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View Full Version : LEAVE JASPER ALONE!!!!

Bulldog Fan
12-09-2002, 03:46 PM
I can't believe some of the things being said on here about Jasper and the surprising thing is that some of it is coming from within. Our town, team, fans, band and cheerleaders have all been attacked on this site and made out to be some kind of monster. While on the other hand, Burnet is made up of all Angels? Get real. The only reason Burnet stood and applauded the whole game was because they were winning. Duh. Had they been losing they would have had fans leave early also, I guarantee it. Our Jasper fans are great and the kind of mess being said on here is just plain wrong. Our team took a knee but not fast enough. Our cheerleaders cheered but not loud enough. We applauded our band but not long enough. Come on people, get a clue. We didn't have anything to cheer about. We were getting our butts kicked and if the worm had been turned the Burnet crowd would have been quiet also. You people need to grow up. Jasper is not evil and Burnet Heavenly. Most of the things being said on here didn't even happen. This kind of criticism should not be happening and especially from within. For those of you stirring this up, may your cutting words and your heartless comments return to you a hundred fold. Shame on you. :mad:

12-09-2002, 05:01 PM
Uh oh, somebody better call the waaaaambulance!

Bulldog Fan
12-09-2002, 05:27 PM
Uh oh, somebody better call the waaaaambulance!
J2KReally mature, just as I would have expected from you.

Awesome Dawg Fan
12-09-2002, 05:28 PM
Bulldog fan Jasper had another great season. I am with you on this fan thing. It is hard to cheer when your 30 points behind in the 4th. I thought your fans did quite well under the circumstances. I think Jasper fans on the whole are great people. My mother was sitting on the Jasper side because that is where she lives. She works with one of the players moms. During halftime I walked my children through the Jasper stands dressed in Bulldog Green to see their Grandma and not one person was rude at all. Far more than what I expected. Jasper fans are just like anyone else. They love their team and are many times overconfident. But all in all they are wonderful people.

12-09-2002, 05:34 PM
What was Jasper doing in the secondary? Oh my, Shipley in space ain't a pretty sight to see.. Didn't do it in 4A and couldn't do it in 3A. Oh well, there is always next year. Man, that has been Jasper's motto for years.....That has to be frustrating to have as much or more talent than anyone and can't when the state title...

12-09-2002, 05:40 PM
Hey bigcat!!!!

Whoa...I hear a whistle blowing, lets see what the call is...

"A 5 yard penalty for taunting!"

12-09-2002, 06:24 PM
Thats a good one J2K.lol. BullDogFan, honestly, what did ya'll expect. Everything ya'll have gotten you deserved. I came on this board I think around Nov 25 and granted there was trashing coming from both sides Jaspers was far worse than Burnet. The majority of Jasper posters made Jasper sound invincible. Like ya'll had already won the state title. You made some good points in your post. But Jasper put Jasper in this position.

12-09-2002, 06:33 PM
If you talk as much as the Jasper posters did when you lose you should expect to get it back and thats whats happening

12-09-2002, 06:45 PM
maybe they should try 2A? Nah, Corrigan Camden would whoop em.

Bulldog Fan
12-09-2002, 07:38 PM
Thats a good one J2K.lol. BullDogFan, honestly, what did ya'll expect. Everything ya'll have gotten you deserved. I came on this board I think around Nov 25 and granted there was trashing coming from both sides Jaspers was far worse than Burnet. The majority of Jasper posters made Jasper sound invincible. Like ya'll had already won the state title. You made some good points in your post. But Jasper put Jasper in this position.Jasper is a town of over 8,000 so therefore the five or six posters on this board do not speak for Jasper. Jasper did not put Jasper in this position. Three or four people FROM Jasper put us in this position. They deserve what they get but the fans as a whole? I don't think so.

12-09-2002, 08:05 PM
maybe they should try 2A? Nah, Corrigan Camden would whoop em.:) That was funny and I appreciate the love for CC, but trust me, there is about a 4 TD difference between Jasper(or Burnet) and CC. The Foreman boys will roll this weekend though...Go Dawgs.

12-09-2002, 08:46 PM
Poor Jasper.

12-09-2002, 09:04 PM
Bulldog Fan,
I agree 100%. I hope you don't think any of the remarks I have made towards Jasper have been harsh. The past month or so I have watched this forum, every team has fans that think they will win, and when they don't win, nobody trashes them to pieces like they have us. I have gotten really tired of the negativity towards Jasper on this board. I am glad somebody finally started a forum about - I had been thinking about it. Please tell me when everyone else has confidence in their team and their team looses they don't get trashed, but heaven forbid Jasper fans have confidence in their team and then loose. Yes, some of our folks were talking lots of trash, but don't criticize the whole town for it. I don't even live there anymore, and I am frustrated about what people are saying about it. Like Fan said earlier, don't judge the town on a few people. There are lots of great fans out there that show good sportsmanship and loyalty.

Once again, great post Bulldog Fan. I couldn't agree more.

And to the Team, We are proud of you, all of you. You had one heck of a season.

12-09-2002, 09:34 PM
trust me, Corrigan will always have love from me. After all, they took us out my Sr year in Sam Houston! Good luck in your game this week guys!

12-09-2002, 10:04 PM
BulldogFan, spin it however you want. If it were my teams reputation on the line I think I would find a way to shut those people up.

12-09-2002, 10:17 PM
BulldogFan, spin it however you want. If it were my teams reputation on the line I think I would find a way to shut those people up.How exactly would you do this?

12-09-2002, 10:42 PM
Everything ya'll have gotten you deserved. Turbodud:
Just like some of the commments you've gotten from me, you've deserved???

12-09-2002, 10:46 PM
First all, let me say that I am not from Jasper but did grow up in Newton, and have lots of family and friends from Jasper. You people have to realize that in the past five years, Jasper as a city has faced controversy like none of you can realize and had to band together and face criticism that was unjust and unfair. This football team brought the spotlight back to Jasper, and this time it was a positive spotlight. The whole town had high hopes for this team. Are they disappointed? You betcha. But once again, they are holding their heads high while others shun them. Jasper had a great season, and I for one wish the season was still on for them. It wasn't just a high school team on that field. It was the heart of a town who wanted to be able to say they were State Champs.

12-09-2002, 11:29 PM
Uh oh, somebody better call the waaaaambulance!
J2KI would have expected more from a moderator. I mean seriously, what grade are we in?

Bulldog Fan
12-09-2002, 11:34 PM

Thank you. You did a great job summing up the heart of Jasper. :)

12-10-2002, 12:01 AM
Someone on here said something about spinning things Burnet was just as bad about the trash talking as Jasper. Say what you want but that is the truth. Heck the most arrogant post I have seen on here all year was this week in the " What does Burnet have to do to beat Everman" thread. Someone said all they have to do is show up. I have a feeling those words just might come back on that person. Like I said before after the game I talked to a lot of the Burnet players and they were well respectful. And there are a few posters on here who are as well, but most of these guys are hypocrites.

12-10-2002, 12:34 AM
Jasper fans dont sweat it because you can and should be classy in victory as well as defeat and we all know we are showing more class than most of the Burnet posters. I have PM'D some who are class acts but most of these guys now are giving Burnet a bad name. With all these posts everyday and most of it turning out to not be true I find it hard to root for these guys this week. If it wasn't for how your players acted when I talked to them I wouldn't be. Most of you need to grow up. Even the moderators are showing their class as well. It's ok, get your licks in now because Jasper will be back.

12-10-2002, 01:48 AM
First all, let me say that I am not from Jasper but did grow up in Newton, and have lots of family and friends from Jasper. You people have to realize that in the past five years, Jasper as a city has faced controversy like none of you can realize and had to band together and face criticism that was unjust and unfair. This football team brought the spotlight back to Jasper, and this time it was a positive spotlight. The whole town had high hopes for this team. Are they disappointed? You betcha. But once again, they are holding their heads high while others shun them. Jasper had a great season, and I for one wish the season was still on for them. It wasn't just a high school team on that field. It was the heart of a town who wanted to be able to say they were State Champs.I couldn't say it any better than twinkle did. I would like to add that this team has weathered a lot of controversy that no one has mentioned lately on 3Adownlow so maybe it isn't known outside the region, but mention the name of Jasper and the national news media show up armed with all their preconceived ideas about the people of Jasper. Early in the season the Beaumont Enterprise made headlines (front page, bold letters) about a matter that was being handled by the J. school board. Shouldn't have been in the Beaumont paper at all, much less front page headlines. As a result, ESPN, hungry for something controversial to televise, showed up on Mon. of the week Jasper was trying to prepare for the Strake-Jesuit game. This crew was at the varsity practice field and coach's office for 2 days trying to stir up racial controversy. (They did not succeed.)Other TV networks followed. We lost the game that week, and much has been said about that game on this forum by fans of other teams, but not having our quarterback was only part of it. Then there was the forfeit of the Newton victory because our coach is an honest man. That hurt but we didn't quit. We had exceptional talent and it may be a long time before we have such a team again. Yes, it hurts to lose, but we love our kids, and we are proud of our team, our town, and our neighbors in E.TX.

12-10-2002, 07:28 AM
SPIVEYRAT, you are right everything I have gotten from you I deserved. I can dish it out and I can take it. Jasper posters obviously can't with all the crying ya'll are doing.

12-10-2002, 07:55 AM
turbo: I'm seeing you in a new light. That was big of you to say.

J2K: That wasn't.

12-10-2002, 08:11 AM
It is not my intention to offend any of you, but I would like to add my 2 cents worth. Did any of you ever think that these folks aren't trashing your team, town, and responsible posters as a whole? I saw some of the stuff some Jasper posters were putting out, and found it very arrogant. Several of you were quick to point out they did not represent Jasper. Those of you that did that can take pride in your good sense, and shouldn't take offense to what is being said now. And yes, Burnet has a share of trash talkers too, and we'll have to see what happens for them. Bottom line to folks from both sides, wouldn't it be better to NOT trash talk in the first place? Pride in a team is one thing, but some people just get too carried away. What can be done to stop it? Use the pm feature to tell them what you think of their comments. I would have BLASTED any Sinton fan guilty of this behavior (privately, of course). We learned a long time ago, it just never pays to engage in it in the first place. All that said, please let this go from both sides and lets get on with the business at hand. Both of you are better than this. It's never too late to let your class shine through. wink

12-10-2002, 09:34 AM
Sinton, the problem is that the one's you are talking to aren't gonna listen anyway. Anytime you have a good team, you're going to have some posters who get on here and run their mouths non-stop untill they lose. Then, when it's time to eat their crow, they cry and whine about how everyone is being "classless". A great example is the Abilene Wylie fans of last season. Thankfully, most of those idiots have long since left. Now, we're getting the same thing from many of the Jasper fans. My advice is, if you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk. Otherwise, sit down and have a big ol' helpin' of crow and count the days untill next season.

12-10-2002, 09:46 AM
I know you're right, Jacket. I'm the eternal optimist in the bunch. I just gotta tilt at the windmills (you of all people know this about me, right? wink ). We had a healthy share of fans like this once upon a time. Gradually, we all learned better. It still amazes me sometimes. Why in the world would any fan of highschool ball want to make their team's task more difficult than it already is? I'm sorry, but that's just plain DUMB!

12-10-2002, 12:52 PM
Thankfully, most of those idiots have long since left. Now, we're getting the same thing from many of the Jasper fans.
J2KMan, do you even hear yourself? You just stated that people run their mouths but that they should shut up. Then you proceed to call people idiots. Talk about classless.

12-10-2002, 01:01 PM
Jasperdog94, the truth hurts, doesnt it.

12-10-2002, 01:50 PM

All you do is run your mouth. Why don't you say something productive or positive. I, unlike other posters, haven't left after getting my tail kicked. It's people like you that make me want to root against whatever team you are for.

For somebody with a kid I would hope that you would be a little more mature. I hope that you set a better example at home than you do on here.

12-10-2002, 02:08 PM
The problem is the main ones who did all the talking have never come back in here after Saturday. Then you have the arrogance to just lump all Jasper posters and people of Jasper in with these guys and you all attack them. I can almost assure you most of the ones who I am calling hypocrites won’t be back in here if Burnet happens to lose Saturday. The thing I have a problem is that you are trying to convince yourselves that Jasper is the bad ones when some Burnet posters were doing the exact same thing, trash talk is trash talk and it came from both sides.

12-10-2002, 02:10 PM
Jasperdog94, lighten up. I am just pushin your buttons, fuelin the fire, stirrin the pot, yankin your chain. Havent you figured that out by now? Why does everyone take me so serious? Actually, I am a different person outside of here. Turbostud is my imaginery friend that makes me say these things. I am currently seeing a doctor to help me with this problem.

12-10-2002, 02:23 PM
J Dogs, congrats on a great season. That is all that should be said to one of the final 4 teams in Div 1. You would not have made it that far without having the team and coaching to get you there. You ran into a buzzsaw, in Burnet, and the outcome might have been different on a completely different day, but who is to say now? Have a great offseason and will see ya next year.

12-10-2002, 05:01 PM
Man, do you even hear yourself? You just stated that people run their mouths but that they should shut up. Then you proceed to call people idiots. Talk about classless.</strong>[/QUOTE]
Hey, I calls'em likes I sees'em. Besides, if the shoe fits.....

12-10-2002, 07:33 PM
hey guys!?! i know burnet is definetly not an angel!?! there are sum peeps that could use a real kick in the grass!?! so why don't we all just shutup? i mean there are so many other thangs we can talk about besides who had the best conduct and all that jazz... i mean just b/c a couple of jasper peeps were rude and inmature doesn't mean the whole town is... if one peep from burnet was rude then everyone would think that the entire town of burnet was rude... so let's forgive and forget...

Go Burnet!?! I love you guys!?!?
Watch out state! there's a new dawg in town!?!?
love ya always,

j dawg
12-10-2002, 07:48 PM

Good Job guy's, Your team played flawless.

:cool: :cool:

Awesome Dawg Fan
12-10-2002, 08:18 PM
I agree 66 I think there is far too much trash talking. Every playoff team deserves to be commended. They played hard to earn their spot and surely they played hard when they lost. These are teenagers were talking about. Just the fact that they are playing ball and not doing drive byes is a great deal to be thankful for. Yes some Jasper fans showed a lack of class as well as some of us. Probably me included.

12-10-2002, 08:21 PM
if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!!!!

everybody get over it
its over
burnet won
theyre playing everman
now support the team that beat you and have a little dignity

go burnet!

12-10-2002, 11:43 PM
if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!!!!

everybody get over it
its over
burnet won
theyre playing everman
now support the team that beat you and have a little dignity

go burnet!You are so right! Go Burnet! You have a great team and you beat Jasper fair and square. Now, go beat those other Dogs!

12-11-2002, 12:12 PM
I have no complaints about the Jasper fans, band, or players. They were a class act when we played them. Like the ole saying goes "one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch." So one person can make a whole city seem bad. Hold your heads up high, and revel in the great season you had.

http://skins.hotbar.com/skins/mailskins/img/Birds_/Birds_Cardinal_walks_prv.gif :) :)