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View Full Version : Congrats to Coach Ray Biles - AD Lorena

11-12-2013, 11:36 PM
Coach Biles has been named a regional finalist in the Myplates.com Coach of the Year, winning $3,000 for his schools program and one of 7 regional coaches in line for $25,000 for their programs! I was proud to be asked to say some nice things about couch, and was easy to do. He is known as one of the classiest coaches in Central Texas, if not the entire state.


He is in the running with fellow 3-A Shallowater coach.

BJ Walters
11-13-2013, 02:01 AM
Coach Biles is an absolute football genius, but more than that he is a great human being. I've been fortunate enough to talk to him on several different occasions, and he really is as classy as they come.