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View Full Version : Accident at West Point

06-10-2019, 02:10 PM
Many of you may have seen the news about the fatality at WP. A very bright and athletic young man lost his life in a roll over accident. My son was able to contact me a few hours later while we waited for some news. He was not on that transport, but many of his teammates were. Injuries varied. The training they do has real dangers associated with it and there are times when things go horribly wrong, as in this instance. We should be so lucky that so many escaped serious injury, and be deeply sad that a rising young individual who decided to serve was not spared and lost his life. Anyway, hug your kids when you get the chance, you don't know when or if it will be the last.

06-10-2019, 03:19 PM
Many of you may have seen the news about the fatality at WP. A very bright and athletic young man lost his life in a roll over accident. My son was able to contact me a few hours later while we waited for some news. He was not on that transport, but many of his teammates were. Injuries varied. The training they do has real dangers associated with it and there are times when things go horribly wrong, as in this instance. We should be so lucky that so many escaped serious injury, and be deeply sad that a rising young individual who decided to serve was not spared and lost his life. Anyway, hug your kids when you get the chance, you don't know when or if it will be the last.

Thank Heavens your son is OK... I have a coworker with 2 sons in active military - 1 is in the Army Ranger Corp - just got stateside from a deployment in Afghanistan and the other son is doing some kind of protection detail in the Navy. She said every time her phone rings after 8 PM, her heart races and her breathing goes berserk. I can't even imagine....