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View Full Version : 3A DownLow Members Please Read

BullFrog Dad
12-18-2003, 02:53 PM
Remember 7-8 years ago when cell phones first hit the market. They were analog and capable of just making a call. Now they're digital and look at all they can do. To use that analogy 4 seasons ago 3A DownLow had a handful of members interested only in 3A football. Now with over 3500 members many of which are parents who have sons and DAUGHTERS participating in all sports and other UIL activities(band,etc.) you can't expect football only posts. If you actually dislike women's athletics and accidentally stumble on a topic related to such just back out and find another thread. Beats living in spider hole!!!

12-18-2003, 02:55 PM
Amen to that BullFrog dad! :)

12-18-2003, 02:59 PM
<small>[ December 18, 2003, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: 3afan2K3 ]</small>

12-18-2003, 10:53 PM
BullFrog Dad:
Remember 7-8 years ago when cell phones first hit the market. They were analog and capable of just making a call. Now they're digital and look at all they can do. To use that analogy 4 seasons ago 3A DownLow had a handful of members interested only in 3A football. Now with over 3500 members many of which are parents who have sons and DAUGHTERS participating in all sports and other UIL activities(band,etc.) you can't expect football only posts. If you actually dislike women's athletics and accidentally stumble on a topic related to such just back out and find another thread. Beats living in spider hole!!!I agree. :cool: :p

12-19-2003, 11:17 AM
Here Here Bullfrog Dad!!!!!! :D