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02-05-2015, 09:51 AM
I was a beast at this game!!..and what a great, albeit primitive way to communicate!....even got into some fistacuffs in 7th grade when I hit the class bully on the side of the head in class!!...it was intended for my crush who was sitting behind him...I was at my range limit of about 6 yards!!!......that was my worst Billy Cundiff moment!!!......and I got my arse kicked!!....

02-05-2015, 11:57 AM
I was a beast at this game!!..and what a great, albeit primitive way to communicate!....even got into some fistacuffs in 7th grade when I hit the class bully on the side of the head in class!!...it was intended for my crush who was sitting behind him...I was at my range limit of about 6 yards!!!......that was my worst Billy Cundiff moment!!!......and I got my arse kicked!!....

Did you getting your arse kicked get her attention??

02-05-2015, 12:09 PM
I was numero uno at paper football! I never missed! Could score at will!:devil:

Oh, and I WAS the class bully in them days, although looking back I regret some of the things I did...:dispntd:

02-05-2015, 10:31 PM
Did you getting your arse kicked get her attention??

Yes!....she ended up marrying the bully!!!!:doh:

02-05-2015, 10:44 PM
I was numero uno at paper football! I never missed! Could score at will!:devil:

Oh, and I WAS the class bully in them days, although looking back I regret some of the things I did...:dispntd:

I was a bully in Houston in 5th & 6th grade...then we moved to the Rio Grande Valley and I became the bullied!...there's some mean Mesicans down there!!!!..Shoot! They ran out all the white folk by the early 80's!! :spitlol:...I still remember the first day of school in 7th grade....I'm sittin' there waitin' for class to start...3 kids walk up to me and I hear, "Hey, you're in my chair!!"..Yep, I got up!!.....I would later find out it was none other than the #1 class bully! A kid they called Caveman!.....Long haired kid with glasses thicker than the bottom of a Coke bottle!!....He was mean as hell!.....As the years passed Caveman and I became best of friends...I hit 6 foot he stayed at 5'7"!!....needless to say, his bullying days were over.......everybody had out grown him!.....LOL

02-06-2015, 08:44 AM
Yes!....she ended up marrying the bully!!!!:doh:

Rocket Man
02-07-2015, 02:33 PM
I was a beast at this game!!..and what a great, albeit primitive way to communicate!....even got into some fistacuffs in 7th grade when I hit the class bully on the side of the head in class!!...it was intended for my crush who was sitting behind him...I was at my range limit of about 6 yards!!!......that was my worst Billy Cundiff moment!!!......and I got my arse kicked!!....

This seriously makes me want to take the day off next fall when the Rockets travel to Burnet, meet up with you at Storms pre-game and teach you how to properly play this game........gonna be a long summer waiting for this!

02-07-2015, 03:01 PM
Oh lord...it is officially the "off season." :weeping:

02-07-2015, 07:23 PM
This seriously makes me want to take the day off next fall when the Rockets travel to Burnet, meet up with you at Storms pre-game and teach you how to properly play this game........gonna be a long summer waiting for this!

You're on!!...but are you sure you can handle experiencing "two" losses on the same day??...That would make for a doubly hard trip back home.......:D:stirpot:

02-07-2015, 07:54 PM
Oh lord...it is officially the "off season." :weeping:

Geez.....dribble dribble, squeak squeak is all that is left to us til baseball gets here. I can usually fill the time with some golf, but the weather hasn't cooperated this winter. I now have cabin fever....cough, cough.

Rocket Man
02-07-2015, 10:31 PM
You're on!!...but are you sure you can handle experiencing "two" losses on the same day??...That would make for a doubly hard trip back home.......:D:stirpot:

Keep yapping Bulldog, but when the time comes, you'll be yelping like a stuck pig.

Does anyone know how to post a pic when posting with an iPhone?

02-07-2015, 11:05 PM
Keep yapping Bulldog, but when the time comes, you'll be yelping like a stuck pig.

Does anyone know how to post a pic when posting with an iPhone?


02-07-2015, 11:18 PM
This seriously makes me want to take the day off next fall when the Rockets travel to Burnet, meet up with you at Storms pre-game and teach you how to properly play this game........gonna be a long summer waiting for this!

All day long Rocket Man!!!

...but I feel I must warn you Rocket Man...this was my last opponent!!


hey....wait a minute....you're not by any chance from the New England area are ya??....If so, I'll be requesting an inspection of your paper footballs....ya know..just in case you try to make them out of that lightweight tissue paper or something!!!!:tisk:

02-07-2015, 11:20 PM
Oh lord...it is officially the "off season." :weeping:

don't worry Tejas...my boy has his first baseball scrimmage Monday....that should keep me plenty busy.....:D.....and speakin' of, our fish team is coming to Wimberley for your tournament I believe......

02-07-2015, 11:42 PM
Hey Cam...never thought I would say this but our B ball team is not half bad..so baseball can wait..lol

02-08-2015, 12:02 AM
Hey Cam...never thought I would say this but our B ball team is not half bad..so baseball can wait..lol

....I thought white men can't jump??.....:doh::D

02-08-2015, 12:22 AM
....I thought white men can't jump??.....:doh::D

Hey now...it's a toss up with Latinos...lol...we are in region-4...at least that's the mentality it seems that all the other regions want us to believe. They can kiss our R-4 arses...

02-08-2015, 02:47 PM
Hey now...it's a toss up with Latinos...lol...we are in region-4...at least that's the mentality it seems that all the other regions want us to believe. They can kiss our R-4 arses...

AMEN to that!.....