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10-25-2003, 02:25 PM
whats everyones thoughts on this one? it has big implications(spelling) on playoffs

10-25-2003, 03:12 PM
Will be a great game. will be a battle of 2 defenses. Swtwtr can not have as many fumbles as they have the last 3 weeks or it wil turn into points fo rmerkel. They have a better offense then the 3 teams they hae played since Reed was hurt. Just my take

10-26-2003, 04:23 PM
Its going to be a huge game. I cant wait to go out to the Bowl Friday night. Looks like the loser of this game will most likely get Greenwood in the first round of the playoffs. I am proud that Merkel is finally getting things together, and hopefully they dont have a letdown and get knocked out in the last week like last year. My prediction: Sweetwater 19 Merkel 6. Knightmoon, your the Merkel Rep. Lets hear it!

10-26-2003, 05:47 PM
I'll pick Sweetwater over Merkel only because SW is playing at home. Sweetwater plays Kermit in bi-district and Merkel plays Greenwood. Good luck to all.

10-27-2003, 05:57 AM
A District 3-3A football game at the Mustang Bowl on Halloween night...It just doesn't get any better than that. I think this game should be on everybody's TO DO list this week. Sweetwater has a stingy defense and some big playmakers on offense--uh, but so does Merkel. I am a nervous wreck, I am ready to get this one over. Merkel has a team that could cause Sweetwater fits, but they have made critical mistakes in each district game. Merkel had Snyder down 14-0 and their defense was not allowing any first downs. Merkel made a critical mistake, that in my books, cost them the game. The QB was about to be taken down for a loss, and he decided to throw the ball incomplete to avoid the loss of yards, he threw the ball sideways to the sideline. The ball didn't go out of bounds, Snyder picked it up and raced about 40 some odd yards to score. It decided the game. The momentum changed. It shouldn't have ever had to go to OT-once or twice. Friday night against Denver City, Merkel's second play of the game--A pass to their wide receiver, caught,bobbled, fumbled, and the result was Denver City 6-Merkel 0 less than 45 seconds into the game. A few plays later, Merkel threw another interception-- Denver City 13-Merkel 0. Merkel then started to play their game. #24 returned the kick-off 74 yards to set up their first score. Merkel got the ball back on the next kick off to Denver City--scored. Merkel stopped DC's next drive past midfield by an interception by none other than #32(my nephew). Merkel never looked back after that. #24 had 4 touchdowns and 134 yards rushing. Merkel held DC to about 105 yards total offense.Merkel has several good running backs. Merkel's passing game sucked Friday night, but fortunately their running game has been strong every game. They had 300+ rushing yards. I didn't mean to ramble on, but this game could be a good one. Merkel CAN'T have the turnovers and expect to win the game. This is going to be a fun game to watch. Should have something for every true football fan. You know who I have picked to win it. I mean, what kind of fan do you think I am? Good luck to both teams. Play hard and stay healthy. See you there-- I will be the guy on about the 50 cheering my fool head off. GO BADGERS!!!!!

10-27-2003, 09:08 AM
Despite Merkel's excuses, Sweetwater will come out on top by 2 TDs. 1)The game is being played in the Mustang Bowl. 2)Sweetwater's offense is gaining momentum. 3)Merkel has the tendency to buckle like a belt.

10-27-2003, 10:20 PM
We will see who does the buckling. Victory in Sweetwater. Can't get any better than that.

10-27-2003, 10:29 PM
Sure don't know how you read any excuses into what I wrote.I just stated that Merkel has been making too many mistakes. That is stating the facts. Do I think Merkel will win the game. You know the answer to that one. Of course they will win the game. No Excuses needed. Merkel will keep Sweetwater to an all time season low on scoring Friday night. Read it and weep. Be there and watch it yourself. The outcome is the same. Merkel by 10.

10-27-2003, 10:35 PM
We will see who does the buckling. Victory in Sweetwater. Can't get any better than that.It will be a cold cold day when Sweetwater loses to Merkel :)

10-27-2003, 10:42 PM
Better break out the parka.

10-27-2003, 10:46 PM
Its ok Knightmoon. Third place is nothing to be ashamed of, especially when you havent been to the playoffs in 4 decades! Best of luck against Greenwood!

10-27-2003, 10:58 PM
Third, what happened to first? Merkel is going to turn that district upside down Friday night. Don't worry about playing at home. The entire town of Merkel will calm that crowd down. Then there is always the lack of first downs and points to take the Sweetwater crowd out of the game. Sweetater really whooped Merkel bad last year didn't they? Keep this in mind, Merkel has nothing to lose. Going to pull all the stops. We will not be lacking three starters like last year. Talk now, because I bet I will not be able to find anyone to talk to Saturday morning. Didn't really intend to start talking smack.

10-27-2003, 11:00 PM
And the comment about Merkel not going to the playoffs in 4 decades. Do you realize how demoralizing that will be Friday night, when Merkel goes to the playoffs for the first time in FOUR DECADES by route of Sweetwater. Now that is worth talking about.

10-27-2003, 11:05 PM
And the comment about Merkel not going to the playoffs in 4 decades. Do you realize how demoralizing that will be Friday night, when Merkel goes to the playoffs for the first time in FOUR DECADES by route of Sweetwater. Now that is worth talking about.Knightmoon, it was some friendly trash talk! I am not one to talk trash because I have seen how bad it can come back and bite you in the butt. I guarantee you Sweetwater, Nor myself, are taking the Badgers lightly. Best of luck, I will be here Saturday morning, probably even Friday night regardless of the outcome!

Ranger Mom
10-27-2003, 11:06 PM
As a very curious Greenwood fan...what are the implications of this game. Where does a win/loss put each team??

<small>[ October 27, 2003, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: Ranger Mom ]</small>

10-27-2003, 11:15 PM
Ranger Mom:
As a very curious Greenwood fan...what are the implications of this game. Where does a win/loss put each team??The loser most likely gets Greenwood. The winner gets Kermit. Who would you rather see in the first round Rangermom? :)

Ranger Mom
10-27-2003, 11:19 PM
Didn't we have this same conversation last year?? :p

I know next to nothing about Merkel!

What I DO know, is that I am not anxious to meet up with Sweetwater again anytime soon!!

10-27-2003, 11:25 PM
Ranger Mom:
Didn't we have this same conversation last year?? :p

I know next to nothing about Merkel!

What I DO know, is that I am not anxious to meet up with Sweetwater again anytime soon!!I understand. I like you and all, but I would rather see you in the fourth round as opposed to right off the bat.

10-27-2003, 11:43 PM
I am looking forward to a great football game. Like I said earlier, I am a nervous wreck, the sooner this one is over--win or lose the sooner I can sleep normal again. Merkel will worry about Greenwood when the time comes. This week, we are only worried about Sweetwater. We put the cart before the horse last year--and hopefully we learned something from that. Merkel will make the playoffs this year. You can take that to the bank. Good luck Friday night. I wouldn't miss this one for the world. The atmosphere in the Mustang Bowl will be buzzing.Should be a full house. Halloween night!!! I can only imagine what to expect.

Ranger Mom
10-27-2003, 11:47 PM
Who knows?? I just might have to show up for that game this Friday!!

I was planning on going to see Lee and Permian play, but....season ticket holder's got to buy their tickets today, so I may have waited too late to get my tickets and I don't want to sit on the Permian side!!

A Sweetwater road trip may definately be in the works!!

10-27-2003, 11:50 PM
Ranger Mom:
Who knows?? I just might have to show up for that game this Friday!!

I was planning on going to see Lee and Permian play, but....season ticket holder's got to buy their tickets today, so I may have waited too late to get my tickets and I don't want to sit on the Permian side!!

A Sweetwater road trip may definately be in the works!!MOJO MOJO MOJO, gotta love it! Just my take!

10-27-2003, 11:58 PM
ok....this is going to be a very interesting game....trust me knightmoon, we have not been takin Merkel lightly at all, practice was very strict today and will be for here on out, anything can happen, so you can just underestimate a team or else they'll just run ya over, but good luck to yall and im glad to see yall go to the playoffs finally (hopefully) remember last year what happened to merkel's hopes of a playoff appearance

10-28-2003, 12:00 AM
cant underestimate***....oh yeah..Rangermom, hope ya can make our game...its kinda cool having a fan from another team that is like a big rival, how yalls boys lookin now??

10-28-2003, 12:07 AM
Somebody enlighten me. Whatever happened to Reid Bishop? This Thompson kid has been doing a great job at the helm. I watched the Wylie/Sweetwater game, and I think Bishop was injured in that game. Just wandered if he was doing ok. I never heard what happened. Hope he on the road to recovery. That boy can play a mean game of basketball too.

10-28-2003, 08:50 AM
Not so fast my friends...Should Kermit beat Monahans, then everything gets real jumbled up over in district 4-3A. District rules might not use the "heads-up" record as a means to split 3-way ties. It could be the seeds are determined on the point system, meaning that if Kermit beats Monahans by a certain amount of points then Kermit would be the no. 1 seed and Greenwood goes number 2.

As for Merkel vs. Sweetwater, it should be huge. Merkel will be up for this one like no other game. Lots of Merkel and Swater players are friends and that makes for hard fought games. Sweetwater like I have said has been hurt by injuries and the flu. But I suspect they will show up. Should be a low scoring game as both team have good defenses.

As I see it, Swater has played a much tougher schedule against Andrews, Greenwood and Graham while Merkel played Post, Clyde and Breckenridge, this could be the difference. Merkel has a burning desire to win however. Merkel goes to the Playoffs by winning one of their last two games and their last game is against Lamesa. So they already know they are playoff bound. Wonder how Faubion (the baskteball coach) feels about this (btw, Jeff is a friend, no flame intended).

Hope both teams stay healthy and the game is clean and mistake free. BTW, Bishop tore his acl and had surgery on it this past Monday. Recoup time is expected to be 5 months. So you don't have to worry about him in basketball either. Too bad. Merkel will have a great BB team again, what with all the recruits, er I mean move ins, ya'll will be something.

<small>[ October 28, 2003, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: heck ]</small>

10-28-2003, 09:09 AM
Not so fast my friends...Should Kermit beat Monahans, then everything gets real jumbled up over in district 4-3A. District rules might not use the "heads-up" record as a means to split 3-way ties. It could be the seeds are determined on the point system, meaning that if Kermit beats Monahans by a certain amount of points then Kermit would be the no. 1 seed and Greenwood goes number 2.

As for Merkel vs. Sweetwater, it should be huge. Merkel will be up for this one like no other game. Lots of Merkel and Swater players are friends and that makes for hard fought games. Sweetwater like I have said has been hurt by injuries and the flu. But I suspect they will show up. Should be a low scoring game as both team have good defenses.

As I see it, Swater has played a much tougher schedule against Andrews, Greenwood and Graham while Merkel played Post, Clyde and Breckenridge, this could be the difference. Merkel has a burning desire to win however. Merkel goes to the Playoffs by winning one of their last two games and their last game is against Lamesa. So they already know they are playoff bound. Wonder how Faubion (the baskteball coach) feels about this (btw, Jeff is a friend, no flame intended).

Hope both teams stay healthy and the game is clean and mistake free. BTW, Bishop tore his acl and had surgery on it this past Monday. Recoup time is expected to be 5 months. So you don't have to worry about him in basketball either. Too bad. Merkel will have a great BB team again, what with all the recruits, er I mean move ins, ya'll will be something.Merkel also played a little game with Ballinger. Ballinger won, but Merkel could have. It was close and I was sick at my stomach because I thought they were going to beat us.

I think the Sweetwater/Merkel game is a toss up, but I would like to see Merkel win just because it should be their time.

Ranger Mom
10-28-2003, 10:00 AM
Not so fast my friends...Should Kermit beat Monahans, then everything gets real jumbled up over in district 4-3A. District rules might not use the "heads-up" record as a means to split 3-way ties. It could be the seeds are determined on the point system, meaning that if Kermit beats Monahans by a certain amount of points then Kermit would be the no. 1 seed and Greenwood goes number 2.
From all I have heard, a 3-way tie would result in a coin flip! (For the district champion). Monahans will go Div. I and that would leave Greenwood and Kermit fighting it out for 2nd and 3rd place. Because Greenwood beat Kermit, Kermit would be second seed.

I don't know if this info. is correct or not. I almost think it would be better for Monahans to win the district outright!!

10-28-2003, 11:32 AM
I guess my point was that each district committee decides on their tie-breakers. In many cases, it is not decided by who won but who won and by how much.

Sorry Cat, yes Merkel and Ballinger did play a close one as they did with Monahans. Since then Monahans beat Greewood and lost to Lamesa. Talk about your highs and lows. And ya'll lost to Greenwood, Wall and Breckenridge. Now I know about your suspensions and the Wall game but I reckon your schedule hasn't been all that tough either. No offense. I expected Ballinger to be beating those teams, with the exception of Greenwood.

10-28-2003, 11:51 AM
I guess my point was that each district committee decides on their tie-breakers. In many cases, it is not decided by who won but who won and by how much.

Sorry Cat, yes Merkel and Ballinger did play a close one as they did with Monahans. Since then Monahans beat Greewood and lost to Lamesa. Talk about your highs and lows. And ya'll lost to Greenwood, Wall and Breckenridge. Now I know about your suspensions and the Wall game but I reckon your schedule hasn't been all that tough either. No offense. I expected Ballinger to be beating those teams, with the exception of Greenwood.You think you expected Ballinger to win???! So did all of Ballinger. I have posted before that we have been inconsistent. We were about 1:00 away from beating Greenwood, then we turn around and get beat by Breck and Wall - it is a game of ups and downs and as I said before, I hope we peak at the right time!

10-28-2003, 10:21 PM
Reid Bishop tore his ACL and had surgery last week, he is recovering, but not in time for basketball, very sad thing to happen to a good athlete his senior year, but he is still a part of our team and hes a really good leader, so we still have him on the sidelines encouraging us which i think is crucial for the youngins, Jeremy Thompson is doing good like ive said on recent posts

10-29-2003, 07:41 PM
Don't underestimate the Ballinger Bearcats. I agree that Ballinger has been inconsistent. So has Merkel. Ballinger has one of the best defenses that Merkel has faced this year. You have to give them credit. They have several kids that play both offense and defense.When Ballinger starts getting it altogether, beware. They will go deep in the playoffs. You have to respect a team like Ballinger that is less than half the size of Greenwood and played them a very very competitive game.Ballinger will win District 6 outright. They will continue into the playoffs strong.

10-29-2003, 09:42 PM
I will have to give the edge to Merkel on this one and here is why.
(1) Sweetwater has been living on running the ball outside. Merkels D is great at stopping exactly that.
(2) Sweetwater has shown of late that they have trouble throwing the ball now that Bishop is gone. As soon as teams get this ( im sure Merkel has seen this by now) they will man up and bring the heat on them either smothering Sweetwater or Forcing them to throw the Rock.

(3) Sweetwater has put the ball on the ground way too much( like 10 in the last 2 games eek! !) now that Bishop is gone. this will be the kiss of death this week and especialy in the playoffs.

Im going to say Merkel by 10.

Looks like a three way tie for district championship in 3-3A if this comes to pass.

10-30-2003, 10:41 AM
You are either forgetting or ignorant of Sweetwater's defense. They will be a big part of this game. The Mustang's offense have had 3 games to recover from the loss of Bishop. I see alot of improvement each week. Merkel will not have an easy time stopping them. I think Merkel's inconsistency will be their undoing, after all, the game is being played in the Mustang Bowl. Sweetwater by 2 TDs. Go Mustangs!

10-30-2003, 10:50 AM
I think merkel has a chance. Sweetwater is coming into this game thiking playing at home against a underdog merkel is going be easy. What happen when Greenwood went to Sweetwater.Merkel by 7!!!!!!!!

10-30-2003, 11:15 AM
What happened when Monahans played Greenwood?

<small>[ October 30, 2003, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: Curly ]</small>

pero chato
10-30-2003, 12:37 PM
Close game for a while. Sweetwater gets into their offensive rhythm and wins by a couple of touchdowns. Not to take anything away from Merkel. I would like to see them make the playoffs. I just don't think they can win a big one at the bowl.

10-30-2003, 07:18 PM
As ususal, Merkel is the underdog. We wouldn't have this game any other way. We have something to prove.To ourselves included. For the comment about Merkel's inconsistency--doesn't sound like Sweetwater has been all that consistent either. I just hope they turn the ball over. Merkel's offense will rip them apart.

10-30-2003, 11:00 PM
we have never thought playing a team would be easy...even against Lamesa, we still practiced hard, yeah we've fumbled the rock a few times, but hey...if anything in this district is consisten....its our DEFENSE, and greenwoodbro, yall didnt come into the bowl as underdogs

10-31-2003, 12:30 AM
As ususal, Merkel is the underdog. We wouldn't have this game any other way. We have something to prove.To ourselves included. For the comment about Merkel's inconsistency--doesn't sound like Sweetwater has been all that consistent either. I just hope they turn the ball over. Merkel's offense will rip them apart.The only thing Merkel is gonna rip is their britches.

10-31-2003, 10:06 AM
When monohans played greenood it was a game but it was a fluke, Monohans lost to the struggling lamesa team and Greenwood almost beat the no. 9 team in 4a Andrews. Monohans got lucky, they were playing off emotions and there fans. They new they got lucky and god spared them that night cause when they won they acted like they havent ever won a game in there life.

10-31-2003, 10:42 AM
Give Monahans a little credit. It was a tremendous upset for their program. Many were not even picking them to make the playoffs. I know that they should have problably acted more dignified....but it was likely temporary insanity.

When monohans played greenood it was a game but it was a fluke, Monohans lost to the struggling lamesa team and Greenwood almost beat the no. 9 team in 4a Andrews. Monohans got lucky, they were playing off emotions and there fans. They new they got lucky and god spared them that night cause when they won they acted like they havent ever won a game in there life.

1 ranger fan
10-31-2003, 12:14 PM
All I know is I am going to be in the stands watching this one. We will probably be playing one of these teams. What time is game time? What is the weather supposed to be?

My take on the game is, who knows. That's why they play the games. Just ask them Greenwood boys. There is not a single sportswriter that I know that has ever won or lost a game. Doesn't matter what they think, you better be ready to play. Good luck to both teams and I can't wait to see this one.

10-31-2003, 02:49 PM
1 ranger fan:
All I know is I am going to be in the stands watching this one. We will probably be playing one of these teams. What time is game time? What is the weather supposed to be?

My take on the game is, who knows. That's why they play the games. Just ask them Greenwood boys. There is not a single sportswriter that I know that has ever won or lost a game. Doesn't matter what they think, you better be ready to play. Good luck to both teams and I can't wait to see this one.Game time is 7:30 pm at the Mustang Bowl. The weather is cloudy but it is not supposed to rain. It's gonna be a great game! Go Mustangs!