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View Full Version : Crazy Story My Wife Told Me

05-26-2016, 01:12 PM
My wife teaches 4th grade and today the school was hosting a Math Bowl Championship. Teams are dived up and coached by 3 - 4 teachers per team. My wife's team decided to buy some purple bandannas for their kids to wear during the tournament. Now the students had no idea about these bandannas and it was going to be a surprise to them when they got to school this morning. My wife sent me this email to me this morning before I even got to work. This is word for word from a parent whose kid is on the other team that is competing against my wife's team.

What are we teaching our kids?

It has been brought to my attention that part of the students will be wearing cool bandannas for the math race this week. If the teachers think that it is a good thing to "belittle" other children in the effort to compete for a trophy - it is a sad day in our world!!!! Put yourself in the shoes of the children not getting to wear a bandanna - you might not think there is much to it but it is a form of bullying! Enough Said!

I want your thoughts downlow....

05-26-2016, 02:00 PM
I think that it's a good thing my boys are not going to school in this screwed up time... Bear with me, this is long but you older folks will know where I'm going.............

I was brought up in a school teaching family - both parents carried double master's degrees... BA from Louisiana Tech and masters from Southwest Texas and UH - they LOVED teaching...could have made much more $$ doing other jobs but they LOVED teaching... - Daddy taught Physical Science and Biology and was the DECA advisor and he also was a bus driver and football official... He, being a child of the depression and raised by aunts and didn't have a pot to pi$$ in and even had to borrow the pot, he was a huge supporter of those students less fortunate or from bad home lives.... (sadly, he died in 1993 at the age of 61) My mother taught "college bound and regular" senior English (that's what it was called back in the day before the PC police took over) You didn't get out of Cuero High School without taking Mrs. Henderson's English class. She LOVED her job...she taught several generations of students. Since she taught seniors and senioritis was setting in, she'd pretty much wrap up the year in late April. In early May, she taught her classes the basics of writing a resume', filling out job applications, college admissions forms, how to take notes in class, thank you notes and basic letter writing. My mother spent nearly every weekend, as far as I can remember, sitting in the middle of her bed, grading papers... She'd write personal notes on each and every paper... Honest to goodness, one year, we gave her a package of 24 RED ink pens for Christmas :).... Now, this was WAY BEFORE computerized grade books and mandatory progress reports.... During the school year, if a student was struggling, she'd write a personal note (on her monogrammed note cards :nerd:) to the parent(s). Explaining what was going on with a 'now if Johnny/Jane needs extra instruction, I am available or can suggest someone and/or If Johnny/Jane doesn't get their grade up, he/she will not graduate, so this is very important...Please call me (she'd give our home number) She did this for years.... (Until TEA told her she couldn't do that anymore, it wasn't part of the curriculum) The year she 'retired' was 1995.. (not long after daddy suddenly died) She taught my husband and myself and my oldest son... she retired before my middle son's senior year... She had no intention of retiring at 61 but the BS she dealt with that previous school year was too much for her. One parent accused mother of being a horrible teacher and meddling in the student's personal life by notifying the parent of the student's failing grade. Then in late May,the SAME parent sent her a certified letter, putting her on notice that since the student didn't pass mother's class, the parents were going to SUE HER (of course that's crazy but these folks were nuts, in fact, they still are) She rec'd NO SUPPORT from CISD - since they didn't approve of her actions... OMG - anyway she retired and never looked back.. such a shame... she was an excellent teacher...- reason for this long tirade, there are plenty of crazy a$$ people out there and they are taking over the school systems... I am so sick and tired of having to conform to what the PC Police think should be the norm. The parent that complained about the bandana isn't doing their child any good - all they are doing is teaching their child how to whine and cry to get their way. It's a sad situation that we are living in.. The trouble makers and those who bitch and moan are taking away from the students that actually want to learn and better themselves. This ME, ME, ME attitude, bullying accusations and 'if you don't do this, I'm going to SUE you' garbage is running very good and quality teachers away from educating our students...
Scary times indeed.. I feel bad for your wife.. sorry for the novel but it's a subject near and dear to my heart...

05-26-2016, 04:24 PM
My wife teaches 4th grade and today the school was hosting a Math Bowl Championship. Teams are dived up and coached by 3 - 4 teachers per team. My wife's team decided to buy some purple bandannas for their kids to wear during the tournament. Now the students had no idea about these bandannas and it was going to be a surprise to them when they got to school this morning. My wife sent me this email to me this morning before I even got to work. This is word for word from a parent whose kid is on the other team that is competing against my wife's team.

What are we teaching our kids?

It has been brought to my attention that part of the students will be wearing cool bandannas for the math race this week. If the teachers think that it is a good thing to "belittle" other children in the effort to compete for a trophy - it is a sad day in our world!!!! Put yourself in the shoes of the children not getting to wear a bandanna - you might not think there is much to it but it is a form of bullying! Enough Said!

I want your thoughts downlow....

Parents like this are everything that is wrong with the world.

05-26-2016, 04:56 PM
Thanks go out to your wife for trying to be a teacher...not trying to get a political war started but it is the off season.
I may be worm dirt before it comes about but if something doesn't change soon the people that survive off the government will out number the people working to pay for them....I'm moving into the "get off my lawn" stage in my life.
Tell your wife I mowed my lawn today with a cool bandana for her efforts.

Saggy Aggie
05-26-2016, 06:49 PM
Sounds like my mother in law wrote that email

05-26-2016, 09:13 PM
Very nice 44...:clap:

05-26-2016, 10:34 PM
My wife teaches 4th grade and today the school was hosting a Math Bowl Championship. Teams are dived up and coached by 3 - 4 teachers per team. My wife's team decided to buy some purple bandannas for their kids to wear during the tournament. Now the students had no idea about these bandannas and it was going to be a surprise to them when they got to school this morning. My wife sent me this email to me this morning before I even got to work. This is word for word from a parent whose kid is on the other team that is competing against my wife's team.

What are we teaching our kids?

It has been brought to my attention that part of the students will be wearing cool bandannas for the math race this week. If the teachers think that it is a good thing to "belittle" other children in the effort to compete for a trophy - it is a sad day in our world!!!! Put yourself in the shoes of the children not getting to wear a bandanna - you might not think there is much to it but it is a form of bullying! Enough Said!

I want your thoughts downlow....

This lady is raising kids that will be on the gubment teat their entire lives. Poor little Johnny deserves a bandanna just for being born. Can't stand that kind of carp.

Rocket Man
05-26-2016, 11:34 PM
The numbskull mom misspelled bandana not once but twice and as she said "Enough said!"

1st and goal
05-28-2016, 10:23 PM
I think that it's a good thing my boys are not going to school in this screwed up time... Bear with me, this is long but you older folks will know where I'm going.............

I was brought up in a school teaching family - both parents carried double master's degrees... BA from Louisiana Tech and masters from Southwest Texas and UH - they LOVED teaching...could have made much more $$ doing other jobs but they LOVED teaching... - Daddy taught Physical Science and Biology and was the DECA advisor and he also was a bus driver and football official... He, being a child of the depression and raised by aunts and didn't have a pot to pi$$ in and even had to borrow the pot, he was a huge supporter of those students less fortunate or from bad home lives.... (sadly, he died in 1993 at the age of 61) My mother taught "college bound and regular" senior English (that's what it was called back in the day before the PC police took over) You didn't get out of Cuero High School without taking Mrs. Henderson's English class. She LOVED her job...she taught several generations of students. Since she taught seniors and senioritis was setting in, she'd pretty much wrap up the year in late April. In early May, she taught her classes the basics of writing a resume', filling out job applications, college admissions forms, how to take notes in class, thank you notes and basic letter writing. My mother spent nearly every weekend, as far as I can remember, sitting in the middle of her bed, grading papers... She'd write personal notes on each and every paper... Honest to goodness, one year, we gave her a package of 24 RED ink pens for Christmas :).... Now, this was WAY BEFORE computerized grade books and mandatory progress reports.... During the school year, if a student was struggling, she'd write a personal note (on her monogrammed note cards :nerd:) to the parent(s). Explaining what was going on with a 'now if Johnny/Jane needs extra instruction, I am available or can suggest someone and/or If Johnny/Jane doesn't get their grade up, he/she will not graduate, so this is very important...Please call me (she'd give our home number) She did this for years.... (Until TEA told her she couldn't do that anymore, it wasn't part of the curriculum) The year she 'retired' was 1995.. (not long after daddy suddenly died) She taught my husband and myself and my oldest son... she retired before my middle son's senior year... She had no intention of retiring at 61 but the BS she dealt with that previous school year was too much for her. One parent accused mother of being a horrible teacher and meddling in the student's personal life by notifying the parent of the student's failing grade. Then in late May,the SAME parent sent her a certified letter, putting her on notice that since the student didn't pass mother's class, the parents were going to SUE HER (of course that's crazy but these folks were nuts, in fact, they still are) She rec'd NO SUPPORT from CISD - since they didn't approve of her actions... OMG - anyway she retired and never looked back.. such a shame... she was an excellent teacher...- reason for this long tirade, there are plenty of crazy a$$ people out there and they are taking over the school systems... I am so sick and tired of having to conform to what the PC Police think should be the norm. The parent that complained about the bandana isn't doing their child any good - all they are doing is teaching their child how to whine and cry to get their way. It's a sad situation that we are living in.. The trouble makers and those who bitch and moan are taking away from the students that actually want to learn and better themselves. This ME, ME, ME attitude, bullying accusations and 'if you don't do this, I'm going to SUE you' garbage is running very good and quality teachers away from educating our students...
Scary times indeed.. I feel bad for your wife.. sorry for the novel but it's a subject near and dear to my heart...

I can only pray there are still teachers out there that want to teach. My SIL teaches at a low socio economic school and she can't believe what the 1st grade kids are saying and doing.

05-31-2016, 11:03 AM
We found out that this parent made a fake email address and our tech. team is trying to figure out who this numskull is.

Rabid Cougar
05-31-2016, 11:12 AM
Obviously Bernie Backers.

05-31-2016, 12:48 PM
It's been going on a long time. I taught one year about 40 years ago. I had one parent who would write nasty notes every week or so especially when I gave extra credit homework. The topper for me was on Parent Teacher Night when a father came up to me and said that teaching was OK he guessed if you lilked babysitting. This was 6th grade. I knew it was not going to get any better so I left teaching. Now almost 40 years later, I am retired and have very few regrets.

05-31-2016, 12:48 PM

06-20-2016, 11:04 AM
Update on this story.

The teachers my wife works with decided to make coffee mugs for their successful school year. On the bottom of the mug they put #cbb which stands for cool bandanna b******

Thought you might like that.

06-20-2016, 11:21 AM
Update on this story.

The teachers my wife works with decided to make coffee mugs for their successful school year. On the bottom of the mug they put #cbb which stands for cool bandanna b******

Thought you might like that.
awesome :)