many more sports other than wrestling where you have such physical contact plus you share everything from water bottles to sweat towels!

06-30-2020, 11:36 PM
I have said this on another site..it would be a travesty if we don't have a football season. I say this with this thought in mind..I live and breathe hs football..yes..I just may be feeling a tad bit selfish so feel free to be offended because that seems to be the norm these days. Go Texans!

07-01-2020, 06:19 AM
I posted this on another site, but my thoughts haven't changed so I'll share here to add to the discussion.

Yeah, I guess I just don’t see any empirical evidence that suggests shutting down fall sports — or schools in general — will in and of itself get things back to “normal.” Will it slow infection rate and spread a bit? Yeah. But I would imagine that total would be negligible.

Now, if you want to make teachers/students wear masks during school, and do temperature scans, etc., that seems fine to me. If you want to allow no fans at sporting events, or perhaps only immediate family, that seems like a good option, so long as teams have the ability to stream their games, which the UIL is on board with. But yeah, for the most part, I don’t know that canceling HS fall athletics is the answer.

07-01-2020, 07:06 PM
Football is still king in Texas. It IS a way of life. I think most who play or have played the game would not hesitate to be on that field come hell or high water.

Social media is out of control. With all that is going on. To those folks who thrive on posting negativity, to instigate hate, to create havoc to a frenzy, just for the sake of it....may the covid spirit find you and hold you close.


07-08-2020, 06:32 PM
You know, if Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick had just waited til the trend started to drop significantly we wouldn't be having this conversation. Minnesota went hard core and they had 6 cases July 3. Abbott was more interested in taking pictures with Trump than he was about his Texas citizens.

07-09-2020, 07:10 AM
You know, if Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick had just waited til the trend started to drop significantly we wouldn't be having this conversation. Minnesota went hard core and they had 6 cases July 3. Abbott was more interested in taking pictures with Trump than he was about his Texas citizens.

Ah yes, they must suckle the teat while they are still able.

07-10-2020, 09:20 AM
So, the Ivy League has cancelled all Fall sports and the Big Ten supposedly will play a conference only football schedule. Is anyone still confident there will be high school football in Texas?

07-10-2020, 02:59 PM
I am feeling less confident as a few Administrators at least in my area who have commented on the news have just kept responding that their focus is on having a some type of classroom program available for the students to participate that is safe either by internet or students coming back into the actual classroom . For those that choose to stay home and use internet then they will be required to do so for the entire year and would not be allowed to participate in extra curricular school activities. ( I take that to mean if your choosing to stay home because of the virus , then you cannot come and participate in extracurricular activities that expose you the same amount of risk) You have to wait until your in college to play sports and not attend classes! LOL!

07-10-2020, 03:15 PM
I am feeling less confident as a few Administrators at least in my area who have commented on the news have just kept responding that their focus is on having a some type of classroom program available for the students to participate that is safe either by internet or students coming back into the actual classroom . For those that choose to stay home and use internet then they will be required to do so for the entire year and would not be allowed to participate in extra curricular school activities. ( I take that to mean if your choosing to stay home because of the virus , then you cannot come and participate in extracurricular activities that expose you the same amount of risk) You have to wait until your in college to play sports and not attend classes! LOL!

Some of that is being left up to the ISDs, but the UIL came out and said students who participate in virtual learning will still be eligible for extracurricular activities. And any board members/sup’s who vote not to follow that guideline would find themselves losing their position the next voting cycle.


07-11-2020, 08:22 AM
You know, if Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick had just waited til the trend started to drop significantly we wouldn't be having this conversation. Minnesota went hard core and they had 6 cases July 3. Abbott was more interested in taking pictures with Trump than he was about his Texas citizens.

Yes, Minnesota is the model for governmental responsibility.

Twirling Time
07-14-2020, 10:10 PM
Back in April, I had a saying: Gridiron or Grandpa, your choice. Looks like we may end up with neither.

07-15-2020, 12:16 AM
Port Isabel had it's first COVID death, the father of one of the Senior softball players from this past season.

07-16-2020, 08:35 PM