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View Full Version : Craziest Thing You've Seen A Player Do During a Football Game??

02-20-2003, 05:22 PM
Just wondering if anyone has any interesting stories. I'm bored! LOL

02-20-2003, 05:38 PM
When Burnet played Marlin this year...I can't remember which team did it... but someone was scrambling with the ball, and after the play was over, the announcer said, "That was 'so and so' on the play rushing for 185 yards for a gain of 2." It was so true- that seemed like the play that wouldn't end. I can't remember laughing that hard at a football game in all my life!

<small>[ February 20, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: HotDawg89 ]</small>

02-20-2003, 06:55 PM
at the manor elgin game, one of the manor players dumped the gallon gatorade jug on the coach during the third quarter cause he didnt get to play all season. crazy stuff

Old Dog
02-20-2003, 11:45 PM
My cousin was a ref in west Texas. Just prior to a punt he said to the return man "if you are going to fair catch, I want to see your hand up and waving". The ball was punted and with nobody within 15 yards, the young man signaled for a fair catch. As he ran off the field, his coach met him and screamed, "why did you do that"? The young man pointed at my cousin (the ref) and said "he told me to do it"!

<small>[ February 20, 2003, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Old Dog ]</small>

02-21-2003, 12:32 AM
At a 7th grade game a few years ago, I saw a kid reach into his pants, pull out a pickle, take a bite, and put it back in several times. Needless to say, he didnt play a single down.

02-21-2003, 12:42 AM
I have not witnessed this yet...but I keep hoping that a player will come off of the bench and tackle Jimbotex when he runs by in his gold levis. :D

02-21-2003, 01:36 AM
haha...that would be awesome...

02-21-2003, 01:50 AM
this wasn't weird, but it sure was funny. When my son was playing seventh grade ball, the opposing team line up for the opening kickoff. The kicker gave the signal to go, and then proceeded to miss kicking the football off the tee. This scene looked like something off of American's funniest videos. :p :p :p

02-21-2003, 11:26 AM
on the Manor coach or elgin coach?

Phil C
02-21-2003, 12:59 PM
This may not qualify since it is more of a team thing but in 1966 the Freer Junior Varsity (called B team then) in class 2A were playing at Laredo Martin (a class B school then) and the game was basically a defensive struggle but Laredo did have one drive in the second quarter that got inside the Freer 5 and on fourth down since they had a fairly good place kicker they kicked the field goal and led 3 to 0. In the fourth quarter the Laredo team got down to about the Freer 18 with only a few seconds left to play and all they had to do was snap the ball and step back a few steps and then fall down on the ball and let time run out. But since they had a fairly good place kicker they decided to go for the field goal figuring time would run out and if the kick is good they win 6 to 0 and if not they still win 3 to 0. But they went for the field goal and then the improbable happened. Fred Foster made a great play and blocked the field goal and the ball went up in the air and landed into the hands of Freer's Dana Clark. Even after he caught it before he could get away it looked like two of the Laredo players seemed like they had him stopped. But the ever so helpful Foster made a great block and knocked one of them off Dana and the other lost his hold and Clark was able to break loose and start running for the touchdown. It was then a foot race and Clark made it for the winning touchdown. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Old Cardinal
02-21-2003, 01:45 PM
Back in 1984, I saw a young man being held by two tacklers, by is pants legs. He made one valient leap forward, trying to secure the first down, but this left is pants down below his knees.

Phil C
02-21-2003, 02:20 PM
I don't know who the teams were but I heard once about two teams that I think were in West Texas in the 80s and the team on offense had the ball at its' 25 yard line with just a few seconds to play and had a two point lead. The QB gave a HB the ball and as he ran around end the clock went to 0.00 and all he had to do was touch his knee down and end the play and win the game. Instead he thought the game was over at 0.00 and threw the ball up in the air in celebration. An alert defensive player ran under the ball and caught it and ran it in for the winning touchdown.

Chris Hart
02-21-2003, 04:17 PM
Well this wasn't really crazy, but it was amazing. In the mid 80's at a Burnet home game(I can't remember the opponent), we had a RB by the name of Mark Fickle and he was the workhorse that year. He had played an awesome game already that night, when late in the game, he received a quickpitch and went 70-80 yds for the apparent TD. The play was called back because of an infraction, and while the refs were marking off the penalty, Fickle was in between the huddle and the sideline puking his guts up. After the ball had been spotted on the very next play he took a quickpitch again around the same side and took it for a TD. It was one of the best and nastiest things I've ever seen. I remember that, but I don't remember who won the game. :D :D