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02-22-2002, 12:39 PM
How does the 02 season look for you guys? Who is going to be the QB for Giddings now that Derrik has left? Who is going to fill in for the absenses of Mike Jones, Chris Winn, Chris Daniels, and John Ray? What is your prediction of this new season??? Personally I don't think you have the QB or RB talent to fill in those shoes!! Respond, but remember, I'm not trying to be mean. Just giving my opinion to your situation.

02-22-2002, 02:32 PM

02-22-2002, 02:54 PM
What about some players that u think r going to step up?? Who will be the quarterback, and are they any good??

buffalo booster
03-04-2002, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by NEW SEASON:
What about some players that u think r going to step up?? Who will be the quarterback, and are they any good??

buffalo booster
03-04-2002, 04:26 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by buffalo booster:
Amazing that somebody would predict a 5-5 season record without knowing the Buffalo schedule for the coming year! Although we lost a lot of key players, there are a few good ones coming up. The new district, at least on paper, does not appear to be as strong. 5-5? Gimme a break!

eye of the tiger
03-04-2002, 05:13 PM
Giddings has a new coach coming in also. New Coach new ideas, new district. Hey you never can tell. Worked fine for my Commerce Tigers this year. May work out well for Giddings next year. Good luck

buffalo booster
03-04-2002, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by eye of the tiger:
Giddings has a new coach coming in also. New Coach new ideas, new district. Hey you never can tell. Worked fine for my Commerce Tigers this year. May work out well for Giddings next year. Good luck

Coach Odell appears to have a winning past record as well. We're glad to have him.

03-14-2002, 05:04 PM
The district he came from was very weak.
If he is going to run the wishbone, he is in for a big surprise. Looks like Phillip Alexander or Johnathan Green will serve time at QB. Oh, Buff booster , I hope we aren't 5-5, but don't be surprised.

buffalo booster
03-21-2002, 02:47 PM
I believe that I will be surprised if Giddings goes 5-5. The new district appears to be weaker on paper. This is not a knock on any other school, but Smithville has been down lately and Hutto has just moved up to 3-A. Giddings won't have to play (in district)Cameron, Rockdale, or Taylor -- three excellent programs that should be just as strong next year as they were this year. Still don't know the non-district schedule, though.

03-22-2002, 11:13 AM
Have heard that non-district will consist of the following - Rockdale, Cameron, Caldwell, Yoakum, and Columbus. Don't quote me, but I think that may be it. Hope Giddings does well in 2002. The kids, coaches, teachers, and community deserve another good run.

03-22-2002, 12:30 PM
I hope we do well, but will be about a 5-6 year for us.

buffalo booster
03-22-2002, 02:45 PM
INOUNVE - Thanks for the info. Looks like a tough non-district schedule for the Buffs. I'm still confident, however, that Giddings will do well next year -- certainly better than a few naysayers are predicting!

03-22-2002, 03:27 PM
I watched Giddings a couple of times in this past year. I thought Green was supposed to be ya'lls next RB! Don't you think it would be kind of hard for a senior who's never taken a snap to move to QB?

03-22-2002, 03:27 PM
I watched Giddings a couple of times in this past year. I thought Green was supposed to be ya'lls next RB! Don't you think it would be kind of hard for a senior who's never taken a snap to move to QB?

03-23-2002, 10:48 PM
Can any one tell me what the non-district schedule for Giddings will be? Also what is the heartburn all about Coach Odell? What has he down so wrong so far?

03-25-2002, 02:27 PM
From what coach O'Dell has seen, Green is his man right now for QB. He wants a fast option QB. His pr work is his only downfall right now.

03-25-2002, 02:45 PM
I wish Giddings the best of luck next year. If green is QB who is he ganna be pitching the ball too and what about the JR. back up QB this past year what are they going to do with him. He throws a pretty ball and is suppose to be fairly quick himself from what I hear. Do they know what offense or defense they will be running next year or is it all still up in the air. Is Odell there full time already are is he still going back and forth. Goodluck to Giddings next yr hope they have another great run.

03-25-2002, 03:44 PM
Old Buff,
You seem to be someone, shall we say, "close" to the action. Are you a coach there yourself? If so, why have you openly criticized the new coach? (i.e. - "he needs to learn how to be friendly, etc.") You must be "close" to him if you already "know" he's leaning towards Green without seeing him take a snap, or read a defense, etc.! Seems to me, that a Sr. who has never taken a snap might not be the answer. If he was to start, then next year you'd be starting another non-experienced QB after Green graduates. Not good logic, if you ask me!! Anyway, since you seem to be on a "close" relationship with the new HC, then why don't you tell him in person to be more friendly.

buffalo booster
03-25-2002, 05:13 PM
Green would be wasted at QB. Degerolami was the backup QB last season and did well in limited action. Makes sense to me to run the wishbone, if indeed that is the direction that the Buffs are going. All the "good hands" on the team graduated -- Daniels and Ray in particular. No returning player caught a TD pass last season. However, at least five returning players scored TDs -- Green, Degerolami, Nicks, Rodea, and Alexander -- maybe more... Looks like the Herd will return some quality backs but, as noted, the receiving corps will be inexperienced.

03-26-2002, 11:45 AM
Coach O'Dell when he gets here full time will address the community issues and has been told. Coach O'Dell is no dummy, he has watched films and is high on Green and Alexander for his running attack. In coaching, it's good to have a 3 year plan, but you have to take it 1 year at a time. That's what he is doing next year. He will put the football it the hands of his best athletes. After all, it's his job.

03-26-2002, 12:38 PM
Old Buff,
You still didn't answer my question about your "inside" knowledge or "expertise!"
I'm not from Giddings, but am from a "nearby" town. From this forum, I have gathered that Coach Odell may be planning to use the "bone" attack. Seems to me, to take a Sr. such as Green and move him from a place where he has proven success, and then put him in the position of QB would be ridiculous!! He's never "read" a defense, he's never "called a play", he's never thrown a pass (unless he threw the "half-back" pass in junior high), and most importantly, he's never had to "pitch" a football or read the "force", and the last two are "critical" of an option attack. Sure, Odell needs to get the ball into the hands of his better athletes, but that needs to be done in the right situations. Personally, I can't see much success moving a senior RB like Green. Alexander???????? maybe a shot??? He's just a junior. I thought the back-up QB handled the ball and the team well in the play-offs. I'll bet before its over, he'll get the nod!!

03-26-2002, 01:25 PM
Exguru, I have to agree with you. Moving a Senior to a new position can be dangerous. Oldbuff78, I would also like to know where you get your information. I talk regularly to coaches in Giddings and get all kinds of information. Some of it is the same as what you give the board. Care to give us your contacts. I gave up mine, now your turn. I have all the trust in mine, do you? Did you also say that you coached 25 years ago?

03-26-2002, 01:45 PM
I agree moving a senior to qb can be scary, but it worked very well for wimberley when they moved Meeks. If this kid is a good athlete with a good head on his shoulders, it could work just fine. Of course, I say this not knowing anything about the kid who was backup last year....

03-26-2002, 02:23 PM
Yes, i still coach but not in Giddings.
I am very close to several sources. I have seen moving players around their SR. year work about 60/40 in favor of the move. Good luck to Coach O'Dell.

03-26-2002, 02:52 PM
Old Buff,
So, your still a coach, but not in Giddings. Very interesting. Yet, your user information says that you live in Giddings, and on past posts, you've said that you didn't go to school in Giddings but live there now. So, can we assume that you are now coaching at a "nearby" school, and drive back and forth? You also said in a past post that you played Div. I Football. Can you tell us what college you played for and the years? Anyway, your right, sometimes moving a player can work out for the better. I just thought the Giddings back-field was left pretty bare, other than Green. If he goes to QB, who is he gonna pitch it to? Can he pass? I watched him play corner, and I thought he did a great job on his coverage! I'm sure the new coach has a plan. I just thought the back-up QB looked pretty good. Any younger players coming up that might play QB?

03-26-2002, 02:57 PM
I would like to propose another question. Say Green is the QB as a senior, I have no beef with that if he is clearly the man for the job, but if he was to be the RB now who is there to pitch the ball to. Is there someone else they have to run with the ball as good as Green. Also does Green play both ways, does his move to QB hinder his Defensive playing time. My sources tell me that although Green is being looked at the last years back up QB is still the better man for the job. Guess we just have to wait and see

03-26-2002, 05:06 PM
You guys have lot's of questions. Yes i live close to Lee county. Coach O'Dell will know more when he get's here full time.

03-26-2002, 10:42 PM
What ever happened to the Giddings J.V. Quarterback Josh Bell? Wasn't he a QB prospect? Out of the games I remember I noticed some talent in his passing. Is there going to be any passing in the next football season? I remember watching him at 3 or 4 games, where he did quite well. I remember this one time at a game I watched that the defenders broke through the O-line and it left just him and about 3 defenders, he broke their tackles and completed a pass to the tight end for about a 15 yard gain before being dragged down. What about his stats he had this past football season?? Weren't they up in the 500+ range? If Green and Alexzander are going to be the QB's where are they going to put him?? Is he anywhere close to being a back up?? I had to put my info in b/c all I was hearing was about Green, Alexzander, and Degerolami when they are forgetting one more Giddings Buffalo Quarterback.

03-27-2002, 09:55 AM
There will be little or no passing!!

03-27-2002, 11:58 AM
Old Buff,
How do you know there will be little passing? Do you talk to O'dell himself, or just here what others say? Sounds to me like the Buffs could be in for a difficult season, if all they focus on is the "run". Offenses have to be diverse, to say the least, especially if you don't have the personnel you had last year. Being unpredictable and mixing it up might be the best "option!" You still didn't answer the question about Div. I Football?

03-28-2002, 08:23 AM
Looks as if Giddings is still a hot topic. My take on Oldbuff78 is that he is a fan that wants to "be in the know" and have all of the answers. My problem with that is he doesn't. His posts sound good, but only partial truths are spoken. Speculating is a fun way to pass time. For me (unlike oldbuff78) my idea of passing time is sitting around a coaches office talking the game of football. Personally, I think oldbuff still wishes he were part of the game and posts comments thinking he can pass as a coach. What a fun way to spend a day - wishing instead of doing.

03-28-2002, 03:02 PM
INOUNVME, I have forgotten more about football than you will ever know!!!!! I have had more big times than you could ever imagine. I have been in this work so long that you can't help but be in the know. Sounds like your the one who's been left out. I like EXGURU's attitude, maybe you should take lessons from him and other good patrons. If you don't want to talk serious and fun football, find a band Springer talkgroup!

buffalo booster
03-28-2002, 03:48 PM
I'm sorry, but I have to call BS on oldbuff. He lives in Giddings, but he doesn't coach in Giddings, he lives close to Lee County, but he coaches out of the county, he used to be a coach, and he's forgotten more than some of us will ever know? I appreciate his insight on some topics, because he apparently has some access to some information. But, I do not believe that he represents the coaching staff at Giddings, and that his opinions are just that -- his opinions.

03-28-2002, 04:35 PM
Hey you guys need to give old buff a break.

He does Claim to know more than he actually does but he is a great supporter of the Giddings Buffaloes and thier football program.

Since I am From Giddings and do have some knowledge of the football team I would just like to say that I think that they will have a tough seaon coming up because of the coaching change and the loss of talent.

I am however looking for the buffs to have a winning record by a game or two and possibly sneak inot a playoff spot.

Only Time will tell though.

The problem with 3a football in general is that as soon as a team gets a good established well liked coach, either a 4a or 5a school that has more money to offer snatches them up. This has been a reoccuring theme in Giddings in the last 7 years.

First with the loss of Warrick, McCain ( I think ther is another coach in here but I don't remember his name) And now Ivey.

Giddings made a bad decision about 5 years ago when they decided not to Hire Coach Jimmy Simmons for the head coaching job.

If they had hired him they would still have a quality head coach who had no intentions of using Giddings as a stepping stone.

That of Course is Just my opinion.

[This message has been edited by GiddingsFan (edited March 28, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by GiddingsFan (edited March 28, 2002).]

03-28-2002, 05:11 PM
I have great pride in Giddings schools and programs. I just don't think people want to hear the truth most of the time when programs have down years. That's what we will face for a few years and I won't like it just like you'all. 3A is the biggest stepping stone in Texas programs. Ask Commerce!!! Jimmy Simmonds would have been a great head football coach, but not a very good AD. I knew him when he was at Rockdale, had some great defenses. I think he is in to having show goats also. I think!!!. I predict a 5-6 season for the buffs. Good Luck!!

04-03-2002, 09:33 AM
Oldbuff78 - I realize that we have posted back and forth for a while now and I would like to know something. I do value what you have to say because it seems you are close to the Buffalo program. As you may remember, I have some close friends in Giddings. I have heard that the new man is not actively involved at this point. Is there any truth to this? I think someone is pulling my leg on this one. How can a new man come in and not jump in with both feet. What do you think and what do you know Oldbuff78?

04-03-2002, 03:54 PM
He was only here part time, but should be here full time pretty quick.