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09-16-2002, 07:42 PM
If Carthage beats LE this week. Will that get them a spot in the 10 ten in region 2?

09-16-2002, 07:57 PM
aYou know im not sure maybe someone with a little more knowledge can help you!

eye of the tiger
09-16-2002, 08:44 PM
Thats completely up to Jacket who handles Region II. He has always been fair, but there is no way to satisfy everybody, so he just goes with his own opinions. He is ususally pretty acurate I think.

09-16-2002, 08:45 PM
THats cool

09-16-2002, 08:47 PM
my pops is a coach here in Carthage and he says common sense wood move them in the top ten in region 2.......I mean he knows football if jacket doesnt put us in there ure right he's stating his own opinion...He is impartial to Carthage i think anyway.

09-16-2002, 08:54 PM
Real Bulldog if I may I would like to offer up some friendly advice. And believe me when I say that I speak from experience. Please tell your Bulldogs to go into this weeks game worrying about the football game and not the polls. Win all your games and the polls will take care of themselves. I bet Forney would have traded their high spot in the initial polls for a win a couple of weeks ago. The state trophy does not have the words "top ten team" printed anywhere on it. Good Luck to carthage all year, just remember, its not what they say about you "before" the game that counts.

09-16-2002, 09:39 PM
Yeah thats true fella.

09-17-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by qb12:
my pops is a coach here in Carthage and he says common sense wood move them in the top ten in region 2.......I mean he knows football if jacket doesnt put us in there ure right he's stating his own opinion...He is impartial to Carthage i think anyway.
No, they wont be ranked with a win over LE. Hell, they'll 2-2. There have been teams that Ive dropped for losing one game, much less two against very mediocre opponents. Besides, what makes LE such a milestone? They're not ranked and they havent been to the playoffs in 2 years. Beating them tells me absolutely nothing good about Carthage, except that they're better than a mediocre 3a team.

09-17-2002, 12:24 AM
Man that J2K is tough huh? lol

09-17-2002, 02:11 AM
The region II data polls are a joke anyway. How does a team like LE get beat by the arkansas side of Texarkana and stay at number eleven? And how does a team like Paris North Lamar start the season 0-3 and stay at number 17? White Oak goes 0-3 gets beat by Emory and stays in the top 25 at number 23. Please see my earlier post about the polls and remember "worry about the game, not the silly polls"

09-17-2002, 09:47 AM
Hey, PPHSfan I dont understand your post. We did'nt get beat by Ark. High of Texarkana. The score was L-E 22 AHS 7. AHS may be ranked 11 in ARK. We are not ranked in the top 25 much less # 11.

[This message has been edited by LeopardPride (edited September 17, 2002).]

09-17-2002, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by LeopardPride:
Hey, PPHSfan I dont understand your post. We did'nt get beat by Ark. High of Texarkana. The score was L-E 22 AHS 7. AHS may be ranked 11 in ARK. We are not ranked in the top 25 much less # 11.

[This message has been edited by LeopardPride (edited September 17, 2002).]

Leopard Pride...My mistake about the Texarkana game. I read it wrong and I am sorry. It was Vicksburg that handed you your loss not them. But according to the most recent Data Poll. You guys are ranked number 11 in region II and number 22 in the State.

09-17-2002, 02:06 PM
Thank you for the info on data poll, but I don't think we should be judged by the lost to Warren Central {Vicksburg}Thay are a 5A school. Thay had 89 players & 65% of them played.Very fast team. Just a little info on that game. We were tied at half time 14 to 14 3rd QT we drove to there 8 before throwing a interception killing the drive that would have put us up 21 to 14. After that we were wore out & drained. Thay used 14 running backs against us. All were very fast. We have played 2 games an already have over 500 yards passing. What you said about polls is correct. In 1999 we were ranked 25 in the state & went on to win a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP DIV 1 Title. So it does not matter where you start, its where you end the season at. I dont put much into polls. WE do have the talent on both sides of the ball, only time will tell if we use that talent to get back in the playoffs.

09-17-2002, 06:16 PM
J2k....They got beat by henderson...They're 4A and not mediocre they are actually a good team...PAris they are Mediocre But they are 4A....ok. Plus libeerty Eylau is a good team maybe u should be up on some of oyur reading instaed of basing it to there win to lose ratio.

09-17-2002, 06:34 PM
Jacket is harsh on Carthage in anything we post. What is your problem with Carthage jacket?

09-17-2002, 07:46 PM

eye of the tiger
09-17-2002, 08:16 PM
Guys Jacket really is fair. If you win this one you will be 2 and 2. Get to 5 and 2 or 6 and 2 and you will probably move up. Just remember this Polls dont win the games and championships. Just go out and do your best and win those games. Good luck this week.

09-17-2002, 08:26 PM
True Eye of the Tiger. We will show Jacket and all these polls that Carthage is the real deal.

eye of the tiger
09-17-2002, 08:37 PM
Thats the best way to do it Bulldog. Good lucik this weekend and give LE a whipping.

09-17-2002, 09:02 PM
good luck through out the season

09-17-2002, 09:19 PM
Thanks fellas for your support

09-17-2002, 09:20 PM
Thx guys,,, good luck to ur hometown teams also unless it's LE lol

09-17-2002, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by qb12:
J2k....They got beat by henderson...They're 4A and not mediocre they are actually a good team...PAris they are Mediocre But they are 4A....ok. Plus libeerty Eylau is a good team maybe u should be up on some of oyur reading instaed of basing it to there win to lose ratio.

Granted, it's been awhile since I played HS football, but unless they've changed it, it IS based on wins and losses. Of course, I take into consideration who those wins and losses were against, and nothing about Henderson or Paris, or Dibol for that matter, impressed me enough to move Carthage up. LE has yet to impress me enough either. Besides, I am not going to put a .500 team into my top 10. If you want me to put Carthage in my top ten, then pretend Im from Missouri....and show me!