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View Full Version : 10-4A Division 2 could go up in smoke!

02-06-2014, 02:06 AM
Hard to believe the UIL and even the TEA didn't know about this. It's been on Houston ISD's agenda for some time. Kids from Jones would be merged with Sterling. Not sure how that would affect Sterling's classification or 11-4A Division 1.

(from chron.com)

HISD proposal would close five schools
Posted on February 5, 2014 | By Ericka Mellon

Houston ISD leaders are proposing to close five under-enrolled campuses at the end of this school year, a move likely to set off protests from parents and alumni.

The campuses slated for closure are Dodson, N.Q. Henderson and Port Houston elementary schools; Fleming Middle School; and Jones High School, according to HISD spokeswoman Sheleah Reed.

The school board is expected to vote on the plan in March.

Reed declined to release details Wednesday evening such as where the students would be rezoned to attend or what would happen to the buildings.

Some students at the new Billy Reagan K-8 Educational Center would be rezoned to other schools because of overcrowding, Reed added.

The district plans to hold community meetings at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Dodson, Henderson and Jones. Meetings at the same time will take place Feb. 17 at Port Houston and Fleming.