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View Full Version : JFK to 911: Everythiing is a Rich Man's Trick a "must see" video

01-19-2015, 05:39 AM
Do yourself a favor and watch this video. It will answer many questions you may have asked yourself, or not have even been aware of. Click onto this youtube video presentation by googling it off the internet now while it is still up. The actual video is 3:27 minutes in duration, but you don't want to miss a minute of it. I suggest you set aside some late or early morning quiet time to view it. It's a quite remarkable piece of work, and most of the contents are based on actual verifiable factual information, historical recorded data, and years of research compiled and then assembled to masterfully complete the missing parts of a puzzle that has heretofore never been exposed upon the American public. I have previously been aware of certain segments of this expose' of government fraud at the highest levels, but most people will be somewhat shocked by what they will learn by viewing this documentary. While there may be "some" dissenters of this documentary that parts of it are disinformation....and naturally you get that will such controversial topics as this video covers....for the most part the underlying theme of the presentation is justifiably verified data and historical evidence that cannot be disputed or contradicted. The video was only recently released onto the internet for all to view in January 2015, but was initially released in November 2014.

Saggy Aggie
01-19-2015, 08:50 AM
Is this another conspiracy theory? Lol

01-19-2015, 11:18 PM
Draw your own conclusions.

01-20-2015, 10:05 PM
Mr. Henley suggests such...great album by the way...

http://vimeo.com/37721651 (http://vimeo.com/37721651)

02-12-2015, 06:08 PM
Did you really buy into the crap in this video, regal? I watched the whole thing, and came away thinking "hogwash". It doesn't take a "genius" to figure out that the "love of money" is at the root of all evil, and if you look at all the tragic and evil events that have happened in the world you would see that profiteers are, and always have been, like vultures hovering over carcuses. If you piece together all the tragic world events like he attempted to do in this video, you'd see that it is easy to tie them together seeing as they have one thing in common..., money and evil.

02-22-2015, 01:03 PM
Ok, so I'm not even 2 min in and it's complete hogwash. It clearly states that it was impossible for oswald to have killed JFK.

That is a lie. I don't know if he did but it has not been proven that it's an impossibility as the video says. It actually has been shownany many times that it was quite possible.

Now, the likelihood that he did it is another matter but this losses all credibility when it makes definitive statements that are so clearly false.