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View Full Version : Some Rude Pearsall Fans

10-17-2003, 01:58 AM
I attended a JV game in Pearsall yesterday and was not very impressed with some of their fans, not all of them just some. Some of Pearsall's students came and sat on the vistors side along with one or two parents. Now I understand that some people have relatives in other towns and ocasionally they will come and sit and talk. This was not the case, they came and rooted for their team on our side, and what I couldn't believe was that a mom of a student was encouraging it. When we told there's a reason theres a home and vistors side she went off on us and said expect the same thing at the Varsity game. A admistrative employee armed with a DPS State Trooper had to come remove the group after we called the authorities. In my mind it was very unsportsmen like and rude. but then again it is Pearsall, its expected.

The rivalary lives on...


<small>[ October 17, 2003, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: intocable_cowboy ]</small>