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View Full Version : H-F vs. BH ( The Rivalry Continues )

08-31-2003, 04:06 PM
After last years H-F/BH game what can one expect this year. The Longhorns may only play one great game a season, but odds are it will be against Barbers Hill. So what are your thoughts on this one? Will BH strengthen after a close loss to Anahuac, or will the Longhorns open their first preseason game with another BH upset. Maybe the lights will stay on for the end of this one.

08-31-2003, 06:50 PM
This will be a good game to come out to seeing how H-F's performance is always better against BH, hopefully this week at practice we (BH) can go out there and fix the problems we had last week and get our O moving down the field, D still has its share of problems to work out but thats what practice is for, lets go BH and redeem ourselves

08-31-2003, 07:38 PM
Good Luck Barbers-Hill....Hope to see a Victory

08-31-2003, 07:43 PM
like I mentioned on a different thread...the junior class at HF is horrible...however I have no knowledge of the senior or freshman and soph. classes, my prediction would be that BH coaches adjust from last week and the team rebounds with a win. However in this type of rivalry, pre-game predictions are even more random than with a normal game so I just look forward to a clean, fun game

08-31-2003, 11:07 PM
bh should be ready for this game,after the last game.it being the home opener i think they will come out and play really hard.i do not think they want to lose the 1st home game.i think they learned a lot from last week.

08-31-2003, 11:09 PM
Honestly, I'd really love to see the Hill put it on the Longhorns. Anything to get a 21-3a opponent down before the district games start....

09-01-2003, 12:05 AM
I can't wait for this one to see if the Coaches and Players can bounce back after a disapointing loss. HF always plays BH tough so I expect the came to be won either way by 7. I think that BH's D looks great and will grow with the year.The Offense needs some serious work I know the QB is young and I thought he looked pretty good but the Play book needs some help.I don't know if it's just me, but the BH offense seems so predictable.

09-01-2003, 02:31 PM
i think once the qb adjust to the speed of the var game he will do fine.bh should do really well after the last game.the o should make the adjustments this week a well as the d.good luck to all this week,esp.22 3a.

09-01-2003, 11:14 PM
RBARKER, my take on the Anahuac game is a little different. Yes, I thought the BH D played fairly well but at times broke down in coverage. The quarterback is young and played like it. He seemed hesitant and, as hsfan stated, didn't adjust to the pace of the game (hopefully that will come). And I have no problem with the plays that were called. Several times receivers were open but the ball never arrived; including with 16 seconds left in the game in which the BH receiver was open inside the Anahuac 10 with no defender in sight yet the ball fell short. But that is the important thing about predistrict games. You have a chance to work on timing and execution before district play. I look for H-F to come at BH full force and dare our QB to complete passes.

09-02-2003, 07:39 AM
Your right BH-146 as the year progresses the QB will be a fine one. I guess the plays might seem so predictable to me because I have watched the Eagles just about every game the last 5 years. We will see this friday how BH plays against another good defensive squad.

St. Ivender
09-02-2003, 07:54 AM
Good luck to both teams but I'm pulling for H-F.

09-02-2003, 08:26 AM
I looked on Collier Sharp they have the Eagles picked by 2 eek! looks like another nail bitter!! BH also dropped from #65 to #77 after the Anahuac loss.