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View Full Version : Young's Lil sis read this...

12-01-2003, 01:32 PM
I would like to point out a letter sent out by Mr. Hanks about the tortilla thing, Please read it on another thread titled something like...tortillas.

Since you wouldn't take a private message, I will just let you know- I'm Emily's mom. There was no need to send me such a tacky PM. I would have expected you to be a little kinder to people you don't know.

I was only stating my opinion, and in my opinion, expecting others to clean up after you is juvenile, (though you are only 12)and should not be tolerated. It is different when it is your family that has to clean it up. And do you think the prisoners do it for free? The state (not the prisoners) makes the money on that hon, and since you don't pay taxes- you should know that it hurts our checkbooks as adults that do.. be careful getting on adult subjects that you don't know that much about,

and... as someone who veiws you like another one of my girls...don't roll your eyes at me! :rolleyes: :D You know I love ya!

As far as I am concerned, this is forgotten.