View Full Version : Things that p!$$ me off...

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10-24-2003, 05:35 PM
Crappy teachers piss me off...

Crappy people piss me off...

Annyoing people piss me off...

People that talk smack piss me off...

People that talk smack and don't back it up pisses me off...


10-25-2003, 04:32 PM
168. David Wells. Now I'm definitely not a Yankee fan, but here's a guy that gets millions to be an athlete and play a childrens' game. What does he do? Nothing but eat, be fat and lazy, and think he doesn't have to keep his porky a$$ in shape. The result: he lets his team down because he hurts his back while trying to pitch and lug his lard aroung at the same time.

10-25-2003, 06:30 PM
losing frown

10-25-2003, 06:34 PM
3. When you pull out well ahead of someone on the highway, and they speed up by 30 MPH, so they can act like you cut them off.

2. No matter what line I get in at Wal-Mart, it is invevitably the line with the 120 year old "Blue Haired" woman at the counter who is quibbling because the cauliflower is ringing up 7 cents more than she thought it was
3. The same lady has somehow slipped into a walking state of stupidity and has forgotten either where she keeps her money, or how to write a check, or where she is at, or she can't understand how much the total is after being told 16 times and that screen is 8 inches from her face with bright blue numbers on it.


10-25-2003, 06:41 PM
If this reply don't go through that will be it! :mad:

10-25-2003, 06:43 PM
Went through so now I'm happy! :)

10-25-2003, 07:46 PM
People who will start a full blown argument over the stupidest things

Peolple who talk trash about the men and women fighting in the War in Iraq

People who speak before they think

10-25-2003, 07:47 PM
I have the ultimate Number ONE:


I mean come on why even show up in the first place, not only to you take up good seats at the game for the people who really want to be there, but you also make the concession stand lines longer, as well as the restroom lines. If you don't intend to stay the whole time, then you really shouldn't come. You have NO clue how embarassing that is when the opposing team sees a massive herd of fans give up and leave before the game is even over. It's even more embarassing and less understandble when you do this at a home game.

10-25-2003, 08:28 PM
I whole-heartedly agree Number44. That's probably my biggest pet peeve. My number two pet peeve is those fans who sit in the stands and praise the team when they're doing well and trash them when they're down (especially when you knew that guy in high school and he never played football). I guess my 3rd would be that the stands are so full that you can't move away from them!!

10-25-2003, 08:32 PM
Poeple who dont know the rules... Your team is punting and the other team blocks the punt and hits the kicker at the same time, they think it should be a penalty

LH Panther Mom
10-26-2003, 01:37 PM
Ladies, I think you can relate.

1. My husband's "lack" of listening skills. (i.e. him - "Hey, did you hear such & such happened?" me - "Yes, remember I told you that 2 days ago."
him - "I guess I didn't hear you.") What he really should say is "I guess I was ignoring you".
2. A woman coming up with an idea and men (husband, co-worker, etc) shooting it down. Then...5 minutes, 2 hrs, a month later, the man/men coming up with the same idea & thinking it's great. :rolleyes:

10-26-2003, 01:51 PM
When half the time it lets me reply to posts, and the other half i type for nothing because it says im ROMed.

11-09-2003, 10:48 PM
when people say k-town, b-town or h-town ect. ect.

11-09-2003, 10:57 PM
People who whine!

11-09-2003, 11:04 PM

LH Panther Mom
11-09-2003, 11:12 PM
Okay, stay with me, 'coz it's kind of confusing: Standing up to cheer for the team the majority of the game, in front of folks, then having a 6 or 7 year old child stand on the bleacher in front of me and having the folks behind me complain to the little girls dad...particularly when they add "It's a football game, for crying out loud, she needs to sit down". Hmmm, if I'm not in your way, why is this little girl?

LH Panther Mom
11-09-2003, 11:17 PM
Oh, yeah....the fact that I've had to work every weekend since about August 23.

11-09-2003, 11:24 PM
when people bring up non football posts like this

11-10-2003, 11:19 PM
when people bring up non football posts like thisCome on, K '99! You're hurtin' my feelings! lol
Half the stuff on here is about football. :D

11-11-2003, 08:41 AM
The people that sit down the row from me that bring their stupid kids and let them jump up and down and slam the foldable reserved seats up and down

11-11-2003, 11:39 AM
Know it alls.

11-11-2003, 11:44 AM
Posts that never die... :D :p

11-11-2003, 11:51 AM
People that start this post and never reply back and people that were one of this first to be on this board and don't post anything. What a waste.

11-11-2003, 01:24 PM

11-11-2003, 02:16 PM
youThat's my point!!!!!!

cant stop me
11-11-2003, 02:30 PM
go for it

11-11-2003, 02:33 PM
can't we all just get along

11-11-2003, 04:16 PM
O.k., o.k. So I'm a whole lot late getting started, but this is all cracking me up waaayy too much! Now I know why I hang out here. You guys are really, really cool and sooooo funny. This is a really sharp bunch of folks with some real witty senses of humor! Here's my list, which I'm sure most have already been said, but I haven't said them: (From a teacher's perspective)

1. Kids who ask, "What are we doing today?", when it's written on the board.
2. When you give excellent instructions and half the class asks, "What are we supposed to do?"
3. Getting asked the same question by ALL 25 students in the same class, several times.
4. Telling a student what to do, (i.e. move on along to class, get quiet, quit playing the computer games and get to work); and your looked at like your an alien from Mars!
5. Rude students.
6. Rude parents.
7. Parents who think Little Johnny or Susie would NEVER act like that!
8. Stupid-acting students who just pretend to not understand.
10. Parents that call you up AT HOME, on YOUR OWN TIME, and CURSE YOU OUT!
9. People who think teaching is easy.
11. Whoever decided spanking children was child abuse. I never got a spanking in school, but I sure knew the teacher had that paddle in her desk!
12. People who think teachers are supposed to cure all of societies evils and when they don't, are FAILURES!
13. Working in the business world for 20 years, paying Social Security all those years, then going into teaching only to learn that you have to choose either Social Security or Teacher's retirement, but you can't have BOTH!
From today:
14. Kids who are rude and disrespectful in a Veteran's Day assembly.
15. Kids who think that the world owes THEM something.
16. Kids who ask stupid and meaningless questions. Yes, in spite of what we've all been told, there really ARE STUPID questions!

Enough on that for the moment, but I'm not finished:

14. People who have their blinkers on and never turn.... This only says to every other driver that...."Your stupid as hell, your stupid as hell"
15. T.V. shows that end with....To Be Continued.....

TO BE CONTINUED................

<small>[ November 11, 2003, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: LogieJoeBean001 ]</small>

11-11-2003, 06:23 PM
Most scrubs

11-12-2003, 10:32 AM
Now for the rest of the story.......

16. People who think Scrubs don't have anything good to say. EVERYBODY was a Scrub at some point!
17. People who interrupt when I'm talking
18. People who interrupt with....."Whateverrrrr"
19. Men that assume they are always right. (speaking of personal life)
20. Men who won't get out and GET A JOB and still feel that they have the right to run the household!!!
21. Men who are always reminding you about your kids' faults, and your faults in raising them, when.....let's see....theirs ran the streets in her own car at 14, got pregnant at 16, married at 17, and didn't even graduate high school! At least I know where MINE are!
22. Drunks
23. Drunks who are obnoxious
24. Animal cruelty...people who burn kittens alive on a Bar-B-Que grill instead of finding homes for them or taking them to a shelter....Just have your _ _ _ _ cat FIXED! Kids and animals - those innocent ones that can't protect themselves!
25. People who beat their kids

I apologize for getting so serious, but I'm PI$$ED OFF. I feel among friends here and just needed to vent. This feels good. This is gonna put a lot of therapist out of a job! lol!

After I calm down a bit, I would like to continue.

cant stop me
11-12-2003, 02:12 PM
on the topic of cats my ''friend'' one time buried a cat with its head above ground an ran over its head with a lawn mower.... an this other guy put his cat in a box an threw it in a pond with weights tied to it,,, were not really friends anymore i know were all young an dumb at some point but S***

11-12-2003, 03:01 PM
cant stop me:
on the topic of cats my ''friend'' one time buried a cat with its head above ground an ran over its head with a lawn mower.... an this other guy put his cat in a box an threw it in a pond with weights tied to it,,, were not really friends anymore i know were all young an dumb at some point but S***Geez, that's stupid no matter how young you are...you should know better than to do that. I remember I was like 3 or something and I thought my kitten could swim in the hot tub with me. Found out that doesn't really work. (I'm still really sad about that! :( )
But I love cats. And other animals.
Cruelty really pi**es me off.
So does having a killer sore throat and ear for a week, and being told it's a virus, so it just has to run it's course....GGRRRRRR!!!! :mad:

cant stop me
11-12-2003, 04:49 PM
that does suck sorry

11-12-2003, 04:52 PM
Hairy Soap

11-12-2003, 04:53 PM

cant stop me:
on the topic of cats my ''friend'' one time buried a cat with its head above ground an ran over its head with a lawn mower.... an this other guy put his cat in a box an threw it in a pond with weights tied to it,,, were not really friends anymore i know were all young an dumb at some point but S***Geez, that's stupid no matter how young you are...you should know better than to do that. I remember I was like 3 or something and I thought my kitten could swim in the hot tub with me. Found out that doesn't really work. (I'm still really sad about that! :( )
But I love cats. And other animals.
Cruelty really pi**es me off.
So does having a killer sore throat and ear for a week, and being told it's a virus, so it just has to run it's course....GGRRRRRR!!!! :mad: huh? Most cats I've ever seen CAN swim. Was the water too hot or something?

11-12-2003, 05:04 PM


cant stop me:
on the topic of cats my ''friend'' one time buried a cat with its head above ground an ran over its head with a lawn mower.... an this other guy put his cat in a box an threw it in a pond with weights tied to it,,, were not really friends anymore i know were all young an dumb at some point but S***Geez, that's stupid no matter how young you are...you should know better than to do that. I remember I was like 3 or something and I thought my kitten could swim in the hot tub with me. Found out that doesn't really work. (I'm still really sad about that! :( )
But I love cats. And other animals.
Cruelty really pi**es me off.
So does having a killer sore throat and ear for a week, and being told it's a virus, so it just has to run it's course....GGRRRRRR!!!! :mad: huh? Most cats I've ever seen CAN swim. Was the water too hot or something?I don't know! :( Probably not; I may have been hoding it, trying to "help it". I was so stupid!!! :o

11-12-2003, 05:05 PM
The bubbles may have been on, too...

11-12-2003, 05:05 PM
that's terrible...that's so sad. frown

11-12-2003, 05:12 PM

11-12-2003, 05:17 PM
Another thing I don't like:
I can only study when I'm on a stationary bike, elliptical machine, stairclimber, or in my dorm. So when I've already had my daily workout, I'll come to my dorm, ready to study. Low and behold, my roommate is actually in our room (for once), and she listens to the TV SO LOUD!!!! I think I'll be deaf before Christmas! Luckily sometimes she'll give me the remote so I can turn it down, but sheesh. I get so easily distracted, especially when I'm stressed. GRR! But hey! She left, again...so I need to go study!

11-12-2003, 05:27 PM
I also have a problem with the AC in our dorm. It gets hot in here, so you turn on the AC and it's freezing after 2 minutes. And we don't have a heater. So uh we'll see. And it says I can have a blender in our room, and they took it away. They're stupid...I have to go get it back from them. :mad:

cant stop me
11-12-2003, 05:28 PM
NVM lol

<small>[ November 12, 2003, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: cant stop me ]</small>

11-12-2003, 05:29 PM
I also have a problem with the AC in our dorm. It gets hot in here, so you turn on the AC and it's freezing after 2 minutes. And we don't have a heater. So uh we'll see. And it says I can have a blender in our room, and they took it away. They're stupid...I have to go get it back from them. :mad: we don't even have thermostats in our rooms! :mad: :mad:

11-12-2003, 05:29 PM
cant stop me:
the cat was in a box tied to weights man how can it swim LOLnot you...I was talking about weatherag07's cat.

cant stop me
11-12-2003, 05:30 PM
i jsut saw that my bad

<small>[ November 12, 2003, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: cant stop me ]</small>

11-12-2003, 08:03 PM

That's really sad. Children at that age really aren't responsible for their actions.

I do have one kitten that was rescued just before being put on the fire. (No, I wasn't there myself or I'd have tackled the guy and knocked him into next week!) Binky is here with me now, helping me type. Binky just wants me to say, "Go, Wharton Tigers!" (holding head down, giving puppy dog look) Just had to throw in the tie to football there.

11-12-2003, 09:14 PM

That's really sad. Children at that age really aren't responsible for their actions.

I do have one kitten that was rescued just before being put on the fire. (No, I wasn't there myself or I'd have tackled the guy and knocked him into next week!) Binky is here with me now, helping me type. Binky just wants me to say, "Go, Wharton Tigers!" (holding head down, giving puppy dog look) Just had to throw in the tie to football there.AWW! Yeah I know...but a couple years after that, my brother and his family were living with us, and they had 2 rottweilers. I hate those breed of dogs with a passion now; I probably lost about 10 cats due to those stupid blockhead dogs. :mad:
But I LOVE my german shepherd-she's a sweetie! :D

11-14-2003, 11:59 AM
169. Walking in my garage barefoot this morning and stepping on the doormat, only to find a %&#*% grassbur!!!!!!! Somebody please come pull it out!!!! eek! eek! eek! OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
170. Missing the Bull's game tonight! frown

LH Panther Mom
11-14-2003, 12:06 PM
Hairy SoapEwww...that one bites. eek!

11-14-2003, 12:11 PM
wow...the next post on this thread will be #300...with the current number of posts that have been made, that means this thread will contain approximately 1.65% of all posts ever made on 3ADL!

11-14-2003, 12:18 PM
hey its #300 post congrats to me for accomplishing that

11-14-2003, 12:31 PM
hey its #300 post congrats to me for accomplishing thatI'd like to thank the academy; all my fans for sticking beside me through the hard times; Eric Cartman, my idol and inspiration; and especially all you p!$$ed off people on this board who have seen it fit to shun professional therapy, only to share your rage and dementia with your peers. (I told myself I wasn't going to cry.) Finally, Matthew, for not ROMing me for exposing so much pent-up anger in our population.

11-14-2003, 01:27 PM
73, don't forget all the bad drivers, bad parents, fans who yell at coaches/umpires/refs, supid people, and smokers who made this post possible. With out them, who would we get p!$$ed at?

11-14-2003, 01:37 PM
172. The fact that I have to work on a research paper during the playoffs.

173. The research paper is not on Texas High School Football.

11-14-2003, 01:40 PM

173. The research paper is not on Texas High School Football.Is it on life and scenery in Cozumel?

11-14-2003, 01:50 PM
18. Fog Lights......anything more than 2 low beams (and I mean LOW beams, not those new Blue beams) shining at me on the road or in my mirrors is cause for me to use my BB gun. You know who you are. If you need more than two low beams to drive down the higway, then you need to stay off of MY highway. If you so much as even think about shining fog lights in my general direction on a clear night I will turn around follow you home and shoot your dog. Then I will take a ball peen hammer to every light on your little miniature pick-up, and I will spraypaint something really nasty about your sister on the water tower. And then I will go on a football bulletin board and tell everyone how stupid you are. etc..... D Just in case you didn't read this one last year.

11-14-2003, 02:00 PM


173. The research paper is not on Texas High School Football.Is it on life and scenery in Cozumel?No, the life and scenery in Jefferson County, TX. In particular around the time of the Battle of Sabine Pass during the Civil War. Any of you East Texans who happen to be an expert on this subject PM me.

73, were you aware that the Confed General was John Magruder, he hasn't aged very much over the past 100+ years.

11-14-2003, 02:05 PM



173. The research paper is not on Texas High School Football.Is it on life and scenery in Cozumel?No, the life and scenery in Jefferson County, TX. In particular around the time of the Battle of Sabine Pass during the Civil War. Any of you East Texans who happen to be an expert on this subject PM me.

73, were you aware that the Confed General was John Magruder, he hasn't aged very much over the past 100+ years.Yes, and apparently he's still beating up on people (Oops! Did I say that out loud?!) lol
BTW, I live with the ULTIMATE history buff, and she IS from East Texas! eek!

11-14-2003, 02:13 PM
WOW! That's a low blow, 73, were gonna go ahead and just let that go away, huh. eek!

And yea, the East Texan is on my reference call list. So far, so good, but I'll let her know if I get stumped. The excitement of tonight is starting to build, which means the paper starts to slow. But I'm fighting it for a little while longer.

11-14-2003, 06:53 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PPHSfan:
[QB][QUOTE]Originally posted by PPHSfan:
18. Fog Lights......anything more than 2 low beams (and I mean LOW beams, not those new Blue beams) shining at me on the road or in my mirrors is cause for me to use my BB gun. You know who you are. If you need more than two low beams to drive down the higway, then you need to stay off of MY highway. If you so much as even think about shining fog lights in my general direction on a clear night I will turn around follow you home and shoot your dog. Then I will take a ball peen hammer to every light on your little miniature pick-up, and I will spraypaint something really nasty about your sister on the water tower. And then I will go on a football bulletin board and tell everyone how stupid you are. etc..... :D
This has to be one of my favorite posts of all time! roflmao :D

11-18-2003, 05:48 PM
171. The fact that laziness is a recognized as a learning disability in public schools and that I am paying staff in my school district to help kids do their work when they just don't feel like it. :mad:

11-18-2003, 08:45 PM
1.People that drive in the middle lane with their left turn signal on, then...n turn right.

2.Gobbla...J/K.. not!!


11-30-2003, 10:25 PM
172. It's not December until tomorrow, and people already think it's Christmas. Then when it's December 26th, the very beginning of the Christmas season, everybody takes down their decorations and thinks it's over!

173. My dial-up connection!

11-30-2003, 10:35 PM
172. It's not December until tomorrow, and people already think it's Christmas. Then when it's December 26th, the very beginning of the Christmas season, everybody takes down their decorations and thinks it's over!

173. My dial-up connection!

11-30-2003, 10:39 PM
172. It's not December until tomorrow, and people already think it's Christmas. Then when it's December 26th, the very beginning of the Christmas season, everybody takes down their decorations and thinks it's over!

173. My dial-up connection!It's not your dial up, the board is having problems. eek!

marlin fan
11-30-2003, 11:01 PM
1 Algebra 2 teachers that make their students write a poem explaning the quadratic formula. and making the students read them out loud in front of the hole class.
2 people drive in the fast lang and go slow as hell.

marlin fan
11-30-2003, 11:03 PM
Sorry double post!!!

<small>[ November 30, 2003, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: marlin fan ]</small>

11-30-2003, 11:14 PM
Shopping carts left in parking spaces. :cool:

LH Panther Mom
12-01-2003, 06:15 AM
Having to support someone else's football team for the state championship, because we're no longer in it. J/K - good luck to everyone.

12-01-2003, 07:41 AM
Man I hate when the boards not working right! :cool: :D

12-01-2003, 07:43 AM
LH Panther Mom:
Having to support someone else's football team for the state championship, because we're no longer in it. J/K - good luck to everyone.I feel for ya!!! :cool: wink wink wink

12-01-2003, 10:58 AM
Getting home and realizing that the car you parked next to at the grocery story banged into you. :mad:

12-02-2003, 06:05 PM
174. People with less than 10 posts to their credit getting on this board and immediately starting to talk trash.

J-town Hustler
12-02-2003, 06:14 PM
Things that piss me off:

People that bash other teams, without giving them credit where credit is due. Others, who misread your post and take it for something entirely different. Also, as already mentioned. People that get all ready for Christmas when Thanksgiving was around just under a week ago.

12-02-2003, 06:17 PM
Burnet bashers


bad drivers

people who have excuses for losing a game (there are none)


loud mouth fans that don't know what they are talking about

and I am sure there are more but thats all for now.... :D

12-02-2003, 06:24 PM
People who take the one last chance they have to belittle another person.

Christmas lights that have a 2 foot section (in the middle) that do not work!

:mad: :( :)

12-02-2003, 06:26 PM
Christmas lights that have a 2 foot section (in the middle) that do not work!

:mad: :( :) ...especially when you tested them before you put them up, then after you have all the other decorations and stuff on the tree, they stop working. There's no way you're gonna undress the whole tree, so you just have to look at them that way for a whole frickin' month!

12-02-2003, 06:30 PM

Christmas lights that have a 2 foot section (in the middle) that do not work!

:mad: :( :) ...especially when you tested them before you put them up, then after you have all the other decorations and stuff on the tree, they stop working. There's no way you're gonna undress the whole tree, so you just have to look at them that way for a whole frickin' month!I think that's where the song "jingle bells" got its inspiration...so many people shaking their trees trying to get those stupid things to work!

12-03-2003, 02:25 AM
Being a freshman in college, so I am one of the last to register for my classes, and finding out the prof's classes that I wanted are pretty much full, and not figuring out a way to stop making my chem and physics classes and their STUPID LONG LABS :mad: overlapping!
I have a feeling I'm not gonna like my schedule next semester...and I have to register tomorrow! (actually today) :mad: :o :mad: :o :mad: eek!

12-03-2003, 02:30 AM
when people point to there wrist when asking what time it is. It would be like me walking up pointing at my crotch and saying where is the bathroom.

12-03-2003, 02:39 AM
when people point to there wrist when asking what time it is. It would be like me walking up pointing at my crotch and saying where is the bathroom.ROFL!! :D :D

12-03-2003, 02:50 AM
what's wrong with pointing to the crotch

12-03-2003, 11:02 AM
Being a freshman in college, so I am one of the last to register for my classes, and finding out the prof's classes that I wanted are pretty much full, and not figuring out a way to stop making my chem and physics classes and their STUPID LONG LABS :mad: overlapping!
I have a feeling I'm not gonna like my schedule next semester...and I have to register tomorrow! (actually today) :mad: :o :mad: :o :mad: eek! Get used to it weatherag07, it's not gonna get any better any time soon. Hang in there, everyone goes through it.

12-03-2003, 12:41 PM
(1) Mondays :mad:
(2) Tuesdays :mad:
(3) Wednesdays :mad:
(4) Thursdays :mad:

Then the good stuff Friday, Saturday, Sunday :D

12-03-2003, 12:43 PM
when people point to there wrist when asking what time it is. It would be like me walking up pointing at my crotch and saying where is the bathroom.Now that is hilarious!!!!!! ROFLMAO

12-03-2003, 12:43 PM
when people point to there wrist when asking what time it is. It would be like me walking up pointing at my crotch and saying where is the bathroom.Now that is hilarious!!!!!! ROFLMAO

12-03-2003, 03:11 PM

Being a freshman in college, so I am one of the last to register for my classes, and finding out the prof's classes that I wanted are pretty much full, and not figuring out a way to stop making my chem and physics classes and their STUPID LONG LABS :mad: overlapping!
I have a feeling I'm not gonna like my schedule next semester...and I have to register tomorrow! (actually today) :mad: :o :mad: :o :mad: eek! Get used to it weatherag07, it's not gonna get any better any time soon. Hang in there, everyone goes through it.Thanks...I register at 5--wish me luck!!

12-03-2003, 05:05 PM
Weatherag07, never underestimate the power of brown noseing. wink Many moons ago when I was in college, I got to be friends with some of the profs, they always got me in early for registration so that I could get the classes I wanted and the times that I wanted. It was also helpful after I graduated on the resume to use them as references. My first job after college my boss admitted the reason he hired me was because of a phone call to some of the profs and they knew me by name.

Take it for what it's worth.

12-03-2003, 05:10 PM
weatherag07. you cry more now than when you were in HS. Shut up and go to class! They don't give out awards for being the biggest cry-baby........oops did I say that???

12-03-2003, 05:10 PM
POP UP ADS!!!!! especially the ones that pop up right when you're about to click yes to something else when they conveniently pop up right where you are going to click! Or how about the ones that say click here to close but bring you to the ad anyway. :mad:

12-03-2003, 05:23 PM
1. People driving slow on the left lane, and even if ur driving faster than speed limit and someone else is behind you driving faster move the H** out the way.

2. Also when on a one lane highway and the shoulder has enough room to move over PLEASE MOVE THE H** OVER, and let the other driver pass you up.

3. Also put on your turn signal before even slowing down and even before braking, that really pisses me off, a lot of drivers brake all of a sudden then turn. Thats why you should put on ur turn signal in advance and then start slowing down.

4. People that make a big deal about voting, its not like its going to make a differece on who wins the vote, I mean lets face it all the canidates are humans; ur not choosing from a GOD to a Devil, And plus it only takes 3 people, yeah 3 people to make a vote, not everyone has to vote....geeze.

5. Oh yeah turn right on a red light, and yeah go ahead and run a yellow/orange light cause the person behind you might want to run the yellow/orange light as well.

O.k. thats enough for now, I have more though.

12-03-2003, 06:14 PM
1. People driving slow on the left lane, and even if ur driving faster than speed limit and someone else is behind you driving faster move the H** out the way.

2. Also when on a one lane highway and the shoulder has enough room to move over PLEASE MOVE THE H** OVER, and let the other driver pass you up.

3. Also put on your turn signal before even slowing down and even before braking, that really pisses me off, a lot of drivers brake all of a sudden then turn. Thats why you should put on ur turn signal in advance and then start slowing down.

4. People that make a big deal about voting, its not like its going to make a differece on who wins the vote, I mean lets face it all the canidates are humans; ur not choosing from a GOD to a Devil, And plus it only takes 3 people, yeah 3 people to make a vote, not everyone has to vote....geeze.

5. Oh yeah turn right on a red light, and yeah go ahead and run a yellow/orange light cause the person behind you might want to run the yellow/orange light as well.

O.k. thats enough for now, I have more though.people who expect other people to move out of the way just because they're going faster on the highway...you want to go 90 mph? Fine...but you can do it as you go around me...I don't have to move just because you're being an idiot...

people who try to run you off the shoulder of a one lane highway

people who don't vote...you think your vote doesn't make a difference, but here at school we had a school-wide vote and about 2000 of the 30000 students actually voted in it...that means that for everyone who actually took the time to vote, their vote counted about 14 times as much as it would had everybody else voted.

12-03-2003, 07:19 PM
people who think there the best at everything but they suck

people having last names that get them everything

LH Panther Mom
12-03-2003, 07:38 PM
Being a freshman in college, so I am one of the last to register for my classes, and finding out the prof's classes that I wanted are pretty much full, and not figuring out a way to stop making my chem and physics classes and their STUPID LONG LABS :mad: overlapping!
I have a feeling I'm not gonna like my schedule next semester...and I have to register tomorrow! (actually today) :mad: :o :mad: :o :mad: eek! I certainly feel your pain....or at least my son does. He had registration the week before Thanksgiving and is in the last group. So far, he's registered for Physics lab, but not class. One stinking hour. Good luck!

12-03-2003, 08:10 PM
weatherag07. you cry more now than when you were in HS. Shut up and go to class! They don't give out awards for being the biggest cry-baby........oops did I say that???What is up your a$$?
If you were in college, you could tell me I'm a crybaby. But you're not, so don't even talk to me about it. I hope that if you're a student and you end up going to college that it'll be hell for you so you'll understand the vast majority of college freshman.
LH Panther Mom, thanks for your concern! I wish your son luck! I did get the classes and profs that I wanted, so I'm happy about that! :o

<small>[ December 03, 2003, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: weatherag07 ]</small>

12-04-2003, 12:48 PM
people who expect other people to move out of the way just because they're going faster on the highway...you want to go 90 mph? Fine...but you can do it as you go around me...I don't have to move just because you're being an idiot...

O.k. Crazyjournalist03....First of all....

1st. Have you ever read the sign "slower traffic use right lane"????????

2nd. And also you know you can get a ticket if you are drviving on the left lane and someone is behind you and you don't want to move.

3rd. And when quote "idiots" (u were the one that stated this insult) don't want to move they only cause other drivers to get pissed off and which leads to highway outrage.

4th. When you don't move over you cause a whole line of traffic just to pile up right behind you, especially if ur on one of the Interstate Highways.

12-04-2003, 01:05 PM
And my list continues.....

Drivers that don't turn on their headlights either at night or in the early morning, or in the evening when the sun is right in someones face and it would help if the other drivers driving the opposite direction would turn on their lights to be noticed better.

When guys where their pants down to their knees, I mean whats the point of that, they look so ridiculous.

Oh, and when girls wear these outfits that basically show everthing, but yet they get mad bc guys look at them or should I say stare at them; though not all girls are like that though.

When girls put tooooooooooo much make-up on.

Girls that smoke.



Oh this one too, when ur at wal-mart and when someone in fron of you has this full basket and as each item is rung up on the registar they want to know the balance to see if they have enough money, which they usually don't and they end up leaving half of the stuff there; and these people usually have like 6 kids/babys with them and they are crying bc they want candy and the mother rather buy smokes instead of buying there kids something.

I still have more to come...lol...

12-04-2003, 01:17 PM

weatherag07. you cry more now than when you were in HS. Shut up and go to class! They don't give out awards for being the biggest cry-baby........oops did I say that???What is up your a$$?
If you were in college, you could tell me I'm a crybaby. But you're not, so don't even talk to me about it. I hope that if you're a student and you end up going to college that it'll be hell for you so you'll understand the vast majority of college freshman.
LH Panther Mom, thanks for your concern! I wish your son luck! I did get the classes and profs that I wanted, so I'm happy about that! :o I agree with weatherag07, lay off, if you knew what she was talking about you would know that she is not whing, but she is just frustrated because it is a very frustrating process. I am going through the same thing! Congrats on getting all the profs you wanted! :D :D eek! eek! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: wink

12-04-2003, 01:23 PM
"07" i would expect an aggie to use the kind of words you are using. Tipical imature fish. just be glad that you are in a place of "higher education".

12-04-2003, 01:26 PM
people who expect other people to move out of the way just because they're going faster on the highway...you want to go 90 mph? Fine...but you can do it as you go around me...I don't have to move just because you're being an idiot...

O.k. Crazyjournalist03....First of all....

1st. Have you ever read the sign "slower traffic use right lane"????????

2nd. And also you know you can get a ticket if you are drviving on the left lane and someone is behind you and you don't want to move.

3rd. And when quote "idiots" (u were the one that stated this insult) don't want to move they only cause other drivers to get pissed off and which leads to highway outrage.

4th. When you don't move over you cause a whole line of traffic just to pile up right behind you, especially if ur on one of the Interstate Highways.To answer your questions:
1. yes...but "slower" traffic is defined as those going the speed limit or below...if I'm going 70 in a 60, then I'm not slow traffic.

2. If someone wants me to move when I'm in the left lane and I'm going that fast and a police officer happens to be around, I'm probably not the one that's going to get the ticket...the guy going 90 is.

3. That's the problem with the world today...too many people are jerks and get PO'd way too easily...those people need to just take a chill pill and let everything calm down.

4. I have never seen a "whole line of traffic" behind me...it's just those few cars that think they own the road and should be given the freedom to drive however fast they please wherever they please that end up on people's bumper...after they finally pass you, there's not traffic behind you.

12-04-2003, 02:03 PM
"07" i would expect an aggie to use the kind of words you are using. Tipical imature fish. just be glad that you are in a place of "higher education".Okay...whatever. I would expect that you knew how to spell if you're talking to me about the words I'm using.
:D wink
Have a nice day!

12-04-2003, 02:46 PM
2. If someone wants me to move when I'm in the left lane and I'm going that fast and a police officer happens to be around, I'm probably not the one that's going to get the ticket...the guy going 90 is.

Actually both would get a ticket for speeding( if both cars are speeding). And if the police is in front of ya the one clocked with the radar would be you...lol...so actually you would be the one with the ticket.
1. first i flash my lights as I am approching them, then...
2. ride on their a$$ and continue to flash my lights, and if they still don't want to move,
3. I pass them on the right lane, and then I get in front of them and slow my a$$ down and go MY SPEED, then I just drop my gear and haul a$$.

By the way I seen people get run off the road because they didn't move. But like I said keep on driving on the left lane and let people get pissed off at you, and look its a cause and effect deal, you keep on doing it and you will continue to piss people off.

12-04-2003, 03:35 PM

people who expect other people to move out of the way just because they're going faster on the highway...you want to go 90 mph? Fine...but you can do it as you go around me...I don't have to move just because you're being an idiot...

O.k. Crazyjournalist03....First of all....

1st. Have you ever read the sign "slower traffic use right lane"????????

2nd. And also you know you can get a ticket if you are drviving on the left lane and someone is behind you and you don't want to move.

3rd. And when quote "idiots" (u were the one that stated this insult) don't want to move they only cause other drivers to get pissed off and which leads to highway outrage.

4th. When you don't move over you cause a whole line of traffic just to pile up right behind you, especially if ur on one of the Interstate Highways.To answer your questions:
1. yes...but "slower" traffic is defined as those going the speed limit or below...if I'm going 70 in a 60, then I'm not slow traffic.

2. If someone wants me to move when I'm in the left lane and I'm going that fast and a police officer happens to be around, I'm probably not the one that's going to get the ticket...the guy going 90 is.

3. That's the problem with the world today...too many people are jerks and get PO'd way too easily...those people need to just take a chill pill and let everything calm down.

4. I have never seen a "whole line of traffic" behind me...it's just those few cars that think they own the road and should be given the freedom to drive however fast they please wherever they please that end up on people's bumper...after they finally pass you, there's not traffic behind you.Slower traffic keep right means at any speed! If someone wants to pass you are supposed to move over. It's the police officers job to say who and whose not speeding. What if someone had an emergency and you decided to keep you're dumb a$$ in the way, that would be ok huh? Slower traffic to the right period.

12-04-2003, 03:45 PM

<small>[ December 04, 2003, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Bellville22 ]</small>

12-04-2003, 03:54 PM
Things that piss me off??? let's see??? People who get their parents to take up for them when they should be old enough to take care of themselves :)

12-04-2003, 04:35 PM
THANKS ESPN1, that's what I been trying to tell Mrs. or Mr. crazyjournalist03, but he/she doesn't tend to understand.

12-06-2003, 12:16 PM
When people on the drive-thru take for ever to even start their order, man if you don't know what you want go inside instead of taking for ever.

12-06-2003, 12:35 PM
immature adults!!!!

12-06-2003, 08:29 PM
175. Having to admit that Pudlugger was absolutely correct in one of his early season "predictive" posts. (He'll know which one! :rolleyes: )

12-07-2003, 11:41 PM
176. ...and not being in the top 10! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! :(

177. Basketball (already)

<small>[ December 07, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Brahma73 ]</small>

12-07-2003, 11:54 PM
6 Puff Daddy P Diddy or whatever he is calling himself this week.
8 Hollywood actors who open their big mouths about war in Iraq. (Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin).
9 Getting screwed at the drive thru.
10 When my illegal Direct TV card gets zapped.

<small>[ December 07, 2003, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: dawgdad ]</small>

12-07-2003, 11:57 PM

6 Puff Daddy P Diddy or whatever he is calling himself this week.
8 Hollywood actors who open their big mouths about war in Iraq. (Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin).
9 Getting screwed at the drive thru.
10 When my illegal Direct TV card gets zapped.dont forget the Dixie Chicks. And darn it! I liked them until they opened their big mouths about Bush and the war. Haven't bought a cd since.

Bulldog Fan
12-08-2003, 12:19 AM
Referees that make a bad call and cost a team a playoff win.
(I would like to say that I am not making any accusations and neither am I whining.)

And of course, when fans walk out on their team before the game is over. SIT DOWN AND YELL!!!

12-08-2003, 12:22 AM
Bulldog Fan:
Referees that make a bad call and cost a team a playoff win.
(I would like to say that I am not making any accusations and neither am I whining.)

And of course, when fans walk out on their team before the game is over. SIT DOWN AND YELL!!!looks like we are theonly ones still up

Bandera YaYa
12-08-2003, 12:28 AM


6 Puff Daddy P Diddy or whatever he is calling himself this week.
8 Hollywood actors who open their big mouths about war in Iraq. (Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin).
9 Getting screwed at the drive thru.
10 When my illegal Direct TV card gets zapped.dont forget the Dixie Chicks. And darn it! I liked them until they opened their big mouths about Bush and the war. Haven't bought a cd since.Not me! I have their new CD on the top of my Christmas Wish List. They shouldn't be condemned for what they said...if you do that, those men and women over their fighting for freedom, are doing it for nothing then....you can't define "freedom" to suit yourself...Freedom is freedom.....The Dixie Chicks are 100% behind the soldiers...don't put words in their mouths because you didn't like what they said about Bush.

12-08-2003, 12:31 AM
good point

12-08-2003, 10:53 AM
well said banderayaya! you go!

12-08-2003, 02:30 PM
my list continues...

I don't like imports(vehicles) and I don't like people who continue to buy imports but yet they wounder why are economy is doing bad.

Oh yeah, and I hate people that start an arguement or a debate and say what ever they want and then when its your turn to speak they don't want to hear it, they say something like "oh whatever". U know just pain rude, if your going to say something expect to get a response thats just parliamentary rule.

I can't think of anymore at the moment

12-08-2003, 02:37 PM
Oh and this one goes out to usually hispanics, and the majority of them being Mexicans, anyways I hate it when they fix up their trucks like if it was a Christmas tree, oh and of course they have to put their last name on there along with some roster stickers and um...just different juke...lol...and I'm 4 real I'll be driving down the road and I see one of those trucks and I'm like "there goes a mexican right there...lol."

And even some of them wonder they get pulled over more, well thats because ur telling the police that hey I'm Mexican come pick on me.

And I'm hispanic myself and I'm not trying to sound prejudice against any race.

12-08-2003, 02:42 PM
I'm sorry for my incorrect use of grammer.

12-08-2003, 03:50 PM
When white people say they aren't racist, but they are.

12-08-2003, 03:55 PM
Bandera YaYa:



6 Puff Daddy P Diddy or whatever he is calling himself this week.
8 Hollywood actors who open their big mouths about war in Iraq. (Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin).
9 Getting screwed at the drive thru.
10 When my illegal Direct TV card gets zapped.dont forget the Dixie Chicks. And darn it! I liked them until they opened their big mouths about Bush and the war. Haven't bought a cd since.Not me! I have their new CD on the top of my Christmas Wish List. They shouldn't be condemned for what they said...if you do that, those men and women over their fighting for freedom, are doing it for nothing then....you can't define "freedom" to suit yourself...Freedom is freedom.....The Dixie Chicks are 100% behind the soldiers...don't put words in their mouths because you didn't like what they said about Bush.We also have the right to condemn them for what they said. That's our right to "Free Speech". I also have a right to not buy their cds and to talk about not buying their cds. I think they were a bunch of chickens to say what they had to say over seas. Why wait til then? Because they knew that if it got out, that they'd be Dixie Toast. If you don't have the guts to say what you have to say about the United States IN the United States, then keep your pie hole shut! eek! eek! :D :D

12-08-2003, 05:06 PM
I aslo hate it when people do not wash their hands after going to the restroom expecially men. I mean especially if your going to shake someones hand, and that other person is about to eat or whatever you know, man that is just plain sick.

12-08-2003, 05:14 PM
I aslo hate it when people do not wash their hands after going to the restroom expecially men. I mean especially if your going to shake someones hand, and that other person is about to eat or whatever you know, man that is just plain sick.or when you go into a fast food restaraunt like Taco Bell, see an employee leave the bathroom without washing his hands, then you notice after you order that he's the guy making all your burritoes!

12-08-2003, 05:24 PM
:mad: BCS :D

12-09-2003, 02:22 PM
yeah that's nasty.

When old folks drive, they just make the road more dangerous.

Oh yeah when people have squeaky breaks but yet don't do anything to chage them out.

12-09-2003, 08:45 PM
People who blame violence on games like Grand Theft Auto

12-09-2003, 08:54 PM
when I forget to pull my zipper up after putting my jeans on and then leave the and walking through stores showing off my awesome sponge bob boxers

12-09-2003, 11:02 PM
Men who teach their sons to downgrade women... Women who tolerate these men.

12-09-2003, 11:15 PM
athletes that have a lot of talent and athletic ability but have a horrible work ethic and wont use their talent

12-10-2003, 02:14 PM
I aslo hate teachers/professors that can't teach.

12-10-2003, 02:42 PM
this is the thread that doesn't end...it just goes on and on my friend...

12-10-2003, 02:46 PM
this is the thread that doesn't end...it just goes on and on my friend...people who cant sing!!!! :D :D

12-10-2003, 02:55 PM

this is the thread that doesn't end...it just goes on and on my friend...people who cant sing!!!! :D :D lol...that was good!

12-14-2003, 07:12 PM
178. The fact that there are still folks who believe a "bad" officiating call (of course fans in the stands and videos taken from a half mile away have a better view than a person actually on the field) is the deciding factor in any football game. Never mind that a team sucks on 27 plays. It's that on stupid official that really made the difference. Come on, morons! :mad:

12-14-2003, 07:36 PM
178. The fact that there are still folks who believe a "bad" officiating call (of course fans in the stands and videos taken from a half mile away have a better view than a person actually on the field) is the deciding factor in any football game. Never mind that a team sucks on 27 plays. It's that on stupid official that really made the difference. Come on, morons! :mad: Is that along the same lines as the Cubs fan who interfered with one FOUL ball, by all claims he cost the entire World's Series. Seldom does one act alone change the complexion of an entire game. I personally have never met a ref/ump who chose to make a bad call.

12-14-2003, 07:42 PM
Allow me to clarify my statement.. I've never met an ref/ump that chose to make a bad call... I have met a few that were just incapable of making a good one :)

12-14-2003, 07:49 PM
yes games can be decided by bad officiating, where were you the national championship game last year. Yeah you play 4 quarters of football, but calls can change momemtum, which can affect the way several plays play out. No, i don't think bellville lost b/c of bad officiating, but i do think it played a significant role. sorry i thought you could see the underlying significance of my comments w/o having to explain them.

12-16-2003, 12:14 PM
Sitting in class and somone behind you just kicks ur chair/feet.

Or hallways are crowded and the person in front of you is walking slower than grandma.

An outfit that you are about to wear and then you find out that it has a stain on it.

People that call you but then put you on hold for a long time and or put you on hold like 20 times during the call.

I going to say this one again, I hate imports.

12-16-2003, 03:15 PM
When you have to go to the bathroom really bad and there is no toilet paper! eek!

12-16-2003, 05:22 PM
yes games can be decided by bad officiating, where were you the national championship game last year. Yeah you play 4 quarters of football, but calls can change momemtum, which can affect the way several plays play out.ditto!!!

12-16-2003, 08:47 PM
High School atheletes who "monkey dance".

Keith7 for teaching them the "monkey dance".

EVERYBODY who tolerates the "monkey dance".

12-16-2003, 10:47 PM
People who assume everyone knows what the "monkey dance" is...cause I don't. :( :D

12-18-2003, 04:20 PM
THE DRINKING AGE, IF YOU CAN ACCUSED AS AN ADULT AT what is it 17 or something like that, well then you can buy/consume alcohol leagally.

12-18-2003, 04:21 PM
sorry for the typo...if you can GET accused.....

12-18-2003, 04:23 PM
THE DRINKING AGE, IF YOU CAN ACCUSED AS AN ADULT AT what is it 17 or something like that, well then you can buy/consume alcohol leagally.Why? That would just be giving high schoolers the green light to get drunk all the time just because they can "legally" buy/drink it.

12-18-2003, 04:24 PM
Actually, you can be tried as an adult and be under 16 (I believe a 14-year-old in Florida was given a stiff prison sentence for pushing a girl down the stairs which killed her)...

I think they should move the drinking age up to 24 (which would go into effect the Monday after this Easter... Meaning I turn 21 on Easter and I would not be effected by the law, if it were to happen)...

But anyway, speaking of being tried as an adult, what pisses me off is that when you are being tried, you are being tried as you are now... It doesn't matter if you committed the crime when you were 9, if you're 16 and are just now being tried, you're being tried as a 16 year old, not as the little kid who committed the crime 7 years ago...

<small>[ December 18, 2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Gobbla2001 ]</small>

12-18-2003, 04:32 PM
Cops pulling you over and giving you a ticket for something that you didn't really do, ie: speeding, rolling through stop signs, running red lights, running over the neighbors' dog, etc. But it's their word against your word...and they always win just because they are the ones that supposedly uphold the law. :mad:

marlin fan
12-18-2003, 05:56 PM
1. i have haveing to write 500 word eassy on a off the wall topic!!!! :mad:
2. i hate when teachers get on you for nothing and then send you to the office and tell you not to come to class the next day. :mad:

<small>[ December 18, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: marlin fan ]</small>

12-18-2003, 07:02 PM
first of all is the legal drinking age going to be at 24 for real?

and about cops pulling you over 4 nothing yep thats true.

Oh here goes another one, I wish it was legal to row a stop, man I drive stick and I hate stoping completely.

Also on the part about ur word against the cops yeah that true but I think only in small towns like Giddings (my hometown). Up here in DFW(Dallas Fort Worth) if you get a ticket all you have to do is go to court and 90% of the time (and I'm not lieing)the cop that gave you the citation will not show up and ur case is dismissed...lol...that's one of the things I like up here compare to down south in Giddings.

And on the drinking age I say 20 is good bc I'm 20 and I can't go out on my own and buy some.

that's it 4 now...lol..more to come.

12-18-2003, 07:04 PM
first of all is the legal drinking age going to be at 24 for real?no

12-18-2003, 07:11 PM
good cause I was about to say.

cant stop me
12-19-2003, 02:41 PM
Why should the drinkin age be 24 or 21 WELL it doesnt even matter cuz im a 19 and i drink alot an could careless what anybody says....oh yea i have AA meetings tonight damn...lol

I HATE people saying you shouldnt be able to drink!!
I also hate cops pulling you over for BS when u live in a small town they just do it for fun!!

<small>[ December 19, 2003, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: cant stop me ]</small>

12-19-2003, 03:11 PM
cant stop me:
Why should the drinkin age be 24 or 21 WELL it doesnt even matter cuz im a 19 and i drink alot an could careless what anybody says....oh yea i have AA meetings tonight damn...lol

I HATE people saying you shouldnt be able to drink!!
I also hate cops pulling you over for BS when u live in a small town they just do it for fun!!Riiiiiight :rolleyes:


12-19-2003, 03:30 PM
yeah of course, a lot of underage people drink, I mean last night man was I F***** up....lol.

But thats not my point my point is you can't purchase it, that sucks you always have to find someone to buy it for you, or if ur at a bar/club you can't buy....again last night I got lucky cause I was buying at "Razoos". Anyways for all ya that drink and drive...lol..including me (well I didn't drive last night,but...).."Watch out for the law this weekend they are really cracking down on drunk driving".

Another thing I hate when people drive an they hardly look at their rearview mirror...cause if you want them to move out of the fast lane but they don't pay attention....man it just makes it worse on everyone else.

cant stop me
12-19-2003, 04:05 PM
lol yea thats true i dont drink an drive though i try to have someone else drive (sober) lol where im from its easier to get crack then beer... have u ever thought of that? and im from a small town...

12-20-2003, 03:27 PM

cant stop me:
Why should the drinkin age be 24 or 21 WELL it doesnt even matter cuz im a 19 and i drink alot an could careless what anybody says....oh yea i have AA meetings tonight damn...lol

I HATE people saying you shouldnt be able to drink!!
I also hate cops pulling you over for BS when u live in a small town they just do it for fun!!Riiiiiight :rolleyes:

WOW!Gee! Do you think you could get this guy's number for your little sister!? eek!

12-24-2003, 11:14 PM
When people don't have their Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.. or worse yet.. They have been burning them since before Thanksgiving and then can't bother to turn them on Christmas day.

12-26-2003, 12:45 AM
Always negitive people. :cool:

12-26-2003, 03:20 AM
people over 21 who cant hold the drink and girls over 21 that drink and are in love and just plane out just start stuff.

12-26-2003, 01:36 PM
cant stop me:
Why should the drinkin age be 24 or 21 WELL it doesnt even matter cuz im a 19 and i drink alot an could careless what anybody says....oh yea i have AA meetings tonight damn...lol

I HATE people saying you shouldnt be able to drink!!
I also hate cops pulling you over for BS when u live in a small town they just do it for fun!!yeah i hate those cops too.... THEY GET FREE DONUTS AT 7-11 WHAT MORE SHOULD THEY ASK FOR!!!!

12-26-2003, 04:15 PM
179. People & businesses taking down Christmas decorations today. Christmas just started yesterday! When did the birth of Jesus signal the END of Christmas. I thought it was the beginning?! :confused:

12-26-2003, 04:47 PM
179. People & businesses taking down Christmas decorations today. Christmas just started yesterday! When did the birth of Jesus signal the END of Christmas. I thought it was the beginning?! :confused: i agree

12-26-2003, 05:39 PM
This really got to me.... As I passed by someone today at the grocery store I said "Merry Christmas" I was met with the reply... "A day late, aren't you?"

12-26-2003, 05:41 PM
when it says express lane 10 items or less and people roll up with like three full shopping carts full of crap. that really makes me mad especially when i only have like two things

12-26-2003, 09:47 PM
when it says express lane 10 items or less and people roll up with like three full shopping carts full of crap. that really makes me mad especially when i only have like two thingswhen i was a checker at the HEB i hated when ppl did that sometimes if i caught it b4 the unloaded i told them that it was the express lane!!...i didnt like my job so i wasnt the nicest haha

12-26-2003, 10:57 PM
While out shopping every parking space I attempted to park in was posted for one thing or another... I will always respect handicap parking, but 'compact cars' or 'expectant mothers' When I saw a Hummer parked in one of the compact car spots I decided that my vehicle was small compared to his, and parked next to him. These special spots irritate me.. why not a 'lazy reluctant shopper' spot :)

Bandera YaYa
12-26-2003, 11:27 PM
yeah of course, a lot of underage people drink, I mean last night man was I F***** up....lol.

But thats not my point my point is you can't purchase it, that sucks you always have to find someone to buy it for you, or if ur at a bar/club you can't buy....again last night I got lucky cause I was buying at "Razoos". Anyways for all ya that drink and drive...lol..including me (well I didn't drive last night,but...).."Watch out for the law this weekend they are really cracking down on drunk driving".

Another thing I hate when people drive an they hardly look at their rearview mirror...cause if you want them to move out of the fast lane but they don't pay attention....man it just makes it worse on everyone else.What kind of an idiot are you? You brag about drinking underage, you laugh when talking about drinking and driving and you tell others to watch out for the cops while driving????????? I think you are a moron, a jerk and a real stupid person.
It's people like you, with the mentality you possess that kill the innocent. Grow up and stop bragging on here about what a "big man" you are.
I am sick to death of "your kind" in this world.
Do us all a favor and find a rock and crawl under it. :mad:

12-26-2003, 11:39 PM
Ya Ya, you ROCK!!!!!!!!!

12-26-2003, 11:42 PM
Bandera YaYa:

yeah of course, a lot of underage people drink, I mean last night man was I F***** up....lol.

But thats not my point my point is you can't purchase it, that sucks you always have to find someone to buy it for you, or if ur at a bar/club you can't buy....again last night I got lucky cause I was buying at "Razoos". Anyways for all ya that drink and drive...lol..including me (well I didn't drive last night,but...).."Watch out for the law this weekend they are really cracking down on drunk driving".

Another thing I hate when people drive an they hardly look at their rearview mirror...cause if you want them to move out of the fast lane but they don't pay attention....man it just makes it worse on everyone else.What kind of an idiot are you? You brag about drinking underage, you laugh when talking about drinking and driving and you tell others to watch out for the cops while driving????????? I think you are a moron, a jerk and a real stupid person.
It's people like you, with the mentality you possess that kill the innocent. Grow up and stop bragging on here about what a "big man" you are.
I am sick to death of "your kind" in this world.
Do us all a favor and find a rock and crawl under it. :mad: This is the same person who stated the heading "Religion" and posted this...

I used to attend like 3 to 4 times..a week, but now that I live in college and away from home I don't attend....but I'm going to start going again because life is just not the same without God and his son Jesus.

Personally I think he's just a little confused on what is acceptable behavior

Bandera YaYa
12-26-2003, 11:50 PM
Ya Ya, you ROCK!!!!!!!!!...some people just don't get it....until it's too late. Wonder what he'll be bragging about when he's out there drinking and driving and he kills someone.....that "he out ran the cops"??????

Bandera YaYa
12-26-2003, 11:53 PM

Bandera YaYa:

yeah of course, a lot of underage people drink, I mean last night man was I F***** up....lol.

But thats not my point my point is you can't purchase it, that sucks you always have to find someone to buy it for you, or if ur at a bar/club you can't buy....again last night I got lucky cause I was buying at "Razoos". Anyways for all ya that drink and drive...lol..including me (well I didn't drive last night,but...).."Watch out for the law this weekend they are really cracking down on drunk driving".

Another thing I hate when people drive an they hardly look at their rearview mirror...cause if you want them to move out of the fast lane but they don't pay attention....man it just makes it worse on everyone else.What kind of an idiot are you? You brag about drinking underage, you laugh when talking about drinking and driving and you tell others to watch out for the cops while driving????????? I think you are a moron, a jerk and a real stupid person.
It's people like you, with the mentality you possess that kill the innocent. Grow up and stop bragging on here about what a "big man" you are.
I am sick to death of "your kind" in this world.
Do us all a favor and find a rock and crawl under it. :mad: This is the same person who stated the heading "Religion" and posted this...

I used to attend like 3 to 4 times..a week, but now that I live in college and away from home I don't attend....but I'm going to start going again because life is just not the same without God and his son Jesus.

Personally I think he's just a little confused on what is acceptable behavior...No, he's an idiot. Period. No excuses...can't hide behind God on this one.

12-26-2003, 11:58 PM
Oh I agree.... don't think the judge is to impressed by your good intentions of attending church more when you are before him with DWI charges pending.

cant stop me
12-27-2003, 01:54 AM
oh i agree yall are idiots

12-27-2003, 10:44 AM
cant stop me:
oh i agree yall are idiotsObviously! :rolleyes:

12-27-2003, 10:45 AM
People blowing their nose at the dinner table while I'm trying to eat. :cool: frown

<small>[ December 27, 2003, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: poncho ]</small>

Burnet Dawg06
12-27-2003, 02:17 PM
people stealing from you :mad:

marlin fan
12-27-2003, 02:41 PM
Um i got my laptop and i cant get Kazaa to connect to the net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :mad:

12-28-2003, 11:11 PM
When people don't have their Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.. or worse yet.. They have been burning them since before Thanksgiving and then can't bother to turn them on Christmas day.Some people leave town and do not want to leave their lights on. (like me) My lights are never burning on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day...don't want something freaky to happen and come home to a pile of ashes where my house once stood!!!

12-28-2003, 11:27 PM
People who lie.


12-28-2003, 11:31 PM
People who lie.

bcand especially those who lie and then lie to try to escape being caught in the first lie :mad:

12-29-2003, 12:41 AM
1. players celebrating after making a first down like it was for the state title.
2. people who think it is ok for the players to do that
3. who ever that kid was from U of H that swung his helmet at a Hawaii player.
4. Bill Walton even thinking about talking
5. Michael Irvin trying to say that what joe horn did was ok.
6. people on the road flashing their lights at me at night because they think i have my brights on. HEY guess what.....there OFF!!!!

marlin fan
12-29-2003, 12:44 AM
1. players celebrating after making a first down like it was for the state title.
2. people who think it is ok for the players to do that
3. who ever that kid was from U of H that swung his helmet at a Hawaii player.
4. Bill Walton even thinking about talking
5. Michael Irvin trying to say that what joe horn did was ok.
6. people on the road flashing their lights at me at night because they think i have my brights on. HEY guess what.....there OFF!!!!sorry wrong post...

<small>[ December 28, 2003, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: marlin fan ]</small>

12-29-2003, 03:27 AM
1. Cops who park on fire lines and sidewalks just to grab something out of the grocery store.
2. Rumors
3. People who make fun of you to make themselves look good.
4. People who make up lies to get you fired (dont ask)
5. When people mock me.
6. People who talk back.

Basically everyone gets on my nerves. lol. I am just kidding. Thats all I can think of for right now.

12-29-2003, 03:32 AM
oh and my last ones

People who burp while ur eating.

People who burp in your face.

People who burp and then blow it in your face.

12-29-2003, 06:59 AM
oh and my last ones

People who burp while ur eating.

People who burp in your face.

People who burp and then blow it in your face.Ohhhh my god.... my daughter does all of the above.. some girls just aren't the little ladies we would like for them to be. I keep hoping that there is time... there is time :)

12-29-2003, 07:02 AM

When people don't have their Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.. or worse yet.. They have been burning them since before Thanksgiving and then can't bother to turn them on Christmas day.Some people leave town and do not want to leave their lights on. (like me) My lights are never burning on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day...don't want something freaky to happen and come home to a pile of ashes where my house once stood!!!:) of course no one wants your house to be remoldeled out of necessity... being away is a bona fide reason :) Merry Christmas

01-05-2004, 01:31 PM
180. The term "the box" in football. Do we have to have a meaningless word for everything in this game?

181. Those who say OU lost to LSU because LSU "just wanted it more." Get real.

182. The fact that USC vs. LSU won't happen!

183. Those imprompto little "interviews" with coaches as they're grabbed entering or leaving the field. Do you get the idea the coach would like to grab the mike away from those guys and shove it into one of their secluded orifices?

01-05-2004, 01:45 PM
People like (bandara ya ya) who insult people on this forum....grow up. This is where everyone gives their opinion, so if you don't like what you read then don't read it. It's o.k. if you disagree with someones opinion but calling them names, man just grow up or at least act ur age.

"The more you hate the more you'll be hated"

01-05-2004, 02:13 PM
People like (bandara ya ya) who insult people on this forum....grow up. This is where everyone gives their opinion, so if you don't like what you read then don't read it. It's o.k. if you disagree with someones opinion but calling them names, man just grow up or at least act ur age.

"The more you hate the more you'll be hated"
L.A.C.You don't want to mess with 'Bandera Ya Ya' or any of the moms on this site.

01-05-2004, 02:31 PM
174. Jason White winning the Heisman. Best player in the country? Not even close, he clearly proved that Sunday night. Hey may be the 3rd best QB in the nation, but put Eli or Roth in that system with those weapons, and THEY EXPLODE! And I'm sure a few voters chose White over Fitz (who IMHO was clearly the best player) because of his senior status. He wins the Heisman, then they grant him another year.

175. The BCS. An extra game won't solve it. What if USC woulda lost, then what would the point of an extra game be, and who would play LSU? We don't need Co-National Champs, it's just not right, the season is over, who is the best team in the country, again?... Oh yea, nobody knows!!!

176. The fact that Brent Musburger(sp?) cannot go a single broadcast without mentioning The University of Texas. Seriously, just stop. Because of their coach they underachieve every year, quit worshiping them.

177. Brent Musburger (the above is only one of the many reasons)

178. The hair of the Green Bay defensive backs. The NFL can regulate the hats you wear on the sideline, can't they pass a rule banning hair that covers your name and most of your number on your back? I wish a QB would intentionally throw a pick just so someone can tackle them by the hair.

179. Shoppers who push baby strollers around the mall. Carry the child or find a sitter.

180. Interviewing coaches as they're trying to do their job and manage a football game.

01-05-2004, 02:52 PM

179. Shoppers who push baby strollers around the mall. Carry the child or find a sitter.

180. Interviewing coaches as they're trying to do their job and manage a football game.RE: #179. ...especially the ones with 8 wheels, power disc brakes and a queen-size mattress in them. Then you hang a 12 cubic foot diaper bag on it and it's a freakin' SUV, for crying out loud! The thing should have turn signals. When you were small, it was that light little umbrella stroller with a bag the size of a coat pocket. What more did you need?

RE: #180. See my #183 above.

Oh yeah, and ditto once again on Musburger!! :mad:

<small>[ January 05, 2004, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Brahma73 ]</small>

Bandera YaYa
01-05-2004, 05:46 PM

People like (bandara ya ya) who insult people on this forum....grow up. This is where everyone gives their opinion, so if you don't like what you read then don't read it. It's o.k. if you disagree with someones opinion but calling them names, man just grow up or at least act ur age.

"The more you hate the more you'll be hated"
L.A.C.You don't want to mess with 'Bandera Ya Ya' or any of the moms on this site.Thanks for the warning to "Mr. Underage Drive 'N Drink(and brag about it) Contreras" .....seems he was offended by my calling him an idiot. Let me see.....perhaps I was wrong.....should have called him JUST PLAIN STUPID!! My deepest apologies. Oh, I will listen to others OPINIONS on here....but if someone gets on here and brags about doing stupid things, to make yourself look like a BIG MAN and all, then you are open season for a comment like mine. Uh.....Who needs to grow up and act like a responsible person???????? Who???? :rolleyes:

<small>[ January 05, 2004, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

01-07-2004, 05:13 PM
o.k. o.k. I'm sorry If you think what I wrote was braggin on myself, personally I don't think it really was, I mean I didn't put it on there to brag about and make me seem like a "big man", but again if it was well I'm sorry.

And my list continues........

I'm going to repeat this one again cause it really pi$$es me off...
People who drive on the right lane..."Slower traffic merge right"....oh how about this one..."Right lane for passing only"

Guys that where there shoes untied, esecially those big shoes (high top shoes), with the gigantic clothing as well....omg, what kind of fashion is that.

OH yeah the texas wheater trips me out sometimes...lol...one day it can be hot as Hell then the next cold as alaska...lol.

More to come, later

and again to Bandera ya ya, I'm sorry. Good thing I show my manners and education by not namecalling you back, and good thing I didn't cause, I should respect you as an adult, that you are, but once again, I'm sorry.

"He who does good gets paid, he who does bad well pay"......LAC.

Bandera YaYa
01-07-2004, 06:02 PM
Hey, Mr. Contreras....It was your apparent self acknowledged actions that made me so livid, that calling you an idiot was the only thing I could think of that would get your attention...which it did, but I don't think you understand the jest of my concerns....I would rather you get my respect by NOT driving and drinking....you need to care about your own safety, not to mention the lives of those on the road with you, when you make the disrespectful decision to drink and drive! Life is precious....just because you are young and you think you have your whole life ahead of you....life can be taken in an instant.
I care enough about your life to tell you this.

01-09-2004, 12:48 PM
yes, thanks. I do understand that, and I personally have lost two good friends like that, so I usually don't do it, I'm not going to lie and say I don't do it because after having a couple of drinks at a club I do drive home, but not drunk enough to get a DWI u know. But thanks for caring for me, may this year be a great one for you and your family God bless.

Another thing that pisses me off, when u have a tooth ache like me right now...ouch it hurts...lol.

Bandera YaYa
01-09-2004, 01:27 PM
Ok, then. I, too, hope your 2004 is a great year. You have your whole future ahead, make good choices so you'll have a bright one!

But, you are 19, right? And you go to a "club" that serves you drinks??? And how many drinks do you think you would need to consume, in order to be legally drunk...unable to drive?? I'm really curious about this.

01-09-2004, 03:39 PM
Bandera YaYa:
Ok, then. I, too, hope your 2004 is a great year. You have your whole future ahead, make good choices so you'll have a bright one!

But, you are 19, right? And you go to a "club" that serves you drinks??? And how many drinks do you think you would need to consume, in order to be legally drunk...unable to drive?? I'm really curious about this.At 19, one sip and you're above the legal limit.

01-09-2004, 04:28 PM

Bandera YaYa:
Ok, then. I, too, hope your 2004 is a great year. You have your whole future ahead, make good choices so you'll have a bright one!

But, you are 19, right? And you go to a "club" that serves you drinks??? And how many drinks do you think you would need to consume, in order to be legally drunk...unable to drive?? I'm really curious about this.At 19, one sip and you're above the legal limit.Good point.

01-10-2004, 10:42 PM


Bandera YaYa:
Ok, then. I, too, hope your 2004 is a great year. You have your whole future ahead, make good choices so you'll have a bright one!

But, you are 19, right? And you go to a "club" that serves you drinks??? And how many drinks do you think you would need to consume, in order to be legally drunk...unable to drive?? I'm really curious about this.At 19, one sip and you're above the legal limit.Good point.He's smart that way... wink

01-15-2004, 01:12 PM
I'm 20 now, about to be 21 and when I drink at a club I do about 1 drink an hour or less, plus dancing helps get it out of ur system and I also drink plenty of water, and after that we go eat for about 30 min or so at a place in the same street of the club, then we drive home, or thats what me and my friends do.
So yes, I drink at the club but I stay on the safe side by only drinking 1 or less per hour (when and if I'm driving).

I hear a cold front is comming in 4 this weekend and early next week, I wonder if we well get some Sleet or freezing rain up here in Dallas.

And with the things that piss me off, people who judge other people on the point of them going to hell or heaven........No one can judge someone else only God can.

Increasing gas prices

01-15-2004, 02:40 PM
The fact that it's not Feb. 2nd yet.

01-15-2004, 02:41 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JasperDog94:
<strong>The fact that it's not Feb. 2nd yet.</strong>[/QUOTEThats true enough.

01-15-2004, 06:00 PM
I hate know it all's

01-15-2004, 06:01 PM
Some times I'm one. :D

Ranger Mom
01-15-2004, 06:04 PM
Posting in the word association thread only to find someone posted 2 second before you did and then you end up looking like an idiot, because your word has NOTHING to do with the one before it!! :mad: :mad:

01-15-2004, 06:19 PM
Ranger Mom:
Posting in the word association thread only to find someone posted 2 second before you did and then you end up looking like an idiot, because your word has NOTHING to do with the one before it!! :mad: :mad: poor Ranger Mom! you're going to have to get on high speed conections at home eventually so that your repsonses will get on before other people's!

Burnet Dawg06
01-15-2004, 07:24 PM
Ranger Mom:
Posting in the word association thread only to find someone posted 2 second before you did and then you end up looking like an idiot, because your word has NOTHING to do with the one before it!! :mad: :mad: I know what you mean! :mad:

01-16-2004, 07:18 AM
Ranger Mom:
Posting in the word association thread only to find someone posted 2 second before you did and then you end up looking like an idiot, because your word has NOTHING to do with the one before it!! :mad: :mad: Yes I know what you mean too. :mad:

01-16-2004, 08:44 AM
How about slow days at work.

01-16-2004, 09:54 AM
people that argue even though they know you're right.

homework assignments that nobody ever checks to see if you've done them.

Not enough details in anything.

And people posting ahead of you in word association. (ditto at Ranger Mom)

01-16-2004, 01:12 PM
The City of Dallas' Mayor - Laura Miller :mad: - BOOOOOO!!!!

01-17-2004, 06:44 PM
cedar fever :mad:

<small>[ January 17, 2004, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: poncho ]</small>

LH Panther Mom
01-17-2004, 10:02 PM
cedar fever :mad: Ditto...especially when it's combined with mold.

01-17-2004, 11:48 PM
Car trouble, esp. cars that don't start when you have 30 minutes to deliver three kids to two different schools. Worse yet, and this truly did happen just this week, the wrecker for the dealership was IN THE SHOP and I had to wait till late the next day to even get my car there! Thank goodness for my back-up car (and for any of you who have laughed about this car behind my back, now you understand!)

01-19-2004, 03:32 PM
My high speed cable internet going out when it storms

01-29-2004, 10:16 PM
184. Watching the Rockets game last night. Great game, but am I the only one that thinks Bill Walton is the putz of the universe. It's amazing that 2 professional coaches and a couple of dozen professional players did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RIGHT the entire game. Can we get a large, slow boat to the sun for Bill, Brent Musburger, Dick Vitale and the rest of these goons!!!

01-29-2004, 10:45 PM
184. Watching the Rockets game last night. Great game, but am I the only one that thinks Bill Walton is the putz of the universe. It's amazing that 2 professional coaches and a couple of dozen professional players did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RIGHT the entire game. Can we get a large, slow boat to the sun for Bill, Brent Musburger, Dick Vitale and the rest of these goons!!!185. People that don't like Dick Vitale. He's awesome, baby!!!

Haunta Yo
01-29-2004, 11:39 PM
Walton:NBA Simon:American Idol

I think a trade could be in the works!!!!

01-30-2004, 02:13 AM
Men and women that post RULES!

01-30-2004, 02:18 AM
188. Wet weekends when it supposed to be sunny and dry.

01-30-2004, 02:24 AM

Ranger Mom:
Posting in the word association thread only to find someone posted 2 second before you did and then you end up looking like an idiot, because your word has NOTHING to do with the one before it!! :mad: :mad: poor Ranger Mom! you're going to have to get on high speed conections at home eventually so that your repsonses will get on before other people's!.
I Hate those two seconds! :p

<small>[ January 30, 2004, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: SintonFan ]</small>

01-30-2004, 07:33 AM
Unfriendly people.

01-30-2004, 07:34 AM
People who don't take up for themselves.

01-30-2004, 10:58 AM
188. Wet weekends when it supposed to be sunny and dry.Sunny and dry, when everyone else is getting rain!!!lol (we are so dry in our part of the State - we really, really need about 2 weeks, non-stop)!!

04-11-2004, 05:58 PM
185. This post being "replaced" by things I can't stand. :confused:

04-11-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Brahma73
185. This post being "replaced" by things I can't stand. :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-12-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by jason
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:You know what? There's probably not anything else I can think of that p!$$es me off. Not even this! Good luck with "things I can't stand."