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View Full Version : Kobe Bryant...Possible Career boost from assault

07-08-2003, 09:55 AM
I was listening to ESPN radio last night as I was driving home from work at about 10:30 and they were talking about Kobe Bryant's alledged assault. One of the things that they were talking about was that it would give hime some Street Cred (credibility). That his assault could give hime leverage with shoe companies to negotiate bigger deals because his newfound street credibiity would give him more popularity among young black teenagers who are the most likely to buy shoes and paraphenalia associated with a basketball player. They point to players like Allen Iverson who have "street cred". Iverson has been able to capitalize on his bad boy image. I don't know if Kobe is innoncent or guilty (I hope he is innocent), but I think that it is a sad state of affairs in our country when a person can benefit finacially from the sexual assault of another human being. Maybe it is this image that has caused the NBA's numbers to sag in the last five years. They should be promoting the David Robinson's of the world instead of the Allen Iverson's. I certainly understand that there are those in this world that are disenfranchised from the mainstream and feel like that they are not getting their fair shake, but I don't understand how a segment of our country would identify with, promote and popularize an individual who is potentially being charged with sexual assault. According to the analyst, it really doesn't matter if he is innocent or guilty...the benefit will be the same. I just don't understand. Anyone have any thoughts?

07-08-2003, 01:27 PM
It is indeed a sad fact. With what little we know about what happened (and the DA it seems) it just really makes me sick that the media mongers are reporting crap like this. I caught Matt Lauer on the Today Show "interviewing" the Eagle County DA, what I want to know is, why grant an "interview" if you are not going to comment on anything?? What a goober! As a woman, I really hope he didn't assault anyone, especially since he is a married man with a child (a little girl). AND I'll really be pissed if it turns out that this woman is just trying to get some $$ out of this!! What a slap in the face to all the people (women & men) who have been sexually assualted. :mad: We'll just have to wait & see. frown

St. Ivender
07-08-2003, 04:11 PM
It is a sad day when good citizens like Tim Duncan and David Robinson don't get the big endorsement contracts because of their "clean" image. Nobody wants their jerseys and shoes. From all accounts Kobe is a good citizen. I'm betting he will be exonerated. In the real world if you are only ACCUSED of sexual impropriety you are marked for life. NBA players and their fans (I guess) wear the accusation like a badge of honor. This really sucks because my boys are always wanting the latest jersey. Thank God they don't want those of the "thugs". Now I can't let them have a Kobe jersey anymore. Who da thunk that Shaq's image would one day be better than Kobe's.

07-08-2003, 04:57 PM
I agree that it is a sad state of affairs in this case, but generally speaking, it's not anything new in this country. There has always been an element in our society that would glamorize the Billy the Kid's, and the Bonnie and Clyde's of the nation. Until we as a society learn not to glamorize the notorious, and to not put up with those who do, this situation will never change for the better, it will only get worse.

07-08-2003, 07:29 PM
Hey St.Ive, what is so bad about Shaq's rep? What has he ever done?

the tigers are back
07-08-2003, 10:30 PM
We'll i understand that the sight asked what we think about this silly incredible; and inedible accusations, we'll we don't know if this is true about k.b, but this we do know that none of us can cast any stones at anyone, because we have all have done a sinful act whether it's a murder or a liar it's all sin in GOD eyes.It's so easy to justify someone acts without facts; all im saying guys remember this those that do have little girls coming up let;s pray for them remember there's a prey for our little one's out there, and coming up in this mean old world. Well lets hope k.b is innocent, and even if k.b. is wink guilty remember there is GRACE and MERCY at GOD feet. AMEN...

St. Ivender
07-09-2003, 06:13 AM
Showtime, I like Shaq. He just has a somewhat bad-boy image with the rapping. He's a righteous guy but Kobe has always been on a higher pedestal until now.

Bandera YaYa
07-09-2003, 10:48 AM
Well...I am a mother of two girls and I found this very troubling. IF the accusation is found to be true, he should be sent to prison, with all the other sexual deviates who have been caught. Just because he is a big NBA star, he should not get off with a slap of the hand. Yes, too many of these "stars" do criminal acts and just get to walk away. Yes, our society is sick with putting these kind of people on pedestals. For me, and I do believe in God and think he is the final Judge in all matters, but here on earth, once a sexual creep, always one, no matter who you are, and I think you need to be exterminated from society, the one my daughters and your daughters have to live in. Sorry, I feel REAL strongly about this. If someone sexually assaults my daughter, they had better hope they get sent to jail, where I can't get to them!

I just hope the truth, what ever that is, comes out in this case. I had better not hear about how he just was too drunk or too angry about something or too whatever to think straight....and it just happened. And if he did do it, I hope he doesn't get to plea bargin he way out of it, just because he's a big NBA name.
But, the verdict is still out so I will wait. IF he is found innocent and this woman falsely accused him, then she should be punished. I know there are alot of gold diggers out there just waiting for a good cash in. So, we'll wait and see what the verdict is.....I do feel sorry for his wife and kids, they I am sure, are going through hell. I haven't heard, is his wife standing by his side of the story??

Anyway, Peace and Ya Ya!!

Bandera YaYa
07-09-2003, 10:49 AM
The only problem with Shaq is that he is a BIG CRYBABY!! :D

big daddy russ
07-09-2003, 11:04 AM
One of the big differences between the images of Kobe and Shaq stems from the fact that while 99% of all NBA players go out to the clubs and dance and womanize, so on and so forth, Kobe was never into that stuff. Shaq and the rest of the Lakers hung out there while Kobe had a different, more low-key lifestyle. It caused a little bit of a rift between Kobe and the team, and when Kobe got married about three years ago, his lifestyle differed even more. That's where Kobe got the more "good-guy" image, but maybe things have changed since then. Who knows? And actually, celebrities' problems with the law stay with them much, much longer than your average citizen. They never live it down because it was broadcast to the world. Meanwhile the things that joe average did a decade ago have since been forgotten. But we may never know what really happened here. Attorneys of high-profile clients like Kobe cut secret deals all the time. If the case is dropped it could be because Kobe really isn't guilty... or it might be because of a deal that was made. On the other hand, the woman could've been lying. I think the tigers are back had the right idea, though. Kobe, the young lady and everyone involved in this case needs prayer. The guilty party here is still loved by the big guy no matter what.

<small>[ July 09, 2003, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: big daddy russ ]</small>

Bandera YaYa
07-09-2003, 03:49 PM
I hope the woman is lying. But if she is not, and he really did do what she claims, I'll pray for her to heal. I will not pray for a sexual offender except to pray that he doesn't have the opportunity to commit the act again. Sorry, but this is one thing I have no tolerance for. You are correct, that this type of crime does stay with a professional star longer than the comman man...AND IT SHOULD! They are out there making millions of dollars, knowing kids are hanging onto their every move.....they put themselves in the limelight, so if they screw up, they should have a big black mark against them. What's wrong in our cold dark world is the thinking that these celebrities are above the law and they are out there setting bad examples for our youth...and it's OK. because of their dunking ability or their ability to make touch downs.
Sorry, no tolerance on this subject from me.
But, he is innocent until proven guilty, but then we might never know the truth...damn lawyers!! :mad: