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View Full Version : Just something that bothers me

09-25-2002, 08:22 AM
I hate to bring this up, but this has really been bothering me. I just hat it when teams line up in a stacked I with an extra fullback, or a back lined up right behing the guard, you know the "sniffer". Oh well, just had to get that one off my chest. I have noticed many teams are beginning to do this now. Teams used to only use it on the goalline, but now it's everywhere. Makes the game so boring.

09-25-2002, 08:55 AM
i love the stack i, it creates big collisions and good running lanes, that is exciting football

09-25-2002, 09:10 AM
Then you will hate playing La Grange because they love to run a "bullback' into the lane in front of the ballcarrier. Real smash mouth football and it is exciting. Nothing like seeing guys flattened trying to stop the run. You probably like the pro-set passing style offense like UT with the world's best college running back, Cedric Benson, alone in the backfield and a bunch of wide-outs spread out accross the field (reminds me of soccer), but give me the power running game everytime. Remember American football came from Rugby, (not "futball") where guys fight in the mud and get down and dirty.

pass rush
09-25-2002, 09:43 AM
Make this note somewhere - the stack I will be even more popular in the next three to four years, people are going to get away from that spread them all over the place and throw the ball.

You say it is boring - then you must not like winning much. Lets see - Commerce last year - Stack I, La Grange the year before - stack I. Tenaha in 1A - Stack I, Plano East and Odessa stack I. Those programs just have a few wins between them.

If winnig is boring - i will take it.

pass rush
09-25-2002, 09:44 AM
excuse the typo on the previous reply.

slpybear the bullfan
09-25-2002, 09:04 PM
Yeah, I agree, the Stack I is a tough game to stop if you got the hosses to run it. Of course, if you got the Hosses to stop it then it isn't very hard to do, either.

Personally, I do like the spread when you have the atheletes to execute it. It makes offense incredibly exciting. What is funny is to go and watch a 70-30 or 80-20 rushing team after watching your team do the spread. It is kinda boring. But......

...playing line made me appreciate all that grunting and groaning in the trenches.

Do other people also LOVE to see a big old Guard going downfield and just tying up linebacker all play long?! Oh yeah!!!


09-26-2002, 08:16 AM
I never said it wasn't effective, just that it was boring to watch. I mean who wants to see the double lead run 40 times a game????? Just kind of takes the fun out of being at the game......

Conversation between two guys at work....

G1 Did you go to the game last night???

G2 Nah, stayed home.....

G1 Man you missed a good one, we won 14-0..

G2(interrupts) Let me guess, Johnny Halfback ran the lead behind Bubba and Tubby Fullback 23 times for the first score with 18 times for the second.

G1 Are you sure you weren't at the game....

All kidding aside, it is a very tough offense but it is so predictable. The are either going to run behind the two lead backs, run the counter, keep it off the lead or play action off the lead. Very effective but boring to watch. Oh yeah, veer and load option. lol

[This message has been edited by Xsmack (edited September 26, 2002).]

09-26-2002, 08:33 AM
You forgot about one of the most effective plays run out of the Stack I; the option, which can be ran several ways out of the Stack.

09-26-2002, 10:11 AM
Better now???? http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif

09-26-2002, 12:29 PM
if an offense can run and control the clock, the defense will be fully rested when they do go out there.