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View Full Version : hey superscout

09-19-2002, 03:51 PM
i was told you may also be one of the many that miss coach ivey not just as a coach but as a friend. (i am not trying to offend any of the new coaches out there)

09-20-2002, 11:00 AM
Superscout is a friend of mine. He is a great guy and one of the best teachers i have ever been around. He also was a great coach and our profession lost a good one when he went to teaching only. But givin the situation, he did the rite thing for his family. As far as him missing Ivey or what not, he is a great support of the Buffaloes no matter who is coaching.... He supports the coaches that are there now as much as he supported ivey and his staff. I hope to one day get to work with superscout again.

09-20-2002, 01:40 PM
On behalf of SuperScout, I Thank You 2AKH. I was not happy with the false immplications that were being made about SuperScout. I agree with you. He is one of the BEST!!! Ask anyone he ever taught or coached. As for you out there that were accusing him of being this "OldBuff", it is obvious that you do not know him personally. You would not have wasted your time and energy barking up the wrong tree! It gives a wife great comfort to know who her husband's true friends are! Your missed 2AKH...Good Luck!! NB

[This message has been edited by SuperScout (edited September 20, 2002).]

09-21-2002, 06:33 PM
superscout, don't be afraid to talk to me, i mean no harm,

09-21-2002, 09:05 PM
where are you at inounvme