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View Full Version : Longhorn players come out with list of demands...including no more "Eyes of Texas"

1st and goal
06-13-2020, 12:02 PM


Aesculus gilmus
06-13-2020, 12:16 PM
I am an alum. The football team has been so consistently horrible with few exceptions since 2010 that I no longer watch most of their games. I didn't even when a coach from Gilmer was on the staff.

They are in no position to make demands IMHO. Fans have demanded a team that could at least win a Big 12 title. That hasn't happened either in the last decade.

Speaking of Jeff Traylor, here is what he and his team have been doing.

Politics may well destroy the economic viability of football before this is over.

06-13-2020, 07:22 PM
Sure the players are in a position to make demands, they have an incredibly unique skill set and make the university a lot of money.....athletes today have more power than they have ever had....

I for one had no idea about the History of "The Eyes of Texas" will it change?? I dunno, maybe the requirement to sing the song will be the compromise...

I think the bigger question is if it doesn't change how much more difficult does recruiting of black athletes get??? Because anyone who wasn't aware is definitely aware of it now..the UT football commit I know personally in the Class of 21 wasn't aware of the history of that song I can tell you that...

06-13-2020, 09:22 PM
Anyone have a link to the history of the song? I didn’t see anything linked in that Blaze article, and they didn’t go much into it, other than it was performed at a minstrel show.

06-13-2020, 09:46 PM
its a play on Robert E Lee saying "the eyes of the south are upon you" as well


This is a video I've seen on twitter that gives context

06-13-2020, 10:18 PM
F Them

06-13-2020, 10:53 PM
One thing I have learned over the last few months is I can do just fine without sports. I found plenty of things to keep me entertained. I don't need a bunch of jack holes finger wagging at me & lecturing me about anything, especially when I'm trying to forget about the world around me for a few hours. I'm with bobcat1, F Them...

Aesculus gilmus
06-14-2020, 05:39 AM
Those who think football will retain its economic viability once it is clear we are on the "football players as social justice warriors" path permanently are a bit delusional.

Football already had a lot of problems from "Karens" upset about the head injuries.

The football business (and that's what it is at the college and pro levels) needs this permanent devotion to BLM about as much as a retired player already diagnosed with TBI needs another cheap shot to the head.

06-14-2020, 02:25 PM
The one origin story of "The Eyes of Texas" I was told by my mother when I was a kid was that the song was meant to be a reminder/warning to any slaves that considered making an escape attempt to not do it because "The Eyes of Texas" are everywhere, and you will be found.

I want to say my mother told me that around the mid-1980s, I was in 3rd or 4th grade at the time.

Saggy Aggie
06-14-2020, 07:10 PM
I don’t see anything overly ridiculous in the requests. I’m obviously no longhorn but I’m completely indifferent on the matter and if it makes them (the players) feel better, then sure....

Saggy Aggie
06-14-2020, 07:11 PM
I would LOVE to hear bigcountry’s thoughts on the matter.... but I think I already know what he’s going to say....

1st and goal
06-14-2020, 07:48 PM
I would LOVE to hear bigcountry’s thoughts on the matter.... but I think I already know what he’s going to say....

It will probably spread to most all NCAA schools.

I saw a great video of Klein Oak high school coach. This is great. Scroll down to the 2nd video.

https://abc13.com/football-sports-klein-oak-jason-glenn/6234302/#:~:text=Klein%20Oak%20Coach%20Jason%20Glenn,of%20 George%20Floyd%20%2D%20ABC13%20Houston

06-15-2020, 07:42 AM
“And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.”
**Matthew‬ *24:10‬ *

06-15-2020, 11:27 AM
Wow, disappointed in a lot of the responses here. So athletes are here for our needs and wants but God forbid they speak up? Is that the message?

Saggy Aggie
06-15-2020, 12:53 PM
Wow, disappointed in a lot of the responses here. So athletes are here for our needs and wants but God forbid they speak up? Is that the message?

Don’t count me. I’m all for whatever brings people together. I’m not one to care either way or go stand in a protest, but I damn sure am not going to die on the hill of defending something others perceive as racist.

I don’t give a rats ass about a statue or a song, but that’s just me.

06-16-2020, 11:49 AM
F Them

My sentiments.

06-16-2020, 11:55 AM
My sentiments.

Why are those your sentiments? Genuinely asking and not trying to trade grenades back-and-forth in the trenches.

Saggy Aggie
06-16-2020, 01:30 PM
Why are those your sentiments? Genuinely asking and not trying to trade grenades back-and-forth in the trenches.

Would love to understand this as well

06-16-2020, 01:32 PM
Why are those your sentiments? Genuinely asking and not trying to trade grenades back-and-forth in the trenches.

Because I am tired of anything in the world being offensive to little johnny or hi Mommy. It would be like saying a team like Celina that has orange suits because it depicts prisoners wearing orange. Sick of it all. People need to grow the F up.

06-16-2020, 01:53 PM
Would love to understand this as well
These are not paid professional athletes, these are amateur athletes who chose to attend a certain university on a paid 4 year scholarship. At Texas that’s at least a $200,000 scholarships and they signed that scholarship that has conditions that are a legal document. If they choose to violate conditions of that contract they should immediately remove themselves from the campus and quit the team.
It’s a shame some folks want to make everything political and that’s a shame. Unfortunately some of the athletes will now have to make career ending choices.

06-16-2020, 02:45 PM
Why are those your sentiments? Genuinely asking and not trying to trade grenades back-and-forth in the trenches.

Tired of everybody being offended by everything. Many of these players are getting a full ride to play football and get an education. Most will not advance past college level in football. They better depend on their education. Just tired of all the BS. That song does not effect them in any way.

06-16-2020, 04:52 PM
It’s just getting old. Liberals are looking for reasons to be mad and reasons to cry racism. They are using black Americans as pawns in their political games. Mainstream America is afraid to stand up to them and say enough is enough.

You don’t think Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King wouldn’t have some warts if you really analyzed their lives?

People and things should be judged based on the balance of what they have done. Not just a few things that people, with hindsight, determine wasn’t morally correct(never mind that a lot of what folks are comparing about was legal when it was done).

What would happen if Roe vs Wade were suddenly overturned? Would we erase the names of every woman from the history books who has had an abortion ( and their husbands) because they would be deemed morally corrupt?

06-16-2020, 05:06 PM
Jesus people, what's wrong with some of you? Look outside your own little bubble. That's the problem with this world, people only ever care about how stuff affects them.


06-16-2020, 06:30 PM
The free market will decide this in the end...the student athletes at Texas are adults and have every right express their opinion on matters that impact them....Their scholarship can be revoked at any time and they can transfer at any time..its definitely not a be all, end all contract...

if Texas chooses not to change it then those athletes and future athletes will have to make a decision on if Texas is a place they'll feel comfortable at....if Texas chooses to change it then they'll probably have to deal with a base of angry fans...it'll all play out

Me personally I've never been big on all the honoring of Confederate soldiers, statues etc...in the end they were traitors...they took up arms against the government of the United States...I think because Lincoln and Grant were so lenient to the Confederacy its allowed the narrative to be changed...I think we are the only nation in the world who went through this kind of Civil War and still honored the defeated Rebels as long as we have....its strange to folks not from the US

06-16-2020, 07:37 PM
The more we are distanced from the past, the more we seem to know about it.

06-17-2020, 06:29 AM
Me personally I've never been big on all the honoring of Confederate soldiers, statues etc...in the end they were traitors...they took up arms against the government of the United States...I think because Lincoln and Grant were so lenient to the Confederacy its allowed the narrative to be changed...I think we are the only nation in the world who went through this kind of Civil War and still honored the defeated Rebels as long as we have....its strange to folks not from the US

Same. I've never understood it, and I had family that fought and died for the south. So many people who were/are on team STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM BY GOD DON'T KNEEL BEFORE THIS FLAG THESE COLORS DON'T RUN (the Kaepernick haters) ... still brandish the confederate flag — a flag that literally flew AGAINST the very flag they're saying is sacred and demands respect and honor. The confederate rebels fought AGAINST the troops to which people so adamantly offer their support. The confederacy was a literal VIOLENT PROTEST against the United States, a country which was FOUNDED and ESTABLISHED on a violent protest against an authoritarian monarchy.

And let's not forget, the US is a relatively young country compared to the rest of the world. And in context, the Civil War was not so long ago in our history. Taking it a step further, though, there are still people living ... STILL LIVING ... who experienced the Jim Crow segregation era. Those people have kids and grandkids and great grandkids that are still living. So we cannot act like racism is an age old point in our country's timeline.

I guess at the end of the day, I do not even slightly understand how ending racism, or hell just fighting against racism, is even the least bit controversial. This isn't about liberals or republicans ... both of whom are out of their gourds most of the time. It's certainly not about a song, a flag, a tradition, or any other superficial idol the boomer generation seems to exalt blindly on high. This is about humanity. It's about the sanctity of that humanity. It's about making sure the marginalized in our society are heard, respected, COUNTED, educated, valued, have equal representation in leadership, are allowed to be dignified and given the SAME opportunities — not guarantees— but opportunities to succeed as everyone else. That level of equality is NOT occurring and has NOT EVER occurred in this country. Ever. So yes, when we set out to enact a paradigm shift with that level of grandeur, we're gonna have to air some dirty laundry, and that's going to make some folks uncomfortable (me included at times). But if you get offended that someone else is offended that a time-honored tradition and tune is tinged with racist undertones, perhaps you ought to do some soul searching and really listen to the other side, before you reduce the fight for equality down to that one small part of it. You have to look at both the micro and the macro. The only way to start is to listen to the people who are hurting. And do it without your political lenses and hearing aids. I can tell you, in the many conversations I've had about this issue lately, both with people of color and people of my own pigment deficiency, the words republican, liberal, Trump, Biden, Clinton, vote, election, violence, snowflake, radical, AntiFa, etc., were never mentioned.

06-17-2020, 08:58 AM
Sadly, you'll never end racism. Every race will always have those who dislike another color. It's not just a BLM issue.

Aesculus gilmus
06-17-2020, 08:59 AM
Politics and sports should be kept separate. It's really that simple. Sports is an escape from politics. Look at the number of Americans who don't even vote (which is their right). Politics is not enjoyable to me. I refuse to spend any more time or energy on it, which is my right.

06-17-2020, 09:47 AM
Sadly, you'll never end racism. Every race will always have those who dislike another color. It's not just a BLM issue.

This is a lazy take. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it's lazy. Just because the cause is difficult, doesn't mean it's not worth the fight. We may not be able to end racism, but we can sure as hell do everything we can to fight against it. Makes me think of a famous quote from Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls: "If we win here we will win everywhere. The world is a fine place and worth fighting for."

And just to be clear, individualized racism is much different than systemic institutional racism. We have to combat both, but what you're seeing with the BLM movement is more directed at the latter.

06-17-2020, 09:53 AM
Politics and sports should be kept separate. It's really that simple. Sports is an escape from politics. Look at the number of Americans who don't even vote (which is their right). Politics is not enjoyable to me. I refuse to spend any more time or energy on it, which is my right.

Racism is not political. It's not partisan. It's not a political statement at all to say: We, as a society, as communities, as f*ing fellow human beings, should fight systemic racism. It's not political at all to say that Black Lives Matter. It's not political at all to come to terms with the idea that a group of our population has been marginalized from the outset, that they climb a different hill than the rest of us, that they deal with issues the rest of us don't deal with, that they don't have the same resources the rest of us have. It's not political to listen to them when they speak. To REALLY listen. What does it cost you to listen to the people themselves, not the politicians, not the Fox News analysts, or any media pundits for that matter? I promise you that you won't have to vote for one candidate or the other, or at all, at the end of that exercise.

Do yourself a favor and do not reduce the fight against racism to politics. Don't reduce the athletes, who are still just people with voices and intrinsic value and dignity and a desire to be loved, to politics when they use their elevated platform to lift others up who may never be heard. Fight against that urge. It's hard, believe me, but you'll be better for it.

06-17-2020, 10:00 AM
All I know, when I see folks (politicians included) kneeling before Antifa and calls to defund the police---not sure it's just wanting to end racism of any kind. But, maybe a Soros takeover of our great county.

06-17-2020, 10:11 AM
All I know, when I see folks (politicians included) kneeling before Antifa and calls to defund the police---not sure it's just wanting to end racism of any kind. But, maybe a Soros takeover of our great county.

First off, this is a good place to start. If you don't know everything yet, then there's still room to listen, to learn and to be educated. Took me a minute and some of my pride to learn that myself, but it's done wonders for me, for my faith, my family, my friends and my community.

Second, I'm going to venture a guess here, YT, but I'll make the bold claim that you, indeed, are anti-fascist. I'm going to say with a deal of confidence that YOU DO NOT adhere to the ideologies of fascism. I'll go so far as to say you abhor the fascists. In fact, stay with me here ... if you are afraid that George Soros is out to take down our country, you are quite literally opposed to fascism, which would make you ....? Yep. Anti-fascist.

You're letting the mud in the water keep you from seeing there's water there at all.

06-17-2020, 10:19 AM
It's clear you know nothing about me. I live by the Bible. I love all God's Children. I don't see color, I see character of a man.

Rom 13:8
Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.

06-17-2020, 10:33 AM
It's clear you know nothing about me. I live by the Bible. I love all God's Children. I don't see color, I see character of a man.

Rom 13:8
Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.

You're right, YT, I have not had the privilege of meeting you, or watching a game with you, or getting to know your story or your family, or even sharing a meal with you. Maybe someday. All I'm saying is, if you're going by God's word and trying to fulfill his laws and the two greatest commands as laid out by Jesus, then you're on board with black lives matter. You can't be against it. And that's ok! Christ left no loopholes or escape hatches for racism.

Also, for the record, it's perfectly fine and acceptable to see someone's color and acknowledge color differences. It's absolutely not OK to form policies or personal biases against a person for their color.

Two things can be true at once: You can be pro black lives matter, and be against violent protests (including AntiFa). You can believe to your core (which we all do) that ALL LIVES MATTER, but still acknowledge the Black Lives Matter movement and struggle against institutional racism.

1st and goal
06-17-2020, 10:43 AM
Sadly for all, it has become politics. The calm protesters are getting trampled by mobs of bad people. Mob mentality rules, are no rules.

Rioting and looting will set things back decades.

The heinous punks that attacked a man coming out of a convenience store was horrible to watch. Punks need their arses kiiiiicked.

1st and goal
06-17-2020, 10:45 AM
And, we're losing Aunt Jemima syrup. .

I use a different brand.

06-17-2020, 11:14 AM
I know YTB and he’s given his life to make things better for every athlete who steps on a field.
I think that most of us especially those who know the history of UT know that it’s one of the richest schools in the nation. It got that way because it’s former players and students have given hundreds of millions of dollars in money and land to the university to promote higher learning and sportsmanship. If you walk around the campus you see names on every building and athletic venue because those people have hundreds of millions to the school. They did this because they loved the university and what it stands for in every field.
No protest is going to change the fundamental idea for what the university was built on.
I think these young men have the right to protest all they want. I also think it’s UT”s right to show them the door.

06-17-2020, 12:09 PM

1st and goal
06-17-2020, 12:29 PM
I know YTB and he’s given his life to make things better for every athlete who steps on a field.
I think that most of us especially those who know the history of UT know that it’s one of the richest schools in the nation. It got that way because it’s former players and students have given hundreds of millions of dollars in money and land to the university to promote higher learning and sportsmanship. If you walk around the campus you see names on every building and athletic venue because those people have hundreds of millions to the school. They did this because they loved the university and what it stands for in every field.
No protest is going to change the fundamental idea for what the university was built on.
I think these young men have the right to protest all they want. I also think it’s UT”s right to show them the door.

Truth. I totally respect this. If people don't like it, they are welcome to leave.

06-17-2020, 12:55 PM
Ah yes, money. To Benjamin (lots and lots of 'em) be the glory!

06-17-2020, 02:44 PM
Dotcom, I'm sure we'd like one another if we ever met. My biggest issue Im having now, is how this legit movement has been hijacked by those committing felony's such as arson, assaults and looting. I fear unless this madness (other than peaceful protest) don't end, it will over shadow the paramount recent reasoning all this started, when Mr. Floyd was murdered.

Innocent folks (store owners) life's matter too. And, they're way of providing for their family should not be destroyed in the process. The ears of the nation are listening. Eye's wide open. Let's hope those not peacefully protesting, don't derail the movement.

06-17-2020, 03:22 PM
Dotcom, I'm sure we'd like one another if we ever met. My biggest issue Im having now, is how this legit movement has been hijacked by those committing felony's such as arson, assaults and looting. I fear unless this madness (other than peaceful protest) don't end, it will over shadow the paramount recent reasoning all this started, when Mr. Floyd was murdered.

Innocent folks (store owners) life's matter too. And, they're way of providing for their family should not be destroyed in the process. The ears of the nation are listening. Eye's wide open. Let's hope those not peacefully protesting, don't derail the movement.

I hear you, and I agree 100% with what you just said!

Aesculus gilmus
06-17-2020, 07:38 PM

Inspiring video I happened to see retweeted by Tra Fluellen, a former Buckeye who is now a student-athlete at Houston Baptist University.

06-18-2020, 06:01 AM

Inspiring video I happened to see retweeted by Tra Fluellen, a former Buckeye who is now a student-athlete at Houston Baptist University.

That'll give you chills. Thanks for sharing AG.

Old Tiger
06-18-2020, 07:18 AM
From what I’ve read it’s the tune that the song is set to that is the issue as it has racial undertones. For those that don’t know it’s set to “working on the railroad”

I think they could keep the same lyrics just revamp the tune of the song to something else with help from former minority students as well as current students.

Most of the request are easily met and should be met to be honest as it has minimal impact.

The one big issue I have with the request is the donations to black lives matter. That should not happen at all. Instead they should set up a POC scholarship fund with that money instead or donate to a better POC organization.

Saggy Aggie
06-18-2020, 09:29 AM
Why are people so offended that others are offended?

06-20-2020, 08:20 PM
I would tell those players to play or lose your scholarship.
The song is a part of the schools history.
No one cared until now.
Learn from history or repeat the same mistakes. I have never been a racist and don’t owe them a damn thing except respect. Respect should be earned not given because of the color of someone’s skin.
God does not see color, he see’s a persons heart.

06-22-2020, 10:38 AM
I would tell those players to play or lose your scholarship.
The song is a part of the schools history.
No one cared until now.
Learn from history or repeat the same mistakes. I have never been a racist and don’t owe them a damn thing except respect. Respect should be earned not given because of the color of someone’s skin.
God does not see color, he see’s a persons heart.

History, especially history with racist undertones belongs in history books, not celebrated through statues and school songs. It's not that no one cared, I'm sure plenty of Black players have previously had issues with these things but it's a lot easier to bring about change when there is a huge national movement behind you. God isn't the one being racist here, people are.