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08-22-2002, 09:23 AM
I know some of you have been worried about me. Well as you know I was on an investigative trip to Europe to find the gypsy who placed the curse on the Bridge City football team. To make a long story short--I was discovered and placed under a curse myself. It took several months of hospital care before I realized what had happened to me. I was able to lift the curse myself because of my vast knowledge into the gypsy ways. I did learn that the curse on the Bridge City football team was very specific. They are allowed to win district but will be defeated in their first playoff game. I did learn that the gypsy who placed the curse was paid in gold coins by a wealthy Texan. The strazhno (danger) here is that this is no ordinary gypsy. He is very, very powerful. I know--two months in the hospital! He is a shilmulo (vampire)! I have to be careful--but for the BC people I will continue until I find this crazy who paid for the curse. And if you are the one who bought this curse and you are on this site--I will find you! Our paths will cross! You have stolen two months of my life you lowlife piece of cow dung. Till next time--keeping low but running hard.

08-22-2002, 09:44 AM
Welcome back Polysemous. for all af you new people your going to love this guy! It must have been some one from Barbers Hill who paid for the curse, since we will most likely play Bridge City in the first round of the playoffs. It might be BH146 or QBKILLA. Old Cardinal sorry, BH had to do what it had to do http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif LOL

08-22-2002, 11:13 AM
Since when did this board become the X-Files? lol

08-22-2002, 11:55 AM
Thanks for the interest RBarber. This is a very serious matter. The gypsy world is starting to make money from the Texas High football programs. They do have the power to alter games and cause injury. This must be stopped--and soon! Mr. Bulldog--the X-files is fantasy. This is very real! Newton was knocked out of the playoffs last year by Giddings because of a gypsy curse. Surely you don't think Giddings had a chance against a healthy Newton squad who had all kinds of playoff experience. I don't know if I can alter this curse on Bridge City in time. If not, then others my find ways to get the gypsy's to help them win games. The dark side should not be involved in who wins and loses football games. I have come on this board has a helper not someone who is trying to cause a distraction. If I could just expose the man who bought the curse I believe it would put a stop to all this nosense. Well, back to work!

[This message has been edited by Polysemous (edited August 22, 2002).]

Old Cardinal
08-22-2002, 04:48 PM
Hi Poly, Have not heard from you in a long time....I believe in the Curse. I remember you put the Curse on "3A Roy" up at Newton and he went crazy-last we heard, he was sitting in an outhouse shaking and passing peach seeds! Welcome back Poly, you know, I would like to hear from 3A Roy again-if you could remove the Curse on him for just a little while!

08-22-2002, 09:00 PM
Hey, I have nothing to do with this curse. I am only a lowly "gaje". I could not afford to finance such a powerful curse. I could only hire the gypsies out of Poughkeepsie,NY. Their prices are reasonable. Their curses work well in the spring not the fall anyway.

08-22-2002, 11:40 PM
Poly, on behalf of the BC faithful, thank you for your efforts to remove the curse. We do have a couple of swampwitches from Cajun country who have relatives on our team. They may be able to help you out. But if the curse holds up, we can at least win district and have the best excuse for losing our first playoff game. The other teams will have to come up with their own excuses!

08-23-2002, 11:37 AM
After all the rantings of Polysemous last year and then reading what I perceived to be nothing more than a contrived story recently, I decided to investigate gypse sports curses. What I found has changed my mind. According to reports, a small college a few years ago spent some 34 million dollars to build a stadium. In the first year, they lost 10 games in a row. A feat never before experienced at this school. After some inquires, the owner who had sold the land to the school told the school officials that right before they purchased that parcel of land, he had allowed gypsies to live there. To be able to sell the land, the owner had decided that he had to rid the land of the gypsies. The angered gypsies must have cast a curse on the land. The school then sought out an expert to rid the curse. According to the report, they got an Anglican priest, who was knowledgable in the ways of Central European Gypsies, to exorcise the curse from the stadium. The results were a return to norm by the team; having their usual .500 season.

08-23-2002, 01:20 PM
BH146, I know everyone in my field of work. I know of no Anglican priest who has the power to reverse an "amria". I think you are making light of a very serious matter. It seems ironic to me that some one from Barbers Hill would make fun of this matter when it may very well be someone from your community who paid for the curse. I am sure the players on the BC team are not laughing. Their season has already been determined. I may be the only one who can find the "vortimo". This gypsy who has placed the curse has become an outcast by trial. The gypsy's have a word for this--"marime". I do not want to cross his path again. You should be careful what you say. My research at this point is centering around those schools most likely to benefit from a BC loss in the first round. Barbers Hill is one of those schools! I do not want to be a "marturo"--I just want to do what is right. Till next time--It is only the dilo who laughs.

[This message has been edited by Polysemous (edited August 23, 2002).]

08-23-2002, 04:10 PM
Polysemous, perhaps you are right. Maybe the Anglican priest had no part in ending the curse. Maybe it was just a matter of circumstances. The curse may have been an "Amria" place only for that year. I was only stating what the report said. That is what they believe. And I shouldn't make light of the subject. I don't want to be "dinili". But there are people portraying themselves as gypsies in Poughkeepsie who say they will cast spells for a price. And again maybe it was just circumstances as to why the past two springs played out they way they ended.

3A Roy
08-23-2002, 05:40 PM
How is everything going? I had to change my screen name from 3Aroy to 3A Roy because I forgot my password and my old email address isn't working. I have been reading the forum off and on but haven't had the urge to post anything. I don't know how much posting I will do this fall. I just wanted to say hello!

Old Cardinal
08-23-2002, 11:14 PM
3A Roy, It is good to hear from you again....We all enjoy your humor and views on the situations. Who did Newton scrimmage tonight and how did they do? Like I don't already have a strong suspicion!

eye of the tiger
08-23-2002, 11:22 PM
I think he is a Bishop now.

3A Roy
08-24-2002, 11:39 AM
We are going to scrimmage Ozen tonight in Beaumont. The JV scrimmage starts at 5:00 and the varsity will follow. It should be a good one. I am ready for the games to start though!

Old Cardinal
08-24-2002, 12:40 PM
Roy, I heard that Vidor put it all over West Brook last night------Do you know about any other SE texas HS scrimmages?