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09-21-2002, 02:53 AM

09-21-2002, 02:55 AM
boo-yahaha!!! finally made it! thanks 66!


09-21-2002, 03:02 AM
gotta love those 3 in the morning parties!!!
'Leave it up to the Sinton People' they say!
Seriously... Good going man!

09-21-2002, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan:
gotta love those 3 in the morning parties!!!
'Leave it up to the Sinton People' they say!
Seriously... Good going man!

thanks, you guys have a good night, im thinkin im really gonna go to bed now. i havent stayed up this late since last semester. but its been a good friday night and saturday morning. take care and God Bless!!


09-21-2002, 03:05 AM
Well, this one's winkin' and blinkin'. Just had to stick around and help spaniard out here.

09-21-2002, 04:06 AM
WTG SPANIARD!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Hart
09-21-2002, 09:40 AM
Congrats Spaniard, good to have you here.

Big Green Dawg

Ranger Mom
09-21-2002, 09:43 AM
Sorry I wasn't here for the party, Spaniard. But this girl had to hang it up about 1:00 am. Congratulations!!!

slpybear the bullfan
09-21-2002, 10:45 AM
Bravo Spaniard!

"Win the Crowd..."


09-21-2002, 04:28 PM
sniff sniff, you guys are the best!! sniff sniff...anywhoo, enough of that cryin business, thanks guys, and thanks 66 for stickin it out.

09-21-2002, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by spaniard:
sniff sniff, you guys are the best!! sniff sniff...anywhoo, enough of that cryin business, thanks guys, and thanks 66 for stickin it out.

sniff...sniff...nobody made a big deal bout me makin varsity. I sat here talkin to spaniard bout band to help him out. I can't believe I missed it! I thought everyone had gone to bed already so I got off of here around 2:45!

09-21-2002, 08:14 PM
TARP MADE VARSITY!!!about 50 posts ago...thanks for stayin on last night tarp.


09-21-2002, 08:46 PM
I once knew a bloody Spaniard. I think he was frickin Spain or somewhere like that.


"We're going off the rails on a crazy train"

09-21-2002, 09:27 PM
R13, I apologize for not noticing when you made varsity, however, I think you already were by the time folks started making a "thing" of it. So, a very belated congratulations to you!

09-21-2002, 10:31 PM
lol well, you're welcome for staying on last night. I had fun.
Thanks for the belated congrats! lol. yay.

Speaking of Ozzy Osbourne...our band can almost play Iron Man. We just never go through football music anymore. I wish we did, it would be nice to hear something new every now and then.

09-21-2002, 10:32 PM
frickin spain? im 1/4 spaniard. the caucasian part of me is probably a huge mixture of who knows what!

09-22-2002, 12:42 PM
Good jod Spaniard.

09-22-2002, 12:47 PM
81, hang in with us on Thursday nites, and we'll get you there too! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif

09-22-2002, 05:18 PM
whats ur real name spaniard

09-23-2002, 04:22 PM
Spaniard's real name is Shaniqua. http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif

09-23-2002, 04:55 PM
My band director's nick name to a few of us is Mantequilla. spanish for Butter...he's white so he barely found out. Yeah, Butter is kind of an inside joke. Funny as h3ll though.

09-23-2002, 05:16 PM
well i mean, that IS your real name, right Spaniard, Shaniqua?

09-23-2002, 05:24 PM
and.....now im on my way to the psychopathicforums and rgvsports....bye

09-23-2002, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by TarponRl3k:
My band director's nick name to a few of us is Mantequilla. spanish for Butter...he's white so he barely found out. Yeah, Butter is kind of an inside joke. Funny as h3ll though.

My little brother is a band director down there. I guess thats better than monteca. hehe...

09-23-2002, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by TarponRl3k:
well i mean, that IS your real name, right Spaniard, Shaniqua?

shaniqua? where did that come from, i dont think there is even anyone in burnet named shaniqua. hehe, tarp youre a goof. my real name is...well, maybe someday you people will figure it out. hehe, keep guessing tarp, but im not a chick. ill give you that one.


09-23-2002, 11:25 PM
what's monteca?
who's your brother?

lol. i know im a goof. ok then is your name BOB???

09-23-2002, 11:50 PM
ummm, no. good try, but not quite there.


09-23-2002, 11:53 PM


09-23-2002, 11:54 PM
UMMMM...Spaniard...I know your name!!!

09-23-2002, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by CentralTxFan:
UMMMM...Spaniard...I know your name!!!

and whats that centex?


09-24-2002, 12:03 AM
Now, now...no need to get personal! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

09-24-2002, 12:05 AM
hehe, thats what i thought, there is no clue in your head about my nombre. hehe, no one will ever know!! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif


09-24-2002, 12:07 AM
I can give you a hint...but then again, you know who you are! You just don't know who I am now! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

09-24-2002, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by CentralTxFan:
I can give you a hint...but then again, you know who you are! You just don't know who I am now! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

you wouldnt happen to be related to sasquatch would you? if so, then i konw who you are, if not, then nm and ill keep trying to figure it out. or could you be called pooter or to-itha?


09-24-2002, 12:17 AM
Good Guess Spaniard but alas you are wrong! Sometimes though, revelations are NOT good for the soul. http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif Keep thinking and you will figure out how I know who you are!

09-24-2002, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by CentralTxFan:
Good Guess Spaniard but alas you are wrong! Sometimes though, revelations are NOT good for the soul. http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif Keep thinking and you will figure out how I know who you are!

this has got to be tubagirl_01. if its not, then i think im clueless. for once. hehe
since you know who i am, then give my first initial, no more than that though


[This message has been edited by spaniard (edited September 24, 2002).]

09-24-2002, 12:24 AM
so clueless not even funny!!!!!!! but hey you MIGHT be close, then again maybe not! Time will tell! Maybe next time I see you at a game, the secret will be revealed.

09-24-2002, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by CentralTxFan:
so clueless not even funny!!!!!!! but hey you MIGHT be close, then again maybe not! Time will tell! Maybe next time I see you at a game, the secret will be revealed.

ight tabs, im goin to bed. ive got to work tomorrow. and ive found that falling asleep at work isnt a good thing. later!


09-24-2002, 12:28 AM
No initials Spaniard! Too revealing, don't you think?

09-24-2002, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by CentralTxFan:
No initials Spaniard! Too revealing, don't you think?

nah, im too intrigued now, so give me my first initial and ill drop it for the night.


09-24-2002, 12:34 AM
I am NOT who you think I am. I have kids who went to school with you. You have been to my house! You were on the swim team...if you are who I think you are!

09-24-2002, 12:38 AM
oh snot, then you do probly know who i am. hehe, im all out of luck then arent i? hehe, well ill have to just find out at the next game you see me at, which wont be till llano at the soonest. till then, take care and God Bless!!
Philippians 4:13


09-24-2002, 12:40 AM
wait wait wait, this isnt momma bear is it? if not, then i feel like a retard. ok, to bed for real this time.


09-24-2002, 10:12 AM
How 'bout mammakitty? Ring a bell now?

09-24-2002, 11:44 AM
Congrats, Spaniard. After your rational comment yesterday, I think your among the few with class or character on here who realizes this is all about fun (without referring to scores from 1955 to substantiate the present). Keep up the good work.... PS - Don't dare give an opinion to Ranger Mom. She might get a fly swatter ater you.:-)

Ranger Mom
09-24-2002, 11:56 AM
Naw, Spaniard's cool, I have no problem with him, and a lot of the times I don't have a problem with GoOrange either!! But everyone once in a while I have to drag out my soapbox, and then I feel better. Here goes my cutesy smiley face http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/tongue.gif

09-24-2002, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by CentralTxFan:
How 'bout mammakitty? Ring a bell now?

... http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/confused.gif trying to think, but its not really workin up here. been painting too long today i think. no i dont sniff paint, but the house we are working on right now is to the point of painting, so thats why paint is even in here. what am i typing?


[This message has been edited by spaniard (edited September 24, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by spaniard (edited September 24, 2002).]

09-24-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by TarponRl3k:
what's monteca?
who's your brother?

lol. i know im a goof. ok then is your name BOB???

LOL... 'monteca' is grease or lard... I can't give my bros name w/out his permission. He doesn't teach HS band, just middle school. Ok, I'll steer it back to football...