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02-17-2014, 10:11 AM
Anybody ever watch this show on the History channel? I watch it occassionally and this weekend there was an episode on the assissination of Lincoln and how Booth didnt act alone. They went pretty in depth into him being linked to the KGC and how Jesse James was involved. So the guy wen to Brownwood and talked about Jesse james' ties with Brownwood and how he used a disguise. Also mentioned some pretty intresting ideas that there are some underfground tunnels that leads to gold and silver throughout the city of Brownwood. It was pretty cool and I suggest yall check it out. It didnt however mention anything about a Whataburger in Brownwood.

02-18-2014, 10:50 AM
yep..I've seen parts of it...looks really interesting...I need to start watchin'.....beats the hell out of them Bigfoot chaser shows where they never find anything and just go around making silly noises and disturbing the wildlife that's actually living in them woods......I can already hear the bears: "It's those idiot humans again!"...........that skinny chick on one of them shows you can tell is actually embarrassed she's participating.......

02-18-2014, 11:29 AM
yep..I've seen parts of it...looks really interesting...I need to start watchin'.....beats the hell out of them Bigfoot chaser shows where they never find anything and just go around making silly noises and disturbing the wildlife that's actually living in them woods......I can already hear the bears: "It's those idiot humans again!"...........that skinny chick on one of them shows you can tell is actually embarrassed she's participating.......

What???!! Bigfoot doesn't exist???!! Tell me it ain't so!!! Thousands of liars throughout hundreds of years??

02-18-2014, 11:31 AM
Anybody ever watch this show on the History channel? I watch it occassionally and this weekend there was an episode on the assissination of Lincoln and how Booth didnt act alone. They went pretty in depth into him being linked to the KGC and how Jesse James was involved. So the guy wen to Brownwood and talked about Jesse james' ties with Brownwood and how he used a disguise. Also mentioned some pretty intresting ideas that there are some underfground tunnels that leads to gold and silver throughout the city of Brownwood. It was pretty cool and I suggest yall check it out. It didnt however mention anything about a Whataburger in Brownwood.

Did they mention the Whataburger in Early?:D

Sounds like an interesting show. What night and time does it come on? I guess I got it confused with that other show where they strip the ground under those cities...

02-18-2014, 02:02 PM
What???!! Bigfoot doesn't exist???!! Tell me it ain't so!!! Thousands of liars throughout hundreds of years??

LOL.....yep, let's face!....us humans are some lyin' sunsbitches!!....:doh:......and if by chance Bigfoot does exist...he probably has some of our DNA which makes him a lyin' sunbitch too!......

02-18-2014, 03:44 PM
LOL.....yep, let's face!....us humans are some lyin' sunsbitches!!....:doh:......and if by chance Bigfoot does exist...he probably has some of our DNA which makes him a lyin' sunbitch too!......

We need to get together a posse and go hunt down that lyin' sasquatch sunbitch! We might wanna bring a big can of whoopass with us, though! They say that sucker is huge! Might near 9 foot tall and over 400 lbs of solid muscle... Whatcha think, Cam? You think we can take him?

02-23-2014, 07:44 PM
Ok I was interested enough to find it and DVR the show. Kinda reminded me of the Jesse Ventura shows. I know the guy in Brownwood they spoke with.
If the fancy machine found evidence of underground tunnels why did they not go further?

More reality TV sensationalism. I would think Public works would know or discover secret underground tunnels. However it was fun to watch. ;)

02-24-2014, 11:03 PM
Maybe the secret tunnels have a Whataburger in them...