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View Full Version : Celina Scrimages ???

08-20-2016, 09:15 AM
I was able to talk with two different gentlemen who attended both scrimmages and of course I got two different answers as to how the Bobcats looked. One was positive saying that our Offensive Line was able to move the ball against both Paris and Sanger but that we had a lot of penalties and ball handling was an issue. He said that our Defense is quick and pretty much shut down both Paris and Sanger's offense. With that said the other person was more negative saying that we were not able to move the ball at all and that our QB was being tackled behind the line before he had a chance to even handoff or set up to pass. Said our defense has a lot of work as both Paris and Sanger were able to run the ball against us. So I have two totally different perspectives from two different people ...hope someone else can provide more information.

08-20-2016, 10:37 AM
I wonder if your 'negative' source is the same one who, last year, told me the Bobcats just weren't going to be very good, that they'd lose at least one district game - seriously, he said that - and would be lucky to get out of the second round of the playoffs.

When you've got two completely different takes like that, you have to consider the sources. And when they're polar opposite like that, you can almost bet the truth is somewhere in the middle. You also have to take into consideration what the coaches have said. Elliot praised Pingleton after the first scrimmage and said he looked sharp.

What I've been told is that the Bobcats looked pretty salty. Not as fine-tuned as last year's squad was, obviously, but this year's team has potential to be just as good. I've heard there is plenty of speed on both sides of the ball, and that our offensive and defensive lines could both be very, very good.

Of course, it's hard to gather much from these scrimmages. But I believe in this coaching staff. I think Elliot and company have been on the right track for a while now and turned a great corner last season. He's got the right pieces in place to build off that and a community full of support. I also believe last year went a long way in getting these kids to believe in the Celina mystique again.

We'll know lots more next Saturday morning after the Princeton game.

08-20-2016, 12:46 PM
Dotcom that is true what you wrote and I pretty much had to laugh after I heard both conversation as I felt like I took one step forward with the first person comments then a step back with the other and in the end I was still asking "How did We Look in the Scrimmage" LOL! I hope Bobcats have another fun year .

08-20-2016, 01:46 PM
Dotcom that is true what you wrote and I pretty much had to laugh after I heard both conversation as I felt like I took one step forward with the first person comments then a step back with the other and in the end I was still asking "How did We Look in the Scrimmage" LOL! I hope Bobcats have another fun year .

Haha yeah, unless I see the scrimmage myself, there are only a few opinions of others that I trust, and a few of them post on here from time to time. The other thing is scrimmages just aren't great for prognosticating. Everything is scripted, regardless of situation, it's stripped down and simplified on both sides of the ball, and coaches are putting kids in certain situations that they may not be in during actual games, but they want to see how kids react in those situations and get a gauge of what they can do with those athletes. Scrimmages are fun for us football-starved fans, but sometimes we put too much stock - good or bad - into them. After all, no one really wins or loses a scrimmage.

08-20-2016, 02:23 PM
Use the force dotcom..you're a crack reporter!! There is a story there!!😎

08-20-2016, 02:37 PM
Use the force dotcom..you're a crack reporter!! There is a story there!!��

Ah, I gave up my sports writing gig in May.

08-20-2016, 04:18 PM