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01-25-2003, 07:20 PM
I was so inspired by reading all 7 pages of the "questions for thinking minds" post, I just couldn't resist chunking out a few of my pet peeves and other things I hear or see that just make me wanna..... well, you get the idea. My son (who I'm sure will jump in on this) and I spent LOL hours compiling our list while driving to games, etc. So here's a beginning of Brahma73's list of things that totally amuse, baffle, or p!$$ him off:

1. Brent Musburger doing anything
2. People who drive with their park lights on
3. Rap music, my favorite oxymoron of all time
4. Waiting for 25 minutes for "fast food" (like last night at the Brenham Whataburger)
5. Punt return receivers who won't catch the damn football, but let it bounce and roll 24 yards to the 2.
6. The term "hot water heater." If it's already hot, you don't need a heater...
7. People in the stands, 200 yards from the field, taking flash pictures with a flash effective up to 12 feet

For many of you, THIS POST will make your list. wink
Jump on and get something off your chest or just have a little fun! :D

Don't let me down, 22!

01-25-2003, 08:31 PM
People who drive 20 mph in the left lane
Non-English speaking residents of the US
Rainy Saturdays
Football games that are decided by a bad call
Illiterate posters
People who do the same thing over and over,yet expect a different result(isnt that the definition of an idiot?)
Drug addicts
People who talk out of both sides of their mouths
People who think it's wrong to spank their kids
Left-wing liberals
Passing offenses
basketball-style football defenses(non attacking)
Talented players with no heart and/or class
Conservative Democrats
Liberal Republicans
Radicals of any kind
and last, but not least....
my pathetic internet connection.

<small>[ January 25, 2003, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Jacket2000 ]</small>

01-25-2003, 09:17 PM
1 People who blame a loss on the refs
2 Anyone who doesnt think George W is doing a good job
3 People in favor of gun control
4 People who dont buy American
5 Bill Walton calling basketball games

01-25-2003, 09:37 PM

How about:

8. The 9/10 cent at the end of gas prices.
9. Car dealers who hire monster truck announcers to scream at me on their radio ads, thinking I'd actually THINK of buying from them based on being inspired by a moron whose IQ is his shoe size
10. Tiny iced tea glasses at restaurants
11. People who think "their OWN numbers" have a better chance of winning the lottery than quick picks
12. People who thing ANY numbers have a realistic chance of winning
13. Those tiny spare tires
14. Tire changing tools that come w/ vehicles

01-25-2003, 10:52 PM
6 Puff Daddy P Diddy or whatever he is calling himself this week.
8 Hollywood actors who open their big mouths about war in Iraq. (Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin).
9 Getting screwed at the drive thru.
10 When my illegal Direct TV card gets zapped.

01-25-2003, 11:22 PM
people who get on an elevator and press buttons that are already lit.

When you order only a soda at a fast food restaraunt and they ask, "do you want fries with that?"

People who are so obsessed with their team that they refuse to accept that another team is better than theirs when they lose.

Anytime someone says, "pardon the cliche but..." It's not like they wouldn't use the cliche if you refused to pardon it.

slpybear the bullfan
01-26-2003, 12:07 AM
Right ON Guys!!!

1.) How about HS kids who work in fast food joints and have attitudes. C'mon kids, you know what you are in for when you apply for the job.

2.) CNN is not allowed in my house thanks to a post 9/11 crack about them bein un-biased and guaranteed not to "put a patriotic slant on their coverage." I have two words for them. The second is "you."

3.) And my favorite HS Football one is... HOMER FANS WHO YELL AT REFS EVERY PLAY. You know, the opposing team's RB is trucking down the field when suddenly his head snaps back during a tackle just like a cartoon "clothesline". The Ref flags it for the obvious Facemask and JOE HOMER jumps up and starts with the, "How much are you getting paid, Borrow my glasses, You suck, etc. etc. etc."

4.) Players on the field who try and be cheerleaders for the stands. TURN AROUND AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE GAME.

Wow.... I do feel better....

Ranger Mom
01-26-2003, 12:18 AM
slpybear the bullfan
4.) Players on the field who try and be cheerleaders for the stands. TURN AROUND AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE GAME.
AMEN to that. But the fans who will finally drag their butts off the bench and actually yell ONLY when a player on the field motions them to....they are the ones who PI$$ me off!!!!!

01-26-2003, 12:43 AM
I have WAY too many, but here are a few...

1. people who smack their gum
2. IDIOT drivers
3. people who talk with their mouths full
4. people who start an agrument w/o knowing what the hell they're talking about
5. guys who think girls and watching sports don't mix
6. people who talk during the movie
7. drunk drivers (see #2)
8. getting the wrong order at the drive thru
9. know-it-alls
10. :( the fact that criminals get: food, shelter, cable, a weight room, internet access, the chance to get a degree, AND not to mention the invaluable connections they make on the "inside" so when we release them due to overcrowding they can commit bigger crimes! :mad:

thanks & goodnight! wink

01-26-2003, 01:30 AM
1. Teams who feel the key to success is to switch to a "Spread" offense a la Southlake Carroll.

2. Driving 9 hours to watch my Port Isabel Tarpons play. (i'd much rather fly from Love Field to Harlingen)

3. Slow drivers in left lane.
4. Blown blocking assignments on offense.
5. Teams whose coaches, fans, and players have NO class. (Rio Hondo)

01-26-2003, 05:28 AM
Sorry it took me so long to hop in 73, haven't checked this in a while. But I'll get mine started. Things that pi$$ ME off...

1. The fact that I can't keep my eyes open in a history class I pay huge bucks for, but at 3am I can't sleep, so I'm sitting here typing on a web site about 3A athletics.
2. Baseball fans who sit 20 rows up, behind the batter, a few feet up the 3rd base line. Then when the umpire says it's outside or inside, they complain because they feel their angle is far superior.
3. The lack of a playoff system in NCAA Football!!!
4. Bill Walton...period.
5. Referees who say "Prior to the snap, false start." Probably not gonna have a false start after the snap, now are we?
6. Doors at restaurants/etc. that have handles, but you have to push to open. It's amazing how stupid they can make people look.
7. The University of Texas
8. High School polls/weekly spreads. Do they serve any purpose other than sparking conversation on here. And are there people out there betting on whether a team will cover the spread?
9. When a baseball hits the foul pole, it's fair.
10. Little League Parents.
11. Sudden Death overtime.
12. Smoking Sections.....anywhere!
13. Cell phones in a movie theater.
14. "New and Improved" If it's new, it's not improved.
15. The fact that 90% of Superbowl tickets go to corporations. How 'bout giving Joe Smo a chance to go,you know, the middle-class, overweight, slightly smelly fan, who would give his left kidney to help his team win.
16. The ex-football players that they get to "analyze" the upcoming game, like they have any clue what will happen. If the moron behind the ESPN desk can figure out what a team is going to do, I'm pretty sure the other coach can, then it wouldn't be all that fun now would it? I'll bet you that if the Raiders don't throw the ball on the first play, they're gonna run it. And if the Bucs don't find a way to score, and the Raiders do, the Raiders will win.
17. Coaches in the stands.
18. Cheerleaders with headset/microphones and speakers.

Ok, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll stop for now, gonna go try to get some sleep. Brahma73, hope this can hold you over til I get back.

01-26-2003, 06:05 AM
6. people who talk during the movie
I hate some of those at Tinsletown. wink

Drivers who dash in front of you and quickly brake to make a right handed turn. :mad:
Finding the shortest line at Wal-Mart or HEB only to see the light blink at your checkout counter.
Buying an item that the very next week is advertised discounted.
Any AFC team winning the Super Bowl.

<small>[ January 26, 2003, 05:28 AM: Message edited by: SintonFan ]</small>

01-26-2003, 06:34 AM
Sorry, one more thing...

spending several hours marinating, cutting and setting up chicken or beef shish-kebobs...
only to have them stick like velcro to your grill!
eek! eek! eek!

01-26-2003, 10:10 AM
1. advertisements for attorneys saying they will get you money for suing somebody.
2. hip hop culture
3. tailgaters when you're already 5 miles over the speed limit.
4. drivers who think they are on a NASCAR track.
5. When Hilliary Clinton starts in with "You know..."
6. People who blame America for 9/11, AIDS, World Hunger, Terriorism, (add you're pet cause here)
7. France
8. Germany
9. Canada
10.Hans Blix and the entire UN
11. People who want only tax cuts for those already not paying any taxes instead of "the rich" who pay almost all of the taxes.
12. majority rule rather than reasoned public policy.
13. people who don't read or keep up with current events.
14. "Jay Walkers" on Leno who don't know how many moons the Earth has, or who faught in the Revolutionary War.
15. Ted Kopel's big head.
16. Commercials for Merril Lynch.
17. Cement trucks that send rocks into your windshield.
18. Pizza that is so hot it burns your mouth.
19. All those little ads that fall out of magazines.
20. Pop up adds that crash your computer when you X them.

01-26-2003, 10:30 AM
1.kids who press every button in an elevator

01-26-2003, 11:05 AM
1. Newspapers that attach advertisements to the
comics pages. (usually ads for eyeglasses)
2. People that don't have a sense of humor.(and
therefore, no sense at all)
3. Bud Adams.(see #2)
4. People who are not Native American Indians
that complain they have been discriminated
against.(When did the US Army go out, hunt
them down and try to annihilate them ?)
5. Liars, cheats, and con artists.
6. Third-hand smoke (People who complain to me
about second-hand smoke being more dangerous
to them than first-hand smoke is to me, Yeah, RIGHT !! see #5)

<small>[ January 26, 2003, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

01-26-2003, 01:15 PM
1. People who say the war with Iraq is over oil but drive around in gas guzzlin SUV's.
2. People who pass gas in your vehicle and won't roll their window down.
3. People who gripe about 2nd hand smoke but drive around in old clunkers that throw out so much exaust smoke you damn near choke.
4. drivers who think semi's loaded with heavy equipment can stop on a dime.
5. loud talkin drunks with those strange yankee accents.
6. Construction on IH35.
7. orderin a bean,egg and cheese taquito and get bean and bacon instead.

01-26-2003, 03:49 PM
This may keep some of us out of therapy!

Some more:

15. Having someone tailgate me for 10 miles on one of our infamous 2-lane FM roads in Austin County, then finally pass me, only to be the car immediately in front of me at the stop sign in the next town 40 FRICKIN MILES AWAY!!!
16. Subdivided classifications for HS football play-offs (C'mon, let's finally actually crown a damn 2A, 3A, 4A & 5A Champion, for Christ's sake)
17. The thought that the UIL may be about to screw this thing up even more (see #16)
18. ...And then the UIL wants us to believe "it's to increase participation" (couldn't be about $$$$, now could it?)
19. People who bitch & whine when their HS team loses deep in the play-offs, "because they had what it takes to WIN IT ALL!" Why not give 'em some love because they "had what it takes" to go a hell of a lot farther than 95% of the teams!
20. Camouflage wallets! What is that?!?!
21. Smoking (especially kids). Yes you CAN quit and if you don't want to I don't get it.
22. Motor homes driving 37 mph, towing an SUV and weaving all over the place, especially those w/ Michigan plates
23. Kids that don't respect adults
24. Adults that don't respect kids
25. Anybody who doesn't respect laws and the people who enforce them

01-26-2003, 04:14 PM
11 Getting hassled by the cops when I am on my Harley for loud pipes even though they are legal. Was a lot worse when I lived in Florida.
12 Opponents of the Death Penalty.
13 San Francisco 49ers
14 Warren Sapps mouth
15 Winter Texans, Brahma73, all those motorhomes you see with Michigan plates are called Winter Texans (retired seniors) and they all migrate to the Rio Grande Valley for 5-6 months out of the year to make my life miserable.

01-26-2003, 04:37 PM
here 1 i will have more later Celiene Dieon (or how ever u spell it) singing God Bless America at tha Super Bowl she isnt even from America get an American to do it please!!!!!!!

01-26-2003, 11:56 PM
Here's a few

1. Conceited people
2. Hipocrits(sp?)
3. Terrorists
4. Jared Fogle and Subway commercials
5. People who wear sweat bands to the mall
6. People who wear jerseys backwards
7. Rent-a-cops on power trips
8. Guys who instigate fights and then run to the back when punches are thrown.
9. Girls with beer guts that try to wear short shirts
10. People who take up 2 parkin spots
11. Referees that "never" miss a call
12. People with big egos
13.* Losing to people with big egos
14. Sitting in gum at a movie theatre
15. Having to pay $487 to sit in gum at a movie theatre.


01-27-2003, 12:34 AM
15 Winter Texans, Brahma73, all those motorhomes you see with Michigan plates are called Winter Texans (retired seniors) and they all migrate to the Rio Grande Valley for 5-6 months out of the year to make my life miserable.[/QB]Also called "snowbirds," right?

01-27-2003, 01:33 AM
73, you've created a monster here, but I'm in. And the list continues...

19. Dan Fouts with a microphone in front of his mouth.
20. Low washer fluid.
21. Jeremy Shockey. I don't care how good he is, or how long his hair is, I don't like him. Play the game and shut up.
22. Reality TV Series. It's getting out of hand. There's countries trying to figure out how to wipe us off the face of the earth, and we're sitting at home wondering who the tribe will vote off next.
23. Umpires who feel they have to draw attention to themselves or make a scene. If we don't notice you, you're doing your job.
24. Useless stats. For instance, "Bench Scoring" in basketball. Sacramento's beating Miami by 37 points, but damn, that Miami bench has outscored Sac's 32-15.
25. When something's wrong w/ your appearence, but a friend or family member chooses not to tell you. I'd would have been much less embarassed if you'd told me my fly was down this morning than I was when I found out in my 4th class today.
26. That rattling in your car that you can't figure out where it's coming from.

01-27-2003, 02:09 AM
Since you're still up, 22, I'll go on. Knew you'd come through with the stats thing. (LOL!) Like people should be surprised any team wins most of its games when it's ahead at the end of 3 quarters - WOW!

26. Healthy, active people who wait minutes on end in the driving lane of the parking lot for a closer parking spot when there are plenty available 12 feet further away
27. The fact that I have to choose a language at my own bank's ATM in the United States of America
28. People whistling or singing out of tune - and believing they sound great(!) :rolleyes:
29. Movie Critics
30. 80 degrees Farenheit in a gymnasium for a BB game
31. The "halo rule" for punt receivers (isn't that situation what the frickin' FAIR CATCH is for?
32. The wax paper substitute for toilet paper in public restrooms
33. High school "marching" band stuff:
a. Walking backwards or sideways (it doesn't work & it looks stupid and awkward!)
b. Concert & electronic instruments or drum sets on the sideline. There are MARCHING bands and there are CONCERT bands - make up your mind
c. Those ridiculous 4-headed drums that don't fit with ANY kind of music (and yes, I AM a musician!)
d. Band members marching (or more accurately "walking") out of time with the music. Get some rhythm, for Pete's sake!

These simply amuse me:
34. Some folks actually believe Penn & Teller picked the winner, score & MVP of the Super Bowl
35. Have you noticed: the fatter the girl, the more make-up and less clothes she wears?

Gotta go to bed, now!

Nice job Gruden & Bucs!! eek!

01-27-2003, 12:11 PM
Brahma73 , I guess you can call them snowbirds also. That is what they are called in Florida. Either way they drive me nuts, and the ones from Canada are worse than the ones from the Northern U.S. :D

01-27-2003, 12:32 PM
1.) no it alls
2.) 50% of Old Cards post :D
3.) Some one ont getting my order right at a drive through
4.) Parinoid Gun owners that think the Goverment will come in the middle of the night one day a take their guns.
5.) Affirmative Action
6.) Media hyping up racial issues
7.) poor coaching
8.) Born again Christians
9.) poor drivers
10.) Protesters
11.) Health insurance providers
12.)Small town politicts
14.) the lifetime network
15.) people that cant make a decision
16.) loud people

whep that does feal good :mad: :D

Old Cardinal
01-27-2003, 04:55 PM
To RBarker, I noticed that when I brag on Barbers Hill you never complain-it must be the other 50% that rev you up!

Chief Woodman
01-27-2003, 05:01 PM
mwynn05- Ms Deion may not be from the United States Of Americia, But she is from Canada, which is also in America, (I.E. North America, South Amaerica...etc.)

greendog fan
01-27-2003, 05:36 PM
1.) no it alls
2.) 50% of Old Cards post :D
3.) Some one ont getting my order right at a drive through
4.) Parinoid Gun owners that think the Goverment will come in the middle of the night one day a take their guns.
5.) Affirmative Action
6.) Media hyping up racial issues
7.) poor coaching
8.) Born again Christians
9.) poor drivers
10.) Protesters
11.) Health insurance providers
12.)Small town politicts
14.) the lifetime network
15.) people that cant make a decision
16.) loud people

whep that does feal good :mad: :D Whats wrong with born again christins? We all get of the path every now and then and have to find the right path.

01-27-2003, 05:37 PM
Let it all out, boys...just let it all out! :)

My list goes on...

36. People who think leaving someone in the vehicle and putting on the hazard flashers makes it legal to park in no parking zones.
37. Achronyms
38. Men who walk in front of their ladies, don't open doors for them, and are too macho to hold hands with them or otherwise show affection in public
39. "Yards after contact"
40. Having to "deal" with car salesmen when I buy a vehicle. Just put the frickin' price you'll sell it for on the vehicle and I'll either buy it or not
41. "...but wait, there's more..." (A TV ad's way of telling you you're REALLY buying some cheap crap.)
42. People who bring dogs to ball games, malls, etc.
43. $40K dually trucks w/ smokestacks(What is that about?), driven by kids, that don't ever haul or pull anything
44. The fact that Saddam and his looney family are still breathing

01-27-2003, 06:14 PM
OK Here is my first list in no particualar order.

1. Shopping at Home Depot and asking someone in an orange vest where something is and all they can do is "Help you look for it."

2. Trying to pay for something at a discount warehouse that has 47 friggin cash registers and I have to wait in a ten minute line because TWO of them are staffed with a cashier.

3. People who fart in elevators.

<small>[ January 27, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: PPHSfan ]</small>

01-27-2003, 07:32 PM
27. CEOs make insane amounts of money and are usually jackasses (can I say that?), the genuinely nice people who actually give a damn about others, who taught those guys to read and write make next to nothing.
28. When there's a traffic jam and a line to get to an exit, those people who pass you in the other lane and then cut in up ahead.
29. The losers who let those people cut in.
30. People who think that by driving 2 feet behind you, it's going to make you speed up, or that they'll get there any faster.
31. Those portable "bleacher seats" with the backs on them.
32. People who bring umbrellas to football games.
33. People who drink tea out of a straw.
34. People who decide to sprinkle an entire bottle of salt on the chips at a restaurant, assuming that was ok w/ me.
35. People who are late.
36. The fact that women are never ready on time. If they start getting ready 20 minutes before it's time to go, they'll be 30 minutes late. If they start getting ready 4 hours before it's time to go, they'll be 30 minutes late. I don't get it.
37. When you're just looking around in a store, 7 people ask "Can I help you?" When you actually want to buy something, there's no one around.
38. When the shake machine is broken at Whataburger or Sonic!!!!
39. "Thunder Stix" I really hope those die quick.
40. Back seat drivers! "Sit down, buckle up, and shut your mouth."
41. Ketchup on a steak.

01-28-2003, 12:24 AM
That's my Bellville22! eek!

45. The fact that cigarette butts apparently don't count as litter
46. Twelve cheerleaders on the sideline, one has a microphone. What do we need the other 11 for?
47. Pop-up kick offs
48. Joe Morgan behind a mike
49. Harold Reynolds "explaining" little league strategy
50. NBA Champions being call "World Champions." Hey, the rest of the world wasn't even invited. (Same for most other sports.)
51. Preseason polls
52. People who think you can't party without booze
53. People who let their kids think the same thing
54. The arrogance of the press
55. Dread locks (we pay our groomer well to mow that mess off of dogs)
56. People who talk during the Star-Spangled Banner
57. And people who fly tattered and torn American Flags, or display them improperly. Go to the library and read up on flag etiquette...please
58. People who think spanking is child abuse
59. The 2 minute warning (Is it dangerous or something?)
60. "It's not about the money..."

01-28-2003, 03:24 AM
#957 spending three weeks searching, looking, diverting traffic, eyeing shopping carts, speaking to endless attendants, looking in close-out bins and generaly going BONKERS to find a Spiderman Web Blaster!
Only to have the same child discard it for a toy you spent nothing to find!!!

01-28-2003, 10:09 AM
4. People on airplanes that want to "chat" while I am trying to sleep.

5. People on airplanes that want to sleep while I am trying to "chat".

6. The fact that every single person I have ever met that was in the military was a Green Beret.

7. Half of Old Cardinal's Posts. ..the other half crack me up.

8. The fact that 90 percent of people on food stamps can afford to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day that cost four bucks a pack, but a lot of hard working middle income wage earners have a hard time paying the light bill.

To be continued....

<small>[ January 28, 2003, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: PPHSfan ]</small>

01-28-2003, 10:27 AM
7. Teachers teaching to the standardized tests, so that they can get a year end bonus. Go ahead and teach the kids what they should know and let them pass the tests.

Year end bonus? What year end bonus?? Where does that happen? Oh wait, never mind, it doesn't...People who talk about things that they know nothing about.

<small>[ February 05, 2003, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: bearcat1 ]</small>

01-28-2003, 03:36 PM
16 People who actually believe that there is a DFW conspiracy. :D wink
17 People who throw dirty diapers in the mall or grocery store parking lot.
18 The Man Show ( my wife made me put this one)

<small>[ January 28, 2003, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: turbostud ]</small>

01-28-2003, 03:38 PM
1. When my husband walks into the room I am in, right up next to me, farts, and walks back to the chair he was sitting in. Thanks for sharing.

2. When my 11 year old daughter uses all the hot water before 6:30am.

3. Teenaged drivers(usually the girls) on a cell phone, in traffic, making a left turn from the right lane of traffic.

4. Being a chauffeur to my kids.

5. When your old dog (who is not allowed in the house) busts through the backdoor with the kids and proceeds to scoot his rear across the new living room carpet.

6. Abortion issues- one way or the other- I am tired of hearing about it.

7. When squirrels get into the vehicles that you own and have a nest of babies, meanwhile eating through your wiring harness, and then that squirrel feels like it has a right to get really pissed off that you found her nest. . .

<small>[ January 28, 2003, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: HotDawg89 ]</small>

01-28-2003, 10:50 PM

7. When squirrels get into the vehicles that you own and have a nest of babies, meanwhile eating through your wiring harness, and then that squirrel feels like it has a right to get really pissed off that you found her nest. . .I hate when that happens! That's good stuff, this has to be one of my favorites.

01-28-2003, 11:18 PM
Hillary Clinton standing up and clapping when Dubya was talking about welfare reform, tax breaks, and doing away with HMOs,PPOs, etc... She is one of the biggest liberals in Washington and loves to spend other people's money more than anyone I know of.

01-28-2003, 11:26 PM
42. When one of the wheels is loose or jammed or won't turn right on a shopping cart.
43. When you get a nice thick shake from a drive-thru, and it comes with a little bitty rinky-dink straw that you can hardly get anything through.
44. When you try to get gas to an even amount, but it ends up at $15.01. Then when you have no change, the cashier actually gives you $.99 back.
45. Those reusable football signs that players run through. Get creative cheerleaders.
46. When your flipping back and forth between two games on tv, and they have commercials at the same time.
47. High school sports announcers who think they're Kieth Jackson and say way more than they need to.
48. Superbowl halftime shows. Suit out a bunch of six year olds and have them play football, that's entertainment!!!
49. When bands at football games start yelling "We got spirit, yes we do..." Why don't you just yell, "Y'all are beating the crap out of us, but we have to stay here til it's over."
50. When a pen runs out of ink and you don't have another.
51. When drive thrus don't give you napkins.
52. Women who say Britney Spears is ugly. Just stop. We don't complain or say anything to you while y'all are drooling over Ben Affleck.
53. "Inner Beauty" Sorry, but you're inner isn't beautiful, it's blood and guts and stomach bile. And even if your inner had beauty, it wouldn't matter because I couldn't see it. Outer beauty is all I'm concerned with. Don't get me wrong, personality, compasion, humor, and sensitivity are all great and quite important to me, I just wish ugly people would quit talking about "inner beauty." (I'm really not a jerk, I just thought this was funny.)
54. Everyone talks about how friendly this university is up here, especially the male student body. Yet, it's amazing how many guys will watch girls carrying 40 lbs. of books get on a campus shuttle w/ standing room only, and just sit there. Get your lazy ass up and let the lady sit down.

01-28-2003, 11:35 PM
61. Kenny not being on South Park anymore
62. Well done steak
63. People with 26 items in the 10-items-or-less express lane
65. A car is about 6 feet wide. A parking space is at least 10 feet wide. STAY BETWEEN THE DAMN LINES! :mad:
66. Healthy people borrowing someone's handicapped sign or car with plates for handicapped to park in handicapped parking
67. Third parties who have profited from 9/11
68. "The Cirle" in Waco. What is THAT?!?!
69. People who think R.C. got the shaft at Aggieland (of course I'm an Aggie!)
70. People who ask you for your opinion, and then argue with what you tell them

This is fun!!! :p

slpybear the bullfan
01-28-2003, 11:46 PM
#345 - Parents who blame every wrong of their child on the teacher. Just spend ONE day in their shoes and see how goofed up it is....

#346 - Cheerleaders who do nothing at games.

#347 - Fans who go to far at games.

#348 - Players who don't "show up" for games.

and still the list goes on.........

01-29-2003, 12:32 AM
...oh yeah:

71. When my lawn mower won't start
72. People who start to tell you something, and then say "Oh, never mind."
73. People who don't follow instructions
74. Thinking I won't need a cart at WalMart...and then realizing my error in judgement when I'm 43 aisles from the front door
75. Barking dogs
76. "Out of Order"
77. Getting charged air time for busy signals and no-answer calls (What are we actually buying anyway when we pay our cell phone bill????) :confused:
78. 14 kinds of popcorn at the grocery store - NONE without butter
79. Brand new waterproof boots that leak
80. The fact that white men really CAN'T jump
81. Pro sports' "17 strikes and you're out" drug policy
82. Pete Rose. Shut up and go away!
83. Ally McBeal being cancelled
84. Caller ID
85. The "need" for football coaches to stand 2 feet on the field - like they can't possibly coach from just behind that mysterious little 4-inch-wide white line
86. The 3-point shot in B-Ball (Basketball has never been the same)
87. When there are two penalties against a team on the same play, why aren't they both enforced? (Next time I get stopped for speeding and no seat belt, I'll decline the speeding...)
88. People with carry-ons the size of a small car...who want to put it in the bin above your head...and then need to get it down half-way through the flight

01-29-2003, 12:33 AM
9. When slpybear post something that is much more witty and well thought out than my own posts. :p ie..this signature space for rent..that is friggin funny.

10. Able bodied men that don't stand up when a lady leaves or joins the dinner table. Or able bodied men who will sit in the car, while their lady goes into the convienience store.

11. Anyone under that age of 25 driving a car that costs more than 15 grand.

12. Anyone under the age of 35 driving a car that cost more than my house. :D

13. Anyone other than ME that wants to drive MY car.

14. Hard biscuits and thin gravy.

15. Bacon that you can chew.

16. The fact that when I graduated high school I could buy a pair of good sneakers for two hours pay, and now 22 years later, a good pair of sneakers still costs me two hours pay. AND ALSO my computer that is a thousand times better than the one I bought ten years ago cost me a couple of days pay, and the one i bought ten years ago cost two months pay. Whats up with that? :rolleyes:

<small>[ January 28, 2003, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: PPHSfan ]</small>

01-29-2003, 12:49 AM
51. When drive thrus don't give you napkins.
Well, I love this one, but I have to add to it. For me,

8. When drive thrus don't give you straws. Like you want to drive down the road with 3 kids trying to take the lids off their drinks...Puhleeze!!!

big daddy russ
01-29-2003, 01:15 AM
The fact that everyone in Washington is talking about doing away with social security and downgrading medicare when I pay a whopping $12 a week to give my grandparents some medical attention and a little money to live on.

01-29-2003, 02:42 AM
55. Parents of Little Leaguers who think that $300 bats and $200 gloves come with talent included.
56. When you struggle to get up during the week, then on Saturday, you wake up at 5:30 and can't go back to sleep.
57. When you make a slight left turn and realize 17 miles down the road that your left blinker is still on. (You forgot this one Brahma73.)
58. People who drive in front of you with their blinker on.
59. Bicycle riders who ride in your damn lane because they have the right. Get some different pants and ride on the damn shoulder.
60. When two clocks (ie. VCR and Alarm)in the same room aren't synchronized.
61. When people write things in dirty windows on cars. (Like "Wash Me", or "Joe Wuz Here") Leave my dirt alone.
62. People with closed minds.
63. People who fly, stick on trucks, wear as bandanas, or wear as t-shirts, the Confederate flag. It ain't gonna rise people.
64. People who see race before intellegence or beauty. The other day, one of my friends couldn't believe that Halle Berry topped "My List"
65. Throwback jerseys. There's a reason they don't wear them anymore.
66. Although it's probably the law it bothers me anyway...When people put their blinker on when they pass me. "Whoa, chief, for a second there I thought you were gonna stay over there in the wrong lane."
69. Those tee ball parents that actually keep tally of the score. "Pssst..Johnny..pssst...hey y'all actually won 87-63, just so you know. Tell Billy, but don't tell your coach I told you."
70. People who think that because they got a degree in anything, they automatically know more than me about everything.
71. Loud trucks. Is there something cool or attractive about that?
72. Remote controlled stereos in vehicles. There was a time when we reached the 2 feet and pushed the damn buttons.
73. Drive thru tobacco barns. Wouldn't want to inconvienence anyone while they pump their lungs full of smoke.
74. Th---e -r--v- thru sp--k--s --at cr--- u- a-d y-- c--nt h-a- ---m. (Those drive thru speakers that crack up and you can't hear them.)
75. People who bitch in the summer because it's too hot, and bitch in the winter because it's too cold. Move.
76. People who go on about how unpredictable Texas weather is, then bitch about the weather man getting a forecast wrong.
77. People who bring babies to the mall and push 'em around in huge strollers.
79. People standing outside of a gym smoking. That makes sense.
80. Low ink cartridge.
81. Fans that get to the game an hour before kick-off and save 27 seats for others that were too lazy to get there that early.
82. Missing kickoff, or first pitch, or jump ball.
83. 15-11 baseball games. I don't care how many homeruns Bonds hit, I want to see a 2-1 game.

01-29-2003, 06:40 AM
1.Buyin somethin from the store and then get home and realize you forgot to bring it with you.
2.Women who wear low-cut shirts and get mad at you for staring at them when they bend over.
3.Dogs that let you pet em but bite you in the arse when you turn to leave.
4.buyin a 12 pack of bottled beer and the bottom tears.

01-29-2003, 07:57 AM
People who are afraid to appear on The O'reilly Factor. (Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Sean Penn).

bc 76
01-29-2003, 08:08 AM

01-29-2003, 09:06 AM
20 Clinton sympathizers :D :p
21 People who believe that a person from ArKansas is smart. :D :p

01-29-2003, 09:57 AM
17. When posters type in ALL CAPS thinking that it makes a point. (It reminds me of a 3 yr. old screaming at his mommy in a grocery store cause he wants a cookie.) :p

Ranger Mom
01-29-2003, 10:05 AM

51. When drive thrus don't give you napkins.
Well, I love this one, but I have to add to it. For me,

8. When drive thrus don't give you straws. Like you want to drive down the road with 3 kids trying to take the lids off their drinks...Puhleeze!!!Those are both great - but I gotta add one more to that list. I hate when I order 5 "Value Meals" - drinks and fries included, and they give me a whopping three itty bitty bags of ketchup!!! GRRRR!

Ranger Mom
01-29-2003, 10:06 AM
bc 76:

01-29-2003, 07:18 PM
bc 76:
JACKET2000 DUMBYA,AND THE REPUBLICANS OUR SPENDING YOUR MONEY AS WELL,WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT YOU NEED TO GET OVER THE THING WITH THE CLINTON'S AND SHE PROBALLY A LOT SMARTER THAN DUMBYA.People who don't know basic 6th grade grammar, can't use punctuation, misuse very simple words, don't know how to use the "Caps Lock" key, and last but not least, people who attempt to argue about subjects they clearly know little about.

01-29-2003, 07:57 PM
#11 - when people get in the right hand lane and DO NOT turn on a red light!!!

#12 - getting a stupid song stuck in your head

#13 - not being able to think of the THOUSANDS of pet peeves I know I have... :mad:

01-29-2003, 08:42 PM
25 When I am coming home from work after a 14 hour workday with a horrible cold (watering eyes, running nose, sneezing, and coughing) and my wife calls me on the cell to see if I can stop at CiCi's pizza to pickup a pizza she has ordered. I get to CiCi's and tell the girl at the register my wife ordered a pizza and I need to pick it up. They have no record of the order so I call my wife and she says oops I made a mistake, I ordered it from Little Ceasars. :mad:

01-29-2003, 11:11 PM
...and then there's:

89. The parent on the microphone at little league games who calls the pitch before the umpire and then gives a second by second account of action DURING a play in the field. "...there's a hit to right field (actually an error since it went between the second baseman's legs) Robbie's diggin' for first; Stevie is heading for third; here comes the throw; he's gonna try to score..." You know this guy, don't you?
90. Pictures that are hanging crooked
91. The roll of toilet paper or paper towels backwards in the dispenser (It rolls over the TOP toward you!)
92. Pimento in my corn
93. Alarm clocks
94. People who put the ice cream in the microwave to "soften" it! Hell, just go sweeten some milk and drink it!
95. Lacing up a brand new pair of Nike's with 24 eyelets and 6 feet of string, and realizing one end of the string is 2 inches longer than the other
96. An empty tea glass (you forgot this one B22!)
97. The way the Rockets are melting down right now to the Mavericks, and listening to B. Walton explaining why
98. The need for people to recognize an MVP in a "team" sport

01-30-2003, 12:01 AM
1. people snatching food off my plate uninvited
2. passengers in my truck touching the stereo
3. passengers in my truck touching the a/c or heater
4. people with closed minds and open mouths

01-30-2003, 12:13 AM
Some folks call the snowbirds Qtips because they usually have white hair and white sneakers. Since they add to the economy of TX, I guess they are OK. My peeve is the professional athletes who make megabucks and play uninspired. I rather watch high school sports anyday.

01-30-2003, 12:26 AM
People who only read one post and rate you a one star poster.

01-30-2003, 02:58 PM
"98. The need for people to recognize an MVP in a "team" sport"

It would be hard to recognize a MVP in an individual sport,

01-30-2003, 03:56 PM
Just like Robert Earl Keen said, "It's the little things."

01-30-2003, 07:20 PM
"98. The need for people to recognize an MVP in a "team" sport"

It would be hard to recognize a MVP in an individual sport,I trust the sarcasm of this obvious statement doesn't mean that you missed my point. We teach (at least I hope we do) our youngsters the value of recognizing the importance of every player's role on a team, and that at any given time, anyone can be a star, but generally because the whole team is performing.
For example, how on earth could one player on the Bucs be the most valuable player in the Super Bowl? Sure, one player had two interceptions, but was he the instrumental player, even on that play? What about the lineman that gave the QB fits on that play that made him not recognize the coverage? Or the other D-backs who had their receivers so well covered, Gannon wouldn't even think of throwing at them? How valuable was the Raiders "MVP" for the season in that very ball game? Probably more like the "LVP." But did they lose because of him?
It's like picking the most important link in a six-foot chain.
Sorry for ramblin'. It's just one of my peeves. :)

01-30-2003, 08:26 PM
Ok, after reading everybody's comments, I have finally realized what my number one pet peeve is:

People who have nothing better to do than sit around complaining about things that they don't like. :D

01-30-2003, 08:39 PM
Hey crayjournalist03, I knew somebody would finally use that one! But it's just too darned much fun to stop!! wink

99. Trying to drive while my wife is looking through her Victoria's Secret catalog in the seat next to me :rolleyes:

01-30-2003, 10:36 PM
bc 76:

01-30-2003, 10:42 PM
Is there a 12 step program to getting off of this?

84. When someone asks you a question that you should know the answer to, but you can't think of it right away. Then you refuse to focus your full attention on anything else, whatever it may be, until you think of it. (Brahma73 and I spent at least 2 days trying to think of "Wild Thing's" real name in Major League. Of course the answer is Rick Vaughn. If need be, I would have pulled him out of animal surgery to tell him, but I think he was at work looking at this at the time. haha)
85. Baseballs with low seams.
86. Basketballs with too little air.
87. Basketballs with too much air.
88. When the phone rings an there's nobody there.
89. Looking for your mail key for 4 days and realizing it was in the frickin' mail box. (not fun)
90. People who step on the foul lines in baseball.
91. Parents who don't let their kids watch The Simpsons. The parents aren't divorced like over half the people out there, they eat dinner as a family, and they go to church. What more do you want.
92. People who leave trash in my car. My car may be full of trash, but damnit, that's my trash.

01-30-2003, 10:45 PM

bc 76:
You may have spoke to soon. That was not nice. :)

Chris Hart
01-30-2003, 11:17 PM
1. People who care more about the economy than the moral issues of our country.
3.People who curse in front of children
4.The abolishment of prayer in our public schools
5.Mothers that receive housing aid, and in turn move in their bum(non-workers) boyfriends
6.Jerry Jones' ego
7.When football season ends

01-31-2003, 12:43 AM
Chris Hart:
1. People who care more about the economy than the moral issues of our country.
3.People who curse in front of children
4.The abolishment of prayer in our public schools
5.Mothers that receive housing aid, and in turn move in their bum(non-workers) boyfriends
6.Jerry Jones' ego
7.When football season endsi think this is probly the best list so far, imho.

01-31-2003, 08:42 AM
Chris Hart:
1. People who care more about the economy than the moral issues of our country.
3.People who curse in front of children
4.The abolishment of prayer in our public schools
5.Mothers that receive housing aid, and in turn move in their bum(non-workers) boyfriends
6.Jerry Jones' ego
7.When football season endsVery well put!

CHS_Grad '85
01-31-2003, 09:53 AM
1. Cooking in a dirty kitchen or the cook not cleaning up afterwards
2. Being called a know-it-all then asked for my opinion
3. Drivers who don't know what a yeild sign means
4. 'Loud-talkers' in a vehicle--man that's murder on the ears

01-31-2003, 05:49 PM
Chris Hart:
1. People who care more about the economy than the moral issues of our country.
3.People who curse in front of children
4.The abolishment of prayer in our public schools
5.Mothers that receive housing aid, and in turn move in their bum(non-workers) boyfriends
6.Jerry Jones' ego
7.When football season endsWhat a tremendous post! :) (Especially #4)
I was at the Governor's inauguration last week, and what a surprise: the ceremony started with a prayer led by a minister! And we can't do the same in public schools because....?!?!?!?! :mad:

01-31-2003, 05:56 PM
100. Those little black bugs that fly around "in love" and stick all over my windshield and grill
101. People who get elected to the school board who have one personal axe to grind, and then spend the rest of the 3 year term serving no useful purpose

01-31-2003, 10:18 PM
I was at the Governor's inauguration last week, and what a surprise: the ceremony started with a prayer led by a minister! And we can't do the same in public schools because....?!?!?!?!
It's because of Madelin Murray O'Hare, but look at it this way, where is she now? NOBODY KNOWS!

01-31-2003, 10:53 PM

I was at the Governor's inauguration last week, and what a surprise: the ceremony started with a prayer led by a minister! And we can't do the same in public schools because....?!?!?!?!
It's because of Madelin Murray O'Hare, but look at it this way, where is she now? NOBODY KNOWS!I thought they found pieces of her body out in west Texas somewhere last year, didn't they?

01-31-2003, 11:11 PM
Good riddance Ms. O'Hare. Enjoy makin' out w/ Satan! :p

My wife (a local school district supt.) & I were discussing the "prayer" issue just the other day. We're thinking it's time for schools state-wide to issue a unified stand of defiance against this ridiculous misrepresentation of the beliefs and wishes of our fore-fathers and the very foundation of this "nation under God." What bad could happen?

Bandera YaYa
02-01-2003, 01:26 AM
Here's my short list:
1. Hot Dogs (not the edible type..but ill mannered BB players who think they can flip off the home crowd and get away with it)
2. Pimple faced punks who think they are sooooooooooo cute.
3. Talented athletes that can't be respected.
4. Talented athletes that don't show respect.
5. Cowards.

Did I mention we hosted Wimberley tonite...they beat us on the court by about 20 points, but we are still the real champions. PROUD TO BE A BULLDOG!!

Bandera YaYa
02-01-2003, 01:29 AM
Oh yeah, I agree with you, Brahma73...Is this not America or what????? (Nice to talk with you again, it's been awhile!!)

02-01-2003, 02:11 AM
What bad could happen?Well, the feds could come to the school and rip the PA outta the wall. Like it or not, it is the law, and while it has been taken to extremes thanks to Ms. O'Hare, there are good reasons for it. Separation of church and state is a very necessary thing(ask Israel about that). I do, however, disagree with it when it infringes on my right to practice my religion. I think it's taken too far when the students themselves cant do it. But that's just my .02

02-01-2003, 02:21 AM

The problem is that prayer in school has nothing to do with the seperation of church and state. Don't get me started on the constitution though. I can guarantee you Thomas Jefferson never intended for prayer to be removed from school, and the fact that both sides of the hall "left and right" want to "spin" the constitution to death is the problem.

02-01-2003, 02:24 AM
Once again, we find ourselves in agreement.
But, I thought that entire stance on prayer in public schools was based on separation of church and state. Was I mistaken?

Bandera YaYa
02-01-2003, 02:28 AM
so, you are over here....i was still talking to you in that other one...

Bandera YaYa
02-01-2003, 02:35 AM
How come I don't have 5 stars anymore? Did you do that to me? Boy, you are grumpy.

02-01-2003, 03:08 AM
Once again, we find ourselves in agreement.
But, I thought that entire stance on prayer in public schools was based on separation of church and state. Was I mistaken?
J2KI believe the O'Hare case was one that approached the subject from the agnostic point of view. If I remember correctly, it was an individual rights case. Seperation of Church and State arguments are often attributed to it, but I don't remember it being the central issue at the time. The case was based on mandatory prayers in school. Unfortunately, the Constitution has been so preverted that it no longer means what it once did, and in many instances, means almost the opposite of the original intention.

02-01-2003, 12:15 PM
People who have no sence of humor and cant take a joke. :D

<small>[ February 01, 2003, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: turbostud ]</small>

02-01-2003, 12:39 PM
People who have no sence of humor and cant take a joke. :D .
people who can't spell sense LOL JK :D :p

02-01-2003, 12:49 PM
Ok PPHSFAN you got me. :D

02-01-2003, 05:40 PM

What bad could happen?Well, the feds could come to the school and rip the PA outta the wall. Like it or not, it is the law,
J2KStill would be interesting to see what would happen if every every school district would do it (though I'm not naive enough to believe we'll actually do it). I do think it's cool the way the entire fan population unites in the Lord's Prayer during the moment of "silence" at ball games. wink I think this is a battle we need to win back...

Hey YaYa! Glad to see you're back!

02-01-2003, 05:57 PM
102. The words "please" & "thank you", "sir" and "ma'am" being left out of conversation by young & old
103. Daylight savings time - either always or never
104. Crummy PA systems at sports arenas that sound like the speaker at Whataburger
105. TV & radio football announcers who guess (usually wrongly) that a player does or doesn't pick up a 1st down, instead of waiting an extra 3.7 seconds for the official to signal
106. Racism
107. People who make everything a racist issue
108. People who aren't thankful
109. Deafening recorded "music" before HS basketball games

02-02-2003, 08:34 PM
Stupid laws that exist for no other reason than to annoy people. For example:

In Texas:
it is illegal to take more than three sips of beer while standing.

it is illegal to milk another person's cow.

an anticrime law requires that criminals give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and explain the nature of the crime to be committed.

In Massachusetts:
Snoring is illegal unless all bedroom windows are securely closed and locked.

No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.

In Arkansas:
A man may legally beat his wife, but only once a month.

School teachers who bob their hair may not recieve a raise.

Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

In Nebraska:
It is illegal to hunt whales.

If a child burps during church, his parents may be arrested.

The list goes on folks, but these are a few of the most ridiculous that I found.

Chris Hart
02-02-2003, 09:31 PM
That first law you listed under Arkansas really is stupid. With only being allowed to do it once a month, how do they expect you to make any progress? :D

<small>[ February 02, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Chris Hart ]</small>

02-02-2003, 10:28 PM
93. When you switch the radio station, only to catch the last 7 seconds of that song that you really like.
94. "Does this make me look fat?" Seriously ladies, are y'all just checkin' to make sure we're not suicidal?
95. Radio stations that take a great song, and then play it until you can no longer stand it. (Example...any Creed song, great band, severely overplayed)
96. When you stub your toe, probably because you were being an idiot, and then you laugh and cry in pain at the same time.
97. When you're in high school, and on your prom night your limo breaks down, so you spend pretty much your entire Senior Prom at a Shell station in Katy. (We did make the last 20 minutes...and the afterparty, so I guess not too bad)
98. Morons who find it necessary to do something obnoxiously stupid during graduation to draw attention to themsleves because, "Who cares, we're outta here anyway."
99. When you're walking across one of the largest campuses in America in the rain, only to come home drenched and see 3 umbrellas in the corner.
100. Cell Phones. I'll spare you having to read the 137 reasons why I hate cell phones and just leave it as a general hatred.
101. This business in the NFL now about having to interview black coaches. Don't get me wrong, racism is among my top listees, but I seriously doubt an owner is going to turn away a coach because of race, if he does, and gets a lesser coach, then it serves that owner right. If I had a team, and Ty Willingham wanted to coach for me, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't turn him away.
102. The "princess" in the car in front of me, who was talking on her cell phone, putting on makeup, and changing her 7 disc CD player, which caused her to to see the green light just in time for her to get through, but leaving me at the red.
103. People who buy water.
104. Sports writers/shows trying to decide who the "best ever" is. You know, if I'm starting a football team one of these years in heaven, and I have to choose between Sweetness, Jim Brown, Earl Campbell, Emmitt Smith, Barry, or Gale Sayers, or whoever else they talk about, I'm probably gonna be pretty pleased with whichever one I have. Just stop, they were all unbelievably good, and we should be thankful that we got to witness them. (I of course only saw a few of 'em, but I'm not complaining).
105. Dull razor blades.
106. People who go to a steak house and get a salad, and only a salad.
107. People who leave the cap off the toothpaste.
108. Junk Mail. Wow! That's the 3rd trip to Hawaii I've won today.
109. People who "jack up" their trucks. Again, is that cool like having a loud truck?

02-03-2003, 10:41 AM
No its not cool, but somethings have to be larger to compensate for others.

02-03-2003, 08:41 PM
Stupid laws that exist for no other reason than to annoy people. For example:

In Texas:
it is illegal to take more than three sips of beer while standing.

it is illegal to milk another person's cow.

an anticrime law requires that criminals give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and explain the nature of the crime to be committed.

In Massachusetts:
Snoring is illegal unless all bedroom windows are securely closed and locked.

No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.

In Arkansas:
A man may legally beat his wife, but only once a month.

School teachers who bob their hair may not recieve a raise.

Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

In Nebraska:
It is illegal to hunt whales.

If a child burps during church, his parents may be arrested.

The list goes on folks, but these are a few of the most ridiculous that I found.

02-03-2003, 08:47 PM
Stupid laws that exist for no other reason than to annoy people. For example:

In Texas:
it is illegal to take more than three sips of beer while standing.

it is illegal to milk another person's cow.

an anticrime law requires that criminals give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and explain the nature of the crime to be committed.

In Massachusetts:
Snoring is illegal unless all bedroom windows are securely closed and locked.

No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.

In Arkansas:
A man may legally beat his wife, but only once a month.

School teachers who bob their hair may not recieve a raise.

Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

In Nebraska:
It is illegal to hunt whales.

If a child burps during church, his parents may be arrested.

The list goes on folks, but these are a few of the most ridiculous that I found.The part about it bein illegal to milk another mans cow is not stupid.That's like rustling;your stealing someones livelyhood,no matter how small it may be.

02-03-2003, 11:20 PM
In Arkansas:
A man may legally beat his wife, but only once a month.

...unless she's his sister or his cousin - then he can beat the crap outa her every day! wink

02-04-2003, 12:17 AM
110. A fly in my vehicle
111. Weeds in my Tifton Bermuda lawn
112. Foursomes (or five-somes or six-somes...I hate that) that won't let me play through
113. Dead creatures in the pool skimmer
114. Live snakes eek! in the pool skimmer
115. peoplewhorefusetousecorrectgrammarspellingor punctuationinemailsparticularlyinpostson3adownlow (People who refuse to use correct grammar, spelling, or punctuation in E-mails, particularly in posts on 3A Down Low.)
116. The fact that Texas A&M is financially capable of being an athletic powerhouse, and we pretty well suck in most sports right now. (Come on Tony...we're counting on you!)

02-04-2003, 12:22 AM
18. Fog Lights......anything more than 2 low beams (and I mean LOW beams, not those new Blue beams) shining at me on the road or in my mirrors is cause for me to use my BB gun. You know who you are. If you need more than two low beams to drive down the higway, then you need to stay off of MY highway. If you so much as even think about shining fog lights in my general direction on a clear night I will turn around follow you home and shoot your dog. Then I will take a ball peen hammer to every light on your little miniature pick-up, and I will spraypaint something really nasty about your sister on the water tower. And then I will go on a football bulletin board and tell everyone how stupid you are. etc..... :D

02-04-2003, 12:25 AM
18. Fog Lights......anything more than 2 low beams (and I mean LOW beams, not those new Blue beams) shining at me on the road or in my mirrors is cause for me to use my BB gun. You know who you are. If you need more than two low beams to drive down the higway, then you need to stay off of MY highway. If you so much as even think about shining fog lights in my general direction on a clear night I will turn around follow you home and shoot your dog. Then I will take a ball peen hammer to every light on your little miniature pick-up, and I will spraypaint something really nasty about your sister on the water tower. And then I will go on a football bulletin board and tell everyone how stupid you are. etc..... :D Geeeeeeeez, Fan! A helluva post for #100! Wish I'd thought of that one :rolleyes:

02-04-2003, 12:57 AM
18. Fog Lights......anything more than 2 low beams (and I mean LOW beams, not those new Blue beams) shining at me on the road or in my mirrors is cause for me to use my BB gun. You know who you are. If you need more than two low beams to drive down the higway, then you need to stay off of MY highway. If you so much as even think about shining fog lights in my general direction on a clear night I will turn around follow you home and shoot your dog. Then I will take a ball peen hammer to every light on your little miniature pick-up, and I will spraypaint something really nasty about your sister on the water tower. And then I will go on a football bulletin board and tell everyone how stupid you are. etc..... :D Excellent Post!!!!!!!! This should be given an award.

big daddy russ
02-04-2003, 08:36 AM
...#12 - getting a stupid song stuck in your head......give me two per, I need two per
I get to stompin' in my Air Force One's...

Yeah, I understand completely.

<small>[ February 04, 2003, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: big daddy russ ]</small>

02-04-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state:
...#12 - getting a stupid song stuck in your head... I got this one stuck in my head when i was at the globtrotters game
T..T..T.. we are the teams of tommorow........ the teams of tommorow
they were playing that at half time when the little kids were doing this dribbling stuff.......im sure all of u wanted to know this :D

02-05-2003, 02:31 PM

02-05-2003, 11:23 PM
Doesn't it feel good to get all this out of your system? Don't stop now... :D

02-06-2003, 01:54 AM
1. Vin Baker, the king of the triple single and at least 4 fouls a night, who sat at home like a coward while his Celtics beat my Sonics (his former team) by 40 tonight. There's a reason he does Dunkin' Donuts commercials in Boston. Can anyone tell me who in pro sports does less with more money?
2. Marv Albert
3. Opening the fridge and finding an empty plate.
4. An empty TP roll on the holder.
5. Dan Hooks (HC of West Orange-Stark)
6. Eric Dickerson: Sideline Reporter
7. Jared Fogle (Subway)
8. People who think everything is racism. I'm not prejudiced, but I think what Johnny Cochran does is insane. He really should butt out sometimes.
9. Kids having kids.
10. Marilyn Manson
11. Gangsta (c)rap
12. P Diddy
13. Kid Rock. Take a shower and put on a clean shirt already.
14. Alf
15. Carrot Top. If that shmendrick can be on TV, maybe Old Card has a shot. (Just kidding... :D )
16. Miami Hurricanes. Everyone knows those guys take a huge pay cut when they go pro.
17. My roommate not cleaning the Foreman Grill when he's done with it. :mad:
18. Spam and pop-up ads. Nobody reads that stuff, so why bother?
19. Pat Riley's hair.
20. Ozzy Osbourne's endless mumbling.
21. Women with big hair. That was out 25 years ago. Please stop. :rolleyes:

02-06-2003, 02:16 AM
Forgot what number I am on- let's guess and say

10. Sharing the deodorant with my hubby, and opening it up only to find his underarm hairs stuck on it. Might as well have rubbed it on his crotch. Grosses me out.

11. Someone using my toothbrush.

12. Olives that float to the top of the jar. They don't all do that, but they get in the way of the ones that aren't floating, and I won't eat the ones that float.

13. Nagging- I hate it.

14. Listening to advice from in-laws.

15. When the in-laws are right and I didn't take their advice.

16. Guys that make that under-arm fart thing happen. What is that about? Male bonding?

17. Re-runs.

18. The guy that owns the house next door to where I work. (He's a little territorial) After all, I wasn't parked in his driveway.

19. Info-mercials being the only thing on tv.

20. Am-way, Advocare, and Mary Kay.

02-06-2003, 09:05 PM
Forgot what number I am on- let's guess and say

12. Olives that float to the top of the jar. They don't all do that, but they get in the way of the ones that aren't floating, and I won't eat the ones that float.
WOW, is it just me, or does this borderline on ANAL :D

02-06-2003, 10:51 PM
117. People who name their kids "normal" names, and then mispell them intentionally (Clynt, Andruw, etc.). These poor kids will have to correct someone every time they give their name!
118. Worn windshield wiper blades
119. J. Lo being rated sexiest woman on earth. Give me a break!!!
120. Eminem (However, I love M&M's, especially the peanut ones.)

02-07-2003, 06:59 AM
Freakin' INFANTILE posters that seem to think it's funny to downrate anyone and everyone with a five-star rating. Two words, "NO CLASS!". :p

<small>[ February 07, 2003, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

02-07-2003, 12:18 PM

Forgot what number I am on- let's guess and say

12. Olives that float to the top of the jar. They don't all do that, but they get in the way of the ones that aren't floating, and I won't eat the ones that float.
WOW, is it just me, or does this borderline on ANAL :D Okay- so it IS a little anal- I'll give you that. Are they bad olives though? I mean if they float??? Seriously- I don't know, and I don't want to eat them and find out. wink

02-07-2003, 02:37 PM

119. J. Lo being rated sexiest woman on earth. Give me a break!!!
No Kidding....everybody knows it's Halle Berry. :D

02-07-2003, 02:50 PM
110. The fact that we classify Marilyn Manson (sp?) as a human being.
111. The fact that they let the team decide which game Lebron gets to miss.
112. Mack Brown. Will you be there to make excuses for Chrissy every time he throws the ball to the wrong team in the NFL, too?
113. When you can't find the damn remote control.
114. When you finally find the remote, and there's nothing on.

02-07-2003, 09:32 PM
...The local news & weather at 6:00 & 10:00 pm. I'll start with the news:
1. Calling themselves news "anchors". They're nothing more than news "readers". Let the teleprompter break down and see what happens. They start to stammer and look like deer in headlights. (and they all try to sound like Ted Knight.)

2. The "tease"...trying to hook you into watching their station by teasing you throughout the night with hints of stories to come. (which usually end up being about as newsworthy as this post)

3. The use of the word "alleged"...It must be a requirement for passing college "News Rreporting 101". I know, I know, it's to keep them from getting sued, but couldn't they find another word or phrase? (He admitted to the shooting; he was caught on video surveillance; there were 50 witnesses; yet it was an ALLEGED crime!)

4. Field reporters asking stupid questions...if ever there should be a college class required, it would be "How not to ask an asinine question".

5. And finally, the "investigative reporter"... Somewhere along the line the media forgot that their job was to REPORT the news...not MAKE it! There should be a Constitutional Amendment allowing a person to knock the crap out of anyone who sticks a microphone or camera in your face!

If I don't get beat up too badly for this left field post, I'll be back with a tirade on the weathermen!

02-07-2003, 09:45 PM
30 degree weather durning baseball season

02-08-2003, 12:34 AM
121. Men who wear hats at the meal table
122. People who get personally offended by all the fun and comraderie we share on this board. Lighten up, good grief! :rolleyes:
123. Paying $1.59 (oh yes, and 9/10 cents) for freakin' regular gas today
124. France - pussies!!!!!
125. Road construction barricades where there's no road construction going on

02-08-2003, 12:40 PM
Gettin stuck in the mud after pullin someone else out.
Dribblin hot sauce down shirt from a tacquito.
Scratchin on the eight ball three times in a row.
Meetin a hot babe for the first time only to forget her name 5 minutes later.
Hearin a real funny joke only to forget how it went the next day.
givin my daughter 20.00 and later realize I only had 5.00 left.

big daddy russ
02-09-2003, 10:42 AM
119. J. Lo being rated sexiest woman on earth. Give me a break!!!I don't know, I've got a thing for Mexican women and I think J-Lo's pretty damned hot... but the absolute SEXIEST woman alive has to be the young lady that I'm dating right now.

big daddy russ
02-09-2003, 10:43 AM
...and Tea Leoni.

02-09-2003, 11:43 AM
big daddy russ:

119. J. Lo being rated sexiest woman on earth. Give me a break!!!I don't know, I've got a thing for Mexican women and I think J-Lo's pretty damned hot... but the absolute SEXIEST woman alive has to be the young lady that I'm dating right now.She's Puerto Rican.

02-09-2003, 11:50 AM
#14 - LULAC pisses me off! Any "organized" ethnic group who thinks they speak for every American whose ancestors came from: Mexico, Spain, Central or South America (or any Spanish speaking country) and making them all "Latino"! Get over yourselves.

<small>[ February 09, 2003, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: pirate4state ]</small>

02-10-2003, 03:06 PM
Not gonna let this die yet...

115. The fact that in baseball, when a guy hits behind a runner intentionally in order to move him up, which in my opinion is harder than a sac bunt, he doesn't get credit for a sacrifice.
116. People who label pitchers "junkballers," like they're cheating or something. "Yea, the only reason he got me is because he threw me that trash. Punk wouldn't give me anything I could hit." A pitcher not giving the batter something he could hit, there's a novel idea. Last time I checked the rule book, pitchers are allowed to throw anything they want.
117. When kids hit $300 bats on the ground. That bat is worth more than you, I don't bang you on the ground everytime you screw up, do I?
118. When I get a Whataburger w/ mustard, because I forgot to tell them, since normal places have mayo as a base fixing.
119. Well done steaks. If Brahma73 can't save it, it isn't worth eating.***
120. Wet socks.
121. The tu basketball fans who were talking crap after the game at Reed the other night. They acted like we actually thought we were gonna win. The fact that we stayed on the floor w/ them was a win in our book.

*** Brahma73 is a vet. Doesn't make much sense if you don't know that.

02-10-2003, 07:21 PM
126. Those pro players who "promote" those ridiculous batting aids that guarantee to raise your average 50 points or your money back . Sure, Babe Ruth! I can just see you out there whacking a ball on a string round and round a pole! It's just like batting off of Unit!
127. People who save they just love steak, and then covering it with ketchup and onions and mushrooms and gravy
128. Dave Atell - the Insomniac
129. People who think their dogs are people...&
130. Riding with someone whose stinkin' shedding dog sat in the seat just before I did :mad:
131. People who camp out to buy movie tickets. What is that?????
132. People who think it's important to spend a fortune on a casket...&
133. Someone's been terminally ill for 6 months and 10 people have visited him during that time. Then, when he's dead, 1500 people show up for his funeral

02-10-2003, 08:01 PM
Ingrates like France and Germany! American blood all over their soil because of freeing their fannies for the good life they have enjoyed for the last 56 years.

02-12-2003, 01:46 PM
When topics like this get off the first page.

02-12-2003, 01:51 PM
Not gonna let this die yet...

118. When I get a Whataburger w/ mustard, because I forgot to tell them, since normal places have mayo as a base fixing.
Whataburgers are made in Texas, and everybody knows that Texans eat Mustard on their Hamburgers. Don't make me come down there and slap you silly. :p

<small>[ February 12, 2003, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: PPHSfan ]</small>

02-12-2003, 02:46 PM

Not gonna let this die yet...

118. When I get a Whataburger w/ mustard, because I forgot to tell them, since normal places have mayo as a base fixing.
Whataburgers are made in Texas, and everybody knows that Texans eat Mustard on their Hamburgers. Don't make me come down there and slap you silly. :p Fair enough, but I'm still a mayo guy, so I guess I'll just have to remember from now on.

02-12-2003, 02:57 PM
When topics like this get off the first page.No stopping it now, you might as well join the fun.

122. When people don't flush public toilets. Is that funny or something? Do you use the toilet 12 times at your house before you flush?
123. When you go somewhere, and people think that just because it's 40 degrees outside, it has to be 83 inside. So you sit there in your sweater and undershirt and sweat.
124. People in a turn lane that don't have an arrow and have to yield to oncoming traffic. So they wait for a yellow light, then slide on out there so they can turn when the light changes to red.
125. People who cut their fingernails in public. I know this is unusual, but this happened in one of my classes today, and I thought it definately qualified for my list.

big daddy russ
02-12-2003, 05:11 PM
Hey Bellville 22... were you born and raised up in Brahma country?

02-12-2003, 10:29 PM

When topics like this get off the first page.No stopping it now, you might as well join the fun.

124. People in a turn lane that don't have an arrow and have to yield to oncoming traffic. So they wait for a yellow light, then slide on out there so they can turn when the light changes to red.
Hate to break this to you 22, but I think that's kinda the legal way to do it :rolleyes:


134. People who mess with my vehicle side mirrors, especially the passenger side one
135. People who don't tip waiters and waitresses appropriately, or who complain about the 15% gratuity for "parties over 6" idea. How much do you normally tip? Sometimes I pick up the tab for a group - say around $75 - and one of the others will leave the tip. I wanna leap across the table when he asks his wife if she has any $1 bills :mad:
136. Gophers
137. Spiders
138. MAYONNAISE!!!! YUCK!!! :p (Now I'm pickin' on you B22 :D )

02-13-2003, 12:20 AM
big daddy russ:
Hey Bellville 22... were you born and raised up in Brahma country?Sure was. Why? What'd I do now?

02-13-2003, 02:48 PM
Rain, is quickly getting to this point.

02-13-2003, 09:49 PM
1. people who do not forgive
2. people who think they are better than otheres
3. people who have "little man/woman syndrome"
4. being upset with someone and taking it out on a relative of who they are upset with
5. and that deal of driving in the left lane.....i will crawl on your back bumper to get you to move on......that is why i drive a BIG vehicle

02-14-2003, 01:32 AM
1?? - A set of "love handles" that just won't go away no matter how much you jog/work out. I'll never be thin. frown

02-14-2003, 07:56 AM
Ingrates like France and Germany! American blood all over their soil because of freeing their fannies for the good life they have enjoyed for the last 56 years.Hey pakrat, check this one out:

In light of the French stating that they would Veto any action against Iraq
that we may propose before the Sequrity Council of the UN, I thought this email from a US Marine serving in Bosnia would put things in perspective.
From a Marine in Bosnia. (Note the signature, but read it last.)

A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he thought
we (Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to provoke a war. He
said if such a thing happens, we wouldn't be able to count on the support of France.

I told him that it didn't surprise me. Since we had come to France's rescue in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude
and jealousy was due to surface at some point in the near future anyway.

That is why France is a third-rate military power with a socialist
economy and a bunch of faggots for soldiers. I additionally told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not words, would do whatever it had to do, and France's support was only for show anyway. Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the burden, as evidenced by the fact that the French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the other way around.

He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told him if he would l ike to, I would meet him outside in front of the Burger King and beat his ass in front of the entire Multinational Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had more fight in him than the average Frenchman.
He called me a barbarian cowboy and walked away in a huff. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Mary Beth Johnson Lt.Col, USMC

<small>[ February 14, 2003, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

Mad Dawg 20/20
02-14-2003, 08:11 AM
Thats great Sinton66!!!
That just goes to show, that the only good French is a Cajun French!!!!

02-14-2003, 11:50 PM
I Have a few

Guys that beat their wives
Guys that treat girls bad
Drugs (They ruin friendships,families) :mad:
Talk Shows (Jenny Jones,Judge Judy, and so on...Who watches that religiously that isnt a completely sensless person?)
Rumor starters
People who drive slow in the fast lane
Drunk Drivers
Child Molesters
These are just a few...

02-15-2003, 12:17 AM
#??? What the heck, I forget let's say...

#20. The fact that no matter how much America cried, Dale Earnhardt will not be racing again this year. Boy I miss that man. :(

#21. When your birthday is the day before Valentine's Day, and your other half manages to get you one nice gift for "both days." Or your Anniversary is the day before Christmas, or Mother's Day and again--one nice gift for both days.(I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but men on this board- don't do this- it can get you in a lot of trouble with your wife- okay?)

#22. Biggots, racists, facists.

#23. That we possibly have an American pilot in Iraqi custody that may have been there for over 10 years, and there has been no rescue attempt as of yet. :mad: :mad: :mad:

#24. When you put your kids to bed, and two hours later- you can hear them talking to eachother in their room.

#25. Stick-in-the-muds. :rolleyes:

#26. People on their high horse. Though I think I myself have ridden that horse during football season! wink (At least I'm honest)

#27. Know-it-alls. :rolleyes:

#28. People who totally dominate conversations- they ask you a question- then don't let you answer it because they have to keep talking.

#29. Attention seekers.

#30. Hypocondriacs. Not sure if I spelled that right- but I have a girl who works with me that takes her temperature 8 times daily. Drives me nuts. :rolleyes:

02-15-2003, 12:38 AM
6. people who think more of themselves than they ought to. (i have to work around several people like this AND we have a coach like this)
7. spineless people who are just "yes" men/women
8. people who do not care who they step on to get to the top rung of the corporate ladder.

to be continued, this really gets some frustrations out

02-16-2003, 09:38 PM
139. Places & people that spell barbecue wrong (It is not barbeque!). "cue" is pronouced kyoo. "que" is pronounce kay.
140. Variance "allowances" in speed zones. Either enforce the number on the speed limit sign, change them all to 95, or take the damn things down. I'm tired of getting run off the frickin' road when I'm driving the speed limit.
141. "All Natural" People actually think this means it's totally safe. You know, it's made with things that are natural, like strychnine or opium or nicotine or arsenic or crude oil...things from nature.

02-18-2003, 05:22 PM
#15 (?) I've lost count...

* when a movie trailer ruins the movie. you know lately they feel they have to show you the only 10 minutes worth a damn in a movie.

02-20-2003, 02:34 PM

02-20-2003, 03:41 PM
15. Those stupid little decals on the back of vehicles with that little boy pissing on something. It will never cease to amaze me that a person capable of owning or leasing a 20k pickup truck has the idea that I want too see how juvenile he or she is.

02-22-2003, 08:52 PM
Macho guys who tell me I can't make a particular food too "hot" for them! (Fools one and all!)A little "Death By Stupidity" goes a very long way.

02-23-2003, 08:12 PM
126. Mike Tyson. This should have been one of my top 10, but I forgot about it. Seriously, what's with this guy? So he can fight, whoopty-doo, that doesn't excuse the fact that he's an idiot. I can't wait for the rematch w/ Lennox. I hope he knocks the tatoo right off Mike's face.

Billy Boy
02-23-2003, 09:58 PM
Tyson doesn't want Lennox he still remembers the last beating he got. But I guess the fool will take another beating for 5 million. eek!

02-23-2003, 10:37 PM
Somebody asked Slpybear one time if he would "get in the ring with Mike Tyson for 5 million bucks?"

Slpy thought for just a second and then replied.."For Five Million Bucks.....Heck I will kick his A$$." :D

02-23-2003, 10:57 PM
139. Billy Packer. I didn't realize until watching the KU vs. OU game today how totally one-dimensional and redundant this guy is! You'd get the feeling Billy thinks OU got to where they are at this point in the season in spite of the fact that Coach Sampson doesn't realize Hollis Price is a great player.
140. Dick Vitale (while I'm on the subject). Just how much caffiene can one man consume in 24 hours.
141. When window tint peels off of car glass
142. Those huge shiny rear bumpers on the back of pick-up trucks that blind you when your head lights shine on them. Is there some purpose in these?!?!?!

02-24-2003, 11:03 AM
#1... Vietnamese economics teachers...

Old Dog
02-24-2003, 12:03 PM
ANY Prof. or teacher that doesn't have a decent command of the english language! Learning is tough enough without having to wonder what the hell was just said!

02-24-2003, 02:19 PM
Brahma73- you forgot these, but I know they're pretty high on your list...

127. When people say "below freezing." Think about that, when it's 30 degrees, it's freezing; when it's 7 degrees, it's freezing, at what point does it actually become "below freezing"?
128. When people say "after dark", when they're referring night. "We ain't gonna start that fireworks show 'til after dark." No folks, after dark would be in the morning when it's no longer dark.
129. When your car has to go to the shop yet again, so you bring your mom's truck up to school for the week, only to discover that it has a flat tire, which causes you to miss a class.

Nice of you to join us jykoy, let's get another 7 pages.

02-24-2003, 02:54 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome 22! I have alot of pent up anger that I will be more than glad to share with y'all...

#2- Waking up (w/headache) to find that the heater has broken in your apartment. Then in a feeble attempt to smile and make it a good day, you realize it is gray, and 38 degrees outside. Not only that, but you forgot about your accounting homework and your microwave doesn't work. And then you realize, it is only MONDAY!!! :mad:

02-24-2003, 07:58 PM
Brahma73- you forgot these, but I know they're pretty high on your list...

127. When people say "below freezing." Think about that, when it's 30 degrees, it's freezing; when it's 7 degrees, it's freezing, at what point does it actually become "below freezing"?
128. When people say "after dark", when they're referring night. "We ain't gonna start that fireworks show 'til after dark." No folks, after dark would be in the morning when it's no longer dark.
You got me, 22! Those are two of my favorites, too!! :o

Oh my goodness! JK is back in the house!! What's up oh teasippious one?

143. When, in the year 2003, I still have to fill out govt. forms at my office that are in carbon paper quintuplet. You can't possibly press hard enough to make the print show up on the 5th page without tearing a hole in the top sheet :mad:

02-24-2003, 08:04 PM
Oh yeah, here's another one I heard again today:

144. When people say "PIN Number." P. I. N. stands for "personal identification number." Please don't say "number" again!

02-24-2003, 08:04 PM
1. That we had pretty weather in December and January, but as soon as Baseball season starts it starts rainin, snowin, sleetin, floodin, everything possable

02-25-2003, 01:07 AM
#3. When you drink Chinese Herbal Healing Formula" because someone told you it would help your mind be open to soak in knowledge for a big test the next day. Then after consumption, you read what was in it and realize that what you just drank will keep you up for the next 20 hours. So you are very smart, very tired and very irritable. Like me right now...

73... How's it goin'? I couldn't keep my post about song lyrics going so I had to jump on your bandwagon! Good work!!

02-26-2003, 11:35 PM
145. Different "renditions" of the Star-Spangled Banner performed before sporting events. Hey the original version is proper and sacred. Just sing it the way Francis Scott wrote it!
146. The term "minority" being used to refer to certain groups of people who aren't white. What a derogatory label! Can we ever get past these things?
147. Pitchers who can't throw strikes. Last week I watched a JV softball relief pitcher walk 6 of the first 7 batters she faced the first inning she came in. By the way, she hit the seventh batter on a 1-2 pitch. Two of the three outs recorded in the inning were tagged out at the plate when trying to score on wild pitches. The other was a strike-out (there is a god!)

02-26-2003, 11:44 PM
Just found this one out:

148. Kansas 85, Texas A&M 45. eek! What is THAT? JK you just have to be loving this one!!! :rolleyes:

08-12-2003, 08:01 PM

08-12-2003, 08:04 PM
People who complain about loss of jobs and industry in America, and drive a Toyota or Izuzu.

08-12-2003, 10:07 PM
Way to go 3afan2K3, can't wait 'til this gets going again.

08-12-2003, 10:12 PM
130. People that show up to Major League Baseball*** games in the 5th inning and expect you to get out of their seats....and then leave in the 8th inning to "beat traffic" because their team is down by 2 runs.

*** or football/basketball games at halftime, etc.

131. Fireants.

Ranger Mom
08-12-2003, 10:21 PM
# ?? People who you talk to every stinkin day that think they have to send you an IM EVERY single time they see you online!!

<small>[ August 12, 2003, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: Ranger Mom ]</small>

08-12-2003, 10:27 PM
If you talkin about AIM. IM me if you want
ollie the bum619

<small>[ August 12, 2003, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: 3afan2K3 ]</small>

08-13-2003, 11:19 AM
149. parents of girl athletes that complain about how the girls programs dont get enough recognition when the girls programs are never really any good anyway...

08-13-2003, 12:59 PM
1) Truckers that think its their duty to block both lanes right before its cuts into one on 80 in Forney. And there is still a mile of road left.
2) When you exiting off 80 in forney onto the sevice road right before the statue of iberty and idiots take off trying to beat you right when you get on the ramp and you have to slam on the brakes. Ony to see the person turn about 50 yards down the road.
3) When your on 80 and right at the part where it merges into one lane. Some idiot cuts in front of you because they didn't get over in time.
4) Idiots that pull 4 people behind a boat on tubes and there zig-zaging in front of people and think they own the lake.
5) People on little john boats that are right in the middle of the lake and you have to go around them.(And the lake in only 100 yards wide)
6) People that don't know how to drive jet-ski's.
7) Most of the poeple I talk to online.(if you have AIM, IM me ollie the bum619) :D

Ranger Mom
08-13-2003, 04:03 PM

7) Most of the poeple I talk to online.(if you have AIM, IM me ollie the bum619) :D HUH???

If they pi** you off then why do you want to give them your AIM so they can IM you???

08-13-2003, 08:03 PM
They already know it.

08-15-2003, 09:47 PM
Oh my gosh! I haven't been on here for weeks and noticed that somebody brought this back to the top! I'm sure by now most of have a few more peeves to air out, anyway. Let's rock!!! :D

Ready for some football :)

09-09-2003, 01:04 AM
#4. Liars, unmotivated people, and quizzes.
#5. Stinky feet.

09-09-2003, 05:16 AM
1.People who drive slow and want move over on two
lane highway.
2.People who tailgate then pass and slow down.
3.People pull out in front of you and drive 30.
6.Blind Ref.

09-09-2003, 10:17 AM
1. Kinesiology Majors that played sports in High School but not in College and think they are a super athlete because they hit a home run in the Intramural league championship.

2. High school Volleyball teams better than their football team.

3. Men that talk and use sexual references around women and children.

4. People that don't take a bath or brush their teeth.

5. Poelpe taht misspell everytime thay tipe someting on tihs baord!

Ya'll pretty much have everything else covered!!

09-09-2003, 04:20 PM
Purchasing tickets for the Dallas/Atlanta game for the sole purpose of watching Mike Vick run circles around your beloved boys only to have him injured in a PRE-SEASON game!!!!!! :mad:

After the injury you think, hey maybe the Boys can win now that Vick is out! :) And having tickets to the home opener is not so bad.

You go to the game, defense looks good, you score a touchdown on an awesome play & you're winning 7-3 & also enjoying the side show of drunk Atlanta & Cowboy fans yelling profanities at each other while spit flys out of their mouths :D and they're spillin' $6.00 beer on other people's seats. Then the kicker attempts what should be a routine field goal & misses!! :mad: But it's ok b/c there is an idiot woman behind you who doesn't know the rules and so her "boyfriend" (who doesn't sound as if he knows the rules) is explaining the game as it moves along. :rolleyes:

In the 3rd quarter Atlanta makes your defense look SILLY & goes ahead 10-7, then 17-7, but it's ok we're only down by 10. Ok enough of that--we lose the darn game, I didn't get to see Mike Vick play (we did spot him limping around on the sidelines) & after all the yellin' there was no fight?? wink

Here is the real kicker. IT took us 20 minutes to get from the gate to our truck. THEN it took us over a HALF HOUR to get out of our parking spot THEN another HALF HOUR or SO to get out of the parking lot!!

Then I have to drive 6 hours to get home & I swear all those beer drinkin' cowboy fans were on I-35 headin' south as there were a bunch of crazy people on the road!! I just had to drive 80mph to keep up with them. :D

So MAYBE this should not be in this post but I didn't want to start a new topic. :p

09-09-2003, 04:40 PM
My biggest pet peave; people who talk on their cell phones while driving in the fast lane. Their feeble brains can only process so much information so they slowwwww downnnn in the fast lane instead of being considerate of others and moving into the old folks lane.

PhiI C
09-09-2003, 04:50 PM
1. Having to ask ESPN "Where's the Cat?" and not getting a response even though we finally found her no thanks to ESPN! :)

2. Trying to tell Sinton 66 and PPHS fan why soccer is such a great game and sport and why they should love it, and go to the games, etc. etc. :)

3. And this should be no. 1. Having to continually remind people that the SPURS beat the Nets for the 2003 NBA championship! BEST NBA SERIES WE EVER HAD!! :)

09-09-2003, 05:34 PM
When your headed out of town to go dove hunting

in Arkansas and you get an hour and a half from

home and the damn front passenger super swamper

that you just had put on you 2003 truck you

bought in Febuary blows out going 75mph, throws

rubber clear to Louisana, knocks the crome grill

half off the front, scratches the finder flare,

knocks half of your schroud off then you have to

change it, drive an hour and a half back home

because the stock spare is a 245 and the swamper

was a 33, change vehicles drive to Arkanses and

kill 6 freakin doves, get back and take your

truck to have all of the stock tires put back on

the truck because the swampers had been stored in

your building to long and were dry rotted, after

having your tires changed you notice a 3 big

freakin scratches in the door that was not there

before your had the tires changed and know you

have to file a claim on the company insurance,and

have estimates done so your 6 month old truck can

be repainted.

Man I feel better now!!

09-09-2003, 06:18 PM
PhiI C:
1. Having to ask ESPN "Where's the Cat?" and not getting a response even though we finally found her no thanks to ESPN! :)

2. Having to waste my breath trying to tell Sinton 66 and PPHS fan why soccer is such a great game and sport and why they should love it, and go to the games, etc. etc. :)

3. And this should be no. 1. Having to continually remind people that the SPURS beat the Nets for the 2003 NBA championship! BEST NBA SERIES WE EVER HAD!! :) Should have been worded this way. :D :D :D
(check this closely) wink

<small>[ September 09, 2003, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

09-09-2003, 06:37 PM
hey guys, if we keep this going for a couple more weeks, we'll break 3afan2k3's beloved record for longest thread...then he'll be PO'd. :D

just jokin' with ya 2k3. :p

09-09-2003, 06:39 PM
PhiI C:
1. Having to ask ESPN "Where's the Cat?" and not getting a response even though we finally found her no thanks to ESPN! :)

2. Trying to tell Sinton 66 and PPHS fan why soccer is such a great game and sport and why they should love it, and go to the games, etc. etc. :)

3. And this should be no. 1. Having to continually remind people that the SPURS beat the Nets for the 2003 NBA championship! BEST NBA SERIES WE EVER HAD!! :) Speaking of PPHSFan, is that guy EVER coming back???

09-09-2003, 08:02 PM
Wakin up at 4AM inthe mornin stop at Circle K,see the Sunday paper and realize I was OFF that day!!!

Burnet Dawg06
09-09-2003, 08:36 PM
Wakin up at 4AM inthe mornin stop at Circle K,see the Sunday paper and realize I was OFF that day!!!Waking up early and remembering that it's the weekend and that there is no school, then not being able to go back to sleep...

09-09-2003, 11:23 PM
watching TV, and enjoying the show, then all of a sudden, Dale Nelson comes on and interrupts the program only to tell the Corpus area that Houston is bout to be hit with a hurricane, and it will be not affecting us...

09-09-2003, 11:35 PM
Speaking of weathermen...
Moving to San Antonio, then having Maclovio Perez move here too.
Did you know he had a fan club in the 70's?

09-09-2003, 11:40 PM
People who think they are better than others

~AKA~ snobby-rude-know it all-I have to one up you people (have you ever come across one of these type) eek!

09-10-2003, 07:25 AM
1. People who tell me that SUV drivers support terrorism.
2. Rush Limbaugh
3. Getting up from the table, the john, a nap etc. to answer the phone and it's a TELEMARKETER!!
4. People who over use and misuse the words liberal and conservative.
5. Tailgaters.
6. Pop up ads.
7. NCAA authorities who won't allow a National Championship playoff.
8. Hillary
9. Chuck Booms on WOAI
10. Jerry Jones

Bandera YaYa
09-10-2003, 09:07 PM
1. People that say you can count of them, but
you really can't.
2. Know it alls.
3. People that try to "keep up with the Jones".
4. Self centered people.
5. People who drink too much.
6. People that hate animals.
7. Having to make small talk. (life's too short!)
8. Tires that go flat.(so what you ran over a
9. Lipstick that changes colors once you get it
10. Philip Morris commercials that LOOK like they
think smoking is bad for kids.(if they truly
cared, why not just stop making the d**n

Boy, that felt great! Ya'll might never get me to shut up! wink

09-10-2003, 09:15 PM
People that go to fast food restraunts, supersize their orders, and order a Diet Coke.

People who sue fast food restraunts for making them fat.

Drive through ATM machines with Braille.

Hot dogs that come in packages of 10 and buns that come in packages of 8.

People that call other people "homos"

A certain fast food restraunt in Forney that has had a "Now Hiring" sign in the window for YEARS, yet they still have very few decent employees.

People who don't vote and then complain about the President.

College fire drills at the very instant that you're trying to go to bed.

That's enough for now...I feel much better :)

09-10-2003, 09:23 PM
when your team kicks the ball off to the 35 yard line 8 out of 10 kickoffs in a game

09-10-2003, 09:24 PM
when your team kicks the ball off to the 35 yard line 8 out of 10 kickoffs in a gameI'd figure if your team got 10 kickoffs in a game, you'd be really happy.

09-11-2003, 12:08 PM

when your team kicks the ball off to the 35 yard line 8 out of 10 kickoffs in a gameI'd figure if your team got 10 kickoffs in a game, you'd be really happy.No Joke! :D

09-11-2003, 01:00 PM
Low (or no) scoring COMMUNIST sports. :p

09-11-2003, 02:48 PM
My gosh, this is flattering. Lot's of pent up anger out there. Is there a shrink on this board anywhere?!?!?!

149. The fact that the sports media doesn't seem to "get it" that pre-season games don't count. When was the last time pre-eason basketball and baseball games got any real coverage at all? Nobody cares!

150. The fact that there ARE so many pre-season football games. How ridiculous that the players we really want to watch are out there gettin' dinged up in games that don't count. (Did I mention that already?)

151. Pre-game football shows. Could we get Ditka some anger management? Maybe he should participate in this post!

152. Lisa Guerrrro's (sp?) outfits. Do you really think we watch her for game analysis?

153. The realization that the 'horns are still a lot better than the Ags. (I admit it JK!)

154. The fact that my Aggie "wrecking crew" isn't one this year.

Bandera YaYa
09-11-2003, 03:06 PM
...that's right, JasperDog...jump on the bandwagon!! :p

Hey crzyjournalist03...I sometimes get a super sized meal AND a Diet Coke....I have to limit my sugar intake (low blood sugar), so thus the Diet Coke....AND sometimes I order a Diet Coke float, too! eek!

<small>[ September 11, 2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

09-11-2003, 04:02 PM
And my number one pet peave since 9/11/2001; whacko Muslim extremist. These guys make my blood boil and my trigger finger itch. The only good terrorist......is a dead terrorist! Support our military!

09-12-2003, 01:20 PM
155. The flying of tattered and torn American Flags. Change 'em out, please!

Phil C
09-12-2003, 01:38 PM
And don't forget those that voted for Anna or Jeanie instead of the CAT. (Good point by Bongo though!)

09-13-2003, 01:43 AM
156. The fact that we have to vote on two pages of amendments to a perfectly good constitution. I wonder what would happen if we just threw out all the amendments and started over with the original. Then wouldn't the liberals have to start over again with their effort to destroy it?
157. Spider webs
158. The guy sitting near me in the LG stands tonight that kept yelling at the coach. Trust me, the guy's earned a truckload of respect in Lepville!
159. No play clocks on the field in Sealy (aren't these required soon?). There must be a bank or a beer company somewhere that can donate them...

09-13-2003, 08:14 AM
when your team kicks the ball off to the 35 yard line 8 out of 10 kickoffs in a gameThey do that so the other team can't return it. If you are playing a good team then they can probably return it to the 35 and proabably farther so why risk then returning it for a TD. Forney was doing that against M-Horn and almost recovered one of them.

09-13-2003, 08:18 AM
hey guys, if we keep this going for a couple more weeks, we'll break 3afan2k3's beloved record for longest thread...then he'll be PO'd. :D

just jokin' with ya 2k3. :p I have better things to do then argue over who had the best topic. It's not even an arguable subject because everyone knows that my thread was better.

09-13-2003, 09:19 AM
That's OK 3af, I'd be proud to be second to a superior topic. lol

160. 72 degrees outside; bright sunshine; golf clubs at home in garage; me at the office working. :confused:

09-13-2003, 10:43 AM
[QB]That's OK 3af, I'd be proud to be second to a superior topic. lol[QB]I dont get it

09-14-2003, 09:48 PM
Just agreeing you thread was probably better. This one has been fun, though. Sorry I brought it up...it's crzy's fault! :rolleyes:

09-14-2003, 09:49 PM
I meant "your" thread, not "you" thread...

09-14-2003, 09:56 PM
#1 Not getting in on this topic any sooner!

09-14-2003, 10:26 PM
personally my pet peeve is when people make lists of pet peeves.

09-14-2003, 10:28 PM
i'm also a big fan of bums, as a whole.

09-14-2003, 10:38 PM
my pet peeve is when Refs make a HORRIBLE call, then one play later they are like "well it was a bad call'

09-14-2003, 10:41 PM
#1 Not getting in on this topic any sooner!I was beginning to think you were the most laid back dude on the board! :p

09-14-2003, 10:52 PM
Hey 73, your right, Im pretty laid back, not a lot to be pissed of about, but im sure something will come up, next post might be when this one gets to page 15, or so.

09-21-2003, 07:34 PM
1. Poeple who don't know the rules to football
2. Poeple who complain when the kicker does a scrub kick to the 35 yard line and almost get it back, then when the kicker does kick it far they return it for a long gain and the same people complain about the kick/kick coverage

09-21-2003, 08:51 PM
160. "Fans" who credit coaches and/or referees for losses and players for victories, but never vice-versa.

09-21-2003, 08:52 PM
#2 Pud, quoteing, that Bellville will Never Ever, win a state title!!! Never is a long time!!!! :mad:

09-21-2003, 08:55 PM
Hey 73, see your on board, how was your weekend?

09-22-2003, 10:54 PM
161. The Astros. Particularly tonight. Bagwell back to his same 'ol self. If he was a football team, you could say he played between the 20's. Not much production when you really need it. Berkman takes strike (fastball down the pipe) 3 w/ bases loaded and one out. Jimy (why only one "m") W. taking out Villone after he'd retired 10 or 11 straight to get a better match-up. 18 pitches later: 4 walks and a run across. Then Wags hitting a couple of bats on the sweet spot. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Why do I start pulling for these guys?!?!?!?! eek!

09-22-2003, 11:52 PM
131. Sean Salsbury, ESPN NFL guy. The guy always thinks he's right, and refuses to listen to anyone else. And is it just me, or does he sound like he's constantly wanting to fight someone?

132. Phillip Buchanan taunting the crowd after a mediocre punt return that didn't result in a TD. Meanwhile, his team is losing by like 21 points.

09-23-2003, 10:53 PM
This dos'nt have anything to do with football and when people talk about stuff outside of footbal it pisses me off but...oh well. my number one thing that pisses me off is when people sneeze real loud in public just to get as many people as they can to say bless youfor attention. I just want to scream. Sorry! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-23-2003, 11:07 PM
yes i'm so glad someone feels that way about salsbury, what the hell is his deal with his pissed off face. he even disagrees when someone is saying exactly what he just said.

09-24-2003, 09:36 PM
I just posted to get this topic back on top. Maybe somebody else will see it and keep it going. :cool:

09-25-2003, 11:35 AM
# whatever I'm on:

Cafeterias that serve food with the word "surprise" in it...If we want to be surprised, we'll find ways besides finding out what we're eating.

09-25-2003, 11:40 AM
Wow! I can't believe this is still going!
ok here's mine:
*Most English teacher's :p
Rice burners :D

09-26-2003, 12:10 PM
162. LOVE BUGS....AGAIN!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Look at my windshield :mad:

163. The biggest game in the state here tonight and it's raining.

Note to B22: I heard Salsbury this a.m. on ESPN. You're right. The guy's a psycho!

09-26-2003, 03:13 PM
164. The erie feeling I woke up with this morning about the Rice/Bellville game. I'm hopin' it's just the weather. But I don't have my usual gut feeling. Time will tell.

165. The fact that this day is going SO SLOW!!!!

09-29-2003, 02:57 PM
166. People who leave their cell phones on, answer and talk on them, in the computer lab. Seriously people, get up, walk 10 feet, and talk on them outside.

167. The fact that my teachers wait for the MLB playoffs to start before they start giving big tests. Studying should be interesting.

168. The lovely weather we're having during bye week.

169. Alarm clocks, especially when they wake me up.

170. When the Aggies show that they could be a Top 15 team, then go to the locker room at half, come back out and show they can be one of the worst teams in the country.

171. The people who show up to the Bellville/Rice game at 7:38, walk up the steps of the PACKED stadium, get to the top and realize that they're not gonna find seats. Then stand in your way and stare as if a seat is going to magically open.

09-29-2003, 02:59 PM
those guys who sit in the computer lab and chuckle about playing halo.

10-04-2003, 11:14 PM
164. First quarter of the A&M vs. TT Game: The plastic-faced Jim Knox of Fox Sports SW standing on the sideline near an injured Tech Player with ice on his knee (with, I'm sure, the kid's parents and/or relatives & friends watching). The moron says, "...and they're working on his knee. It doesn't look good." Good grief, for all he knows the guy has a frickin' grassbur! But no, he uses his telopathic medical expertise to diagnose a serious knee injury. Can we please get the mike-bearing morons off the playing field? :mad:

165. The whole "chest-beating" thing be a player who has (in his opinion) made a great play. It's a team sport, big head! Stop beating your damn chest and use that energy to pat the backs of the other 10 soldiers on the field that helped you make the play! :mad:

marlin fan
10-04-2003, 11:20 PM
people from Lagrange that keeep talking about that dance marlin did last year

10-04-2003, 11:39 PM
767747474452747311878. Not winning the State Championship

767747474452747311879. Teams that say they only lost beacause there best player was injures

10-04-2003, 11:47 PM
marlin fan:
people from Lagrange that keeep talking about that dance marlin did last yearMaybe ya'll should have done the dance on your sideline...

10-04-2003, 11:51 PM
What dance are yall talking about?

10-04-2003, 11:55 PM
What dance are yall talking about?That M square stuff the marlin team USED to do at the beginning of each game.It was some sort of bonding the team dance. During the playoffs they came over to LG sidelines and did some sort of rain dance to intimidate LG...they say they do it in the center of the field, but this time they got a little closer to the opponents sideline (within say about 10 yards). We still bring it up to them...they hate it when we do that...just having fun with it like they did

<small>[ October 04, 2003, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: lepfan ]</small>

marlin fan
10-04-2003, 11:56 PM
sorry if yall got intimidated. we didnt mean to imtimdate yall it was just to get them pumped up

<small>[ October 05, 2003, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: marlin fan ]</small>

10-05-2003, 12:26 AM
All thsese 3 A teams Ive never even heard of!

10-05-2003, 12:28 AM
marlin fan:
sorry if yall got intimidated. we didnt mean to imtimdate yall it was just to get them pumped upnope, did not get intimidated...but a comment was stated that that was the intentions...just having fun with it after the fact marlin fan...no offense intended, I hope none was taken :D

10-05-2003, 12:30 AM
All thsese 3 A teams Ive never even heard of!venture out of Midland County...out of the flat land into the trees of central texas...and you will find us :)

marlin fan
10-05-2003, 12:31 AM

marlin fan:
sorry if yall got intimidated. we didnt mean to imtimdate yall it was just to get them pumped upnope, did not get intimidated...but a comment was stated that that was the intentions...just having fun with it after the fact marlin fan...no offense intended, I hope none was taken :D none taken

10-08-2003, 12:13 AM
166. The fact that there are kids under 18 in my school district that are already clinical alcoholics, and it seems that we have prominent adults setting an example that will insure this trend will continue. I can't begin to tell you how that p!$$es me off! :mad: Incidentally, we had another mid-20's kid killed in a truck a couple of weeks ago. The vehicle was driven by another kid (survived the wreck) who was so drunk, he couldn't remember that he had a passenger.

Bandera YaYa
10-08-2003, 12:20 AM
Yep, what a waste of a precious life....that really makes me soooooo mad! Does this have to happen over and over again....? I could say "well, boys will be boys", but I know what kind of storm THAT would cause!! :mad: ..

10-08-2003, 12:29 AM
YaYa check PM

10-24-2003, 09:17 AM
Just wanted to keep this one going!

10-24-2003, 10:32 AM
167. Cliches that are over-used and/or just don't make sense:
Coffin Corner - What does a coffin have to do with it?
"Dime Package" referring to 6 defensive backs. 5 backs = 5 Cents = Nickel; 6 backs = 6 Cents, not a dime. "Dime" would suggest 10 defensive backs. Why can't we just say 5 DB's or 6 DB's?

10-24-2003, 10:50 AM
167. Cliches that are over-used and/or just don't make sense:
Coffin Corner - What does a coffin have to do with it?
"Dime Package" referring to 6 defensive backs. 5 backs = 5 Cents = Nickel; 6 backs = 6 Cents, not a dime. "Dime" would suggest 10 defensive backs. Why can't we just say 5 DB's or 6 DB's?"Coffin" is an allegorical reference to the offense's upcoming drive. If the defense can hold strong after a kick inside the 10 (the definition of a coffin corner kick), they will have the opportunity to "bury" the offense in their own endzone.

10-24-2003, 11:10 AM
That diarrhea medicine in child proof packages the 4th Armored Division couldn't open in time! :mad:

10-24-2003, 12:31 PM

167. Cliches that are over-used and/or just don't make sense:
Coffin Corner - What does a coffin have to do with it?
"Dime Package" referring to 6 defensive backs. 5 backs = 5 Cents = Nickel; 6 backs = 6 Cents, not a dime. "Dime" would suggest 10 defensive backs. Why can't we just say 5 DB's or 6 DB's?"Coffin" is an allegorical reference to the offense's upcoming drive. If the defense can hold strong after a kick inside the 10 (the definition of a coffin corner kick), they will have the opportunity to "bury" the offense in their own endzone.CJ, you continue to amaze me! :rolleyes: I'm proud you would "undertake" the task of providing such a "dead" on explanation of usage of the word coffin. :)

10-24-2003, 12:41 PM
lol...I try :)

10-24-2003, 12:42 PM
but the whole dime thing definitely doesn't make sense...and when the St. Louis Rams play with 7 DB's, they call it a quarter, so go figure.

10-24-2003, 01:25 PM
That diarrhea medicine in child proof packages the 4th Armored Division couldn't open in time! :mad: OOOOOO! eek! eek!

10-24-2003, 04:45 PM
but the whole dime thing definitely doesn't make sense...and when the St. Louis Rams play with 7 DB's, they call it a quarter, so go figure....so on offense, if there's only one QB in the backfield, we could call it the "penny" package, right? Oh, this is such fun!!! :D

10-24-2003, 04:58 PM
when coaches run the same option play 95% of the game thinking it will work.