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10-23-2003, 09:02 PM
We have some of the most conditioned and telented young men paying in AAA football, so in no way is this directed at you. You are why I buy season tickets and drive to every away game. Not your fault your coach sucks!

I am no Jim Rome, thank God, but I say Smack the sucker. What a piss-poor coach. Give him the boot and send him on his way.

To the folks running the BH School, please get us some real coaches with more than 2 plays. At least make sure they can read and write.

10-23-2003, 09:05 PM
I'm sure the HC over at the Hill would love for you to try and coach the team one night...

Do you even coach? Do you think YOU could coach this team to a no-loss season every season? If your answers are 'NO', then bite your tongue, cuz I bet you couldn't even wash a jock-strap in the coaching business...

<small>[ October 23, 2003, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: Gobbla2001 ]</small>

10-23-2003, 09:14 PM
<small>[ October 23, 2003, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Gobbla2001 ]</small>

10-23-2003, 10:27 PM
I heard a rumor that Barbers Hill is losing defensive coordinator (Byrd) and offensive coordinator (Skidmore) at the end of this year. I heard the school board is going to make them leave.

10-23-2003, 10:29 PM
I heard a rumor that Barbers Hill is losing defensive coordinator (Byrd) and offensive coordinator (Skidmore) at the end of this year. I heard the school board is going to make them leave.Why would they make them leave?

And don't tell me because they're 'not' winning...

You guys are in a tough district and region, it's the competition not the coaching...

Ulrich von Lichtenstein
10-23-2003, 10:40 PM
<small>[ October 27, 2003, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: Ulrich von Lichtenstein ]</small>

10-23-2003, 10:41 PM
There are some schools that allow teachers/coaches to come back and teach/coach after they have officially retired. That is if their field is in math or something like that. They receive a smaller salary, and get their retirement too. Well, the state of Texas was thinking about getting rid of this program recently. Yet the state did not pass the bill, or legislature, to do away with the program, but BH has decided that eventhough the program has not been done away with that they will go ahead and get rid of these teachers/coaches anyway after this year. Byrd and Skidmore fall into this category. They will be losing two fine men for no reason if you ask me.

10-23-2003, 10:41 PM
There are some schools that allow teachers/coaches to come back and teach/coach after they have officially retired. That is if their field is in math or something like that. They receive a smaller salary, and get their retirement too. Well, the state of Texas was thinking about getting rid of this program recently. Yet the state did not pass the bill, or legislature, to do away with the program, but BH has decided that eventhough the program has not been done away with that they will go ahead and get rid of these teachers/coaches anyway after this year. Byrd and Skidmore fall into this category. They will be losing two fine men for no reason if you ask me.Okay, thanks...

10-24-2003, 07:36 AM
I havn't heard about Byrd that is going to be a terrible loss. Skidmore on the other hand is replaceable. I like the BH no huddle but Jody is right about the play selection a change might be for the good.

10-24-2003, 08:34 AM

10-24-2003, 09:06 AM
I always find it interesting when someone with 1-2 posts come on a board and assassinate the character and coaching ability of a group of coaches. How much good good do you really think that you are doing? Do you think that you are helping the kids this year? Is this post going to boost team morale? How about team unity and cohesiveness? What is your agenda?...because if it is to help these kids...then posts like this do very little to actually help the kids on the field. If you have a legitmate gripe...then go talk to the head coach himself or to your sup. and/or school board members. If they won't listen, then maybe you are the one with the problem...or you could run for the school board yourself. However...most of the time...people who make statements like yourself are unwilling to assume the responsibility of being a school board member...it is much easier to run your mouth on a public board. :rolleyes:

10-24-2003, 09:17 AM
To Jodyisfishing:

Have you ever stepped out on a football field and coached on the sidelines? Didn't think so. Coaching is a special talent that very few have, and those few have my utmost respect. I have known Coach Byrd and Coach Skidmore for a number of years, and not only do they bring alot of football knowledge, but also help these young boys grow up into respectable young men. To lose both of these coaches would be a big blow to the football program at Barbers Hill. not to take away from the other coaches, they all do outstanding jobs at their positions, but these two are the main reason why Barbers Hill has been so successful. So Jody, go back to fishing, and don't bother buying season tickets anymore, leave that for someone who really appreciates the game.

10-24-2003, 09:21 AM
It's called a Lance..... Hello!!!

10-24-2003, 09:30 AM
I find it hard to believe that due to the fact BH doesnt' do as good a job as every other year, delinquent individuals seem to blame the coach. BH has been a very good team the past couple of years and now people want to point the finger at the coaching staff. Oh well, it's always easy to point the finger.

10-24-2003, 11:47 AM
Jody, I see you are from Crosby. I started to suggest that many you should start supporting (or is it not supporting) the Crosby program. But the Crosby coach is a good man and great coach. He at one time was interested in coaching at BH. (Gosh, if we had just known how good his son was going to be.) But on second thought, I don't think the Crosby coach would want me to make that suggestion.

Like most here Jody2Poster, I don't think you will get a lot of support. But if you find a one or two, perhaps you guys could get together and sacrifice a monitor in hopes the football gods in cyber space will hear your plea.

10-24-2003, 05:13 PM
Most people around this area have nothing but total respect for Barbers Hill football and this dates back for as long as I remember. Not only football but every sport that the Eagles have ever fielded a team. I graduated from Crosby back in 75 and the Hill was tough as nails back then also. There's nothing wrong with wanting to change the play selection a little bit. We over here in Liberty would like to see more passing in our offense but you can't argue if you'r winning. Barbers Hill has had two close tough loses this year and beat some really good teams so once playoff time comes around they should handle Bridge City with no problem and possibly get on a roll.Who knows. Anyway the Hill has mine and alot of other football fans from here total respect

10-24-2003, 06:56 PM
nobody was complaining about the play calls when the hill went 10-0 for a few yrs.skidmore made some good calls against dickinson but got no creidt.most of the players i've talked to like him.some times the d-fences are playing good technique and that is what you have to do against the hill to stop them.good luck to all tonite.

10-24-2003, 10:36 PM
Well, I see the vacuum in this site has almost gone. Good. There is two things for sure, either our offensive coaches have no confidence in our player, or they have no play book. Either way, it does not set much of a presidence for the player to follow. How would you like to know, as a reciever, that your dip-lilly coach was going to call 10 quarterback sneaks in a row. Pretty dis-heartning...huh?

Well my fine fans, gues what? They ran 10....let me say it again.....10!!!! freaking quarterback sneaks in the 4th quarter. Now give me a break. If that is coaching, then YES, I should go to the Crosby game and BEGGGGGGGGGG their coach to come over and at least scribble in our play book. It does not have to be a trick-play, just something simple....you know....maybe a slant pass.

Shepherd....here is a real bonus for you. I want to give you a free view of our offensive play book. Here goes:

1. Quarterback Sneak
2. Punt (maybe 5 yeards, maybe 20 yards)
3. Fumble (3 tonight)
4. Long Bomb for an interception (1 tonight)

All at no fault to the players.....BAD COACHING!!!!!

10-24-2003, 10:41 PM
Well, I see the vacuum in this site has almost gone. Good. There is two things for sure, either our offensive coaches have no confidence in our player, or they have no play book. Either way it does not set much of a presidence for the players to follow. How would you like to know, as a reciever, that your dip-lilly coach was going to call 10 quarterback sneaks in a row. Pretty dis-heartning...huh?

Well my fine fans, guess what? They ran 10....let me say it again.....10!!!! freaking quarterback sneaks in the 4th quarter. Now give me a break. If that is coaching, then YES, I should go to the Crosby game and BEGGGGGGGGGG their coach to come over and at least scribble in our play book. It does not have to be a trick-play, just something simple....you know....maybe a slant pass.

Shepherd....here is a real bonus for you. I want to give you a free view of our offensive play book. Here goes:

1. Quarterback Sneak
2. Punt (maybe 5 yeards, maybe 20 yards)
3. Fumble (3 tonight)
4. Long Bomb for an interception (1 tonight)

All at no fault to the players.....BAD COACHING!!!!!

Go Eagles......! See I am an optimist, just tired of the same plays every freaking game.

10-24-2003, 10:45 PM
i think those 10 qb draws worked.he did score on it.if your rb fumbles 3x would you give it to him again.the coaches do not miss blocks,fumble or drop passes.who was your coach and what was his record when you played?

10-24-2003, 10:54 PM
Hey Price Lovers.....I caught a great picture of him tonight. Hope you like it!


10-24-2003, 10:55 PM
Hey Price Lovers.....I caught a great picture of him tonight. Hope you like it!


10-24-2003, 10:58 PM
Jody - do you have a kid playing?

10-24-2003, 11:05 PM
Jody quit it your Killing me :D :D ROFL.

WOOHOO 600 post another hundred bites the dust.

<small>[ October 24, 2003, 11:06 PM: Message edited by: RBARKER ]</small>

10-24-2003, 11:59 PM
Hey Price Lovers.....I caught a great picture of him tonight. Hope you like it!

http://www.showmetrucking.com/FIELDMULE..jpgUmm I know it ain't a gray mare, but maybe just maybe BH ain't what she used to be this year.

Lost a load of talent last year. QB,RB,LB..etc..etc...Liberty brought it back, Anahuac brought it back..nothing wrong with someone beating you guys every once in a blue moon you know.

10-25-2003, 05:28 AM
I am still P'd-Off from last years fine coaching performance at UH against Rice Consolidated. We were out-coached......again. Come on crown, say it with me, "Price Sucks"!

10-26-2003, 09:17 PM
Hey Jodyisfishing, I just wanted to inform you that the playoff game against Rice Consolidated was two years ago. Last year it was Bridge City. I was at both of those games and it was obvious to me that both of those teams had more talent than the Hill. Sure BH is good and will continue to be good, if not great, for the next two years (2004 & 2005) and will even be able to compete in class 4A in 2006.
This year the team is different. We have a young QB who is a good runner, but his passing has not come around yet. This has taken alot away from the offense. Another thing that RBarker and Jodyisfishing should take notice of is the fact that what ya'll are calling QB sneaks are not at all QB sneaks. They are designed running plays for the QB. Take notice of the blocking schemes and you will see these are not sneaks, or do ya'll know enough about football to tell the difference?

10-26-2003, 09:41 PM
okay so barbers hill has a sub par year.....like too see you step out on the field and coach for so many years and produce...the reason barber's hill has been so good for years is they had a talent pool....their pool is just depleted this year...talent isn't as high as in past years...your just jumping on and off the bandwagon as the time goes....

Old Cardinal
10-26-2003, 09:53 PM
As an outsider I would like to comment...I think Coach Byrd is one of the best in the Coaching field...On the football Coaching, I think it is quite good. The only thing that I noticed was the offensive play caller, just did not respect the top flight two 3-year inside linebackers, Melich and Varrett from BC. He tried screens and plays that would fool less experienced linebackers, and they all back-fired on him. I think that BH needs to try to play teams that are in the top rankings in the preseason, regardless of the outcome of the yearly record. I totally respect the BH program and pull for them to win, unless they are playing BC. I drove down 146 today, I can see BH at around 900 students in the near future. The economy looks very thriving in your area.

10-26-2003, 11:19 PM
Old Cardinal, you are very close in guessing 900. If we don't lose or gain a single student, BHHS will have over 1000 by the fall of 2007. With over 1000 homes scheduled to be built just around the BH schools in the next 3 years, I tend to think we will reach that 1000 mark before then.

10-27-2003, 01:45 AM
Jody, I speak on behalf of almost everyone from BH when I say, WE ARE SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR STUPID COACH BASHING POSTS. Criticizing a play call every now and then is one thing but making derogatory comments about Coach Price and his staff is just classless and child like. I don't know what Coach Price did to you but whatever it is I'm sure it doesn't call for posts like yours. I don't know about you but I enjoy winning year after year. Being a 4-peat District Champ would suit most fans just fine too. Since Price has taken over as head coach we are currently 53-13 over his 6 year tenure. But you for some reason are not satisfied what so ever. You're just a disgrace to all Barbers Hill fans. I would love to see you hop out on the sideline and show everyone whatcha got. Everyone would love to see you wet your panties when it comes time to make a tough call. Its easy to hide behind a screen name(a very gay one at that)and call out and criticize other people. Why don't you just step up to the plate and tell everyone who you are and why you are so hacked off. If not, quit getting your panties in a wad and shut your big ignorant trap.


<small>[ October 27, 2003, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: QBKilla ]</small>

10-27-2003, 01:08 PM
Ya know....this coaching staff oddly is one of the best since the BH hay day in the 70's! The talent here is exceptional...certainly with the QB being the QB of the future..Daniels has another 2 years to get everything together..The way the team is put together..I expect them next year to get back to an undefeated season unless we get thrusted into 4A (and probally with the ranks of Dayton, Galena Park, and Crosby). The thing is the past couple of years...after Blake left (and i know Carrington was a great rusher and the back of the team) the offense has went down by at least 50%! The Defense is the thing that is keeping us competitive! And i know a lot of people are mad after the Liberty loss...but it was a close game (15-7). If the game was played here or in a neutral stadium...The game would have gone either way. I just hope that the offense gets going with Shepard and Tarkington before the playoffs!

10-27-2003, 02:16 PM
This is absolutely crazy. A staff wins 25 district games in a row and people are calling for his head. You obviously know nothing about football because you keep referring to a play that Barbers Hill runs as a "QB Sneak". It is not a QB sneak you moron! Teams like U of H, Oklahoma, Miami, and several successful high school teams throughout the state run this same formation and "QB Sneak" as you call it. It's actually a QB Counter with the backside guard and Tackle (Some may call it QB GT) pulling to create a lane for the QB. Usually the guard kicks the end and the tackle leads upfield and seals to the inside. I know for a fact B Hill has scored many times throughout the years on this play. So please don't call it a sneak. Learn the game first and then talk "BAD" about the coaches who teach it for a meager $5000.00 stipend. People like you make me wonder why high school coaches even consider coaching football. You are a disgrace and I hope your dog dies today! Out

10-27-2003, 02:28 PM
I dont think ousting a guy with only 2 losses this year makes much since...You can't expect every year to be awesome....Plus their only district loss was to Liberty and no one has beaten them yet so that isnt such a bad loss....BH's coaching staff seems alright to me i'd love to pull for a team who calls a 2 loss season disappointing...a lot of teams would kill for that....

10-27-2003, 05:36 PM
I havn't heard about Byrd that is going to be a terrible loss. Skidmore on the other hand is replaceable. I like the BH no huddle but Jody is right about the play selection a change might be for the good.RBARKER: Jodywhoever's post doesn't rate a response from me, but I expected better from you. Yes, we are struggling on offense right now and a lot of spoiled people ( including myself ) are concerned about the offense. Only a gutsy performance pulled out the win against Coldspring. The problems have been there most of the year. But let's look at the losses.... 1st game of the year over-time loss to a team with a 7-1 record, 2nd loss to an undefeated team. Both of which could have possibly been wins, but the other teams made the plays late in the game to secure the win. Plays the Eagles normally make.

I was just a little shocked that you would agree with Jodywhocares on anything. I have always liked your posts and input about football. You caught me a little offguard. I think it might be we're just use to winning and it stings when we don't. The true BH supporters need to step up and have some faith during a season that is not considered "typical" of Barbers Hill. I believe in our boys and our coaching staff and know they can get the job done. Have a little faith.....it will go a long way!

10-27-2003, 06:08 PM

I havn't heard about Byrd that is going to be a terrible loss. Skidmore on the other hand is replaceable. I like the BH no huddle but Jody is right about the play selection a change might be for the good.RBARKER: Jodywhoever's post doesn't rate a response from me, but I expected better from you. Yes, we are struggling on offense right now and a lot of spoiled people ( including myself ) are concerned about the offense. Only a gutsy performance pulled out the win against Coldspring. The problems have been there most of the year. But let's look at the losses.... 1st game of the year over-time loss to a team with a 7-1 record, 2nd loss to an undefeated team. Both of which could have possibly been wins, but the other teams made the plays late in the game to secure the win. Plays the Eagles normally make.

I was just a little shocked that you would agree with Jodywhocares on anything. I have always liked your posts and input about football. You caught me a little offguard. I think it might be we're just use to winning and it stings when we don't. The true BH supporters need to step up and have some faith during a season that is not considered "typical" of Barbers Hill. I believe in our boys and our coaching staff and know they can get the job done. Have a little faith.....it will go a long way!Sorry to disapoint FBmania I know the coaches at BH are doing a fine job. Its just hard to watch a game when IMHO the play calling could be improved. Yes I am spoiled and I want to see BH do the best every year but the disapointment comes during the playoffs. Its easy to say that we were not a good as a team as team we get beat by but I have seen some games that we were just plain out coached not all but some. I will be there to pull for BH every game win or loose its just an opinon and I have the right to mine as everyone does thiers. I donot agree that we need to get rid of all the coaches they are an excellent group of guys. People have to see that the play calling is lacking in certain areas and could be improved. BH will be fine I'm just a little spoiled and would like to see a good playoff run theres nothing wrong with that. I feal like sometimes that BH is not respected enough do to thier playoff record and would like to see them earn that respect. Good luck to BH bring it together before the playoffs and shoew the state that we are champions.

10-27-2003, 06:38 PM
Jodyisfishing, you need to get over whatever your problem is. Coach Price is one of the most talented coaches in District 22-3A. So I don't know what he's done to you, but just shut up about it. :mad: :rolleyes:

10-28-2003, 10:37 AM
<small>[ November 20, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Mr.EagleToYou ]</small>

10-28-2003, 10:52 AM
Yea...another one time poster with an ax to grind. You really have a lot of credibility on this board eek! . Its too bad that you couldn't come on this board to discuss football, encourage others and have fun...no...you have to try and personally attack a person(s) behind the comfortable screen name of anonimity. Why don't you tell the coaches what you have said here face to face in the same manner. I have alot of respect for rbarker he has been a respected member of the board and has contributed alot of good thoughts...he made his point and yet still supported his team without accusing or calling names. We all have our right to our opinions, but with that right also comes the responsibiltiy to state our opinions in an appropriate manner. I am greatly anticipating your witty reply. I am sure that it will show the same class as your original post :rolleyes:

I have been an eagle all of my life. My opinion and the opinion of many players is that the offensive coordinator and his trusty, little assistant have hero-worshipped one player this year to the detriment of the entire team. Hey coaches! Take off your blinders! Its obvious to the players and the fans. How long before you scrap the original plan and realize that YOU TWO COACHES lost the district championship because you were inflexible. You put too much pressure on someone who was not ready for it.

Barker is right, this offense has gotten worse. The sense of panic was obvious in the fourth quarters of the Anahuac and Liberty games. That was game one and game eight! Its a sign of desperation when you run twelve consecutive QB draws in the ELEVENTH week of the season. I have never seen two grown men at BH put one kid on a pedestal until this year. Its really embarrassing! Its disturbing to the players. Its got to be obvious and embarrassing to the other coaches as well.

10-28-2003, 12:17 PM
Vet- are you going to get on me because i only have one post? this topic has fired me up enough to post a reply.
Mr.Eagle is right. there is internal rumblings. hes also right about coaches treating some boys different from other boys. and thats wrong. just my opinun.

<small>[ November 20, 2003, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: BlackSmith ]</small>

Too Fat
10-28-2003, 12:52 PM
Joby you're an idiot!!!! You don't know what you're talking about, you live in Crosby for crying out loud why don't you go rip Coach Haynes they have not had the best season this year. How many District Championships in a row until this year? Until you have won a District Title shut your PIE HOLE, they are still going to the playoffs for crying out loud.

10-28-2003, 02:09 PM
Too Fat:
Joby you're an idiot!!!! You don't know what you're talking about, you live in Crosby for crying out loud why don't you go rip Coach Haynes they have not had the best season this year. How many District Championships in a row until this year? Until you have won a District Title shut your PIE HOLE, they are still going to the playoffs for crying out loud.It looks like Jody has got some company. There seems to be a couple of his relatives in here with him. :D :D

You're correct, with a young team we've done pretty well. Go coaches and Eagles!!!

10-28-2003, 02:27 PM
Jodie I'm sure your opinion is good food for thought while your fishing- I'm sure you've caught alot of BIG ONES in your day- But it's very obvious to the sports world, that your lost on Friday night - Being able to talk your knowledge about the game to idoits is your right -Thank Goodness for Coach Price and his coaching staff for bringing to this community a feeling of pride and respect-Something that someone like yourself is hard to understand . What have you given to this community . Ever!! Losers look for excuses that satisfy only themselves - Winners just keep finding ways to Win- 100% FOR B/H and the COACHING STAFF

10-28-2003, 06:11 PM
Blacksmith...everybody has to start somewhere with their posts...I welcome you and Jody whats his name and everyone else. I have no connection with coach Price or anyone else. I am not his kin or his friend. I have been on this board a long time though...and I have watched time and time again when disgruntled parents and fans come on here and assassinate the character of coaches. Coaches make mistakes, and they certainly are not perfect. Fans and particularly parents are hypersensitive when it comes to a team not performing to THEIR expectations. Many times there are more factors than they have considered through the rose colored glasses of being a parent. In other words...objectivity tends to go out the window. Critques like Jody's and others are no different from putting a FOR SALE sign in the coaches yard. How much does that help the team? How much does that help the coach and HIS FAMILY? Is it going to get your son more playing time? The answer to all of these question is that it is not going to constructively help the situation. From what I have read about this situation it doesn't sound like coach Price and his staff deserve to be treated the way some of the people are treating them. I am sure that there is discontentment here and their heck...sometimes their is discontentment between a husband and a wife...but that doesn't mean that when this happens that we should all run out and get a divorce or fire a coach.

Vet- are you going to get on me because i only have one post? this topic has fired me up enough to post a reply.
Mr.Eagle is right. i have a senior on the team. there is internal rumblings. they could have tried number 10 or 25 at QB or switched out between series and brought along number 11 slowly. hes also right about coaches treating some boys different from other boys. and thats wrong. just my opinun.

10-28-2003, 09:06 PM
this is really a young team if you really look at it.it is really hard to say,maybe the talent is not there like in yrs past.the qb will be fine he is just a soph.a fresh just got moved up.back 2 the qb,not taking anything a way from no. 10 or 25 coaches made the rite decision.nobody complained about the play calling when they went 10-0 for a few yrs.this team does not have some of the speed it has had in the past.hey coaches you can coach my team anytime.i think bh was down b 4 you got here,enough said.

Too Fat
10-29-2003, 09:03 AM
dean-r-duke, why don't you just go coach at the Hill? I for one would not want to coach at the Hill. Their fans are brutal!! According to this site there should be two job opening at the Hill.So why don,t you apply. The grass is not always greener on the other side.

<small>[ October 29, 2003, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Too Fat ]</small>

10-29-2003, 09:39 AM
Too fat, No im happy right where im at..Unless you want me to leave???? By the way, I do have a key to your golf cart bung hole!!!hahaha :D

10-29-2003, 09:42 AM
You know this site is getting kinda outrageous. Why is it we question someone's credibility because they have only posted One Time. DId someone refute your credibility when you posted your 1st time. The fact is we all had our 1st post at one time or another. SO why berate someone who is just making their 1st post. This guy may be a football coach for all you know, dont attack him. Besides isn't the point of a poll to state your opinion. DOnt attack his opinion.

Too Fat
10-29-2003, 12:50 PM
As a proven coach with 8 Little League Championships under my belt. I am here to say that all you need is ONE PLAY, during my 8 championship runs we ran 38 toss that no one could stop; so why run anything else. You must make the other team stop you, don't stop yourself by not running your best play. If ain't broke don't fix it! Jody , considering you have no titles to your name you need to just keep your mouth shut, and leave the coaching to the professionals. Oh by the way my team is undefeated this year.

10-29-2003, 01:53 PM
I think that you missed the point...when people come on here and use the forum with their first few posts to condemn, criticize, call names, chastise, point fingers etc...it lets people who are reading know that the reason for them being on this board is not to discuss football but to personally attack a person or group of people and harm their reputations. Credibility is established through positive experience with an individual. If that individual never or rarely contributes anything positve, then it is very difficult to give their opinions much merit. If Jody was a coach and we knew it, then his credibility would be even further damaged by his unprofessional attacks on another colleague. It wouldn't matter if he was Bob Stoops Incarnate. You have a right to your opinion...no doubt...an so does Jody. What I am trying to bring up is that there is a responsibility to that opinion when voiced on a public forum. Because the overwhelming majority of posters take this responsibility seriously, we have a great board in which everyone can have fun without attacking people on a personal/professional level.

You know this site is getting kinda outrageous. Why is it we question someone's credibility because they have only posted One Time. DId someone refute your credibility when you posted your 1st time. The fact is we all had our 1st post at one time or another. SO why berate someone who is just making their 1st post. This guy may be a football coach for all you know, dont attack him. Besides isn't the point of a poll to state your opinion. DOnt attack his opinion.

10-29-2003, 02:02 PM
I don't know about everyone else, but i know i read the forum for a long time before i even started posting. if you read on here long enough, you would know that voicing your opinion and completely degrading an individual are two completely different things. This is your first post, nobody knows you, knows your intentions, knows your sense of humor, they only know what is presented by your first post. jodyisfishing made his first post, and correct me if i'm wrong, but i have not seen him post on another topic. thats not voicing a football opinion, thats being disrespectful to a person's character, and yes, i will defend someone if i deem necessary.

10-29-2003, 09:07 PM
Tweedle-Dumb, Tweedle-Dee.....good ness gracious how we meet. I post a message slandering a stanger...out of the woods comes the long-dong rangers. Great your say, or even the best...holy cow folks, come out of your nest. If Price has a plan, then out with it now, for winter is coming and we won't be there. Gobblers or Turkey, give Cureo his due....he stated his opinion, as have you.

wink Ok Cat-Daddys....It appears there is much discussion about my intent, my opinions, my respect for others, and my support for BH. Let me try to clear up any confusion that may exist. I am sorry the ovious seems to be alluding some of you fine ladies and gentlemen.

I went to BH from K-Garden through senior high. I am related to the very family Barbers Hill was named after. I am a devoted Fan with season tickets who has not and will not miss a game, this year and if God's willing, next. I fully support the players and I believe they are far more tallented than what I will ever see. I am quite certain I know more about this offense than someone from Curo, for God's sake. I pay my money to watch the game and I YES I have an opinion.

First: My Intent
My personal opinon, which I am not ashamed to share and be vocal about(can you tell?). I do not agree with the offensive play calling....period! You can call it delayed offense, Q-Sneak, planned Q-Back Keeper, or what ever the heck you want. When one person runs the ball 10,11,12,or more times in a row, how the heck can that be a balanced plan? Some say, "our Q-Back just does not have the arm". Hell-fire man, how far could you throw it your Sophmore year. I have a great deal of respect for the entire Daniels family and I know them well. Chris is a fine athelete, as was his dad and his uncle. Our Q-Back has been asked, through poor play calling, to throw a long pass he is not capable of making. Don't take my word for it...go to a game....count the plays.

Now my true intent was to get all of you fired-up and to see if we can get a real opinion out. If you don't like my opinion, then read someone elses post. It's that simple....really.

Second - My Opinion of Coach Price
My opinion about Price is and will remaine the same. I do not like the man as an individual because of his personality, or lack there-of and I think his leadership abilities is a crying shame. I also do not agree with his lack of support for other athletic programs, particularly the women athletics. It is an opinion, that's all.....we are all entitled. Yes, it is crude, yes slander is not a politically correct thing to do.....who cares? This is not ESPN, this is not The Houston Chronicle, this is a posting site for discussion. Many of you calle dme names, hell I think it is funny. I like Spirit and the exhange of views. Like others have stated, hell we can predict the exact play going to be run, what do you think a qualified coach, such as Coach Byrd will be able to do. As much as I respect you Doc, I completely disagree with you Doc about Rice Consolidated. We were out coached and you are the only one I know who does not think so; as much as I respect your opinion.

Third - Good Coaching and Leadership
I want to express my deepest sorro for the loss of Coach Byrd, as I think he is one of the finest men I have ever met and he has a great defense because of his ability to connect with the kids and lead them to success. He should be our Athletic Director.

Fourth - Our chances: Post Season
They are not good! We have a lot of folks injured. I don't believe we have any surprises for the next defense and that is sad. I think there is talent on this team that does not see playing time and that is also a shame. Our back-up running back and Q-back all have their own talents and abilities. Mix it up a bit for crying out loud. we did it against Dickenson and for some reason we have played a completely differnt plan since. Someone in a previous post said, "Bh Fans are brutal"....or something along thos lines. Go sit in the seats on Friday night, sit where the 2,3,4 generation BH families are. They are saying exactly what I am to you. Sure, there are a few transplants that have no idea why we are even called Barbers Hill. Most of them live in Mont Belvieu or Cove and do not even know who A. Barber is.

Ok that is my spill. If your Teed-Off, sorry. Price still sucks in my book.

Go Eagle Players and Good Luck Coach Byrd. If yout Coaching in BH, then may the Good-Lord find you a great jo in another district. Of course, our offensive plan is no big secret. :D :D :D

10-29-2003, 10:09 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vet93:
[QB]I think that you missed the point...when people come on here and use the forum with their first few posts to condemn, criticize, call names, chastise, point fingers etc...it lets people who are reading know that the reason for them being on this board is not to discuss football but to personally attack a person or group of people and harm their reputations. Credibility is established through positive experience with an individual. If that individual never or rarely contributes anything positve, then it is very difficult to give their opinions much merit. If Jody was a coach and we knew it, then his credibility would be even further damaged by his unprofessional attacks on another colleague. It wouldn't matter if he was Bob Stoops Incarnate. You have a right to your opinion...no doubt...an so does Jody. What I am trying to bring up is that there is a responsibility to that opinion when voiced on a public forum. Because the overwhelming majority of posters take this responsibility seriously, we have a great board in which everyone can have fun without attacking people on a personal/professional level.

Vet, very well said, thank you!

10-30-2003, 12:03 AM
of my whole year i spent checking the site from time to time....wow i've never seen a better rebuttal from somewho who was being slammed....good for him/her.....

10-30-2003, 12:12 AM
Jody...I still think that you are wrong to attack the BH coaches the way you did...you could have made a point in a different manner without calling names and being such a jerk at first....however, I will give you credit...you have got spunk and a pretty good sense of humor. My intent through the whole thing was and is to get people to realize how damaging our words can be and how we can actually do harm to living breathing people (not just the coaches but the players too). Nothing that I said was meant to be a personal attack...it was more of an attack of principle. Now that you have made your point, maybe we can all just drop it from here on out :)

11-03-2003, 09:58 AM
First of all, I'm a BH lifer. In that time, I have never seen a better coaching staff here than this one. Byrd IS the best and WILL NOT/CAN NOT be replaced. Skidmore is very talented, but can be replaced by little Price in my opinion. Little Price is going to be an excellent HC in the future, in any classification.
Second, there are many schools in OUR district with much more talent, not just this year but in the past. We win games from coaching, conditioning, and discipline. A lot of people complain about play calling, and it is suspect, but what it comes down to is Skidmore calls plays that the players can make. Not plays they can't make. He is definitely no idiot. If he had a D1 or D2 QB do you really think the play calling would be the same! NOT!
Third, I have never seen Price and his staff lose a game they should definitely of won. And before you gasp, that includes Waco, Rice, BC, and Liberty this year. All of these teams were better and more talented than us, bottom line. Some of these games had plays that could of gone either way, but we were in these positions to win because of the kids desire and the coaching. We should have lost all of these handily.
Lastly, good job to the BH staff and the kids. Lest no one has seen, the immediate future at BH is positive. 2-3 years from now, we will be a force to reckon with. There is a pool of force and talent at the freshmen level that BC, Bellville, and Jasper will not want to see in the post-season.

11-03-2003, 07:17 PM
nice job e-eyes you the hit nail rite on the head.do not forget about coach wagner he is also a very good one too.

11-03-2003, 08:39 PM
Congrats. At least somebody told him. The coaching staff at BH is very good. Nobody need to say otherwise.

11-04-2003, 12:16 PM
Ok, I've read the posts on the summary of the coaching and I have a few responses of my own.

First off, no matter what I say here, the bottom line is that I have the utmost of respect for the Hill. They play and win or lose with the most class in the district and one thing that is obvious is that if Coach Price hasn't done anything else, he produces a team that doesn't respond negatively to the silly provocations on the field and you guys should, and I know are, proud of their class.

As far as our game with you goes, I think you guys made the most of what you earned. The Hill had 150 yards against us vs 260 against Liberty. Without the interception TD, the outcome changes. On games where you guys have had big offensive yardage it hasn't been that the defense allowed you to have it, so likewise if you have a low offensive night there's usually something to do with the defense played against. I don't believe Shows ran any less against us than Liberty, he ran hard both times, or that ur QB is a better runner than Shows just because he had more yardage against us than Shows did, it's the scheme played against and how good your OD is at exploiting that scheme.

Each team has it's strengths and weaknesses. Looking from the outside in, one thing that is obvious from this view is that Coach Price has a priority on how other's see his team, even so much as to possibly cost him games but to make sure the highest caliber men, not just players, but rounded men, make his teams.

My personal opinion of his coaching and play calling shows as much in the years that have superior talent as it does in lesser talent years. Example, last year was an up year for the Hill, they had the Offenive and Defensive Players of the Year in the district. Yet when it's scholarship time, our QB is going D1 but settles for a D3 scholarship that Perry wasn't offered, he went to the same school as a walk on as our QB did with a full ride, likewise Killa didn't go D1 on a ride and yet our MLB will probably go to A&M, being one of his choices. Since the Players of the Year did not get D1 rides, since schools weren't investing thousands of dollars into them as they were players in the district that didn't receive those honors, a good case could be made that the system at the Hill gave them a place that their talent didn't show outside of the district. Not dissing these guys at all, I think the world of both of them. This is just a huge reason that I feel Coach Price's system makes more of the sum of his parts than most systems do.

Also, again from the outside and knowing you guys have to sit through more than I do there, there are two major play calling techniques as I've learned, either to keep it simple and emphasize the defense's weaknesses, or scatter the field with 100's of plays in different directions. Again, I see that Coach Price searches for a weakness in the defense, a play that will work for 5-10 yards plus, and then understands that most high schools don't have the capabilities to make adjustments to stop a particular play for at least several repetitions. Their hope is that the adjustment will open other opportunities that they can, in turn, take advantage of. A snowball effect.

This type of play calling won't work well against well coached teams that can make quick adjustments without having to make major changes, and maybe that is why the Hill has not won State yet, since those well coached type of teams are met all along the way during the playoffs. But earlier this year, if you remember, a topic was brought up about whether people would like to have an annual winner without a title, or a title without the annual winner. To my memory, almost all of the Barber's Hill fans that participated in that poll said that they would rather have the annual winner than the one time title winner. This kind of coaching and play calling wins over most teams, and that produces the annual winner over most teams, hence the yearly winning team.

This kind of coaching wouldn't work on the college level, I agree. A level where superior players from superior high school programs play. But I think track records show that Coach Price gets far above frome his players than they individually receive once out of his system.

In the mean time, what a great school to play against each year.

11-04-2003, 12:37 PM
I have not replied before now because I have been out of town. I have read all of the post and I agree with some and disagree with others. There are so many responses to JODY (MAN YOU ARE SOMETHING ELSE) I can not even start to respond to all of them so I will try to give my opinion on this the best I can and I hope I do not offend anyone. Just for all to know I to bleed BLUE AND WHITE. I am a PROUD GRADUATE OF BH. I was there and watched as these players over the past five years grow from little league to highschool. I coached these kids I know what kind of talent and heart these players have. I, as a coach developed good relationsships and friendship with these players. As they grew up and into Highschool. I even worked out with some of them from time to time and encouraged them along the way to be the best they could be and to continue it after highschol. Jared D, Thurman B, Boss D, Chase M, Trey S, Perry C, Ray N, Chris D, Kyle K, Jordan B, Bryan C, Randall P, J. Busch, Ryan, and Daniel W, even that Newton kid, you know who he is. Good INT against COLDSPRINGS BOY, just to name a few. I could go on for hours. I have enjoyed watching them come up and hope I have infulenced them positively in some way. I feel we are losing a real good DC if that is the case. But we have lost good coaches before. I do not think Coach B is the problem. When you play the caliber teams we get beat by you are going to give up points. The few teams over the last few years that have beat us were IMO not more talented. They may have also had some good athletes but in no way were totally more talented. I think plain and simple when we meet teams of our caliber we get Offensively out coached period. Ask some of the X-players face to face they will tell you. You saw it against COLDSPRINGS. Not that they were even near the caliber we are. But, when the pressure is put on the OC we had nothing to answer with. Our Offense was struggling because of injuries, and just on shear desire Chris was able to score and we fortunately got the W. I just feel like our Offense could be a little less predictable and ran more efficient. Before you people even start. Yes I would love the opportuinty to coach these kids. No it does not pay enough for me or for what what these coaches have do. Yes I know this is not litle league. Yes I know we have went undefeated in District the last few years. No I am not crying because we lost to a talented well coached Liberty ball team. I just feel having some more diverse play calling over the last few years could have resulted in some very different endings to our seasons. And don't try to tell me these players can't run anything to difficult. I will never believe it. We have had some really good ball teams come through over the last few years and there are more to come in the next few. I just think we are going to have the same result the next few if some changes are not made in our Offense. It dosen't have to be coaching changes either. I think it needs to be some play changes. If these kids can't run these plays we are running in their sleep something is wrong. They have been running them from 7th grade up. By Varsity they should be and are capable of running all kinds of sets from the no huddle. My hats of to all of these players over the past several years and the next few to come. I have enjoyed watching you play and grow up. Best of luck to all of you. Even the ones I did not mention. I will enjoy the next few years untill the last player I coached comes through. I am, even though I may not mean a lot, proud of all of you and what you have and will accomplish. I do and always will bleed BLUE and WHITE.

Keep it up and go EAGLES

11-04-2003, 12:43 PM
Yes, Eagletown, Coldspring is "near the caliber" that you guys are. Geez louise.

11-04-2003, 01:16 PM
There is a pool of force and talent at the freshmen level that BC, Bellville, and Jasper will not want to see in the post-season.I really don't think Jasper cares who they play in the post-season. The dawgs will come at you fast and hard all game long. And I'd be willing to bet BC and Bellville feel the same way. Who cares who's lining up against you? Just get ready to play some ball!

<small>[ November 04, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: JasperDog94 ]</small>

11-04-2003, 01:16 PM
Yes, Eagletown, Coldspring is "near the caliber" that you guys are. Geez louise.I kinda laughed at that one too...

11-04-2003, 01:55 PM
No they are not. Where are they, did they make the playoffs. Right now they are not. Not to say that they can't be. Just not this year. Coldsprings is a could be. We all thought comming into this year it would come down to US, LIBERTY, or maybe even COLDSPRINGS. (Nope) I am not saying you all are not ever going to be our caliber. Just not this year. Not even close. We still won with a lot of injuries this year and played a terrible game.

11-04-2003, 02:00 PM

11-04-2003, 02:48 PM
No they are not. Where are they, did they make the playoffs. Right now they are not. Not to say that they can't be. Just not this year. Coldsprings is a could be. We all thought comming into this year it would come down to US, LIBERTY, or maybe even COLDSPRINGS. (Nope) I am not saying you all are not ever going to be our caliber. Just not this year. Not even close. We still won with a lot of injuries this year and played a terrible game.I really wish this thread would just go away. The so called BH fan who started this post, barely participates in it. The latter responses to this thread have made for good discussions, but would be better served under a different title. I'm asking all posters in here to let this thread die. We can discuss football with out degrading a coach or his staff. This is my last response to this post! Thank you!

11-04-2003, 02:55 PM
Just out of curiousity what BH boys have gone to play somewhere....i know they've produced...just like to know who and what schoools

11-04-2003, 04:38 PM
We both had injuries, we had nine players out with the flu, I'm not making excuses for ours. It was a freakin 14-10 game. Exactly what different caliber are you in with a four point win at your place? Our group has at least three players going full ride to D1 schools, possibly as many as 5. You didn't have that many last year when things were better, let alone this year. You need to see that Coach Price gets guys like you to not mouth off during games because this kind of silliness comes out.

The thing that this year has taught me is, unfortunately, learned from OC. I learned that all the teams, Splendora, Huffman, Liberty, are this caliber and no amount of talent can make up for good coaching. I hope I don't do the haughty thing anymore. I got a good appreciation of Tarkington and Shepherd this year.

11-04-2003, 04:55 PM
Man...I am envious...Ballinger has had exactly 2 division I scholarship athletes in 25 years. We are getting gipped! wink

We both had injuries, we had nine players out with the flu, I'm not making excuses for ours. It was a freakin 14-10 game. Exactly what different caliber are you in with a four point win at your place? Our group has at least three players going full ride to D1 schools, possibly as many as 5. You didn't have that many last year when things were better, let alone this year. You need to see that Coach Price gets guys like you to not mouth off during games because this kind of silliness comes out.

The thing that this year has taught me is, unfortunately, learned from OC. I learned that all the teams, Splendora, Huffman, Liberty, are this caliber and no amount of talent can make up for good coaching. I hope I don't do the haughty thing anymore. I got a good appreciation of Tarkington and Shepherd this year.

11-04-2003, 05:07 PM
No they are not. Where are they, did they make the playoffs. Right now they are not. Not to say that they can't be. Just not this year. Coldsprings is a could be. We all thought comming into this year it would come down to US, LIBERTY, or maybe even COLDSPRINGS. (Nope) I am not saying you all are not ever going to be our caliber. Just not this year. Not even close. We still won with a lot of injuries this year and played a terrible game.I agree with EAGLETOWN. We did think Coldsprings would be in there with us at the beginning. As the year went on, we see we were wrong. Hopefully everyone will be up to our caliber eventually.

11-04-2003, 05:48 PM
Question for TD. If you have that many players going D1 in 3A why is your team not finishing the year any better. Surely with that many players talented enough to go D1 you could have managed at least 3rd.

11-04-2003, 08:17 PM
Just to clear things up! Coach Byrd is a fine coach and a true leader. Price is an ass....period....always will be. It's in his nature. Skidmore needs to get a new job, and as I hear it he will after this year. Unfortunately Coach Byrd is leaving because of school policy changes. Damn shame if you ask me.

A little story for the kids: A frog was swimming accross a creek one day and a scorpion (coach price) was standing on one shore. Coach price said, "hey frog, I need a lift accross the creek, so can you help me"? The frog said, "well I would, but you would sting me and we would both drown and die". The scorpion said, "no I won't sting you, I promise, just swim me to the other bank". Accross the creek the frog went with Price riding along. About mid-way accross, Price stung the frog and they both bagan to struggle in the water, sure to drown. The frog said as we was sinking, "why did you sting me, you promised you would not"? Price told the frog, "I stung you because that is what scorpions do"? The moral is, It is in his nature to be an ass!

11-04-2003, 08:24 PM
This thread reminds me of the Giddings thread from last year? Whatever happened to Mindy?

11-04-2003, 11:34 PM
Who else thinks that Jody should lose all speaking priveleges for such an idiotic post? I think every single reader lost intelligence from reading that.



The athlete that works when no one is watching is the athlete that performs when everyone is watching.

11-05-2003, 12:00 AM
BARBERS HILL: Home to numerous former pee-wee coaching gods, and many self ordained coaches, that congregate in the bleachers every Friday night and talk about the woulda, shoulda, and coulda playcalling.

11-05-2003, 12:17 AM
You're not seeing something Eagletown. Except for one pass against the Hill thrown as our QB was being hit, we would be playing for third place this week against Huffman.

The simple answer to how we can have athletes and no better record is in the number of bodies. We compete against schools that not only have larger amounts of kids to choose from but also closer proximity. Some kids in our team live a 45 minute drive from school. That's like living in Liberty and going to your school. The actual physics of getting to school for repeated practices sometimes require an additional 2 hours of driving each day, something some parents just physically can't do. And some kids have a difficult time dealing with leaving school after practice on the bus after 6 pm and not getting home until after 7 pm.

When you add in the financial differences between our town and the typical 3A school it's even more extreme. I saw the posts about Dairy Queens in 3A towns, imagine stripping Mt. Belvieu of every eating place except a Subway and you have Coldspring. No Dairy Queen, no Sonic. And for good reason, the city limits sign says 500, they wouldn't make it here. I always laugh when I drive through Corrigan, a 2A school, and see 3 times the school, facilities and businesses that we have in Coldspring and realize we compete an entire division above them.

Another thing I chuckled about the other night when we played you guys was the way y'all have a different church operate the concession stand each Friday night. Five home games, five churches. Being booster club top dog, I thought that was a great idea and started considering doing that. Problem is, we only have two churches in town big enough to have that many people. Another distinct difference.

On the years that you've seen us with a strong line coach that can develop linemen out of our small number of students (Peveto in 92, Monohans in 96) and an administration working together with him to a common goal, you have seen us go to the State Finals and Semis, respectively. This is the first year of a coach with that "linemen first" mentality since 96 and the years to come should be good.

This senior class is a good example. Ryan Bradford is as good as any LB in our district and has several D1 schools to take his pick of. When this senior class was younger though, he couldn't make the starting LB group. We had three LB's in the same class that started in front of him that are still in the area, just got cross ways with administration over the last few years, didn't have a staff trying to salvage the kids and they are casualities of not having a leadership group caring for them as kids first, players second (Thank God we salvaged one this year to at least finish school even if he's not allowed to play anymore). Very sad, but internal problems outside of head coach's and players hands sometime come into play. Imagine our group with 3 more LBs better than our all district one?

So anyway, bottom line is one errant pass doesn't put you in another caliber. Take Killa's example, let your record speak for itself and let other people brag on you, it looks better than you bragging on a four point difference.

11-05-2003, 07:53 AM
I, like FBmania, am making this last post to an idiotic thread. I would like to start by saying to all the coach bashers if they remember the Larry Hope regime? Nope....didn't think so! Probably never heard the name Jabo! Why, because you weren't here. You were still living in Baytown, North Shore, Channelview, Etc. or wherever you came from. Yes, that's right with most of you....I know most and see and hear you in the stands. I know who a lot of you are. And most of the trouble makers in BH came from these places. Some of you are pissed parents because your kids are not good enough to play. When Skidmore (who also has forgotten more about football than most people on this site think they know) is gone along with Byrd, you'll see. Of course you'll just be crying about someone else then.

11-05-2003, 10:43 AM
Know Jabo well, I use to work under him. That is one of the reasons I changed jobs. Played under Hope remember that well also. I know the HILLS TRADITIION. Born and raised. I want to see it come back to us being the Odessa of 3A. There is several things in common with the Hope regime. One, most of his coach were and are still teachers.(?) Heck most of the teacher we had for a long time were FORMER COACHES. We rarely made it past the first round.(?) Hope put us in the playoffs. Did he not. Sure coach Price has a good program and I am not saying fire the coach. Frankly I do not like it when we have to start over. Because our school board will probally not hire a proven winner again anyway just like McGalion and if I may Price. Price, now with the help of some tremendious talent is a sure fire winner in our District. WHOO HOOO. When McGalion came we had a chance at the man that help build the HILLS DYNASTY GENE SHARP. Look who we ended up with. Then Skidmore goes to Anahuac whips our tail and we bring him back. (?) I just think in the time he (Price) has been here the players now have been in his program long enough that they should be able to be more diverse with the offense. I don't know with the way it it now who that falls on Price or Skidmore. I am disapointed with the loss of Coach B. I think he is and was very good and will be dissapointed if our school board does something with the Coaches we have now and WE DO NOT GET BETTER FROM IT.

11-07-2003, 09:16 AM
Ok, I've read the posts on the summary of the coaching and I have a few responses of my own.

First off, no matter what I say here, the bottom line is that I have the utmost of respect for the Hill. They play and win or lose with the most class in the district and one thing that is obvious is that if Coach Price hasn't done anything else, he produces a team that doesn't respond negatively to the silly provocations on the field and you guys should, and I know are, proud of their class.

As far as our game with you goes, I think you guys made the most of what you earned. The Hill had 150 yards against us vs 260 against Liberty. Without the interception TD, the outcome changes. On games where you guys have had big offensive yardage it hasn't been that the defense allowed you to have it, so likewise if you have a low offensive night there's usually something to do with the defense played against. I don't believe Shows ran any less against us than Liberty, he ran hard both times, or that ur QB is a better runner than Shows just because he had more yardage against us than Shows did, it's the scheme played against and how good your OD is at exploiting that scheme.

Each team has it's strengths and weaknesses. Looking from the outside in, one thing that is obvious from this view is that Coach Price has a priority on how other's see his team, even so much as to possibly cost him games but to make sure the highest caliber men, not just players, but rounded men, make his teams.

My personal opinion of his coaching and play calling shows as much in the years that have superior talent as it does in lesser talent years. Example, last year was an up year for the Hill, they had the Offenive and Defensive Players of the Year in the district. Yet when it's scholarship time, our QB is going D1 but settles for a D3 scholarship that Perry wasn't offered, he went to the same school as a walk on as our QB did with a full ride, likewise Killa didn't go D1 on a ride and yet our MLB will probably go to A&M, being one of his choices. Since the Players of the Year did not get D1 rides, since schools weren't investing thousands of dollars into them as they were players in the district that didn't receive those honors, a good case could be made that the system at the Hill gave them a place that their talent didn't show outside of the district. Not dissing these guys at all, I think the world of both of them. This is just a huge reason that I feel Coach Price's system makes more of the sum of his parts than most systems do.

Also, again from the outside and knowing you guys have to sit through more than I do there, there are two major play calling techniques as I've learned, either to keep it simple and emphasize the defense's weaknesses, or scatter the field with 100's of plays in different directions. Again, I see that Coach Price searches for a weakness in the defense, a play that will work for 5-10 yards plus, and then understands that most high schools don't have the capabilities to make adjustments to stop a particular play for at least several repetitions. Their hope is that the adjustment will open other opportunities that they can, in turn, take advantage of. A snowball effect.

This type of play calling won't work well against well coached teams that can make quick adjustments without having to make major changes, and maybe that is why the Hill has not won State yet, since those well coached type of teams are met all along the way during the playoffs. But earlier this year, if you remember, a topic was brought up about whether people would like to have an annual winner without a title, or a title without the annual winner. To my memory, almost all of the Barber's Hill fans that participated in that poll said that they would rather have the annual winner than the one time title winner. This kind of coaching and play calling wins over most teams, and that produces the annual winner over most teams, hence the yearly winning team.

This kind of coaching wouldn't work on the college level, I agree. A level where superior players from superior high school programs play. But I think track records show that Coach Price gets far above frome his players than they individually receive once out of his system.

In the mean time, what a great school to play against each year.One thing that was unclear in the text godfather, Prairie View A&M Univ. isnt a D3 its a D1AA,but everyone knows I still have a chance of taking the full ride to Iowa State to be a Cyclone!!!!!(Right)(LOL)