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View Full Version : 2018 Liberty Hill Football Team Breaks Records

01-17-2019, 04:51 PM
The season didnt finish the way I hoped but what a run that broke some long standing records in the process. It was quite a ride and what thrill to see two of my Sons and a roster full of young men accomplish several feats en route to State Championship in Arlington.

Liberty Hill not only led the entire nation in rushing this season when they amassed a whopping 7,417 yards they also broke the Texas High School Football single season team rushing record that has stood for 65 years, since 1953.

Not only did the Panthers lead the Nation in 2018 and Texas All Time, they also produced the 2nd Greatest All Time Rushing Campaign for all USA High Schools in all classifications in the history of High School Football. This season put the Panthers just behind 1925 Pine Bluff Arkansas, yes back when they played with leather helmets and such, not to mention that Pine Bluff played 1 more game during their season.

The 2018 Liberty Hill Panthers produced the Greatest Rushing Attack in the USA for the past 93 years, the absolute most dominant High School running game in about a century.

The Tailback rushed for over 2,800 yards but what makes this teams accomplishments even greater is that the other 4,600 yards rushing came from several backs due to numerous injuries that were suffered by this team. This Liberty Hill team went through around 8 running backs due to these injuries, this would have ended most teams hopes in a title run but these guys stayed the course and showed they were a true team. For those that know Football know that the Offensive line had to be stellar to roll like this injuries and all. I have to say I am somewhat bias about that line, but yes they were the foundation of the offensive success this fall. True Story the back up Center was Fullback for the Hutto Game and LH finished the season with the starting Quick Guard moving to Fullback.

This LH team also broke the single game scoring record with 89 points against Pflugerville and I havent verified it but I am betting they probably have the LH single season scoring record to go with it.

What was honestly most impressive about this bunch is that fact that they had brotherly love for one another, this was the catalyst for the title run. They are a special bunch and the Seniors will be missed.

01-17-2019, 07:15 PM
That is Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

01-18-2019, 09:31 AM
Something your sons will tell their grandkids. Quite a feat, congratulations to Liberty Hill.

01-19-2019, 03:03 PM
Those are some very impressive accomplishments that they will always be able to hang their hats on. Congrats!