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03-20-2002, 10:09 PM
.....is doing great in their first season to play soccer. They won the area round and now in the 3rd round of playoffs. They will face North Crowley. Aledo plays in 4A. I have no earthly idea why I'm following soccer or posting about it here but.....there you go. Pretty good job for a bunch of rookies.

03-21-2002, 10:49 AM
Well, soccer isn't so bad...I've found out from watching the last two years that:

1. In high school games, goals are actually scored

2. soccer IS a contact sport

3. Anyone who is tough enough to run around in shorts in 20 degree weather deserves a little respect

I hate the matchups that occur because of the district set-ups...the Wimberley girls had to play Alaom Heights on Monday, a big mismtach in enrollment (1,500 to around 550). In district, although they held their own, they had some even bigger mismatches...Cedar Park and San Marcos are much bigger schools.

03-21-2002, 10:49 PM
Sorry fellas, but soccer holds no candle to football, basketball, or baseball.
Only my opinion but leave the soccer to the bigger schools, where the kids that play band during football, play soccer in the spring.

eye of the tiger
03-21-2002, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by VWG:
Sorry fellas, but soccer holds no candle to football, basketball, or baseball.
Only my opinion but leave the soccer to the bigger schools, where the kids that play band during football, play soccer in the spring.
I don't understand why you chose to "put down" band kids. They work hard learning drills and are some of the best fans a football team has. Why do you put down some of you best fans? I played football, but some of my best friends were band members. It never occured to me to put them down because they didnt play football. I think this a very stange trend to make fun of a teams best supporters.

the claw
04-11-2002, 04:05 PM
I agree tiger. Band kids do put in alot of hours working on marching formations, songs, etc.
Also, I played football and soccer and I can tell you that you have to be in really good shape to play. And it is definately more physically demanding than basebal and basketball.
VWG: Maybe you should try learning a few marching formations or playing a soccer game in the sleet. Then you can say that they don't hold a candle to football.

04-11-2002, 04:28 PM
Most lower schools can't afford to have soccer programs. Please, let's not knock down the band. Can you imagine a football game without a band?