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View Full Version : Everman 21, Forney 14 Final

12-07-2002, 11:31 PM
Forney fails to beat Everman AND the refs!

12-08-2002, 12:14 AM
wow what a great game...YES the refs did blow a few calls at the end, but Everman absolutely pounded the ball down the field every posession the second half. Their running/full backs dominated. It was a great game, Congratulations to Everman on a great win. Congratulations to Forney also. You guys exceeded EVERYBODY's expectations. Keep your heads held high.


Chris Hart
12-08-2002, 12:52 AM
Congrats to Forney on a great season, and Congrats to the Everman Bulldogs on the win and a return trip to the Title game. It should be a great game next week.

12-08-2002, 01:11 AM
I Echo Jason's sentiments. Congratulations to Everman and also to Forney for a great year.

<small>[ December 08, 2002, 12:16 AM: Message edited by: aamove ]</small>

Ranger Mom
12-08-2002, 01:24 AM
Okay, I have a question. I read a topic on another board and just wondered....was it a spike to stop the clock or intentional grounding??

12-08-2002, 01:25 AM
wow what a game....I'll have to admit Forney had more than I gave them credit for and to tell the truth this yrs running back impressed me more than last yrs. That guy was wearing us out in the first half. I can't believe we turned the bal over that many times and still got the W!! I don't think we had the big game jitters so I'll call it the Texas Stadium jitters...who knows???? I'm just glad they kept fighting and got another win!!!!!!

12-08-2002, 02:10 AM
What a game. I'm still trying to catch my breath. I would like to congratulate Froney on a great season you have some very awesome players. In regards to any bad calls by the refs. The last two minutes of the game seemed like they were going to last forever. I don't what lght if any I can share on the cotroversial calls other than Everman got called for defensive holding which is a ten yard penalty. After that one the second intentional grounding call seemed a little interesting to me. The forney QB receives the ball and throws it in to his own lineman. he then picks it up and while in the grasp of one of our players threw into the ground the second time. I never heard a wistle blow but it was one of the strangest plays I have ever witnessed. One thing no one is tlaking about that blew me away was the fact that everman sacks the forney Qb with eghteen seconds left on the clock forney has no timeouts and yet the clock stops at six seconds. Forney then promptly threw the ball to the nine yard line. When the game ended. It seemed to me that their were questionable calls throught the game. I just hope we had our one bad game of the playoffs.

12-08-2002, 02:20 AM
Ok in regards to the grounding call..Hanie fumbled the ball..picked it back up and tried to spike it..apparently if you don't spike right after the snap and try to throw the ball down it is grounding...as far as the sack I thought the clock stopped in high school on a sack....

12-08-2002, 02:40 AM
What a game indeed. From a fans point of view this game had everything that a playoff game should have. Ups, downs, big plays, you name it. Very entertaining. Great atmosphere.

God bless my Jackrabbit's hearts. They played well but not well enough to win. This group exceeded everyone's expectations and went farther and were better than many gave them credit for. They gave Everman all they could handle. From one Everman fan's own comment "we were in a fight, this was the toughest game we've had". Work hard and come back next year. I'll be there.

Everman, congrats to you for an excellent ballgame. You kids are a talented bunch. More speed on the defensive side of the ball than most offenses. Better than last year. JJ Jennings was about as tough a runner as I've ever seen at the high school level.

One more thing, the Everman fan I just mentioned. I don't know who this man was but from the time my buddy and I walked out of the gate until we got into our car, this man did nothing but praise Forney. He mentioned the number of fans we had, our qb's arm, our defense, our running back, how good the game was, he even said how "lucky" they were to get the win. He just went on and on. I told him that I was from Forney, thanked him for his kind words, and told him that was the classiest thing I'd seen or heard from a fan at a high school game.

Anyway, awesome game once again from these to fine schools. Good luck to Everman in the chamionship game and thank you to the Everman fans on this board for a smackless week of conversastion.



12-08-2002, 07:37 AM
Clock should not stop on a sack in HS. It does in NFL, (except for last 2 min of a half I think).

Maybe someone was injured on the play?

From the descriptions I have read about the intentional grounding/"spike", sounds like the play was handled properly. Once the ball hits the ground after a mis-handled snap, the ball cannot be legally spiked to conserve time. And even if the snap is handled cleanly, the ball has to be spiked immediately. If the ball was fumbled and then recovered, it would be impossible to legally spike it to conserve time.

12-08-2002, 08:08 AM
Wow!!! What a game. This game had a little of everything. Speed, hard hits, power running, desperation pass completions, turnovers. Just like last year the Forney Jackrabbits gave Everman everything they could. What a great group of fans,players and Coach's. Forney, you should be proud, you are better than last year's awesome team, and so is Everman. You pushed us to the ultimate, and I take my hat off to you. You have some terrific individuals, but you got here as a team and you should be commended for your efforts. bulldog65's dad.

Sinton_Playa 70
12-08-2002, 10:33 AM
Congrats Everman on another win...Congrats Forney on a job well done...Everman you guys have a tough task ahead of ya'll but i think you guys will capitalize and play your hearts out...Good luck in the end...make everyone in 3A proud.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way

12-08-2002, 11:31 AM
Hopefully, since I wasn't at the game, everyone will realize I was relaying a post for a fan at the game via phone. We should all remember that refs are human too. I can't actually say whether the calls were good or bad, like I said, I wasn't there.

12-08-2002, 12:11 PM
I just wanted to say that I am impressed with the way both Everman and Forney have conducted themselves on this message board. You have both have carried yourselves with Pride and Class (Which is nice considering everything that came out Jasper this last week). You both have great seasons to be proud of. I look forward to watching the game at the Alamo Dome next Saturday. I know it will be a great great game and pray that both teams will be injury free. As we all know, the game will be decided on the field, not on this message board and we should all try to conduct ourselves in a way that when the game is over, the victor and the defeated have gained respect for each other and their communities. Good luck and have a safe trip to San Antonio next weekend! Old(Green)dog73

12-08-2002, 12:57 PM
My phone pal pm'd me with the following quote:
Here is what I saw, and I was there.

1.I saw an uncalled pass interference call that would have put Forney to around Evermans forty.(Evermans defender was tackling the Forney receiver from behind before he missed the ball off of his outstretched arms...no way he was going for the ball, it was all the receiver in front of him could do to get to the ball.)I was also listening to the radio and the Everman Radio Guys that were doing the broadcast were even calling for Pass Interference before the play was over.

2.I saw a second pass interference call that turned into defensive holding and only became a short penalty.

3.This is what I saw on the intentional grounding play, remember, I WAS THERE, Forney's QB runs up to the line signaling for everyone to get down because he is going to spike the ball...the ball is snapped and he is attempting to spike the ball when an Everman defender jumps through and hits the ball as it is going down. (the film will show that Everman was offsides, but that is another story)..the Refs did not blow the play dead, so Hanie picked up the ball and spiked it again....then he gets flagged for intentional grounding

Now this next point is very important.

First of all, I by no means want to take anything away from Everman...they played a Fantastic hard hitting slobberknocker of a ball game and deserve to be going to the big show. And I am not saying that these three bad calls would have changed the outcome of the ballgame in any way. All I am trying to say is.."It is a shame that such a well played, hard-fought, battle of a ballgame had to end with the final 55 seconds in controversy. He gave me permission to use his screen name, but I have chosen not to, because that's what friends do.

<small>[ December 08, 2002, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

12-08-2002, 02:14 PM
Ok on the pig one of the refs of the game posted what happened...

First off the last play should have never gotten off...the clock stopped after Hanie was sacked and shouldn't have...clock doesn't stop in HS after a sack...thanx for clearing that up TXMike..

The ref said that on the "uncalled" pass interference there simply was no interference..the Everman DB dove for the ball and in no way impeded the Forney reciever..the defensive holding was just that holding he said the back judge that called it said holding..so that was the call..then the grounding call at the end..it was the correct call..I think we all agree on that now..check the thread on the pig entittled
for the explanations from the ref of the game..

12-08-2002, 05:02 PM
HMMMM i wonder who your pal is 66.

Matthew.....I don't care what the ref said HE saw. You cannot go through an opposing player to try and make a catch. The Forney receiver had him beat and he was all over his back. The other plays to me are mute but, this was the first in a bunch of questionable calls.

But there is no sense in crying about it now. Everman totally dominated the second half. Should the game had gone into overtime EHS might have put it away anyhow.

12-08-2002, 05:18 PM
I really think that Everman is lucky to have won this game. I'll say as I have all along that Everman is a better team than Forney. But last night, I'm not sure that they were. Forney looked to me like the better team most of the night, and who knows what would have happened had some of those weird calls gone our way. Nevertheless, it was an excellent game, and the Bulldogs had the lead as time expired, so that's all that really matters. The game can't be blamed on the refs or anything like that. There's always going to be some bad calls in every game, and it was just unfortunate that they all seemed to come in the final two and a half minutes and go against Forney. Everman is a really good team, but this game could have gone either way, and either way all that the loser would be able to say is "wow." Congratulations guys. I hope you appreciate this win and learn some things from it that help you play better next week.

12-08-2002, 10:16 PM
Great Game!

Congratulations to both Everman and Forney. O agree there were some strange calls at the end of the game and the only two with any impact were the no call on a clear pass interference and the holding call versus the pass interference call. Forney would have had the ball in Everman's territory with plenty of time to make a run at a score.

The groundering call has no impact. Forney was trying to stop the clock and they did. The fact it was grounding still stop the clock and Forney lost 2 yards on the call - no big deal! The penalty is lost of down and there is no impact on a 2 yard penalty!

The biggest problem I had was Forney's coaches inability to get play on the field. This cost us two penalties and a time out! There is no excuse for this to happen especially this time of the season. This was aproblem in the Cartage game as well and not corrected!!!

Both teams had a chance to win and Everman came out in the second half more hungry than Forney. Thanks for a great season Forney and you guys will be back next year!

Go Rabbits!!

12-09-2002, 01:22 AM
Saying Bad calls don't have any effect on who get's the 'W' is bs. Games are easily determined by momentum, and who has it most of the time, who ends up with it. Penalty after penalty kills a drive, thus killing who has the current momentum. Refs control such a thing, and when there are continuous bad calls, the drive is basically dead. Sure, anyone can say well the team didn't recuperate from it, but after 3 or 4 bs calls, how can you expect the team not to be blinded? Games CAN be pinned on refs, they control the supposed legality of a game, but to blatantly place blame on refs, THAT is a problem. Other than that, I have seen a couple games in my time that were so questionable, the refs were clearly to blame for the game going the way it did. Just voicing my opinion on an idea!

12-09-2002, 07:16 AM
I was at the game also, as far as the officiating, I saw some calls that were questionable on either side. That's part of the game, and fan's are hardly neutral. How many times have you watched a play on television and were positive a runner had a first down, only to see a measurement show it short? My point is, the closest seat in Texas Stadium is 20 yards from the sideline, and your viewing angle may be different from on the field. As far as momentum, I felt the Forney team shot theirself in the foot. With 55 sec left and two timeouts they drove from their 20yd line to midfield quickly, then chaos. A muffed spike, a timeout called on a penalty, when the clock was already stopped, another timeout call, that the quarterback frantically tried to get the official to reverse, etc. Please don't let these things take away from a well fought game that both sides gave their all. In my opinion this game was every bit exciting and dramatic as the first, and hopefully many more to come. Again Congratulations to Forney for an outstanding effort.

<small>[ December 09, 2002, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: bulldog65 ]</small>

12-09-2002, 09:00 AM
A few rules clarifications......the clock does not stop on intentional grounding in the last 2 minutes (if it did everybody would take the penalty to stop the clock), therefore Forney had to call timeout to get it stopped. As for pass interfernece vs. holding. In high school pass intereferce is not a spot foul past 15 yards. Therefore, there was only a 5 yard difference in spotting of the ball.

12-09-2002, 09:00 AM
Congrads to the well balanced Everman and Forney teams. I was at the game and saw everthing everyone saw, but let's not forget the 4 plus turnovers that Everman had through out the game. To my dog's, you guy's came out after halftime and played with a sense of determination and were able to pull it out. We have a very tough game this next week, but thanks to a very talented Forney team that might have very well prepared us to play at the next and final level,(The State Championship Game).

12-09-2002, 09:21 AM
A few rules clarifications......the clock does not stop on intentional grounding in the last 2 minutes (if it did everybody would take the penalty to stop the clock), therefore Forney had to call timeout to get it stopped. As for pass interfernece vs. holding. In high school pass intereferce is not a spot foul past 15 yards. Therefore, there was only a 5 yard difference in spotting of the ball.Huh???? Who told you this one (clock not stopping in last 2 minutes of a half)? Your statement is incorrect as a blanket statement. The clock status in combination with pass plays and fouls on pass plays is much more complicated than that simple statement would make it appear.