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View Full Version : Just 3 months left

02-24-2014, 03:43 PM
It's that time of the year to take stock....just 3 mos. left in this school year. Baseball season is winding up as basketball winds down. Golf is in full swing, and track is out of the blocks. Spring Break is around the corner and Daylight Savings Time starts March 9th this year. Before ya know it, your seniors will be graduating. Six months of this school year are in the rearview mirror. This is a good week for each of us to reflect and give thanks for just having an opportunity to be a part of this site and what it offers to all the viewers and posters. If you're a parent of school-aged kids or have been at one time, you can certainly appreciate the dialogue and comradery associated with this site. I'm not certain there are many other sites like this one around the US. Even though my son is now 25, I still look forward to reading and posting the happenings around our great state as they relate to this site. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the Spring to spring forward. Grab your kids and hug them....tell them how much you love them....and support them to the best of your ability. There's very few things in life that will bring you greater satisfaction....in any. This is a good week to take stock of all that is good in life.

02-24-2014, 04:29 PM
Good post, regal! I have a daughter who is a junior in high school, and another who is in the 8th grade. Next year they will both be in high school, with my eldest graduating. Where has the time gone? My eyes start getting a little wet sometimes if I think about it too much. I do, however, let my wife and kids know several times a day how much I love them. I've lost my father, mother, two of my brothers, all of my grandparents and immediate aunts. Although I still have cousins left, my brother and I are the only ones left in my immediate family. To say I put emphasis on the family I have left is an understatement. I still know I am TRULY blessed to have what I have, and I will not take it for granted.

Basketball season is over, track season is starting, and softball season has started. In just a few months the cycle will begin anew for the last time with both girls participating. Both will be cheerleaders, volleyball players, basketball players, softball players, and will run track. My wife and my schedule has been filled since my babies were born, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

02-24-2014, 04:35 PM
I can't believe how quickly the time is flying by... stock show is next couple of weeks (hoping youngest granddaughter's hog makes the sale) then spring break - then Gobbler Relays - then the baseball playoffs and then graduation.. Our oldest granddaughter graduates in May :( then she's headed to wherever Uncle Sam tells her to go - she did her basic training last summer, so she's got that behind her. Big decision for such a little girl (in my eyes) to make.
Her sister will be an 8th grader next year.. OMG where has the time gone!!! she's our distance and cross country runner and loves volleyball,,, yea :)
Glad our middle son and his wife had a baby in November - now I've another little one to follow... (in FLorida but hoping they are back in Texas before he starts school) Seriously, the time is flying by..................

02-24-2014, 08:38 PM
Springs a coming.....almost time to go fish.....maybe I'll take my wife if she acts good:D

02-24-2014, 11:06 PM
And as a teacher those 3 months can't come fast enough!

02-25-2014, 08:28 AM
I am so blessed being a Buckeye & living in a town where football season never ends...they just change the year.